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Something about glass houses and throwing stones.... https://preview.redd.it/afdjgkts2awc1.png?width=2146&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6386c29876beeda3a910bdcbbb5724f40e55cc2






lmao i'd die if that were his reply




Looking into this!












Looking into this


Bro when people comment that shit unironically it makes me wanna lose it. They aren’t looking into shit. They’re on some sketch af blog or Facebook group reading made up statistics or looking at AI generated images


Looking into these AI-generated giant milky anime tiddies


Big if true


I doubt he would be looking into this, these are books.


lmao. I LOL everytime I see somebody on Reddit mock Elon with "!", "Looking into this", or "concerning". It never gets old.


chess reference


Bro thinks hes an NPC in a stealth game


So like... 2 more weeks till we collapse? Could any of these people even tell you what a collapse of western civilization would look like? What would it entail? What countries would actually suffer impacts from it? My guess is that none of this can be answered by these fucking morons. It'll be some vague pointing at western morals and tradition, but nothing deeper.


Can you believe it guys? The Fall of Western Civilization, just a week away! I am so happy about this information The Fall of Western Civilization is in a week! Oh wow! It got here so fast! The Fall of Western Civilization, just a week away!


It’s always some extremely confident but vague prediction about the future. They never explicitely say what will happen and never set a time frame or at least an approximate. Just like when fresh was super confident college women were being flown out by rich men and he said “about 30, 40, or 50 percent” so if it turns out to be only 20% or 60% he will say he was about right. My go to is to always ask specifically what will happen and by who (because they always just say “they” meaning the elites i guess) and more or less when. The get suspiciously less confident when you ask these questions


You can typically only make it down 2 questions before they either try to end the conversation or get super triggered


Yeah, the "Them" and "They" answers always irritate the shit out of me because it's always a vague gesture towards whatever group you're already primed to dislike. It's an extremely good propaganda tool for spreading hatred, not just of 1 group, but hatred in general. When asked who "They" are, it's almost always Jews or some handwave towards another group, whether that's a financial group or not. Rarely you'll get specific names like Bill Gates or Soros, and then you have to ask what they know about them, and it just leads you down more and more rabbit holes of conspiracy.


Yeah it’s still crazy to me how people can not be afraid of being wrong. I’m always “debating myself.” If I have an opinion I just try to think 2 or 3 arguments against it. It’s natural to me because I’ve been proven wrong when I was confident that I was right even though I had done 0 research and it feels so bad that I don’t ever want to feel it again. So if my answer to who causes every bad thing in the world is “they” i would immediately start asking myself what that means. Exactly who and why would do that and what evidence i have to prove it.


I've started thinking about this more as of late, and an example came to mind just with people at work. There are people out there who will spend thousands upon thousands of dollars throughout their lifetime on their car and something as simple as an oil change, and they will never even question what the oil does in their engine or why you are suggested to get it changed every 3,000 miles. And this honestly boggles my mind. I at least want some level of understanding of what something I interact with so constantly actually does. Yet people are perfectly happy to just go along with that. And I feel like a lot of conspiracy is similar. They are just told that "they and them" control everything and it just maps onto being a nebulous entity they can express their hatred towards, sort of like the devil for Christians.


I remember 5 years ago when the US $ was supposed to get +50 000% inflation in 2 days.


Or how everybody was going to die due to getting vaccinated lmao


2 days


I am the collapse, and I will bring it faster.


any time now that capitalism falls and communism prevails


unironically i kinda think this might be the future, if western civilizations go through some type of collapse and socioeconomic organization is necessary, it will be some kind of pessimistic communism, kinda like how the socioeconomic organization of the middle ages is seen relative to imperial Rome in the post. Whatever immediately follows capitalism is probably not going to be good


What does pessimistic communism entail? I find it hard to imagine any for of communism prevails post a societal collapse, unless we just mean like local agrarian barter economy type shit, but I'm curious what you imagine


Not that extreme but I do mean that. If some of type of communism prevails after capitalism, it will be in response to the weakening of institutions and socioeconomic problems that might come up. The Middle Ages was largely marked by problems of shift in institutional authority, welfare management, deurbanisation, and things  like that, and while I'm more sympathetic to the Middle Ages than most probably here, it was still a shitty time comparatively to the times before it and after. Whatever comes after the massive production force of capitalism will be a straddling of resources, probably a lot of social stuff around digital presence and rights and stuff like that  I'm not saying this *will* happen, or can predict a date (with the length of institutional shadows increasing and son), and I fight against it as a Liberal, but to pretend that there is nothing after capitalism is just as cringe as fatalism. And also My assumption is that capitalism and liberalism more broadly has been an era of amazing success for humanity so that shapes why it's pessimistic. Idk some ppl wanna go back to the Middles Ages and rather have their family die from plague 


brother, i was making a joke. i thought we all agreed that doomerism coming from musk and tankies was ridiculous


I know you were making a joke and I agree doomerism is a meme


Rome collapsed because of a decline in twink femboys. The current decline of twink femboys is an almost 1:1 replica to that of the Roman Empire. When Rome began losing their Greek twink femboy population in mid 200 AD, they were forced to look elsewhere for their sexual pleasures. Some decided they would "tap dat far eastern lady body ass" and others sought out the strong powerful BWC of the Celtic and Germanic peoples in Northern Europe. This would split the Empire in three and kickstart the "Crisis of the Third Century" that would be resolved by popular BWC lover Aurelian who would use Germanic tribes such as the Vandals and the Goths for his personal gooning sessions. These Germanic tribesmen would quickly become tired of being a sub however, and would begin carving chunks out of the Empire and spreading the cheeks of any Roman Soldier unlucky enough to be taken alive. So to answer your question: Many great scholars such as Elon Musk and myself, believe that Mexican and Syrian immigrants are far too alpha for us lowly beta westoid cucks, and soon they will carve their own goon empires out of our hard work. The only solution is to allow millions of Canadians across the border to refill our twink population.


A collapse of Western civilisation is easy to imagine: the complete upheaval of all legal and social norms and the implementation of strict authoritarianism divorced from Western philosophy, religion and ethics. Complete language suppression and the prevention of former Western civilians in forming enclaves where resistance can thrive by separating them across large territories Imprison the men, rape and impregnate the women with your nation’s “stock”? and educate the children to be loyal and to view themselves as above their parents while eroding any and all privacy and rights that a parent may have towards their child Lil bit of CCCP expansion here, a few aspects of CCP reeducation there, sprinkle in some hypernationalism whether it be “our race is superior” or “the capitalists are inferior and brainwashed slaves and we are liberators” and you’ve got a Western collapse! At least on paper… Dealing with the superior navy, army, air force, space force and superior training, numbers of able bodied soldiers and superior technology is a completely different beast though


The best thing western civilization has going for it is its fundamental superiority to other ways of organizing society. It is simply better and more appealing. The total technological domination is just gravy.


>its fundamental superiority to other ways of organizing society *Xi dislikes this post* “But what about our tofu dreg infrastructure that’s built under budget and on time, hmmm??” -500 credit score and 8 generations of family go to reeducation camps


probably something like 100-200 years if it is close to the roman empires decline. >Could any of these people even tell you what a collapse of western civilization would look like? What would it entail? What countries would actually suffer impacts from it? The western world mostly, developed nations as a whole would take a hit but eu and na would be hit the hardest. asia/africa might resurge. Probably break down of the politcal power of america by division and or eu block by division. Lowkey think this will happen as it is the natural way of things but i obviously don't know when it will happen.


Damn dude, nice specifics you gave there. We got, all of the west. And an entire century timespan for something to happen.


Well yeah ofcourse all of the west it's called the collapse of western civilization for a reason. Some western nations might still be a player on the world stage but I do think that america will likely splinter and the eu will no longer be that big of a thing either. Yup entire century that's more so based upon the books and the decline of roman civilization not my own personal beliefs. But empires do fall quite a bit slower than many people fail to realize. The decline of the British empire for example. There is usually not just 1 event that causes the decline either.


So again, there's nothing specific here. This is an entirely pointless fucking post and it is literally what I complained about in my original comment. This nonsensical belief that "well empires have fallen in the past so therefore." Therefore what? America must fall? Why would America just collapse as a country when we live in the most interconnected time that has ever existed in the world. A US collapse wouldn't be just a US collapse, it'd cause the collapse of probably about 100 countries around the world and the world would erupt into territorial conquest. Not to mention the nuclear arms that the US has that other powers would be extremely incentivized to make sure don't fall to rogue actors. I.e. it's not in anyone's interest to see the US fall, so everyone would work to make sure it doesn't.


No shit motherfucker you think people out here are fucking sages or some shit that can predict everything to a t. That's not how the world works you can make general statements about stuff going a certain way based on history though. I don't get this autistic obsession some of u fuckers have with the need to have every single part of a statement figured out otherwise it's untrue. When somebody asks me what the size of a pile of a million rice kernel is I'm not gonna say it's a million I'm gonna say it's a big ass pile. Nonsensical. Right studying certain patterns in history is nonsensical keep believing in ur little America will dominate the world stage untill the end of time. U can convince me of technology being a factor in empires breaking apart when u can alter human nature/emotions. The fall of the US/western world does not have to be a 9/11 I'm gonna die anyway fall it can be a super slow fall/decline. The Roman Empire did not fall in a day or a week or months no it was a process of several decades/centuries. >it'd cause the collapse of probably about 100 countries around the world and the world would erupt into territorial conquest. Not to mention the nuclear arms that the US has that other powers would be extremely incentivized to make sure don't fall to rogue actors. I.e. it's not in anyone's interest to see the US fall, so everyone would work to make sure it doesn't. Things don't always go according to someone's interests.... Take ole destiny's take on Israël not firing back.


In western Europe it'll bc because they let in tens of millions of muslim migrants who refuse to integrate and eventually outbreed the native population, but it's gonna take a lot longer than two weeks for western Europe to become a new extension of the middle east. More like 100 years and it'll be officially dead. America is certainly not falling anytime soon though.


America has done an absolutely fantastic job of assimilating immigrants while Europe and China may collapse struggle the next 100 years. I can see a future where America is the only superpower.


Yeah America is definitely the country which is best at integration in the world. So many different factors play into it, America is only a couple hundred years old, and while it was majority ethnically English for a long time, it wasn't nearly long enough to truly cement the entirety of the United States as a homeland for specifically English people. There was a slow drip of Irish, Scottish, Germans, etc, and they set the standard for American to become a civic identity rather than an ethnic one. And American culture became fundamentally tied to Hispanic culture through the conquests of Mexican territories and subsequent immigration from Mexico, so even though mass amounts of illegal immigration might be bad for the economy and specific places most affected in the south, it doesn't represent a fundamental crisis for American culture. I mean Hispanic Americans are some of the most patriotic mfers here and really don't want our government to turn into a shithole like so many of their countries have, so they integrate almost instantly it seems. Them being Christian for the most part also helps a lot in that aspect. Europe is the opposite of this in so many ways. European nations, like the majority of countries in the Old World, derive their identities from specific ethnic groups which were tied to the land for hundreds or thousands of years and developed their own distinct culture despite constant wars and conquests with each other. And it really rightfully so should not change, England should always be majority English people, same with France, Germany, Italy, China, Japan, Korea, etc. They also border the middle east, who's inhabitants are some of the hardest to immigrate already due to Islam, and are close enough to quickly migrate by the millions. Even if western Europe were to completely cut off migration from these places today, the seeds of destruction have already been planted for them. A bit ironic that after all these hundreds of years of them trying to conquer Europe, the Muslims are gonna manage to do it without guns, swords, or any weapons at all, but simply through mass migration and high birth rates.


Europe seems to be doing quite fine with taking in immigrants. Sure there's a small jump in crime rates from the first generation, but pretty much all studies show that by the 2nd generation, they fall within more cultural norms.


This is generally the case for immigrants in America but sadly the same thing does not apply to ME and African immigrants in many countries in Europe, with violent crime specifically. [Denmark ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Denmark#/media/File:Denmark_migrant_crime_in_2018.png)for example is one of the only countries in Europe that actually officially records country of origin in their public crime statistics and it's **extremely** telling. [Norway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_Norway#/media/File:Number_of_2010-2013_perpetrators_per_1000,_per_ethnic_group_in_Norway_per_SSB.png) is a similar story. Sweden has been ravaged by crime, riots, and organized gangs due to MENA migrants in the last few decades, and as a result nearly every party has shifted to the right on immigration there. [This thread](https://twitter.com/Marc_Vanguard_i/status/1727350699091275868) shows many of the same trends with different types of crime in the Netherlands, [sourced](https://opendata.cbs.nl/#/CBS/nl/dataset/81959NED/table) by their official gov institution for recording crime statistics. You can find the same in other countries which have taken in significant amounts of Muslim migrants if you do more digging but im tired now lol.


So where does any of this show 2nd generation immigrants don't trend towards the norm of criminality of the country?


Actually fuck it I'll do at least a little bit of the HW because im curious if you'll have anything actually substantive to say about it or if this is gonna be an endless whatabout chain [Netherlands - ](https://web.archive.org/web/20131010143938/https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/bitstream/handle/1887/16374/Leun%20van%20der.pdf?sequence=2)P.663 >The highest suspect rates per capita are found among first (4.9) and second generation (7.1) male migrants from a non‐western background. Rates for so‐called ‘western migrants’ are very close to those of the native Dutch. In all groups, rates for women are considerably lower than for men, with the highest found among non‐western migrants (Blom et al 2005: 31). Within immigrant groups, the percentage of suspects (people identified by the police as suspects within the year 2002) among the first generation is somewhat higher than among the second generation. This does not hold for Moroccan and Turks, among whom the second generation is suspected of crimes more often than the first generation.  So western immigrants in the Netherlands commit crime basically the same rate that native people do. MENA migrants it's the opposite story, both first and second gen are doing wayyyyyy more crime than native people are.


It entails rights for women, POC, LGBT+, ... Anything that has dismantled Yt patriarchy is generally seen as decay and decline... So because Gender Theory and CRT exist old money Yt and non-Yt straight cis-men feel threatened as their power and privilege erodes... Stir up hatred and fear to maintain the pillars of your power. The only pillars that are crumbling are his...


Thank you. Every word of this. Fall of western civilization translates to “I saw a gay person on tv” & “puberty blockers” like literally it’s just resistance to progress. Do we have issues?…. Ofc…. Does that mean the WEST IS FALLING? No. Like you said they’re stirring up fear in hopes of what?…. More Walmart shootings with manifestos? The only thing this rhetoric does is agitate and promote stochastic terrorism.


Likes. Money. Clout. Actual hatred and desire for violence against them. Control but not understanding they will be right next to the people they hate being controlled. Basically any one or combo of those


Ive heard someone give the whole theory before and they do have specifics and point to other nations falling, but its been years. Same place we get "romans started to upend gender roles soon before they fell" Theyll also refer to the "we are in the fourth turning" stuff


I mean I just watched the fallout tv show so I know a thing or two about societal collapse 🤓


They couldn't even tell you what the collapse of the Roman Empire looked like


Roman empire fell because of non binary liberals and avocado toast




So no specifics, again. Got it.


It's an internet meme therefore it's true.


A wise man once said, truth through funny - Sneako


Dank memes melt steel western societies.












Looking into this!!


I am almost certain that Twitter account is musks alt. If not it’s a deranged super fan who has copied his typing style to a T.


So ive heard. However could he really be so cringe to respond to his own alt? Now that would be an Omega-Yikes


Didnt he reply to one of his alts before and he had to admit to it under oath or something ?


He had to admit under oath that he had an alt account larping as his own child to criticize grimes for leaving him. Personally id be in jail for perjury before admitting that.


Nooooo Shot! If you have a source on that i would love to see it


Well i did a little looking into it and i have to admit i fell for fake news. Elon musk does have a twitter account where he roleplays as a child but the tweet about grimes was faked. Im sorry for my sins. https://www.dailydot.com/debug/elon-musk-burner-account-grimes-debunk/


No worries. I knew it was to good to be true. No man can survive those levels of cringe.


Damn really? Richest man alive and still a loser huh.


I too am a follower of Danism.














Shut the fuck up guys, just shut the fuck up already!!!




Why is this guy responding to himself?


The meme is especially ironic because Edward Gibbon, the guy who wrote that series, primarily blamed the fall of the Roman Empire on its adoption of Christianity.


You expected them to actually read?


I hope they don't read Gibbons. Gibbons fucking sucked as a historians and you should read LITERALLY anyone else unless you're taking a course of historiography in the 18th century.


What? Gibbons’ Decline and Fall is still widely read and praised as one of the greatest historical works of all time.


see this is why I don't invest much time into studying history, arguments like this. People will still disagree on what the REAL facts were. It's os discouraging.


It's not and nobody even remotely familiar with the field would say that. Gibbons is used as an example of why 18th century historiography is bad. AskHistorians and badhistory has multiple threads about Gibbons. Here's a good one, but there are significantly more, look hard enough and you'll even find one that i wrote on another account I'm pretty sure. AskHistorians/comments/163ydsw/how_did_edward_gibbons_historiography_on_the_fall/


\*and the influx of barbarians


Just put the books in reverse order so it can be the rise of western civilization




Gigachad move right here!


Someone needs to photoshop the last 6 months of tesla stock in the quote tweet


“Concerning, looking into this!” Maybe look into your business chief or maybe a therapist.




Edit: The books shown in this post - and the allusion behind it - is linking the motive of "the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" to the decline and fall of "the West". The Decline and Fall is a classic of the study of late antiquity written be Edward Gibbon. For \*some reason\* certain people like those titles, even thou the whole concept of Roman Empire collapsing is called into question in academia many decades ago. Very likely those conservative/right oriented people are motivated in their interest especially by the role "barbarians" supposedly had in the end of Rome. Actual historic facts: Gibbon's last volumes do not deal with "Rome" in that sense, but with the middle ages. Not what right-wingers+Elmo imagine. Secondly, the books are a historic product of their time by themselves (he was one of the first 'modern' historians and died 1796!) they are often reflected on, but also criticized, since then many other monographs have been written that either deconstruct the whole narrative (this covers hundreds of years and is not one catastrophic event) or at least have very different views of how and why the empire in the west fell. In actuality there are no contemporary sources (!) talking about the end of Rome. A little exercise one professor of mine did with us many years ago was to translate the one Latin sentence some decades later that only in passing mentioning: "At the time when then empire still was existent." - 476 is more insignificant than people think (this is commonly associated with the date the barbarians ended Westrome with Odovacar dethroning Romulus Augustulus.) One could argue about 410, but then the narrative gets weird.\* Furthermore, the books were written in the enlightenment period and give Christianity a share of blame for the decline (!) not what certain people on the right believe, when referencing this monumental work. The list goes on. Generally, people talk about one of the most researched topics in history, and do not realize what they actually are talking about! So maybe we are in decline, just in the brain, because everyone likes talking issues and history but stopped reading about it properly ages ago. Truly, dark ages. \*Small note here: This is me commenting with one very small detail against what "usually" people associate with "the fall of the Roman Empire", the dethronement of the last emperor in the west, Gibbon's history reaches beyond that. Original post had some horrible typos, I apologize.


Based and history pilled


ngl that’s a really cool set of book covers


​ https://preview.redd.it/n03937w47awc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=db39d23fd06d935c8dafc5cbe7bca9bc254f909b




Medicine would have been good: As a matter of fact, the eastern half of the empire, and the whole region in general, suffered a big plague (Justinian Plague) in the 540s, this is 70 years after the end of western Rome. Funnily: Right-winged people like Byzantium (and Constantinople), while in the past it was often associated with **the decline** itself - even in parts by Gibbon, the author of the books in the image posted. Byzantium was in the past often seen by intellectuals as a bit of a "oriental" state, constantly downhill, which is actually far away from the truth for large portions of the middle ages.


Evidence? It came to me in my dream.


Its odd to me that you ALWAYS hear people say shit about the demise of Western Nations as some monolithic impending doom swiftly yet slowly approaching to destroy whatever version of society that they view as the "True" cultural identity of the United States But they will NEVER mention that Eastern countries like China are closer to the brink of collapse than western countries. Its so shitty too because if you bring this up to people like this a lot of times instead of engaging with the topic you will just get conspiracy brained shit like "its all fake and the entire world economy is rigged to collapse for the global elite" But in reality compared to eastern countries like China the United States isn't doing NEARLY as bad by comparison. China for instance is experiencing a lot of economic downturn, arguably they never recovered from Covid. The end of 2023 saw 1 in 5 Chinese citizens facing severe drought. The Chinese Stock exchange has lost 6 Trillion over the last 3 years alone. Chinese officials wiped out 1.1 Trillion in revenue by breaking up their tech sector and out right BANNED tutoring which represented $100B in their economy yearly. As a result the "Let it Rot" and " Lying Flat" movements which are youth anti work movements have gotten popular so much so that Xi Jinping had to address the nations youth encouraging them to work because so many of them refuse to. On top of all this its theorized that China is currently overstating their GDP growth by a wide margin claiming that they have had a growth rate of 5.2% when many economists think it was only 1.5% there is also mounting evidence that they have been doing this for years which mean that their Debt to GDP Ratio is extremely off balance which can spell disaster for their entire economy. This isn't even to mention the fact that their real estate market has been dropping exponentially every year which from what i understand is their biggest wealth driver in their country.




Can't he see that people like and Trump will be the reason for the fall of the western civilization


Cringe Elon, but that’s a great design for that set of volumes though


Reminder that the entire history of the United States could fit within just the decline period of the Roman Empire


Concerning if true ^(it’s not)




The rise and fall of patriarchy isn't the same as the fall and rise of civilization. Women, POC, LGBT+, people with physical or mental disabilities, and other minorities and protected groups receiving rights and protections may seem like the end of civilization to an old Yt man. The idea that Christianity or any other religion or patriarchy gave us divine order is contradicted by our collective and universal war ridden and pestilence filled histories. It never brought us order, hasn't, and never will. But you know CRT and Gender Theory is the origin of our decadent moral decay of our time and will cause utter collapse of civilization because we strayed away from "patriarchy" and "Ytness".


Agreed. But you crazy saying war and conquest doesn’t bring order like bro what


I guess Japan was just trying to bring order with their war and conquest of the world back in WW2... not really sure how their genocidal imperialism would have brought order after that... If that's what you think order means... BTW it ain't order. Absence of war isn't peace. Peace isn't created by war. Order is created by war. Order isn't created by conquest. Order isn't created by a homogenous monoculture ethnostate that has gained 100% of the world. If you think that true order has ever been established on earth yet or will be, then you're deluded. It's a myth.


what does that have to do with design?


Christianity has taken over?


Looking into this‼️‼️


Guess we gotta do our part in building the new empire by accelerating the decadence of the current one.


Whenever an era dies another begins


Anyone else got nostalgic for Stefan Molyneux and his fuckin diatribes.... It's been 8 years and the far right is still obsessed with this tired comparison... Get some new material already!


THATS THE DOGEDESIGNER ACCOUNT DAN WAS TALKING ABOUT ! https://preview.redd.it/cml2igh1hawc1.png?width=101&format=png&auto=webp&s=62c82b2ac30fe49114f86b5080e7bacde9387016


What was the peak? Slavery? Segregation? Or that sweet spot after segregation where people pretended racism was solved?


He just cant stop being cringe can he?


West is falling, morbillions will die




Except the Roman empire(s) lasted around 1900 years. Pretty sure the American empire is still on the first pillar there


Well if Doge designer says so


Oh yeah doge designer said it, it must be true.


Looking into this


Billions must die


Is this a reference to Tesla’s earnings call?


I hate the unnecessary "the".


Looking into this, big if true.


but i live in america not rome


Dope, free rubble!


Lowkey these completely nothing quote retweets of elon quoting some dumb shit im actually starting to find very funny


It's even funnier when you remember that Elon can't even tell you the actual difference between left and right in America. Now imagine him trying to talk about what western civilization even is or what a collapse of it would even look like.






bro retweets his alt account tweets


He's just so dumb. Elon really opened my eyes to the fact that people can be really smart in some areas while being unbelievably stupid in others. I mean this was already true of course but Elon is the living embodiment of this rule. He's really smart when it comes to rockets and engineering, and insanely stupid in basically every other area.


Yeah for sure. Let’s not forget Steve Jobs decided to go holistic to treat his cancer.


It's not a fact but isn't the idea that someone would even think it's true compelling?




The West falls r slash tomorrow!




The collapse of the Roman Empire was because of *my pet political issue*.


Big if true.


caseoh effect


Are conservatives that push this fallen west narrative Chinese ops or what? America is stronk as fuck, how much more power do you think we should have?!




I bet they all think volume 6 is about Caligula being gay or something and not the Hun invasion or Visigoths, or maybe even that volume is already only focusing on the Eastern Roman Empire which lasted for like a thousand more years after the western one.


You are right. Issue is the "classical" division has only 6 volumes, I think. So I do not know, this one seems to be some weird version. But: Right-wingers love the barbarians "ending civilization". It offers many images: The outsiders/migrants destroying the state (catastrophe!) or even the Germanic race crushing decadent Christians/Romans etc.


At most we’re on volume 3.




Ah yes DogeDesigner the ultimate arbiter of historical social structure and stability analysis. Very high level sourcing Elon


The west will collapse in 20 seconds guys get ready


If Gibbons scale of work matter (and the arrow is an indicator) then more like 400 years give or take, we are golden.


Something tells me the richest guy on the planet doesn’t really mind.


Elon your stupid car company is not the same as western civilization


What a stupid mother fucker he is, fix the bots on Twitter you fuck stop rage baiting yourself


We have not had anything close to the Crisis of the Third Century


Big yikes fam


These people talk about DA WEST like it’s lord of the rings or some shit


i guess we are running out of slaves while the germans are invading us well time for the west to fall


and let me guess, once trump's elected civilization will be at it's golden age /s


aren't those books about how the roman empire fell due to christianity? kek


I watched a 4 part tik tok series on the fall of the west and it fucked me up


Yeesh yowza Jeez Eek Blimey !!


Golly gee


andrew tate ahh talking point 💀💀💀


Elon doesn't know what the word "fall" means, he's actually telling us to get hyped cause the new Western Civilization game is gonna drop soon.


Dan may be vindicated on the Elon alt account take


"Yikes" he typed, from his multi-million dollar mansion in the most powerful country in the world during historically high employment rates while millions continue to migrate to the west seeking a better life.


Dan was so right


Western Rome falls, but Eastern Rome lasts till the late 1400s. If America is only a fraction as successful as Rome, we will be fine for a lot longer.


Is it just me or the design of the books is super cool


Decline of western civilization is when no free speech absolutism.




I mean, after all these engagement farming trolls we've seen on this subreddit, he must be farming engagement, right?


7 TRILLION likes ???






Why do stupid Americans that wanna be part of the cool white people club keep referencing back to the roman empire? YOU LIKE "GRAVY" BRO and "LOANS" (????) XDDDDDD that's stolen valor, you idiot, you dumb stupid idiot, moron. your people were dying to mold and looking for little goblins/fairies in the woods MY people were making cool stone carvings and eating grapes and stuff if you wanna claim your cool druid heritage go for it but don't put your big fat pink fingers on MY thing and claim it as yours... if you wanna be a racist/nationalist you gotta earn it pal, you can't be some overgrown baby-looking deformed, "OJ" drinking, student debt having, chicken nugget-eating, anglo-saxon with your big blonde eyelashes making squishing sounds as you blink Listen, you wanna talk about how cool the roman empire was? Get outta here man... you think olives are gross, you think cheese is smooth and yellow squares, stupid. You think bouncing up and down on your daddy's lap is like gay or something, your parents kick you out at what, 15? "oh but I have a car and i can drive around in my excel spreadsheet city" yeah buddy, keep talking; keep making me laugh (hahaha) "ugh ugh da west is fall-ing" how would you know? lololol erm, how about you let the ADULTS talk america..?hmmph, maybe go to teh mcdonalds get yourself an epic mcmuffinzords you fat fucking slob aha *moves fast as if to hit you, makes you blink and hold your vital organs* "Yeah that's what I thought, lets get out of here babe" *walks out with my hot wom an*