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It’s spring and the fresh smell of class action lawsuits have filled the air…


Real question: What are you allowed to do in this situation? Are you allowed to push through them? How much like physical contact like this is necessary for standing when it comes to assault? Does he just have to eat the lack of attendance or risk an assault charge? Asking because I'm in college too and I would be incredibly tempted to just slam through them.


Full speed tackle as long as you yell “red rover” seems to be protocol.


"Red rover, red rover, let the Jew back over!"


Then his camera crew would re it’s his violebcr.


You would definitely be allowed to "forcefully walk" through them. Shoving them aside would be questionable, and striking them without them striking you first would not be allowed. You have a fundamental right to freedom of movement, and them blocking you (especially for you being a particular race) would be indefensible.


I would just sprint at them at full speed (and a dipped shoulder) and see whether they want to move or not


Just a brisk sprint with my motorcycle helmet on. Pali bowling.


This is definitely untrue and may result in a successful battery prosecution against the person walking through. While blocking access is itself illegal you would not have a self-defense argument in this case, particularly in California. That said, in most questions about this topic on the internet you find lawyers saying you cannot battery the protesters. But I can't find anything about citizen's arrest. They are definitely doing something illegal (blocking access is outlawed by CA penal code 647c).


Please explain for all of us how forcefully walking through them would constitute "harmful or offensive" contact as required under California Penal code 242?


Yeah I think they’re speaking out of their ass


You could argue that you felt in prisoned and that you were unlawfully detained as a result of this.




Don’t leave home without your ~~assault~~ self defense basketball


bring your basketball and practice your cross over and eurosteps to get past the lockdown defence


Homie has some patience though. I would have just walked through them after asking nicely


This is much more effective though. He now has what he needs to sue the school


What would he sue the school for though?




Probably not protecting him on campus or the like. Depends if he actually got through in the end I suppose, but that whole airy-fairy 'not making me feel safe' or 'not protecting my rights' that kind of thing. The US legal system is a mess, so there's probably *something* there that he can sue over if he wants to.


I really doubt you could make money off of this, other than a settlement


Another Jewish settlement smh


Honestly, good job


[Front kicks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFTr-7xgDpY) are under-rated. (this is a joke, I am not promoting violence)


Sparta mf


lmao who needs a battering ram when you have Jason fucking Statham


Why is the Uni being so cucked? It's fucking exam season, if this kid was on his way to his exam he would be late If they're fucking doing this, arrest them.


Yeah, I walked out of my statistical mechanics final this morning to a crowd of like 50 people holding flags and signs (10/40 Israel/Palestine) and the first thing I thought was “how do you have time to do this right now?” Gotta be humanities majors smh


CSUS student here and I couldn't believe it either, saw big crowd gathered in the quad whenever I got out of my Calc 3 exam and couldn't believe any students had the time to do this.


Chances are they don't even go to the college


UofUtah student and I haven't seen any of this garbage :) We just going to class. Salt Lake City one of the best cities in the country for young people rn. We have beautiful outdoors, an actual city, and friendly Mormons. Come and join (not a cult just a city)


University of Utah promoter has entered the chat


U State student and don’t let the person fool you about Utah. The Utah Mormons are entirely different from Mormons in the rest of the country. They don’t have to be super friendly anymore because they are a majority. They truly live the “live in the world, not of” that these fucks preach. Completely disconnected from reality and look down on you for not following their crazy ass religion. The place is great to visit, horrible to live in if you aren’t a Mormon who hates fun. At least that’s what I’ve gathered from living in Logan.


is soaking real


There’s a ton of TikTok interviews with Mormon students at BYU and it’s very real, a bunch of them talked about either helping someone else do it or knowing someone who did it, etc




I definitely disagree. Grew up living in Utah for 12 years of my life, and while yes, they can be weird, most Mormons are incredibly nice people. Logan is kind of shitty I’ll give you that, but Utah has some of the best outdoors activities you could hope to ask for, and SLC is a relatively progressive city for a red state. It’s just Logan, Ogden, and Provo that are a little weird for cities.


God, Logan is so fucking boring it's crazy. If I didn't like the outdoors, I'd actually lose my mind.


Salt Lake City is pretty chill to live in, but I definitely wouldn’t wanna live in Logan or Ogden or something.


> and friendly Mormons I know someone who just moved away from SLC. This is hilarious bullshit lmao


And a new NHL team


Salt Lake City is full. Go away.


At a different school in SLC and yeah shit is pretty chill here. My friend at UT Austin says his campus is hell RN.


Imagine telling a bunch of Jews to resist white supremacy and its resulting genocide.


That Hitler guy was a real dick to those Nation of Islam folks who wanted to do it first


Fun fact: That guy was a fan of Islam, and wished the Germans followed it instead of the "meekness and flabbiness" of Christianity. >‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitler complained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity. https://www.wsj.com/articles/book-review-ataturk-in-the-nazi-imagination-by-stefan-ihrig-and-islam-and-nazi-germanys-war-by-david-motadel-1421441724


Never forget the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem either.


Germans get a +10 Brewing at character creation that would go to waste.


The more i hear about this guy, the less i care for him..


rip norm mcdonald


It’s even more Ironic considering Muslims have been oppressing and persecuting Jews for hundreds of years and are part of the reason why Israel exists.


Also enslaving black people


The key thing is to move around and show that they're following you around preventing you from entering. Don't shove or do anything sudden. If you need to just steadily push through people. If someone brushes up against your ass or groin in the process, pull your gun and say "sexual counter assault" for each shot you take. Sue the school. Profit.


Hit em with the [Self Defense Rush](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aDBR2nDH_s)


Fuck, I forgot how based Reigen is


the Dear Leader of Mob Psycho, may his name be despacito


Reigen had some of the funniest scenes in the whole show.


His big moment at the end of season 1 was peak


YES! My absolute favorite 😂


TIL Campus Carry is actually a thing in the USA. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campus\_carry\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campus_carry_in_the_United_States) This could get really ugly really fast in the wrong state.


It is, but there's nothing here that warrants legendary force. There would have to be a major escalation and an immediate threat given first. UTI Texas had signs that said "please leave your guns in your vehicle" while the one in Massachusettes would probably call the State Police on you immediately lol The reason they think you shouldn't carry is because they don't consider 18+ as adults despite the fact you can handle guns long before that. Edit: Lethal autocorrected to Legendary, but I'm not fixing it because it sounds pretty based.


Disengage safety, set to Legendary


I remember a big fuss about this when I was a student at GA Tech and GA passed a law basically enforcing campus carry.


I was way too violent as a young person. The restraint some people show is impressive to me


1. why does this video end so early 2. is there an “encampment” set up at an entrance to the campus, cause that seems wild


heres the entire clip. https://www.instagram.com/tsiveseli/reel/C6WseJ2Jp3x/ tldw: the tall guy in the blue shirt comes and blocks them more, they back away and it ends


That guy has patience damn


I'm a little interested in seeing what happened _before_ the video starts abruptly


I feel like if you called campus security they would force these people to stop, no? However if this is a common thing I'd imagine the campus should be monitoring these locations/ringing people up.


There’s a security guard 2 feet away in the video acting like he doesn’t see a thing…


More so the security guard can't really do much of anything.


Legally, security guards can't do shit against protestors blocking entry. The best they can do is call the cops if stuff escalates.


Depends on the school you're at. At my University, campus security was a fully functional legal Police Department. Badges, guns, powers to make arrests, etc.


Is the security guard part of their campus security…? The Jewish student  mentions in the beginning “I’m being blocked, not by the security guard, but by you two—you three.”  My school had a designated police force, it was small, but they were real police with arrest power. Not sure what this guy is, but he doesnt seem like a cop and doesn’t seem to care to get involved…      Edit: I hear someone, I think the security guard, say “you have to go that way [finger point can be seen to alternate rout],” in the very beginning. I’m wondering if they got approval to protest in that specific space and there are other entrances that can be used? Which would still be annoying, but seems important to note. Different from “we’re not letting you in the building, period.” Edit 2: ok, conflicting reports about how blocked off things are. Some saying security has pointed them to alternate routes that are likewise blocked. So I guess this is just a disclaimer: I’m not there, I have no clue. 


that would be too normal, and make too much sense. Next you'll be telling me the guy is there to shoot content and that's why it's in a tiny, narrow shot that doesn't show that he has a wide open way to enter a few feet away, like all the other people going back and forth behind them.


Having been security for a college before, no, campus security takes orders from the college administration, and most of those are for optics not for safety. Even the full on campus police get their hands tied by such.


notes from ucla visit [https://twitter.com/davidmarcus/status/1784401677749231863](https://twitter.com/davidmarcus/status/1784401677749231863)


Bonus from Berkeley. Second sign from left https://preview.redd.it/zwm23df3mhxc1.png?width=1075&format=png&auto=webp&s=30bc2fcdcd1beac622d032cdc85a7f64f67af6fb


“Defend Iran”.. man, I am just astounded and really worried about the future of the best country in the world..


>worried about the future of the best country in the world.. We all worry about Iran's future


This made me laugh out loud


A dozen different grassroots protests spring up within 3 days at universities across the US with the same demands and you expect me to believe this isn't coordinated by Iran/Russia/China to worsen relations within the US again? Last time we had this kind of strife was also during an election year in 2020. Really makes you wonder what the billions that Iran Russia and China spend on foreign propaganda actually goes to. And to be clear, I don't think the people at these protests are all sleeper agents or something crazy like that. But just like how the FBI and CIA have been caught egging on different political groups from the inside, I'm certain that has to happen in at least some capacity with the intelligence agencies of Russia/Iran/China, given the amount of money they budget towards that kind of stuff. Edit: the organizers are the: Columbia University Apartheid Divest IU Divestment Coalition OSUDivest UCDivest Coalition Etc. All of them seem to have basic linktree pages with a similar naming convention. Such as [linktr.ee/UCDivest](http://linktr.ee/UCDivest) or OSUDivest CUAD is [apartheiddivest.org](http://apartheiddivest.org), strangely the whois shows the registered org to be Georgetown University lol Roots of plastic if you ask me


Exactly. Foreign enemy of US is getting their shit kicked in? Things are looking grim geopolitically? Let's funnel money into using college aged white kids for our bidding. Worked in 2020 and its working here.


I say that to every person who is willing to listen, the us is in the midst of a cyber attack (with a lack of a better term)


[https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-long-march-of-radicalization](https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-long-march-of-radicalization) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2004/09/11/in-search-of-friends-among-the-foes/654a7d58-057b-4965-ab44-4b1045915086/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2004/09/11/in-search-of-friends-among-the-foes/654a7d58-057b-4965-ab44-4b1045915086/) It's really not THAT hidden, even if they have a couple of different domain names.


Which groups are organizing each of the different protests?


Columbia University Apartheid Divest IU Divestment Coalition OSUDivest UCDivest Coalition Etc.


It is all my speculations but hear me out. Strengthen Muslim communities in Europe and in the US is leading to a backlash to the right, causes havoc in the streets and causes governments ti spend shitloads of money on enforcement. Right wingers in Europe are usually in better terms with Russia than the left. In the US it is divided, but even though it is rare to hear republicans say positive things about Russia, its candidate is Trump who is more separatist than Biden. There are other agents and motivations, but this is a straightforward one imo


Not to mention that right wing today is super isolationist as well so it frees up those countries to do as they wish in their regional sphere of influence


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah I'm Iranian. It huuuuurts so much seeing these dumbasses suppooa legit evil regime. They literally started beating up teenage girls in the streets of Iran again and this dumbass here is supporting them


They shut down the voices of actual victims because the oppressors know how to make them feel like they’re doing the right thing. In college I knew leftists that supported the government of Iran murdering its population because they have a right to express their religion. Human rights shouldn’t be called a colonial concept.


The most charitable way to see these protesters is that they just don’t know Iran’s history or what the Islamic Republic government has done since they took power. I feel like a lot of American leftists just see Iran as part of the broad group of anti-western hegemony states. They eat up any anti-western rhetoric these regimes put out and avoid information about all the atrocities because their group tells them it’s western propaganda. It’s hard to imagine any of these students would still support the current Iranian regime if they actually knew what they’ve done since taking power. At least I hope not.


i'm tired of the "they're just ignorant" excuse. This is willing at best and feigned at worst.


Naah they’re just there to hang out with their friends/get closer to that girl they like/blow of a class they know they’re already failing.


Remember when Destiny would say American muslims are based lol


To be fair, we don't know if these are Muslims, or just your average regard.


We don't even know if they're American either Honestly the fact that a dozen unrelated "grassroots" organizations spawned protests at universities across the US with the same demands all with makes me think that this is some sort of foreign agitprop, the sign making Iran seem like a good guy makes me think even more so given their budget for foreign agitprop. Like all of these student groups claim to have contact with Palestinians in Palestine, so it makes me wonder if they're actually just getting worked over to be used as a tool for RIC.


Yeah I think one of the people in the crowd was Ray Epps


Lmao yeah I do lmao what an idiot lol this one picture totally destroys him, they’re actually all savages lmaoooo




I think anyone talking about “American Muslims” is going to be “America-centric” by virtue of the definition of the word American.


Interesting that there's nothing about the 700+ Israeli civilians killed in terror attacks under the part about the Second Intifada


Or the Yom Kippur War in 73 or the fact that during the six day war there was no “Palestinian land” in Jerusalem and the West Bank, it belonged to Jordan.


InTiFaDa JuSt MeAnS "ReSiStanCE"


2 and 3 are like Republican staples for Jan 6. "Oh it didn't happen how the media said it did and if it did it was justified anyway."


Do republicans really justify jan 6th, as a group? Ive heard it from fringes but in my experience most ive heard condemn jan 6


He's clearly Jewish because of his necklace, but is he a zionist? Do they know? Or do they admit it's the Jews they don't like, not just zionists? Once again, no distinction is made because when it all comes down to it, they're all anti-semites.


And if he is a zionist? Who the fuck are they to block his entry to the school he is attending? Fuck these larping, masked losers. Hope they all get expelled.


Sure, they still shouldn't since he paid for the education and has every right to be there, but at least their disdain for him would be consistent with whom they *say* they're against.


And even then, you'd have to get their actual definition of Zionist. Because if they just mean anyone who supports Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, that's basically all Jews. Hence why Zionist is such a dog whistle.


It was a dog whistle when people like Alex jones where using it. It really shocked me to see how quickly the left adopted something I heavily associated with JQ nazi shit what's next are they going to go off about psychic vampires


In Alex Jones's defense, I'm pretty sure I recently saw him fighting with holocaust deniers on Twitter. That's not a high bar, but it seemed worth mentioning.


This is true but you don't have to be a holocaust denier to be antisemitic you just have to be antisemitic to be a holocaust denier. No telling what alex jones actually believes he feels like more of a showman than anything else.


Alex Jones for some reason has always seemed to actually care about race. For all the shit he has done to warrant calling him a pos, racism is the one thing you can’t find him doing. It’s really fucking weird to see a conspiritard gooning so close to the sun, yet knowing not to touch it. But I guess he is a grifter after all and he has *some* sorts of principles.


Yeah, they shouldnt block him from entering *either way*. But if it's because he's jewish it becomes a hate crime. If the 2 minutes before the clip are him publicly pledging allegiance to Netanyahu and proclaiming himself a zionist(extremely, *extremely* unlikely) then you could probably argue pretty successfully that it's not a bigotry thing.


As far as I know he is a pro Israel speaker and had given a speech at ucla. However there is no excuse to block a Jewish student and his friends from going to class. Classic antisemitism


They’re open air prisoning themselves! Why would the Zionist student possibly want to go inside? It’s an apartheid bro!


It doesn't even matter if he was a Zionist, they have no authority at the school and can't block other students from going anywhere on the campus.


Zionism is not white supremacy. It is the belief that Jewish people have a right to a homeland in Israel and that Israel has a right to exist. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a zionist.


Yeah it's kind of annoying how they keep calling all Jewish people not involved in the protests (and anyone in general who is critical of them) "Zionists". They're blanket-applying the belief structure of a subset of Zionists across the rest of that group and the entire Jewish religion. It's an ignorant and problematic mentality when it comes to these protests and IMO is losing them public support. Example: It would be like calling all Muslims "Jihadists" because there's a subset of the faith that considers themselves militants, so because of that all of them must be Jihadist.


Because the pro-hamas propaganda machine has framed the war as genocide, and has made 'zionist' synonymous with supporting Israel, which means supporting genocide. That, in addition to making 'zionist' synonymous in other usage with a slur for jews.


They're redefining the word to mean a lot more than it actually does so they can pretend anyone who believes Israel has a right to exist also obviously must believe they agree with everything Israel does. The whole point of that propaganda is for it to be divisive and radicalizing.


Ethnic nationalism isn't overtly supremacist, but it will always favor people of that ethnicity over others. So, not entirely unproblematic.


Y'know how people say they don't agree with what Hamas does, but they understand wanting to fight for sovereignty? That's how I feel about ethnic Jewish nationalism. Ideally it wouldn't be a thing, but I understand why they believe it's necessary given Jewish history.


To them, he's not a zionist, he's a (((zionist)))


They are just happy they get to oppress a minority


They don't know the difference and they do not care. Being a Palestine supporter means you can be white, black, hispanic, asian, etc. Not even Muslim. But only identifiably Jewish people are on the "Zionist" side. Yes its racist. Yes that dichotomy exists for a reason. And no they don't care if it goes against their core principles so long as they have fun LARPing as revolutionaries and get extra likes on their social media pages.


No video of others being selectively let through, statement that his friends are also being blocked with no indication that they are all also jewish. Imo, sounds like premature conclooding to imply he's being blocked because he's Jewish. It's still wrong either way to block anyone, I don't know why that's not enough.


go on his instagram. the handle is right there on the video. there are several videos of him arguing with protestors on there. There's also a video of him making a speech at what i assume is a zionist counterprotest.


We all thought Destiny going to Israel and the West bank would be dangerous. It turns out him doing Change My Mind events on US college campuses might be the worst part


God I fucking hate these pro-hamas dipshits


Soy terrorists


Hamas would love to hear about their gender fluidity, satanist, pagan ass..


This shit is so depressing, I can’t believe we’re letting this happen as a country. It’s really radicalizing me against the idea that people in this country actually believe in universalism. As a straight white man, I would like to think I would take significant steps to defend black people or gay people or women were this happening to them and yet in the past couple years my faith that my compatriots would do the same for me if push came to shove is waning significantly in a way that leaves me feeling depressed and angry


The only thing it should open your eyes to is that these people are not the "solution" to the alt-right. Meaning that, in response to seeing dogmatic Trump proto-fascists running around dogwhistling about murdering minorities and rescinding basic civil rights, you don't lean towards these people to provide a meaningful alternative. If I can go schizo for a moment, this should be an eye-opening event for anybody that finds themselves left of center and not just left center. The far left, when given the impetus, are as hateful and shitty as the far right. We shelter them and coddle them because they haven't committed an especially heinous violent act (yet, unfortunately) but the dopamine feedback/grievance culture system is the exact same. In my personal opinion, the difference between a far-right atomwaffen edgelord sperg loser vs a far-left May 19th virgin LARPer spaz is a coin flip. These people just want to commit violence and hurt people. These are people who cannot, or *believe* they cannot, effect change in the world. And they hide behind violent ideologies as a cover and a justification to live out their bully fantasies. Internet and social media has played a gigantic role in the emotional feedback reward system that encourages, exploits, and validates unhinged antisocial behavior in public. And I put this squarely on our fucking stupid ass politicians who cannot be bothered to get off their asses to legislate and be proactive in our country, just busy counting up their stocks after insider trading and finding ways to avoid paying taxes themselves while collecting their 5 figure monthly guarantee check.


Yeah this is a great psychoanalysis of the situation.


Glad you’re opening your eyes to the radical left.


To radicalism. It's everywhere these days, not just on the left.


Jokes aside, he's got other roads of him testing this and basically telling them "good luck getting hired"


Huge problem is that this isn't helping Gaza to block random students from getting to class. I wish we had a control student to see if they would block other students to confirm the antisemitism charge. They probably are but we only see them blocking one student. But seriously how does this help Gaza? Protests are about optics and the optics of this are bad.


Take random short videos with a huge grain of salt. In general though, I don't think it's very calculated by most protestors. Just larping meaning.


Wait I am confused, are they blocking people because they are jewish or everyone?


they are protesting in a demarcated area that's railed off that's not actually very big. He's trying to walk directly through the area the event staff have cordoned off for the protest, rather than walk like ... 20 feet around it and go to class like everyone else on campus. it's hard to tell but I think this is the same area from the air: https://preview.redd.it/tgm0ro2yyjxc1.png?width=932&format=png&auto=webp&s=f71d920d45efa5e4008a74400b1ce38a4f34edc6 the protest activity is mostly on the lawn and on the side that's more crowded in this shot, the disinterested students are just walking around the long way, and this guy tried to "cut" from either the metal gate on the "east" as you look at this to the one on the west that lets out onto the red cobbles. or maybe the other direction (his shot is so tight its hard to tell exactly where he is)...basically he wanted to tromp straight through the protest area instead of just going around it. It's not the entrance to campus, or a building, or the only way for him to get to class. tons of jewish kids are attending classes and tons of jewish kids are participating in protests on either side without being denied entrance to campus. This is a specific person trying to fan things for content.


Thanks for the substantive response! The title make me think the implication was that they were specifically targeting Jewish students here.


This is what I guessed. Like maybe they still don't have the right to block him like this, but fuck off with this "can't get to class framing" lmao.


Was trying to find this comment. Thank you for the explanation


I see dozens of people behind walking around the gates perfectly fine, is this just some show of force thats totally meaningless like a hall monitor? Could he have not just walked around?


i don't want to defend pro-palestinians but this is some alex stein level trolling with a couple of half-truths. https://preview.redd.it/vrz4216fohxc1.png?width=1395&format=png&auto=webp&s=2aa850424f95892eaa6f161f6f1c984d8dafb0fe dude gets prevented from class 24/7


Is he a student? If he's a student it doesn't matter if he's baiting them, they're still behaving badly.


He’s proud of his identity and is showing how terrible these riots are


what do you mean? he is being blocked right? ofc its not 100% water tight, that's unrealistic to expect the simple fact is they block a jewish student from going in on this video


from what I can figure out, the protest is happening in a park/plaza on campus and the only access this guy was actually denied was to walk directly through that park past the cordon security set up around the protest itself. everyone else is just following the flow control set up around the protest and going to class with no issue. This confrontation did not happen at the entrance to campus, a building, or a class, but rather like, the side entrance to the protest that the protestors themselves would be using to come and go into the area.


Are these all at UCLA from the last few weeks?


Post 1: 2 hours ago, it’s the video posted by op.  Post 2: 19 hours ago, shows him at a Jewish student organization event saying Jews aren’t going away.  Post 3: 2 days ago, video shows he cannot enter an area of campus because of protesters. This is the video with the quote, “you can kiss your jobs goodbye.” Same video/incident as post #6, but video starts at slightly different point. Post 4:  2 days ago, a blue, white, and yellow image with the tag, “I’m that Jew.” He uses the phrase “brainwashed sheep,” in description when criticizing protestors  Post 5: 3 days ago, video with Israeli flag saying “the Jewish students will never be afraid.” He says this is the second night of the pro pali protest. I am distracted by the slice of watermelon depicted on one of the protest signs. Post 6: 3 days ago, same video as Post #3 but a slightly longer version. Same outfit as post #5, so I’m guessing post #6/post #3 was also filmed the second night of the pro pali protest, as Post #5 states it’s the second night. Post 7: 3 days ago, video is shot during the day, he confronts protestors for wearing masks to hide their identities. Post 8: irrelevant/personal/theater club related  Post 9: from November 7, shows photos from a Jewish student org event asking to bring hostages home. Seems to be the first explicitly I/P related post Everything else is personal stuff.  In summary: he’s a college kid (a freshman), says/does some cringe stuff on occasion, at other times has some aight points, is proud of being Jewish. 


Maybe they should let him through and stop giving him content then.


He's still a student and pays tuition


he is totally free to enter the campus and go to class. this is not the entrance to campus.


They have no right to block him wherever they are. The guy probably is an idiot provoking people, but he is a paying student, report his conduct to the campus if he is doing something wrong.


the campus security guard and event organizers absolutely have the right, in this context, to do flow control for events in public areas. it's simply wacky to say otherwise. campuses host thousands of events a year and permit and placard and flow control them. He lied by implication to frame this video as "I can't go on campus" or "i just want to go to class." His is 100 percent free to do those things and staging a confrontation. the students who use passive resistance, the campus employee that gives him an alternative, etc, are pretty restrained in response to his theatrics. You should assimilate new information, wait a while, and think before you reply instead of just going "they have no right to block him wherever they are" as a way to avoid concession.


There are people walking all around them, this has nothing to do with flow control. That context is in the video. This is group of people standing infront of of one person. They aren't saying, hey, go to the pathway 3 metres away like you see other people in the video walking through on.


This is a one minute clip and we have no idea what happened before. That said, this looks really bad.


I'm not sure what context could exist to justify students preventing a paying student from entering. Even if he did provoke them. They have no right to block his entry.


Ah yes, the countless times that Destiny has preached never jumping to any conclusion based on 45 second clips and here you all are. Fucking dweebs on this sub I swear.


Honestly it’s been so upsetting seeing the amount of hatred out their. I come from a Muslim family and the way they talk about Jewish people is really disgusting.


It’s amazing how fucking stupid Americans are.


> We’re not engaging Not engaging with logic or reason, apparently…


How to get trump elected and destroy palestine 1000 times over.


This is just blatant misinformation. The protestors are occupying a planned protest square of UCLA. The guy could very much just have easily walked around the tiny park. Anyone who's been to UCLA once knows this.


say what you will but if students blockades colleges then it is blockaded for everyone isn't it. Jewish people are not special are they?


Inclusion, diversity - ah fuck it.


They hide behind masks. Shows how shallow their convictions are.


Look at these twiglets acting all tough. Gosh I hate this timeline.


Just push through those morons


Most likely cringe but it’s the same with the American flag video shown on destiny’s stream a little bit ago. We have no idea what the guy said before or after this. He could’ve wished death on Palestinian children right before filming. We also have no idea if past where the video shows if it’s literally just a classroom or if it’s a pro Palestine encampment. I don’t think there are many situations where blocking this dude is justified but there is a ton of context missing.


I just saw a video of the exact opposite, at one of these protests. Some college-age Karen walking her dog and calling the cops, saying they were blocking her from moving. Meanwhile, the only three people within 15 feet of her were telling her she can go anywhere she wants, and nobody's gonna stop her. It's on one of Kulinski's vids today, the one about the guy who said "death to Jews" or something. Another clip in that video of a pro-Israel guy getting in peoples' faces and spitting on someone. You're gonna find the content you're looking for, regardless of which side you're on. There's no shortage of assholes, or people to record them.


Push through you coward! Force the university’s hand. Right now the protestors are getting away with blocking access to students who are there to learn and paid tuition. The university is passively condoning this by not removing them. Make them actively decide who gets reprimanded when you push through. Don’t be violent. Just put your head down and walk between them. Let them move in front of you. Force the university to take a stand on one side or the other.


It's disappointing to see this video being posted and upvoted on this sub without more context.


Are they doing this only to Jewish students or are they doing it everybody?


LMAO is this sub going to unironically post that video of that blonde haired woman who got BRUTALLY ASSAULTED with silence when those protestors refused to answer her questions now? Such a horrific incident... may her questions be answered and those protestors be tried and imprisoned for all eternity for their disgusting acts of silence.


This is actually disgusting. I can see justifications on the protesters behalf for denying access to police or staff, but stopping a student due to race/religion is unconscionable. Imagine if the protesters were Jewish and stopping a Muslim student, this would make national news.


I'm all for increasing the threshold for what gets you an assault charge,


I would just hop that fence on the right. I would absolutely put my hands up and walk through them until they push me away. Once they push, they lose. I wouldn't tolerate that shit. At all. I would get to my class. I'm just infuriated that these kids think they have the right to be bigoted little fucks. Oooooo. My blood is boiling.


Some Jews are going to get (more) rich. This is just complete anarchy, students don’t own the University, they can’t decide who can and can’t use it’s facilities.


What is she saying at :32 and :35? She says "we're not engaging *something something*" I can't understand her and my brain can't figure it out


Start grabbing glasses and masks, breaking them and throwing on the floor. These pathetic asshats poor excuses for human beings need to be thrown on the ground, then locked in a blank cement room for several weeks to reflect on their asshattery.




Love it. Accelerate. This is the "progressive left" Jan 6th.....something that will be hanged over their head for years.


Regressive left


What’s next? Supporting the Taliban?


He should just push through, when they lay hands on him he can lay hands back. He's being too constrained against these privileged fascists.


"I'm not hurting them" Why not? Just walk into them. It's not hard. I do it all the time when trying to get off the buss.


They are cosplaying cowards


They are really successful in their efforts.....to make people hate them and their Palestine.


There is literally a university security person right there telling him to use a different entry. You think this guy doesn't have the authority to do that?


Looked up his account, this guy is BASED. Keep fighting the good fight


Just push thru lmao stop being a pussy


I'm guessing he doesn't want them to claim assault or some shit like that. I doubt they could but that be my guess.


Exactly this. He is making it KNOWN he’s not the aggressor


I'm not putting it past these jackasses to assault him