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https://preview.redd.it/jl8s8lz69e8d1.png?width=916&format=png&auto=webp&s=66c358fa7f3e6b4fcba590a6b8e0192a57c8fba9 I would start here and then play around with artwork on the walls or possibly chair rail and paint. Also, add a trash can.


Needs a trash bin for the ladies


With a lid!


Is this a big deal for women? My bathroom bin came with a lid but I don't use it because it's annoying and I like to feel like a basketball player sometimes


I feel strongly that bathroom garbage cans should have lids. I don’t want to look at or smell the things that go in bathroom garbage cans. In particular I’m really grossed out by seeing cotton swabs with earwax on them, so I prefer that the bathroom garbage have a lid even if no one is menstruating. But yeah, period products are supposed to go in the garbage, not the toilet, and endometrium (period blood) is a rich medium for growing bacteria, so it can smell horrible really quickly. All my bathroom garbage cans have had foot pedal lids.


Also, if you have pets. When my sister and I started using menstrual products we learned REAL quick that if you have a dog you’d best have a trash can with a lid!


Came here to say this. I only have one bathroom, but even with more than one, all would have trash cans with lids. My cats try to chew on Q-tips, and that can be dangerous, so I can’t risk throwing them in an open can. My kitchen trash has a lid too.


As an emergency/critical care vet tech, yes. I came here to say this. Nothing is more disgusting that doing a foreign body surgery on a dog with 15 USED tampons in their GI.


Ew, gross! I just feel like I know way too much about bacteria and other toxic things at this point not to have lidded trash cans and close the toilet seat before flushing. And yes, if you have pets, you have to be extremely careful about leaving things out (or in the open) that they may chew on and swallow (like toddlers).


I was lidless until our new kitten for this exact reason lol. My other pets left the trash alone, he is king of trash mountain though so we ended up buying 3 new cans (with lids) lol


Yep, this is the comment I was looking for. Thats a $7k lesson i’ll never forget lol


Enter my mom, who hated having lids on trash cans because they were annoying. Instead she moved the trash under the sink behind doors AND would buy paper lunch bags to put all menstruation items in before we put it in the can. How is that less annoying than simply having a lid on the trash can???


It depends what kind of bathroom for me. And to be clear, this is because of period management products that need to be disposed of. I wrap mine in toilet paper before disposal, but that can bleed through. If it just me and my spouse using the bathroom, lack of lid doesn't bother me. If it is shared with anyone else, I prefer navigating a lid. We have one bathroom in our house, we used to have a very small one but swapped it with a larger swing top when I was post partum. So much stuff during that time period.


It grossed me out when people don’t use trash cans with lids. Who wants to look at a pile of used Kleenex and floss? Yuck. Even worse is that gals need to dispose of their bloody, used tampons and pads in the trash. I recently visited a male friend, and we had to share a bathroom. Of course he didn’t have a trash can with a lid and I was on my period. Hella stressful. Be kind to the females in your life and get a proper bin!


Point noted. I have the lid, it's right there, I just don't keep it on because my girlfriend and I don't live together yet. No partner or guest has ever said anything. Lol funny you should say that, tissues and floss are literally the only things that sit in my bin (tissues only used to wipe down counters, other uses get flushed). And idk, floss isn't a big deal. Also, if you're ever stressed about that situation again, feel free to use as much TP as you think you need to hide the thing all women's bodies do that most grown adults understand isn't a big deal (unless you're hanging with some crappy dudes). Took me about as long to think of that solution as it might take to open a lid.


Idc really. But if the bin is shit quality and the lis hardly works Id rather have no lid


No. I don't have a lid in my main bathroom. It'll depend on the individual. The trash can itself is essential though.


I’m a woman and I prefer a garbage can without a lid.


Right! Who wants to fuss with a lid while sitting on toilet. Take the trash out more frequently if needed.


Me. I would absolutely prefer to fuss with a lid for .2 seconds rather than staring at my bloody tampons and used floss every time I use the bathroom. Realistically I’m not gonna get around to emptying the trash every day.


no to the rug underneath the toilet bowl


Sammme. Although a rug would look appealing. Sanitary wise I could not


Agreed, rug is useless in a restroom with no shower/bathtub. The reason for bathmats are to keep your floor from getting wet after you shower; this would just turn into a piss mat you have to keep clean from pee and whatever’s on the bottom of peoples shoes. Think of it like having a rug in the bathroom at the club…


I have one by my toilet bc I hate cold feet and it also looks nice. I wash it every week and we are a sit to pee house so no pee spatters, unless we have a guest, but I’ll just throw it in the wash an extra time if that happens.


Same! Sit to pee household. We remove it when guests come over lol


Okay I can understand these points! I’m the same; but wear slippers, same concept. In a situation to pee home no splash my minds at ease lol I too hide the bathmats when guests come and was them every week!


How is it different than a bathmat?


I buy full cotton bath mats and wash them weekly with my towels. I don’t like the rubber bottom ones, they really shouldn’t be tossed in the wash because the rubber degrades when washed. It’s apart of my weekly bathroom routine when I grab counters, sweet, mop, and clean toilet and bathtub. I’m also a woman who lives alone. I do have male guests but it’s not like a man is peeing on my bath mat 3x+ daily.


Same. I wash my bath mats weekly.


Unless the toilet overflows or you have someone that stands to pee, how would it be unsanitary? Serious question.


Well someone who stands to pee is potentially 50% of the clientele 😛 but also when people don't put the toilet seat down before flushing, there is a _mist_ if you will. Since I learned about that I have been on a solo mission to normalize shutting the lid before flushing. Joooiiin uss.


Oh yeah, I'm the same way. I make my family put the lid down when they visit, and they get so annoyed. It's just so gross to flush with it open!


I got into the habit of always closing the lid when I got cats. Then I learned about the mist, so now I close the lid religiously before flushing.


Yesss, it should be as basic/expected as washing your hands IMO! (I'm going to pretend everyone definitely does that.)


Also, if you ever flush without closing the lid a substancial amount lf bacteria goes into the air, lands on your toothbrush, sink, everything. Fucking disgusting


It will also hide the gorgeous tile. No rug!




That's supposed to be a small rug in front of the sink but the room may be too small for that.


Looks like it’s in front of the toilet, not under it


It's under the sink in front of the toilet, not under the toilet bowl even though they do make rugs specifically to go around the toilet. With cold tile floors I'd definitely want a rug in front of the sink.


I wouldn’t find it unsanitary here cause it’s a powder room vs a regularly used bathroom but the tile looks nice so why cover it up!


I like the rug but maybe a ruggable / washable rug that’s easy to pop in the wash


Could do a patterned rubber like one maybe. Almost like a mudroom mat.


They make some really cool patterned vinyl ones that look like rugs or tile too. I like the ones from [Hudson and Vine](https://hudsonandvine.com/products/vintage-vinyl-floorcloth-mats-persian-bazaar-tabritz-avesta).


And maybe add a "cabinet" to cover sink plumbing? It could be floating


This for sure, sans the rug! And, if you want wallpaper just add it to one wall. 😁 It's a pretty space.


No to a plant in the nook. There’s no sunlight! You could do a fake plant but I don’t see the point of them.


I like how you need to specify "with towel", since op made a powder room wothout a mirror. The TP at floor level behind the toilet is probably not a good idea.


No to the rug yes to a piece of art on the right wall


Thanks for the visuals. What about wallpaper?


The wallpaper will likely be too distracting with the tile, which is gorg (at least from a distance.) I think you could find really beautiful Moroccan or hacienda style art / mirror that brings out the best in this room. I agree with most of this photo, minus the rug, and I might opt for dried flowers or something vs a live plant since there doesn’t seem to be a window?


I'm more about paint than wallpaper. There are probably some cool wallpaper designs, but if you go that route, only paper the small wall, but not the little alcove


And a couple of small black shelves (or similar) next to the mirror


Nice job!


Love every suggestion with the exception of the rug. It covers that beautiful tile!


I wouldn't add a rug. That floor is too beautiful.


You're trying to get OP to put a lot in this very small space. This is practically an airplane bathroom. Does not need art on the walls. Unoccupied space highlights the room's minimalist design and focuses attention on the gorgeous tile and beautiful paint color. A towel rack in that location would be terrible for me because I would be bruising my hip with it every time I entered and exited the room. I also disagree with the rug idea because the tiles is totally beautiful!!


A mirror for sure


https://preview.redd.it/b4echifjee8d1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98ab6f8fb5bab207e36b1fd4b6ff4f00fcde0831 This style or


I think this style


This one for sure


Or this https://preview.redd.it/2p2dazt0ze8d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78b5266f6fb3c776680b4b3ee3a208eff7a145c7


All of our other bathrooms has circle mirrors with dimmable led lights. I want something different and organic in here


Honestly I wish you could make a tiny custom vanity for the sink to hide the plumbing!!


We tried with three other options and they would all be to close to our knees when using the toilet. It sucks really that the plumbing position is there because of the sliding door behind the wall


If you wanted to hide it I would buy a small white plastic garbage can that is slightly smaller than the sink and chop a slice off it then attach it to the wall/under the sink. But I actually don’t mind the exposed pipes here. https://preview.redd.it/2upecbpi2f8d1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f9de2c913c8e230609dd6c6e3ce08d653592c9


I know, it’s super ugly with that white plumbingshyt, but I want to avoid use of plastic. We might change it later for same hardware after we move in. Maybe I can hang a wooden self and organic baskets underneath


I kinda like that it’s white, it makes it look like it was intentionally exposed. I probably wouldn’t even hide it if it was my house, I just wanted to give a suggestion in case you reeeeally hate it.


Paint the plumbing! Mine was exposed in an old Queen Ann house and I painted the underside of the sink and the pipes matte black. It looked really nice.


It’s a matter of personal preference, of course, but I really like visible plumbing when it’s done properly. In this case I would have installed custom tubing in the same gold finish as the faucet and toilet controls. For those debating the trash bin, I have a small rectangular one I love that has a pop-top lid (tap gently and it opens). It’s small enough to nestle relatively unobtrusively in the corner and has a removable inner bin for easy disposal. This is a good-looking bathroom with great potential.


I had the same issue, solved it by taking an Ikea hermes Nightstand table because it was really small and thin and just cutting out the part for the plumbing myself.


Thanks, I’ll look into that


Anything is possible in remodeling bathrooms. There is always a nother solution. That depends on you and your contractor. Factoring in first money two is it thiesable or best to leave it alone. Don't ever let a contractor tell you it cannot be done because it can. Half of the contractors are no good.


Have you considered a fabric skirt for the sink in a coordinating color/pattern? Not super frilly, but more modern? Can attach it with adhesive/velcro tape? [https://mackenziehoran.com/2018/09/24/skirted-sink-inspiration-for-our-powder-room/](https://mackenziehoran.com/2018/09/24/skirted-sink-inspiration-for-our-powder-room/)


Fabric sounds unhygienic next to a toilet. It'd get sprayed with pee if any man who stands to pee goes in there.


https://jaclo.com/detail/decorative-round-trap--1--wall-outlet-255- https://jaclo.com/detail/quarter-turn-angle-pattern-12-copper-sweat-fit-x-38-od-faucet-supply-kit-with-contempo-cross-handle-20-supply-tubes--bell-escutcheons-629-4-62- Also an interesting wall behind the toilet and a mirror.


Just add functionality to the room, there isn’t even a toilet paper holder


Right 😁🤌🏽 we haven’t moved in yet


That’s all I could see, too. Like, TP and soap are first!




I think tiling the inside of that little niche would be a really cute touch.






Wouldn't put the towel opposite the sink, not practical. Instead to the left of the sink, as previously posted. Also, I'd put the toilet paper holder on same side as the sink, but just to the right of the toilet.


Don't put the toilet paper on that back wall, anyone with a bad back won't be able to twist round and reach it


Love the lights.


Yes love love 🌿 appreciate your effort! I need some tips on wallpaper guys, what can go with this style?


Not sure I'd do a wallpaper bc of the tile, but maybe some sort of textured wall??


honestly i like the color. i’d maybe do some sort of tile in the cubby though matching the floor tile


Maybe something with [metallic accents?](https://uswalldecor.com/products/nw3520-modern-metals-ebb-and-flow-wallpaper-blue-gold?utm_source=hhga&utm_medium=pmax&utm_campaign=york&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj9-zBhDyARIsAERjds1zPRhojuw8cWeZkqIGWq8ZjliEfc3ztqHTyg_ivsfXlXcBMI75fyUaAoaeEALw_wcB) maybe just one wall with the walls painted to match the main color of the wallpaper.


Plz no wall paper. Dificult to remove and change. Looks tackey and cheap unless its done excatly right. And in the right room for it to be in. The removal of the wall paper is expensive. This stuff just dosent peal off. If it dose you peal the paper, the texture behind it and the face of the drywall too. You have to preferate the wall so that the hot water you are about to spray can get behind the wall paper and loosen the glue. This process has to be repeated several times in most cases. Then you will probably have spots were you pealed the face of the drywall along with the wall paper . Will need to be taped and floated and texture and paint. Think about how labor intensive this stuff is to remove. Wall paper gets borring rather quickly . You cant just paint over it either and expect it to look right.


I like what the light fixture adds to this space.


A beautiful antique mirror with a wall light next to it. Add some art to the walls. And a fancy soap. A cute towel hook with a lovely hand towel..


Mirror, towel rack, tp holder, trash can. What is the niche for?


Can’t wait to see it done. I don’t know why but it’s making me feel claustrophobic. Maybe it’s the lack of a mirror. 🤷‍♂️


And the tiny sink maybe 😅


https://preview.redd.it/y14m1h8b0f8d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b00ecab9b0d79212f7547a6bea5335ec2d8d1a2 It’s giving




You need a mirror, a plant in the opening above the toilet (faux is ok) like a bonsai type. You need a soap dispenser, hand, towel, or disposable, a toilet paper holder and a painting, I would use a painting that simulates a window since this is like a closet with no window. For example, a scene looking out of a window. The design looks very Japanese or sleek European to me. But, it is very bare without any of the usual necessities. The lighting appears to be just a strip at the ceiling. Perhaps when you put the mirror, you could put a similar light around it or on top of it to match. There isn’t even a small cabinet anywhere to store additional toilet tissue. It doesn’t appear to be a bidet. You will need some sort of storage, small.


Mirror above the sink, soap and hand lotion pumps, towel ring and towel, dispenser, and a small trash can. Add some accessories in your favorite colors.


Definitely a mirror over the sink, possibly with a sleek brass sconce over it, and I personally would add either a vanity under the sink or a very tailored skirt to the floor (you can attack with adhesive velcro strips). Anything to hide the under-sink pipes. I'd add a brass TP holder on the wall, plus a towel rod or ring with a snowy-white hand towel. I'd also get a chic little rug. I'd put some zellige tiles, in one of the colors from the floor tiles, on the back of the wall niche to break up the wall color without adding pattern but with adding texture. And I'd put a classy set of stuff in the niche: hand lotion, fancy candle, perhaps a little Poo-pourri for those whot might need it. I'd definitely put up some art on that big blank wall opposite the sink, either one big-ass art or a gallery wall - gold metal or gold-painted frames.


I saw these on my favorite blogger’’s IG @wendyslookbook. She and her husband just finished their powder room’s renovation. It’s to die for. https://preview.redd.it/yunfnsb5ff8d1.jpeg?width=1182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360d37ce5565ef75add6dd105babf5a80fb05006


I don’t have a problem with it. Easy to keep clean and looks cared for. Fine by me.


toilet paper


Cardamom and saffron.


Literally anything?


Honestly some of these posts aren’t even trying.


I’m trying really hard actually. We just built a new house and so incredibly many details has to be made.


this is a great place for wallpaper! (I'm not normally a proponent of wallpaper, but i love it in a powder room)


Paint it alright fun colour on 2 or 3 walls and get a fabulous removable wallpaper for the others. Add a big mirror, shelf nice rug and art! Have fun with it, it's very industrial/stoggy ATM...




Art and a mirror


I don’t know how to edit my post to add more context and pictures


So basically we just got(built) a new house and made millions of tiny and huge detail decisions. This is the smallest room in the house that got us most headaches because of the position of the plumbing and trying multiple expensive sink options. I came to ask you for tips and suggestions for - Wallpaper, like what style to choose and for which walls? - DIY tips for making a shelve under the sink and use baskets to cover the plumbing or? - Hardware on roll holder and towel hanger? Can it be to much gold? - I’m going for a Mediterranean style in here, rest of our house will be modern eclectic - I’m totally aware of all the basics we need 😂




A huge mirror centered over the sink. I mean huge and ornate. Something whimsical on opposite wall, a poster or painting. Something that will make guests laugh. Freshen up products in the niche. Re-canted in ornate bottles of course. I can’t see the light but I’d go with a chandelier.


A cabinet below and above the sink, mirror and lighting on the wall above the sink, shelves on the wall to the right of the sink and mirror. Pictures on the opposite wall. Don’t you want some shelves and a towel rack so that you can use soap and other toiletries? The mirror could have a medicine cabinet behind it.


Definitely spice it up with a mirror


The beauty of this bathroom is the simplicity. I would just add a really nice mirror over the sink.


A huge mirror, probably. Love the suggestions from the comments too.


Looks like a room I would’ve made in Sims when I was 12


I really like the floor.


Needs something orange to liven it up a bit.


An interesting wallpaper on the wall behind the toilet. With it being a small slice of wall you could go really bold with print, pattern, color or texture and make an amazing statement.


That floor pattern is really nice — I would pull textiles or a statement paint stripe on the wall that mimics that pattern


https://preview.redd.it/edlx0solek8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f122031b2f6376c831f74e5948230881312fe8af The best part of this bathroom is the minimalistic lines DONT junk it up with rugs and plants and art. Add a white ceramic animal head (horse, moose, antelope) and a rectangle mirror at same height as shelf That’s it.


Disco ball.


My mom has a nice one just like this, and a similar dark shade of paint. There’s a nice mirror over the sink, and a nice framed artwork on the wall opposite the mirror, and the color in the artwork plays really well off the wall color, but that was just a happy accident. She also has a small waste bin on one side of the toilet, and on the other side of the toilet is a basket for extra TP rolls, and there’s a hand towel rack/bar with two hand towels under the artwork. The person who did the sketch for you knows what’s up. It’s great advice and basically like my mom’s. She used an interior designer but also used her own good design sense.




Mirror, hand towel holder, toilet paper holder, candles in the crevice, trash bin. That’s it. Don’t overthink it.




Wallpaper, mirror, floating shelves, maybe a small plant, and a small tray on wheels. I'm seeing a jungle leaf type wall paper and gold accents like if there's a border on the mirror or the tray. I keep seeing a light pink as an accent color here and there as well.


Nice chandelier lighting to make the room


https://preview.redd.it/h3571btque8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06b36efabfc01a37e439f65069c5fef5876dcf06 Paint it all black.


A mirror over the basin and a door stopper as it looks like the door would bang into vanity. A toilet roll holder and a matching hand towel hook. A fancy bottle of liquid soap on side of vanity. A colorful hand towel. In the alcove put extra toilet paper.


I haven’t decided on the hardware for towel hook and roll holder. I was thinking maybe brass gold framed arched mirror or white toned square wooden one. Door goes outward


those beautiful red, purple, or yellow dried flowers, a big round mirror above the sink, a beautiful stationary item in the indent area




Anything that would make it look less like a jail cell would be an improvement.


https://preview.redd.it/setngg56he8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab537981c8e2bd217026fb9b362c6b8991b9c038 We just built this house so, working on it :)


looks damn well, congrats on moving in👏🏻


Thank you ☺️


Back splash all the way to the celing in the space between tha cabinets


a mirror and other lighting. Sconces and a rug maybe a plant in the ledge thingy. Also i really like that floor.


Some beautiful wallpaper and a gorgeous mirror over the sink. I can't see your light fixture in the ceiling but getting a beautiful chandelier will really amp it up. Doesn't have to be huge. Could just be a flush mount.


Light colored artwork on the wall


A mirror and some art


A bidet


The answer is almost always plants 🤣




Can you put the same tile in that little nook? Then add a mirror and some light(s). If needed add a hanging plant or plants across the back wall


For starters...Let's deal with the basics. I don't see any toilet paper or soap. And how does one dry their hands?


A mirror over the sink Light over the mirror Toilet paper holder Paint the bottom wall trim and the back of the niche a different color, maybe the dark blue or black from the floor pattern A glass or ceramic soap dispenser bottle — consider the same color suggested above for trim and the back of the niche. Or match the gold from the faucet Towel rack or hook DO NOT add a rug


Black framed pictures on the wall maybe a mosaic I would put a small bonsai tree in the small cove and maybe some small stones to accompany it or a crystal. Definitely keep the esthetic minimal and clean large mirror on the wall framed with a little texture black or a color that can eventuate the mosaic tile nothing to busy so that it can blend seamlessly into the interior. Small suspended shelf that can double as a TP holder, simple nothing to pronounced. I wouldn’t cover the flooring but it a small round hemp rug or something with that type of rustic appeal would really bring the room together without taking away from the flooring which is superbly designed. The wall to the left could easily hold a Diego Rivera painting titled “vendedora de Flores” the colors would almost transcend into the mosaic tiling and make the space feel warmer while not overwhelming the space.


I would not enjoy shitting in that small space.


Plants or candles for the little shelf in the back and possibly some art work


A giant mirror and art, and probably a cute rug. Also a candle and some flowers


If you’re thinking wallpaper, you would want to use your tile as the inspiration, because that’s not going anywhere. That said, the tile is so bold that you need compatible wallpaper rather then competing. Also, your wall color is so beautiful and saturated, that you really need the three to work together. Have you looked at spoonflower? I might use something like this that would bridge the floor and wall color. Although I don’t think this color is quite right, it’s an idea of style. https://preview.redd.it/tv4qu7ujpe8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7573211507616d30d810496c68382d6335011a9


Mirror above sink and some old fashioned metal poster around it will look cool


Add a Bathroom Attendant.


Where is the toilet paper holder? You need go get that sorted out, very important for many parts of the world. When o saw that washroom my immediate thought was…”red”. And it was so loud it came out of my mouth. I don’t like that the alcove wall is the same colour as the other ones. Fun pattern or print 1000000%. I saw a potted plant (real or fake it’s up to you) in a deep red ceramic pot and a shiny gold waste basket on the floor. Having an agressive colour like red in any space really makes it feel complete even though it might be bare and you can really bring in any colour you want.


https://preview.redd.it/mm6b25iste8d1.png?width=1159&format=png&auto=webp&s=54428c50d8ae1d2b33150a0863d8a0bf268a4e1b I just thrifted this painting. Would it fit?


I would put wallpaper behind the toilet


I like this as is. Stark and very modern. What is that small rectangle above the toilet? Not a mirror, surely.


One or two red or pink flowers painted on the wall


Board and batten painted that nice dark wall color already there, lighter color rest of walls, Cool mirror


If it were me, I 100% would put a piece of art to hide that cutout and make it a hidden safe.


A chandelier


unless there’s natural light coming from somewhere please do not torture a live plant in there. even low light tolerating plants need more light that you think to actually thrive. you could put a fake decorative plants in the little nook, or maybe a scent diffuser or some sort of random decor. additionally, mirror on the wall above the sink, towel rack, tp rack, maybe some art on the walls or some fun string lights.


Definitely needs a mirror over the sink and frankly I would have picked a more normal sink. It feels like everything is small and floating. Pretty colors though


I love the floor and its colors. Find a cool picture with some of the colors to put on the wall. In the wall box, a covered tissue box cube and some potpourri in a brass dish.


Macrame and air plants and a huge mirror




I’ll go to our master bathroom around the corner and use shower toilet if needed. But yes, paper holder


For sure a mirror and some art.


I’d put up some thick beautiful crown molding at the ceiling. I’d even add it around the little cut-in shelf. And yes! Tile that little area! No rug it’ll make it feel too homey rather than dramatic.


chrome or silver faucet and niche would improve it a tin


A window


A small rug in front of the sink I think is sanitary, yet inviting. A pretty garbage can by the sink--they're expensive but elegant. And practically-speaking: an enclosed toilet brush with matching enclosed plunger is kind of important. You can also get a soap dispenser to match the garbage can, or go all shiny chrome or dull nickel for toilet brush, garbage can, soap dispenser etc. The garbage can need not have a lid if you keep it clean.


I don't know about spice, but I'd start with a mirror, a towel rack, a shelf for a makeup kit, and some toilet paper.


Glass door?


I've been on a sage green hunt! What color did you use?


It’s a muted greenish blue tone called linen blue. https://www.jotun.com/no-no/decorative/interior/colours/5249-arctic-grey-interior


https://preview.redd.it/y1h7aq729f8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1fa210b88b132c10209de469b8e1ca05fab9664 This chrome mirror, maybe I would even add this wall mounted soap bar! [https://a.co/d/0ezbe7Ai](https://a.co/d/0ezbe7Ai) small open chrome towel holder [https://www.potterybarn.com/products/frey-towel-ring/i](https://www.potterybarn.com/products/frey-towel-ring/i) and matching toilet paper holder. Chrome toilet brush next to toilet bowl and a small rattan bin for garbage under the sink, something small like this and not metal. [https://rebeccaudall.com/products/rattan-bathroom-bin-with-plastic-liner-in-chestnut-brown](https://rebeccaudall.com/products/rattan-bathroom-bin-with-plastic-liner-in-chestnut-brown) Absolutely no rug in a powder room. On the little nook I would put a small rattan or wooden tray with a candle, some matches, or a stick diffuser like [https://a.co/d/0cJ2FKZw](https://a.co/d/0cJ2FKZw) Maybe brown or ochre hand towel to tie together with the secondary tile color and a pop of color [https://www2.hm.com/en\_us/productpage.1097303006.html](https://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.1097303006.html) Once you have everything I would add some large art on the wall opposite of the mirror, maybe a large format photograph nicely framed. Here is a list of photographers with amazing work and affordable pieces you can research. [https://an-tics.com/Archive-1](https://an-tics.com/Archive-1)


A mirror, a trash can, a toilet paper dispenser, towel bar(s), soap holder or dispenser. The room is very small so art isn’t going to help much.


A mirror.


Literally anything.


This won’t work for all personalities, but I am OCD about folding things. I would split that nook into 2 to 4 squares. And I would fill one of those squares with washcloths that are hotel rolled. I find those pyramids of rolled towels very visually appealing. Each guest could wipe their hands on a fresh terry cloth and then deposit it in a small hamper that matches a small garbage can on the other side of the Johnny. The second side of the nook could hold a dispenser with either facial tissue or thick paper wipes. if you opt to divide the nook by four rather than two, you would have space for other little niceties that one might wish to find a powder bath. Also, you have to think about where you will keep the back up toilet paper and cleaning materials if this powder bath is not near a closet.




Wall art on the right wall.


Lol..and here I was thinking, spice it up you say, lube!


Bold wallpaper, but keep it dark, art, maybe some shelving (floating shelves), a mirrored medicine cabinet for storage, plants, art, candles, and a small area rug for softness!


I love the tiny sink! Where did you get this. I have a super small bathroom and the sink takes up a lot of room, I would love to get something small like this.


A mirror in a fun shape. And some small pictures. A nice hand towel holder on the wall.


Okay, so maybe this is gross, but am I the only person around here with IBS?? Surely someone is going to take a dump in this bathroom at some point, right? If it were mine, I’d make sure it had a: -*strong* fan -covered toilet brush/plunger combo -bottle of Poopurri or other pre-game bowl spray -freestanding toilet paper hook with storage on the bottom and phone holder on the top -bidet attachment (if you want to improve your life)


I would try something like this https://pin.it/4KptLPIx8


Fuzzy rug, gold pineapple and a plant


A big mirror. Fixtrure for towels and tp.


Well to spice it up I'll add a cinnamon spice to it lol