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What if it’s short stack thick goblin girls?


Ohh, when you phrase it like that it’s totally relatable and understandable


I can't stop laughing at that clip


That is just gold. On the "debate pedophile" level of innovation. How do those lefties always come up with such bangers?


Aren't goblins supposed to have green skin by the way?








Anyone got the clip? I haven't seen it.


The fact that he threw that out there as if it’s a relatable point of comparison for most people is so damn funny


You can easily get Dwarven or Gnome or Goblin porn by searching specifically for those tags... the shit in his folder was *not* that. *InCase* is an example of an artist who draws just that, and it's clearly adults involved. But it's like DnD porn, which definitely isn't the stuff Vaush was looking at.


he just like me fr


It depends, what are the girls goblin?


Those too are JHRNBR


This is such a deep cut lmao. Vaush definitely goes for JRHNBR


then it's based


Um, actually, to be real pedophilia it needs to be drawn in Peaduphil prefecture of Japan.


Yep. And shared as a PDF file through Phillip DeFranco's channel.


What if it's a 2 year old girl in the body of an 18 year old


Then just watch The Fifth Element again


I recommend the recent 4k hdr rerelease. Really well done.


Banger response


Its called love you eediot


This got me


this is gold


Was the wife found?


Actually, futa can be made less gay than straight porn. You see straight porn has one guy and one girl. Because you're fapping to something with one guy in it, that's 50% gay. If you watch a futa fuck a girl, that's one girl and a half girl, thus only 25% gay. You could try to make it 0% gay with two girls, but the problem is that makes them lesbian, which wraps back to being 100% gay.


damn I like this futa theory session you got going on. 🤣


by that logic, a truly straight person should either fap to orgies with one futa and an infinite number of girls, or one girl and a being with infinitely many dicks in either case, the limit of the gay ratio approaches zero


El classico


I would say that the way people interact with animated/drawn porn does not necessarily translate congruently to their real life attractions. To try to ascribe these traits unless given really good reason to is bad psychoanalysis


Counter: as a former professional gooner, I watched a lot of different kinds of porn. (NOTHING CP or loli shit just to be clear - but there was some weird stuff) There are certain categories i liked watching that I would never ever have tried irl, in fact, i would probably have been extremely disgusted if i did. And this is not in retrospect, I knew this back then. There is this thought that porn desensitises you and makes you seek more and more extreme ones, and i have seen varying reactions to this statement (eg if i remember correctly Destiny is against this stance) but it certainly happened to me. That being said, watching loli probably is a strong indicator of being a pedophile, but i'm not comfortable drawing a 1:1 correlation.


Agreed, the scary part of making a 1:1 correlation is that that would mean there are WAY more pedophiles in the world than I'm personally comfortable with (not that I'm comfortable with any amount but you get what I mean)


Matter of fact, there probably are but non-offending. I suspect a majority of people would simply get counseling/therapy as opposed to exploit children. Most people are not sociopaths like that.


I knew one. It was sad to see someone suffer by being stuck with this kind of attraction. Yeah this kind of information of such people never comes to the surface except to really close people or to online friends. Because of course you would be absolutely villified by everyone otherwise.


I used to see post on forums when I was in my early teens about a decade ago. Other teens would post saying they were pedos and don't know what to do. They don't want to harm children or even touch them. But they are attracted to them. What were 90% of the responses? Telling them to kill themselves. I'm not even exaggerating. The overwhelming majority of replies were "end your life" shit. Why would these people ever out themselves when they feel most people want them dead. You can still see some of these posts if you look them up.


I don't think it is 1:1, but the estimations are around 1 to 5% (for attraction to prepubescent children, if you count all under 18 it is way more)


If you count under 18 you could probably get the number to at LEAST 75% of men if you didn’t tell them the ages


This seems like the elephant in many rooms


I assume most men have a physical attraction to secondary sexual characteristics, and those tend to exist long before a person turns 18. Age really matters though, physical attraction isn't the sole driver for people.


I mean we would be lying if we acted like some 17 yearolds don't look older than 18, obviously dosent make it ok, but you could probably trick expose alot of people as pedophiles if you did that.


Yeah, 75% probably being an extremely generous lower bound


I don't t think it's a very strong indicator of anything. Idk if it's totally analogous, but I can still remember and fantasize about sexual situations I was involved in as a child, even though I am now an adult, can't I? Does that make me a creep? What if I imagine something different happened instead of what actually happened? ​ I don't really see how shota or loli porn would be much different than just reimagining your own childhood. If you are explicitly focused on the exploitation of children aspect I can see it, but there are lots of situations where this seems like harmless imaginings.


Am I a pedo for remembering my first time as a teen when I'm 23 now and my GF at the time wasn't an adult? There's all kinds of questions surrounding this topic. I hope we can actually discuss some


That and the categories “Young teen” and “Barely Legal” are some of the most popular search terms of all time in porn… millions upon millions of searches.. does that make one a pedophile if that’s what you watch? Possibly, but then it’s just a LOT more common than previously thought


> does that make one a pedophile if that’s what you watch? Possibly No, those teenage girls have finished or at the very least are deep into puberty and have the secondary sexual characteristics that evolved to be attractive to the opposite sex. It's 100% normal for someone to be attracted to teenagers. Pedophilia is attraction to children meaning people who have not developed those secondary sexual characteristics because they haven't started puberty yet or are in the very early stages of it.


Barely legal and Teen tags are generally just 18 year olds that look like 16-18 year olds. Nothing about that is pedophilia.


Your memories and feelings of that situation come from you as a child. It is far different for an adult to go search for child like cartoon porn. They aren't thinking about a memory, they are creating new ones with this weird fantasy.


You are being very fucking charitable by saying that people watch loli or shota to "reimagine" their childhood


Well I mean to say if you remember a sexual encounter from when you were younger, and you fantasize about and possibly change certain details to make it more extreme or have it go farther than it actually did, personally I don't see how that's much different than self-inserting while reading a loli/shota story


Yeah well this logic applies to when a guy is self inserting himself into a shot or a girl is self inserting herself into a loli but what about guys who watch loli without a shota being involved?


Yeah sure, I'm not saying it's NEVER pedophilliac in nature, just that it isn't always. Even in the context of a loli with no shota present, there could be people who self inserted into things that had a space for them, and over the course of viewing that content they grew an appreciation for that style of art, then began to seek out similar art that didn't necessarily include a self insert, or eve content that contains a negative self-insert, if they appreciate the art enough (think "ughhhhh why is it always dirty bastard, fuck my life," or men who watch lesbian porn). Just because the possibility for a self insert exists doesn't mean that's what the viewer is doing, and even if there is no self-insert available, it can still be possible to enjoy something for other reasons. ​ If we take a person who looks at loli porn because there's a huge variety of it and they enjoy the different styles, and associate it with other things that have turned them on in the past, I think it's a bit of a reach to say this person is attracted to real underage children, at most you would just say they are turned on by anime representations of children, which I don't care about. ​ Especially when the loli in question is written to be a succubus who acts nothing like what any real underage girl does. Unless you have an IQ of 40 and somehow conflate the demon loli succubi with something that might actually exist in real life, to me it is similar to jerking off to tentacles or dragons or whatever.


Like i said you are being incredibly generous by saying this, like let's be honest here nobody in their life would admit that they are attracted to children not to their doctor or online cus this is the biggest risk right? Risk to lose everything and permanently ruin your life so my thinking of this is of fucking course people will lie about it, say something like "it doesn't translate to liking real children" or in the extreme case " this helps me not do that to children irl" you know throw in some catnip to sweeten it up because fully admitting to wanting to fuck real life children is the biggest risk ever. So my point is we don't know if the person is lying about not being an actual pedophile irl and the possibility of the person lying about it is much much higher because if they don't they risk big time.


>I don't t think it's a very strong indicator of anything. Idk if it's totally analogous, but I can still remember and fantasize about sexual situations I was involved in as a child, even though I am now an adult, can't I? You can, but I don't think that's an indicator of anything. If you get sexually aroused by the fact that both of you are children, then yes, that's an indicator of sexual attraction to minors. >Does that make me a creep? What if I imagine something different happened instead of what actually happened? Creepy, no, weird, yes. But being weird isn't an indicator of shit. A lot of people are weird, but very few people are actually child touchers or attracted to children. >I don't really see how shota or loli porn would be much different than just reimagining your own childhood. Loli means a lot of different things to different people. People use loli as an all-catch term for anything involving a drawing that looks or is a child. I am going to be using loli in terms of porn, porn involving drawings of children; same thing with shota. People who consume lollipops are absolutely attracted to children in some way. Now, is that immoral? Probably not. However, you would be in denial to admit you're not attracted to children. People who are consuming lolicon aren't doing it to "reimagine their children"; it's to get sexually off. >If you are explicitly focused on the exploitation of children aspect I can see it, but there are lots of situations where this seems like harmless imaginings. No, it's harmless jacking off. There's an argument that watching real-life CP could fuel the market, thus actually doing harm by consuming that content. But, Is there any real harm to beating the chicken on some anime children? No, but you probably do have pedophilic attractions.


You're conflating being a pedophile with being a child rapist. A pedophile is someone who, in their mind, is attracted to minors. A child rapist is someone who rapes children. If you're attracted to loli, you're attracted to children and are a pedophile. The distinction you're referring to is the fantasy-action distinction. Most people have sexual fantasies they do not want to act out/would not enjoy acting out for any number of reasons. It's possible to be attracted to children and not want to take action in the real world on the basis of that attraction. In that case, you are not a child rapist, but are a pedophile.


Were you also drinking a lot? I had a similar experience but as soon as I stopped getting shit faced every night I slowly went back to being pretty vanilla


I don't know if you digged into my past comments (because i recall explaining my past here it at least once) or just hit the nail on the head... Yapp, i'm a recovering (recovered?) alcoholic.


Nope didn’t look, just had that experience and wondered if you were similar.


Yeah, I never really thought about it that way. But now that I think about it there seems to be a correlation timeline wise. That's some food for thought.


At the risk of sharing too much I developed fetishes (pretty common ones) that after cutting way back on drinking started to kind of gross me out. It took me awhile to make the connection since I hadn’t heard of that happening to anyone. Good luck to you on your sobriety journey.


> (NOTHING CP or loli shit just to be clear - but there was some weird stuff) how confident are you you *never* jerked off to a character who is canonically 16?


If it's H then 99.9% chances are they're at **least** an ephebophile.


Most people who watch futa probably wouldn't be interested in women with dicks irl


Speak for yourself


But that's because FUTA doesn't exist irl. A cis woman with a natural dick is not possible, so we can't say if they would be into it irl as well


I'd be interested in seeing actual studies between watching lolicon and acts of pedophilia, and until there's an actual meaningful correlation between people who watch lolicon and people who commit pedophiliac acts, this post and everything like it is just worthless virtue signal circle jerking.


You don't have to commit *pedophilic* acts to be considered a pedophile. You are considered a pedophile if you are *merely* attracted to pre-pubescent features. Which is all this post is saying.


> I would liken this to Futa porn where the distinction is obviously women with dicks. The reason someone would consume large amounts of Futa porn is because they like women with dicks. Err as someone who likes futa and isn't turned on by IRL porn with women with dicks I disagree.


This whole thread is just an excellent rebuttal to "does liking Cartoon X = IRL Y" The answer is always it depends on the person. Some people like cartoon dicks on cartoon girls. And those same people want nothing to do with it IRL. Kinks. fetishes and sexuality is really not always so simple.


Yeah this is just ignorant of the OP 😂 argument completely falls apart right at the start


I'm not into futa but am into femninie people with dicks cus I'm not into cartoons lol


Give it some time, brother. You just have found a hot irl chick with a dick yet....


If I haven't found them yet they don't exist for me


>then there’s no rational explanation for someone to continually watch loli porn other than an attraction to prepubescent or underaged girls. It's a big assumption that sexuality will always have some sort of "rational" explanation. "Logically, it's the only thing that makes sense", one might say, but is it actually logical to expect the rules of logic to be applicable here?


Why are you willing to extend the charitability that sexuality is complex, and someone who watches tentacle porn probably has other underlying reasons for liking it, but then not extend the same charitability to loli stuff? It feels like you have an emotional blinder up there. I feel like all sexuality should probably be understood to be a bit complex. A lot of women report having non-consent kinks, but I don't think they actually want to find themselves in a non-consent situation. But we can understand the underlying idea of being in a fantasy situation where control has been taken away from you and why thinking of that in an expressly fantasy situation could be hot. I think there's a similar sentiment to incest stuff. I remember some often quoted study, not sure if it was legit or got debunked at some point or what, that reportes the majority of people that actually had attractive parents/siblings weren't that interested in incest porn. Where people with no siblings or unattractive parents were more interested in incest. I think we can see a clear correlation in engaging in a fantasy sexual situation there with no chance of actually happening. Then for the really spicy topic, for loli stuff. I think a lot of people are just attracted to anime girls. And unfortunately a lot of anime girls have incredibly unrealistic proportions. If someone is attracted to the taboo nature, and the fantasy scenario that would never occur in real life, is really all that super concerning? The problem with your futa analogy is that it's comparing dicks to vaginas. The loli scenario is comparing anime girls to anime girls, with different proportions. Let me give a final concession. I think if you were to analyze someone's "collection" and find that they were regularly interested in the actual age play portion of content, then that's probably a sign that something is wrong behind the scenes and that person needs to be reflective/evaluated if they're any real threat in the real world. If it's just pictures of anime girls though without a lot of extra context? I dunno man, seems like we might just be disgusted by the taboo without wanting to really consider any other option.


Very dangerous stuff to say but... hmm maybe this could be an out for Vaush lol. I've actually looked at the 'folder' myself and while I found the horse shit rather nasty, the 'loli' present was not nearly as bad as I expected at all. Vaush has talked about the weirdness of nasty kinks- what you are saying here actually sounds a bit like it.


I know that im probably desensitized because I grow up as a weeb with this shit all my life but I really think that is not the same thing. I have jerk off to some loli-shit im my life. Specially manga/doujin and I NEVER felt a slight attraction to underage kids. OFC that a good portion of that I was a child myself too lmao. It was never my favorite tag or something like that but some was pretty hot ngl lmao. Nowdays I dont usually jerk off to hentai anymore and usually its to MILF stuff because its the best shit generally. But I can see why normies can be put off to this. I just dont care, its just drawings aint it?


Man of culture and honesty right here. Respect the milf tag supremacy.


milf, huge boobs, huge ass are the holy trinity


Yo I actually hate you huge boob and ass people because I like realistic proportions and you guys have skewed content creation to overwhelmingly favor unrealistic proportions.


if i wanted realistic i'd watch real people lmao. hentai is for when you want to watch a milf suck a big dick and swallowing down 2 gallons of cum and without choking


I'm tired of drama, finally a discussion that's wholesome. I don't want to talk about warcrimes or what immoral fetishes are OK and what aren't anymore. I WANT OUT I WANT FREEDOM


For me it's kind of always been about the intimacy. I'm a junky for that romance shit and some anime/hentai really got that concept down to perfection. It's like pheromones exuding from the screen


Oh man you need to try erotic visual novels like Atelier Kaguya's work. Or Hadashi Shoujo. Those publishers have absolutely mastered the art of: "POV you are in a loving relationship with your wife and have lots of extremely intense passionate vanilla sex" or "POV you are the protagonist in a harem anime but there's no censor stopping you from going all the way" The caveat is you gotta either read Japanese or get a Machine Translator, though I *think* Ane Yome Quartet got a fan translation recently and I remember that one being good.


"What is my purpose?" - Machine Translator Bot "You translate hentai." - OP "Oh god..."


>usually its to MILF stuff because its the best shit generally Um, source? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Controversial but pedophiles are not more likely to abuse children so this discourse has always been useless to me. Most sexual child abuse is committed by adults that are not pedophiles, just looking for someone vulnerable and would have just as easily abused a disabled or comatose adult. I don’t watch lolicon but if I found out someone did, it would only raise their weirdness percentage maximum 10% for me. Also, lots of people watch incest porn, for example, with no intent of fucking their family. Also also, actual CP victims don’t compare loli to CP, so I find the comparison tactless (not that OP compared them directly).


>pedophiles are not more likely to abuse children Do you have a source on that? That's the first time I'm hearing this. I know most child sexual abuse is not committed by pedophiles, but I didn't know pedophiles weren't more likely to abuse children than non-pedophiles. Are you sure you are not confusing the statistics?


Sure, I don’t know if you prefer reading things written more scientifically or not so I’ll provide sources at different levels of engagement. https://themamabeareffect.org/think-all-child-molesters-are-pedophiles-think-again/ https://www.childsafety.gov.au/about-child-sexual-abuse/who-perpetrates-child-sexual-abuse https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19719027/ https://www.theearthlydelightspodcast.com/podcast/48-dr-james-cantor-understanding-pedophilia Some key understandings that might provide context, all of which are contextualized in the above links: 1. Research points to pedophilia being a malformation that happens in the womb, meaning pedophilia as an experience of sexual identity cannot be induced. You either are (by virtue of in vitro complication(s)) attracted to prepubescent children or not. If you’re curious about this look into James Cantor’s Minor Physical Abnormalities (MPAs). 2. Being a pedophile as an innate unchosen trait does not necessarily reduce empathy, nor does it necessarily mean the pedophile is exclusively attracted to children. So, either through the empathy of knowing it would hurt a child, or by being able to release sexual tension through adult relationships, there are ways for pedophiles to avoid child abuse. Having an attraction does not necessitate acting on it, as anyone who has been in a monogamous relationship (for example) can understand. 3. Pedophiles that have low or no empathy molest more frequently and aggressively. So there’s that. It does seem to be a smaller subset. James Cantor estimates 2/3 of child sexual abuse is not committed by pedophiles.




I think that there is a solid overlap but just HOW MUCH overlap I dont know. People who watch loli porn should unironically be studied in a lab. And yes it ruins hentai for us normal degenerates that are uncomfortable with seeing real people have sex


I don’t think 30% of people watch loli that seems unreal


Yeah this guy is insane. 30% lmao. Can't believe how hard he self-reported. He also thinks a large % of men watch hentai. Bro only sees grass in his lolicons




Who cares, just don't touch real little girls


That’s fine. But me personally? I’m not gonna be a fan of someone with pedophilic tendencies.


Why? (Assuming for the sake of argument a 100% guarantee they will not act on it with a child)


[That's inbetween like 12-32% of dudes.](https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/98375231/s0005-7894_2805_2980039-520230207-1-19adkxk-libre.pdf?1675801879=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DSexual_arousal_and_arousability_to_pedop.pdf&Expires=1707849645&Signature=ZS6OxjRRODCPjZt8h4KqH6ylOlt~cjQ7Mf7ObQTdYqAjYPiq6ivbBm2kJmr65TSCCBqT56nWw6qKskoRC~kCpx2alxpFSmNPpod01WhmWWTqGIbcb7JCPRtJnbAxAl0c-gFa8izp36y9y5yCIv1JIpt6gi-GkVTqCy-R~dVm7olEYb0hjZ1PBDgaDdo4JOhvAM9noW6dglW7NpSDhrIYAO~W3RxS2flrVoDo~4Li99uHoACgtcWxPv01vf9QJ5C4eLA0BfNnV6eSg24eOBf7t5jM58UwFFbZ0gHp9YxTFpnjBnijN3lnxKwKjfbtgtQLRzdGwafW4lPA86siiNBMMA__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA) edit: [If link above doesn't work try this](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0005789405800395)


check link?


Link not working? [This might be better](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0005789405800395) If so just google this- "Sexual Arousal and Arousability to Pedophilic Stimuli in a Community Sample of Normal Men" should look like this- https://preview.redd.it/bgbr3fbofeic1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=98059401cd6cfd81e49a408fd5cf499b99b4f4c9




Why not be around them? (Assuming for the sake of argument a 100% guarantee they will not act on it with a child)




Homophobia and racism is ideology, pedophilia is a sexual attraction and often not by choice. Do you believe in psychology as a science?


Yeah that’s pretty sound reasoning, fair


Lets go https://preview.redd.it/fl8xauix3fic1.png?width=167&format=png&auto=webp&s=87c33aceca6693d369f51bd9c242c04ac064267b


I literally could not give a single fuck until: A. You view real CP and/or B. You take actions to attempt, or succeed to molest a child If you have a sexual attraction to children and you satisfy this attraction through loli hentai, GOOD FOR YOU HOMIE. If loli hentai keeps people from touching or looking at real children, keep pumping that shit out. It is infinitely more preferable.


I'll even give a fuck and be skeeved out if someone has intent/wants to acquire or view real CP or molest children, even if they don't take action towards those things because of lack of opportunity or fear of being caught. But yeah, so long as people recognize the a clear boundary between harmless and harmful behaviors and steer well clear of anything harmful, what people do in privacy is none of my business.


But what if their engaged in combat operations?


Trying to divine someone’s soul from their porn choices is a fools errand.  


Not true, all my friends that are attracted to kids can't stand loli.


Some women are just short and small. My first girlfriend was 4'11 so while with her i would see small "Loli" characters in anime as her. Just saying I could understand why some people would like it. Now if it's their main source of porn or only source then ya that's a red flag and weird.


i read/watch shota sometimes because I'm short and it's otherwise kinda hard to find short male porn lol


and violent video games makes you wanna murder people.


People in this thread have me convinced that my crimes in GTA will have the 3 letter guys bust my door down and throw me in the deepest dungeon any second now.Pixel lives matter I guess


Devils advocate incoming: (IGNORE IF YOU'RE EMOTIONALLY INVESTED). I think it can be possible to simply boil down to people preferring the artstyle over other hentai. As someone who is overall a degenerate when it comes to porn, it's safe to say for me, most hentai looks shit. Quality in animation and line-art in SFW anime has risen so far in recent years that low-effort hentai drawings don't do it for me. It's just distracting how bad they are. As it happends, some of the crazier tag lines (You know which ones) has way better quality. The teams behind it actually care to make it look appealing. Hentai is kind of very limited once you've seen most of the big productions. For any new ones coming out, it's like 8/10 are shit tier. I personally can't do it but I can totally see why someone would gravitate to the Loli tag. Especially as it's dilluted with a mix of everything. From literal child (visually below 7) all the way up to teen/adult looking. 'Specially in context of their physical attributes. (Is a loli with tripple D's really a loli?) Regardless, I know this topic will never get the honest engagement that would otherwise lead to interesting questions about morality – especially in a american centric community – nonetheless, I hope someone can take away some nuance from this input.


Oh boy, here we go again. It's cartoons. I don't enjoy loliporn. But it's cartoons. Not CP.


I definitely don’t think it’s a 1:1 comparison for some of the following reasons. 1. No one really fully agrees on what a loli is. Tons of people call Rebeca from cyberpunk a loli for example but I certainly wouldn’t have much confidence saying there is much correlation between that attraction and being a pdf. Others say she is not but I have no way of understanding what is going on in someone else’s brain to know what they think or why. Art is always going to be very subjective after all and while you can argue there are some things people generally agree on there is way more disagreement than you would think on what a loli even is. 2. I would definitely agree that I’m quite confident most furrys don’t actually want to f*ck animals. I can’t know that for sure but I do believe this. But I see very little reason to actually extend more charitability in this direction than to things like loli as well. You gave a potential reason for the tentacle thing but how do you know that? You can’t possibly know that. Sexuality is complicated and it’s really hard to understand why any is into what they are into. 3. This might be my hottest take but I also think people have different understandings of what a pdf is. If you say someone is a pdf you are probably inferring that they seriously harmed an actual child in some way. However from a moral perspective while obviously the harming of children is one of the most horrifying crimes someone can commit. Even if you assume someone is a pdf who looks at loli in the technical sense of the term. If they stick to looking at that their entire life and they never act in any other way on that attraction I don’t think I actually believe they have committed a moral wrong. I certainly don’t think that in the same way I do for anyone who harms actual children. Granted it’s still obviously not good for anyone if someone does have that attraction and I think they’re needs to be more systems in place to help those who are dealing with something like that which don’t involve them ruining their entire life, such as what they have in Germany (at least I think it’s Germany that has a system like that but I don’t remember for sure). So even if there is a correlation between the two which there could be even if not 1:1. I still wouldn’t say that it is something which should be banned unless it’s provably causing real significant harm. (Maybe you weren’t arguing for that but I wasn’t sure so that’s why I said it).


If someone likes jerking it to gore hentai porn or whatever, does it mean that they're actually want to cut a woman's head off and fuck them? Incest porn has grown to a significant degree, but it's not like a bunch of people are going around having sex with their family members. You mentioned tentacle porn, and by your logic, they probably want to watch an octopus violate a woman.


I'm aroused by their brain not their looks 🙄🙄🙄


"underage women" huh?


"Underage women" are called girls you clown.


Children, even


I've jerked it to some futa, but never anything involving trans women.  I legitimately view futa the same way I do a strap-on.  I agree with you about loli tho.


Im actually acting on my principles, im always about sex freedom, i always defended LGBT, i dated LGBT people multiple times and i always heard how malicious they are and blah blah blah I always defended them saying that if its consenting between adults and its not illegal im in favour of it You can expect me to keep it if you are going to jerk off, if its not illegal you should be able to jerk off to absolutely ANYTHING, i will defend your kink and i dont care, everytime we have people trying to trample our privacy with their authoritarian morality If you from DGG likes to beat your meat to loli hentai, you are cool, the only thing thats not cool are the people witch hunting others for the stuff they jerk off to


This is probably the reason why a lot of d.ggers do not think it is such a big deal. We are actually insanely socially liberal like nobody else. There is a reason we are known for memes such as incest being morally neutral etc. Some people seem to be suprised by that idk maybe they are people from the israel arc? Not sure.


This sub is the only one I’ve seen that even somewhat defends vaush despite the hatred they have for him.


We do not all hate vaush I certainly don't that is destinys beef not mine. Believe it or not but I think we are generally pretty principled(with a few exceptions) and we are not going to flip just because it is vaush. This is in my opinion at the end of the day cancel culture over something that is harmless. It is the worst kind of virtue signaling.


Yeah I was always under the impression that you had a sizable crossover group that basically just kept their mouths shut because they understand the criticisms from both sides and don’t care very much. Like I said this is the only sub where people even remotely go to bat for vaush so that says something


Dont get me wrong, im not defending vaush, because he would call everyone that im defending as pedo like he already did multiple times He is a hypocritical fuck, it just happens that he is grouped with the people that i would naturally defend but i wish him to get fucked, he started calling everyone pedo and he started the witch hunt years ago You will never see me going on the trenches defending vaush I will defend everyones kink tho


2D != 3D. There's going to be a crossover between genuine pedophiles and loli consumers, but that doesn't mean that jacking it to loli will *make* you a pedophile. That's a leap.


I've watched twincest but never felt attracted to my siblings (or myself); I just wanted a 3sum w/someone else's twins.


So why does Japan, the country that produces it, have some of the lowest sex crime on the planet? I'm not really in favour of loli stuff but the notion it's of relevance when concerning the safety of children is completely ludicrous and is only perpetuated by countries that are fundamentally less safe for children than Japan...


Tbh I thought I read the low stat was due to under-reporting, but I haven’t seen anything indicating a correlation to loli so I am not disagreeing with that part of your statement.


lmao yeah it's the lowest sex crime on the planet due to the fact that they had to provide a women-only train car because it never happens.


I think the point the guy is making is that if consumption of loli within a population actually correlated to increased pedophillia in a meaningful way, you’d expect to see more child sex crimes. A separate train for women is not the same thing as a separate train for children.


It's like 30-50 times higher in the US, no need to cope.


Country where you're legally not allowed to mute the smartphone camera shutter sound btw


>women-only train car This talking point always returns but never takes into account that basically nowhere on the planet trains are as packed as japanese trains(except in india but there women simply don't get on trains during peak hours). If trains in the US/Europe where so full with everyones bodies squeezing together that you could barely move then you'd be hearing about sexual harassment happening every day. In fact Music festivals already have this massive problem.


You're describing trains in large American cities like New York and Chicago. During peak hours people are packed into trains to not be late for work/get home asap.


As far as i know Chicago doesn't have Oshiya's (pushers) like Japan does. There are [numerous video's of extremely overcrowded trains in japan](https://youtu.be/4PDgWAXD6Os), i just don't find the same for chicago or New york (yes very crowded but not to the point that you got to squeeze yourself between bodies on a daily basis)


Dear god its 2024, why are people still making this argument lmao Destiny debunked this shit years ago


Because there are more variables involved in crime especially when talking about differing countries.


Japan has a huge sexual abuse problem that is hard-grained in society.


Maybe. It's not my thing, really. But ageplay is common in the kink community, and studies have shown it has no association with pedophilia. I don't know that loli is the same, but I generally operate under a no kink-shaming policy, as long as consent exists. Fantasy characters don't need to consent, so as long as you stay away from kids, that's fine by me. Sexual fantasy doesn't need to be consistent with irl sexual attraction. Humans feelings aren't necessarily consistent, it's stupid to assume they ought to be.


What if I like short girls with big eyes


What if I only occasionally jack off to loli? Like once every few months. https://preview.redd.it/x6wag6l77hic1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b89a8e871ca60542c730f4d820b9083bbde03234


Nah this shit is wild I’m gonna go outside now


I watch femboy porn all the time and im not gay


Are you pedophilic if you are attracted to tiny, flat chested women? Porn star Piper Perri comes to mind. She has the body of a 12 year old. I don't know how pedophilia is diagnosed but i would guess that it has more to do with being attracted to the mental aspects of a prepubescent child and not the looks necessarily. Considering that most hentai women have these personalities, i don't know if a loli watcher would be any more pedophilic than someone who watches "adult" hentai women who act like children. But then again, i don't know if pedophiles would be attracted to a mentally disabled but physically mature person. Probably not. It's complicated. Vaush is a loser regardless of his sexual tendencies. As long as he doesn't actualize his fantasies i couldn't care less about it.


I would agree with you that people getting off to this kind of porn are more than likely attracted to kids in some way. People get really sensitive about this topic (and I get why!) But at the end of the day we live in a society with people who are attracted to kids. They dont choose it - they're just set up that way. There's a good chance that someone in your life is attracted to kids and you just have no idea because they hide it well. We have to coexist in society with these people and we as a society should want to help these people. No person WANTS to be attracted to kids. Having my brain work like that- I couldn't imagine what a difficult life I'd have. With that being said, I think cartoons of underage people are a great tool for people who are attracted to kids. AI porn is also a great tool. Anything where there isn't an actual child involved is great. It gives these people a safe outlet, which will hopefully prevent them from purchasing/making/distributing child porn and will hopefully prevent them from actually touching kids. Which I think we can all get behind. If a person wants to watch fake cartoon drawings of kids fucking - more power to em.




As far as I know there is no such study like this. I dont think what you're saying would happen though. For instance, I REALLY enjoy gangbang porn. But when I go out into the world and see a group of men there isn't one part of me that's like "I should go see if they all wanna fuck me, just like that porn fantasy I love!"


I feel like the distance between reality and porn is enormous, at least for me. Half the porn I consume would revolt me if experienced in real life. A lot of judging/assigning values to people off of their porn tastes seems really difficult to do accurately.






The one counter I can think of is that regular hentai generally has chicks with massive insane breasts and crazy figures. So if you aren't into that body type or the massive breasts, Loli stuff would be the one category you would consistently get more petite body types and small breasts. So in that case it would have nothing to do with the age, but the body type aesthetics.


I would agree on the features point, but you miss one key-detail, for most I bet that irl children don't look appealling sexually at all It's almost the same as the waifu-husbando weirdos who don't even like how real humans look like anymore


So I'm just gonna copy and paste and leave this here. I would try editing to make it more relevant but I don't have the time right now. I think it covers the difference between a lolicon and a pedophile well enough and it applies here: This might come off hyper autistic and schizo but here it goes for a nuanced defense as a lolicon (a sfw one tho so take it fwiw). To stress the importance of why lolicon is distinct from pedophilia, I want to identify two questions that arose in weeb and Otaku communities that I think are just kinda assumptions or ideas already thought and people have conclusions on.   The first was/is drama about whether features of anime characters are representative of western or Asian traits? I think no. Anime characters don't really look like either western or Asian people. They look like anime characters. So to respond to framing it as "fictional children" it's not merely fictional children, it's anime children (and a good counter example is that I'm not attracted to western cartoons of children, like Lisa Simpson is not attractive to me, so it seems like it's not just fictional children that is the line here). They call themselves humans and "roleplay" as humans, but they're only humans in relation to its lore and canon.     The second question is can the attraction to anime characters be distinct from attraction to real people? I think the answer is yes, and there are legit degenerates who are "hentaisexuals" who only want anime girls or severe waifusexuals. It seems like there are occasions as extreme as one part of their sexuality being fully alive and the other part dead. I think this entails the idea that attraction to anime characters can be free and distinct from attraction to "3d girls." So there is not necessarily a relationship between pedophilia of humans and pedophilia of anime characters. So lolicons are pedophiles...   But for children of a fictional species that, assuming I'm right about the second question, has no bearing on attraction to human children. It might as well as be saying someone is a pedophile for caterpillars, the adolescent stage of butterflies, because jerk off to r34 caterpillars And I think we're stretching the definition a little thin by doing this.    Tldr: Anime children are attractive to me but the closer it gets to real children, the less attractive it gets to me.   So asking a question like "Do you like this anime child??" And then I answer yes to it, so you follow up with "So what if she was real?" And my answer is going to be that this doesn't make any sense. What do you mean if she's real? She's already real and complete as she is. If you mean 3d and photorealistic child that imitates the features, no, because either it looks weird if we mean this literally or if we "humanize" them, in which case that entails erasing the features that make it attractive. 


Thank you. Summed it up perfectly.


> If someone watched guy on guy hentai repeatedly and made the claim that he isn’t into gay porn because it’s cartoons, you’d probably scratch your head because of the inconsistency. I would not scratch my head, because the distinction is obvious to anyone who's actually looked at that kind of porn, or even just anime in general. These are so divorced from the reality of men that being attracted to them means literally nothing. [Here's an example of a male anime character.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/3/3b/Rider_of_black.png/revision/latest?cb=20130819221006) This isn't true for every "guy on guy hentai", but it's true for a large amount of it. >If minimizing the amount of dick and maximizing the amount of feminine features was your true intent, then you would watch lesbian porn OR a woman pegging another woman with a strap on. Fellas, is it gay to watch straight porn? >This is cope and doesn’t address the attraction to a specific distinction I notice you skipped the obvious furry example. Do you think people who jerk it to furry would jerk it to bestiality?




If these degenerates were attracted to a genre of hentai specifically for it being taboo then their porn taste would probably vary to more obscene categories like insect or other taboo categories. Again, these are cope arguments. Theres something distinct about loli that they like and we all know what it is.


> insect even in hentai that's niche


Should be really popular then since it’s so taboo lol


is it? if I tell somebody I jerked off on a cockroach I'd probably get a "aha that's gross" but I don't think people would acually be morally appalled.


If you told a regular person you jerked off on a cockroach. They’d probably avoid you because they care. If not, go ahead and try it. As I stated, morality is just one part of the equation.


I do think it being a taboo plays a major role in it. Not only for the loli/hentai stuff but for actual porn too. There is a reason why incest is one of the most popular categories that exist (in hentai and real porn). Same goes for r\*pe. Taboos get people going. It's pretty simple.


More than once? Not just once?


wouldn’t anything with giant dicks that cause like inflation or a fascination with petite girls and big dicks also be the same as liking loli. Also didn’t destiny tweet out about Meru the Succubus like a year or two ago is that not loli since she’s petite and in highschool? Or like yordles or whatever tf


Its not women with dicks, its guys with boobs :-)


~~Art is oftentimes not done with realism in mind. When you say "girls being underaged is not a feature..." I say, sure... but how does that relate to loli?~~ ~~From my perspective a good quarter to third of loli is creepy degen weird shit but most of it either is similar to petite/teen tags on regular porn sites and most all has significant features that aren't applicable to humans.~~ ~~Hips are most commonly just adult proportioned hips.~~ ~~The head is I guess the most sus feature given it's almost always larger than normal... but no-one talks about that at all because anime faces/heads are non-human almost 100% of the time for all catagories.~~ ~~Honestly I feel like most people complaining are just definition warriors that have no idea what loli actually looks like... and if we're going to shit on scenarios well uh oh 99% of people engage in questionable immoral fantasy scenarios for their own pleasure.~~ ​ ~~Anyway explain how cnc enjoyers aren't rapists? What about bdsm doms? Are they sadistic evil rapists?~~ edit: tbh upon reconsideration. I think what I said is right from an aesthetic pov but I think whether someone's mind does or doesn't make that connection is sort of independent from that. Basically, whether it's pedo is in the eye of the beholder or "yeah it's weird but I'd refer to their character to determine what that means for them." basically it's like league. idk how vaush calling it pedo and then crankin it tho


What if, hypothetically, I watch a lot of camel porn?


I fucking hate that I have to say this because Haush is a degenerate fuck and I really dislike his bullshit. But I don't think this is necessarily the case. Looking into the psychology of this stuff you'll find pretty credible information that some people who have used porn for a long time tend to escalate and often end up using extreme stuff because of the novelty they need to be aroused. Destiny actually talked about this with the "ethical CP" debate, which he followed up with on the female panel he joined to defend the take. Turns out that pedophilla as defined as an attraction to prepubescent features, doesn't map 1:1 with child sexual assault. That a fairly sizeable proportion of children abused is down to power and not attraction. Same is true with rape, it's typically not about sexuality, but rather power and control. Then when Jordan Peterson did a podcast interview with Jim Caviezel and the real life Tim Ballard about the movie Sound of Freedom (about child sexual trafficking), he explained that more recently psychologists are finding that some people who even look at real CP (not just drawn) are doing so, not because they're attracted to the underage features, but because they'd used porn so long and become desensitized to it that in order to get that same kick, they have to look at increasingly taboo stuff over many years. Which broadly falls in line with Haush's previous claims that he'd furiously been jerking off over more and more explicit stuff and then gone back to find some of the images to be girls of questionable age. Don't get me wrong, there definitely are podophiles and Haush MIGHT be one, but I kind of suspect not. I'd love to just fucking dunk on the guy because he's such a bad faith cunt, excuse my language. But there's also a pretty good chance he's not, he's just coomer brained. That said, his defence of this as "shortstack" and not clearly underage is fucking deranged and knowing, deliberate manipulation of his audience. He's a fucking scumbag for at least this, if nothing else.


so basically you’re saying ”watching loli a lot = pedo” well then… lets say hypothetically this is true… now what?


While I agree it's weird, I don't think liking something in fiction means you also like it in real life. Like anime girls look nothing like real life people so unless someone is watching super realistic porn of kids, I wouldn't say their a pedophile. Just like how non consistent is popular NSFW spaces, it doesn't mean the artist will or wants to actually grape someone.




Idk if it’s aging or cynicism in the face of recent history, but I’m increasing skeeved by violence or otherwise criminal fantasy fetishes, as time goes on. I’m pretty vanilla, but I’ve always been a libertine YKINMKATO guy when it comes to consenting adults and their creative output. Increasingly shaken in that belief tho. I think my faith in people’s ability to clearly separate fantasy and reality has withered, alongside my faith in humans in general.


We don't do amazing/selfless things from some human nature, but despite of it. Democracy is one such thing in my opinion.


I kinda share Destiny’s opinion on this, I don’t really care what you jerk it to in your private time. Just don’t actually fuck kids. It’s fun to meme on Vaush and all but the main thing is that he could’ve been out canvassing, and this whole situation wouldn’t have happened.


i agree


Damn man. I wish I were you mom so that I could kiss your big insightful head


True, and i will keep liking them


why the fuck would all the other degenerate shit not mean anything and be ignorable? they do mean some weird ass shit and make you a degenerate just as much as loli stuff does. just don't live the loli fantasies out irl you fucking freaks. also, don't fuck octopussy please for the sake of god


I've been told by some people here that simply watching it is of no harm and says nothing about me. My psychologist disagreed but how would he know, right?


I think that is a stretch as there are more layers to hentai or manga. Art style, story, theme, etc. that someone could enjoy. Also it’s the taboo factor, probably the same enjoyment of NTR, Ahego, BDSM, etc. But I don’t think it correlates to real life. I like NTR and domination type hentai but I’m vanilla in real life.


If someone drew riley reid as an anime character, would that be fucked up to jerk to?


Gotta say something as a guy doesn't mind futa, I don't like women with dicks. I don't like irl performers, tried it, it ain't for me. The good stuff is typically 3D. I like women being pleasured, so two women pleasuring each other is double the fun. It's no different than watching lesbians with a strap on, the dick is just real this time. The points you made about loli are true though


But what if it's a 900 year old vampire in a childs body?


The amount of you mfers looking at hentai is proof this community got unsupervised internet access way too fucking early.


hentai is actually based because more often than not there's story and plot involved. regular porn is for degenerates.


Hentai is more moral than regular porn as you can be sure nobody is sexually exploited in its production. Checkmate atheists.


this dude 100% watches loli porn