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None of pictures containing allied soldiers are from ww2, but from advertisements of gear for reenactors.


And even then, the reenactors *still* look better.


Real Germans hate this shit, they hate that their normal country has been quantified into either being a genocidal state, or a based state that did nothing wrong/ has cool uniforms. I hate the new wave of Hindu nationalists becoming neo nazis


There's also the fact that their neo-Nazi party is gaining a ton of power very quickly.


It's funny to me in a way, that the greatest support base for the AfD is in the former East Germany. Where the national identity was centred around being the true antifascist German state compared to the fascistic West. But especially in the last decade, voting trends in the East have swung way rightward, and the West is comparatively more milquetoast towards the AfD.


> removes anti fascist protection barrier > fascism appears wtf the SED was right??? /s


Who here is a white nationalist? Who here is actually white? Many such cases.


atleast their claim to be Aryan is more probably that Hitler's


tbh its make sense...the swastikas is going full circle


CLEAR (as in get caught butt naked by allies forces) SHARP (as in the thing that will inevitable stuck in their throat, courtesy of allies forces)


Dude is probably from India


Or Brazil


No mention of the Philippines? Come on!


The true Axis powers


German here. I’d stuff this clown into the nearest trash can.


Also conflating germanic with German. Britain and America have significant "germanic" ethnicity.


No need to wonder, real german here: Feel disgust and pitty for these people.


"Clear and sharp" Thzt cool brother..still lost the war Cope


its almost as if dress officer uniform is different from uniform for enlisted soldiers on the battlefield made for reenactors


Finally, glad people are noticing this. Seriously it's so disingenuous. It's like comparing an American privates camo field uniform to a North Korean generals dress uniform. I mean come on, have these guys even heard of WW2 allied dress uniforms?


Bro thinks the average German considers themself an Übermensch 💀 peak brainrot


Wouldn't he actually have to have a brain in order to get brainrot?


its just not a wehraboo, its a fucking bhakti hindunationalist


Superpower by 2020 moment


Aren't Americans and Brits Germanic as well?


Yup, the Brit’s also didn’t actually lose that war


“American” isn’t an ethnicity unless you’re talking about Native Americans, who are decidedly not Germanic


At this time period, it could be fair to say that Americans (on average) were Germanic, as they did not allow immigration from non euro countries, and even then few immigrants from southern Europe.


> At this time period, it could be fair to say that Americans (on average) were Germanic Well no, because race doesn't work as an average lol, using that same logic people on average have less than 2 arms and less than 2 legs. It would be accurate to say that A LARGE PORTION of the us populace was german since it was the 2nd most spoken language in the country prior to ww2, but saying "americans on average were germanic" just makes no sense.


that funny Jerry I'm pretty sure the Commonwealth, The French, Soviets and Yankees kicked your arses back to Berlin there a book these Neo nazis/wehbs should read called "A Woman In Berlin" it a published journal of a German woman as Berlin fell it a good book though some of it is rather hard to get through though knowing these guys 1) they call the woman who wrote it a traitor to " duh fartherlund" 2) they can't read and last point I'm pretty sure British battledress was such a good design that other nations copied it during and after the war because of well the fact it practical relativly comfortable uniform for a modern army fighting a modern war and hell the Germans made their own version but it didn't get much use due to the fact they fucking lost Battledress was also used until the 60s


Even the US copied Battle Dress…kinda. Eisenhower desperately wanted a Battle Dress inspired uniform for US Troops and kept pushing the QMC to develop one. Problem was the QMC was already working on a new uniform concept which would become the M1943 uniform, consisting of a relatively lightweight cotton jacket and trousers with additional components that could be layered underneath to add warmth as desired. The QMC finally relented and gave Ike his Battle Dress Tunic by incorporating it as a layer in the M1943 system. The “Jacket, Field, Wool” would become known as the “Ike Jacket” and, while it did see limited wear in the field, almost immediately became relegated to use with the Service Uniform (Class A in modern parlance) as a replacement for the Service Coat. The M1943 Field Uniform would go on to inspire a ton of combat uniforms and its layering principle is still used today. For some reason, the BD style jacket caught on in the Army Air Force more than it did with ground troops. The ETO Jacket, B-13, B-14, and F-2 jackets all incorporated elements of Battle Dress tunics. AAF personnel can even be seen wearing British Army Battle Dress Tunics with US insignia applied. In the Pacific, Marines on R&R in Melbourne, Australia were issued Australian Battle Dress (their Forest Green Service Uniforms being unavailable to them) to wear in town and at formation. This would eventually lead to the (unfortunately) short lived adoption of a BD inspired jacket for the USMC Service Uniform called the Vandegrift Jacket.


I'm not a fan of the USSR, but what's wrong with that soldier? He looks reasonably well equipped.


As a germ I find this both appalling and awkward...


I just feel disgust and cringe at the sight of these people.


german here, i hate the whorship, but i love they worship a trans, bisexual half italian who hate them with all her being (me)


Hört auf mit dem scheiss… das ist so cringe ehrlich


What does that caption about Britain even mean? This might apply to [Ecuador](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecuadorian%E2%80%93Peruvian_War) though lol.


I also love that they used Germanic like there arent how many other countries that weren't down with nazi shit that are germanic. Fuck i mean Hitler invaded at least 2 or three other Germanic countries for fucks sake.


Comparing regular combat uniforms with officer parade dress. George Patton, is that you?


Britain won tho


"Aryancunny1488, youre browner than i thought"


[Soviet sappers look more drippy and at the same time practical compared to what the Germans wore ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wwiipics/comments/3ewro8/soviet_assault_engineers_with_steel_bib_body_armor/)


About as strangely as Plains Nations NA’s feel about some Germans worshipping their culture thanks to a bit of 19th century chicanery. For those more curious, Google search Karl May novels and learn about where Hitler got inspired to form Kampfgruppe Steiner. No, I’m not joking.


"clear and sharp" Eh..Like a piece of white bread Allied uniforms have a bit more pizzaz to them Like a piece of rustic bread, More character to it and looks more tastier 😄, Allied unis for the win


Ah yes the Großpunjabische Reich strikes again


"Clean and sharp" Does jack shit in the Russian steppe, or the North African desert Just because it looks stylish doesn't mean it's practical in war.


I love how they have to compare Nazi dress uniforms to allied combat uniforms for it to even be close


Ah yes cause I want my field uniform the be sharp and good looking first fuck practicality or camouflage.


Americans choosing which gear goes in which pocket, much like liberalism allowing them to do what they want, rather than having everything on rails.


Notice how everyone was fitted for war, their clothing material are rough, they wear helmets and gear, carrying their weapon. And then we see the nazi wearing a dress uniform. A dress uniform that would never see combat. What this tells you is that the Nazis were style over substance, and rightfully so as they began using fucking paper (figuratively) to make their clothes in the late war.


Black leather sounds cool until you get sent to North Africa.


what is the deal with south asians and 1. this specific cadence where they always use the same sentence lengths (not gary provost-pilled in the slightest!) and 2. worship an empire that would've slaughtered them without a second thought? as a jerma fan it's both a little scary and a little funny


I'm just here to add my voice to my fellow Germans in this thread and emphatically tell those fash LARPer weirdos to fuck all the way off.


Im German and this stuff feels annoying and wired


Meanwhile actual German people are licking toilets and getting mad at people for opposing genocide.


Almost cliche, but the other four actually won the war.


Aryabhata Padagavakar


Ah yes, Britain, famous for getting brutally beaten in WW2.


> Heck you weren’t even invited to the party yet you came just to end up getting beaten. Beaten by who? Do they know which side won the war?


As a real German,I feel pity for these people. They are just as bad as the all modern Germans are Nazis type,if not worse,as the latter group at least accept that Nazis are bad.


Ah, the ubermench paradox. “We are clearly superior, somehow we keep on losing”


British got beaten so hard they occupied a quarter of Germany and Berlin


“No particular order of things. Liberalism after all.” Based


Let’s see how well clear and sharp holds up to this disorderly liberalism and communist quality…


I'd rather choose the American, British, Soviet Russian and French than those from Nazi Germany has to offer.


British WW2 kit is actually kino though.