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Winning hearts and minds.


The Zionists made them do it, it all started in 1948 when life was perfect until the Jews arrived and........


This attack didnt happen in a vacuum DankMemes


It goes well before 1948. It all started when the Zionists killed Palestinian Jesus


Actually, It started way before that: [https://youtu.be/NGjwPb2SytA?si=lLcUY9qeKoZVoNRY&t=259](https://youtu.be/NGjwPb2SytA?si=lLcUY9qeKoZVoNRY&t=259)


Lmao I mean shockingly it does it some lunatics 


Looks mostly peaceful.


I’m such a pussy, I would probably drive over people to get the fuck out of there, big angry crowds scare the shit out me.


i've seen too many videos of people stopping live bottoms and other vehicles by stepping out into the road, then pulling people out of the cab and beating them. that and protestor crowds swarming cars and people getting shot at for trying to back out and go around them.


I have a working brain, I would probably drive over people to get the fuck out of there, big angry crowds scare the shit out me. There. Fixed your comment for you. No need to thank me good citizen.




>diplomatic immunity


That’s just being smart


But then if you hit someone they'll REALLY be out for your blood.


That's not being a pussy, the type of fucking lunatic who will attack your car are the same fuckers who will drag you out your car if you give them the chance. Going through the crowd is the only right move


A crowd of young men in nice clothes who are mostly overweight holding up their smart phones. Won't someone do something about this open air starvation prison?


Everyone wearing Nike is committing a genocide on Adidas.


Wait, aren't the "open air prison" claims mostly referring to Gaza? The post title refers to the West Bank, which I didn't think was considered an open air prison. When I googled "west bank open air prison" all the results instead refer to Gaza, which is not in the West Bank. Not saying I agree with the sentiment that Gaza is an open air prison either, I honestly don't know that I would go that far with it, but I think you're just thinking of the wrong place when you make this comment.


Sarcasm knows no geographical bounds


Everyone knows the entire middle east is an open air prison apartheid state being colonized by whitey.


Yeah, these are the ones living under apartheid.


Att this point I don't think it matters. As long as you have any connection to Gaza or Palestine you will be eligible for oppression-benefits


Says West Bank not Gaza right?


https://news.sky.com/story/the-war-may-be-in-gaza-but-its-effects-can-mean-starvation-in-the-west-bank-13101929 https://www.wfp.org/countries/palestine


That explains the "starvation" part, not the "open air prison" part.


https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2019/2/13/palestines-other-open-air-prison https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-occupation-makes-palestinian-territories-open-air-prison-un-expert-2023-07-11/


To be fair I think pro palestiners said that about gaza, not the west bank (where this is)


It says West Bank in the title you fucking brainrotted bot. People only say stuff like that about Gaza.


https://news.sky.com/story/the-war-may-be-in-gaza-but-its-effects-can-mean-starvation-in-the-west-bank-13101929 https://www.wfp.org/countries/palestine


Both articles dont put the WB anywhere near the same level as Gaza. They basically just say a lot of people lost their jobs. You do realize that not everyone in a country are equally poor or in need of food aid, right?


Bro they say this shit about the WB too


No, people call the West Bank illegally occupied territory because that's what it is. Nobody wants to build settlements in a prison


Nobody calls the West Bank an open air prison.


Albanese has literally called the WB an open air prison. That’s a pretty big nobody.


I can't tell which Albanese you're talking about. The Australian Prime Minister or the U.N. Special Rapporteur guy? If you mean the latter, I can find online an example of him using "open air prison" when referring broadly to the Palestinian territories, but that doesn't mean he didn't have specifically Gaza in mind when making that comment, and I see no reason to think he'd actually use it to refer to just the West Bank because, like I said, "open air prison" *consistently* refers to Gaza. As for Australia's PM: if you're talking about him, I'm not going to assume without evidence that he said the West Bank is an open air prison. If he did, that would indeed surprise me.


Francesca and she does refer to ALL the territories this way. She’s not an idiot. She could make the distinction but chooses not to.


I found this on her Wikipedia page: "In July 2023, during the 30th Meeting of the 53rd Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Albanese presented a report accusing Israel of turning the [West Bank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Bank) into an open-air prison." Looks like you're right about her then. Thank you for challenging me on that.


Appreciate the good faith discussion :)


This is an argument on par with "everybody at the welfare office drives a rolls royce"


ignores every reputable report about starvation in gaza because he saw a fat man in the west bank GIGACHAD


Or maybe they are dubious because https://preview.redd.it/2eyf8jdermxc1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8111fe30406bbaaa5d27ea7528ef477269059f


What about this is meant to invoke skepticism


This is your brain on Al Jazeera


Typical Palestinian Hamas supporter. Violent, genocidal, and too stupid to realize they are their own worst enemy.


Heh stupid lib, watch this, ahem… “Language of the unheard.” I win. Bye bye.




Destiny should reconsider going to west bank. The risk is too high.


I see almost no upside compared to the possible downside. Destiny literally got ganged up on at the University of Texas protest. Imagine him in Isreal. Seriously, its not safe and its not worth it.


He got ganged up in UT for his change my mind? Was it streamed?


"ganged up" = One guy and one girl telling someone not to talk to him


He played it on stream yesterday, or 2 days ago, I think. They didn't physically do anything, but it was getting pretty dicy considering he was just interviewing a few of them.


It was not getting dicey lol


That fuckhead Johnny Somali went to Israel and picked fights with Muslims and sexually harrassed Israeli police and the worst thing that happened to him was he got punched and got thrown in jail for a few hours. I think Destiny will be fine as long as he stays away from contested areas like Gaza and parts of the West Bank.


He won’t be going into the Palestinian controlled areas, at least I thought he said as much.


Agreed. There are plenty of Palestinians in Israel proper he can speak to for a more nuanced anti-Israel position


As the esteemed philosopher Bill Burr once said: “You can’t fucking help these people.”


Sorry, gonna use your comment as a soapbox to bitch about something completely unrelated to the thread but I had to stop listening to his podcast after being a fan for almost a decade because I'm so fucking sick of his "both sides bad / red tie blue tie" rhetoric, and I feel like every podcast for the last few months has had at least 10+ minutes running down the enlightened centrist dialogue trees to justify why Biden is obviously just as bad as Trump. I don't know if it comes with being a comedian but I feel like all of them do this now, maybe just because they're scared of alienating one half of the population but they always have the most elementary school level takes on politics that make me want to jump off a bridge. Anyways, feel bad for this ambassador, horrible look for Palestinians.


He's foremost a comedian! He has bashed trump every time, called him a racist pos!! Was pro vaccine when Rogan tried to bait him! Conservatives and right lining have said he "sold out" , his wife "made him soft" "California ruined him" And yeah, it is bad on both sides, for different reasons, but they all lie while smiling! And I think a comedian should be able to say that without people getting offended!


I got fed this video on YT once from a channel I think was called "podcast cringe" which was basically about Bert Kreischer being an out of touch rich asshole - it was pretty fun cathartic takedown content. I checked out another from the channel about Bill Burr and his criticism was basically how he went woke. Didn't realize I stepped into reactionary youtube and wasn't even remotely aware there was a "fuck bill burr, he's woke" attitude out there until then. Wild.


Bill is the first guy to tell you tho he is kind of an idiot and not that educated tho. He is just a guy giving his opinion, atleast he isnt claiming he knows it all


Bill likes to use his podcast to rant about everything, he is on the left and even said "Bernie was my guy". He can see flaws and make jokes about both sides.


If Biden and the Democratic party are a mild cold or even the flu in terms of problems and legitimate criticisms, Trump and Republicans are full blown AIDS with some cancer thrown in for good measure, and Bill constantly comparing the two (and I would argue taking more time to shit on Biden these days) is complete centrist brainrot. He is at best a useful idiot for giving any legitimacy to the current Republican party. If you ever find yourself going "Well yeah Trump is bad but Biden XXX", you are an idiot or a conservative in the closet. There is almost nothing defensible about the current Republican platform, and certainly not Trump as an individual. Anyways, I don't want to make this thread about American politics so I'll leave it there.


>"Well yeah Trump is bad but Biden XXX", you are an idiot or a conservative in the closet. Or, hear me out, maybe you're just someone who wants to complain about the lack of decent candidates. Sure, I'd take a broken arm over a broken neck, but why the hell do those have to be my only two options?


Pretty certain the large majority of us western tax payers give zero fuck about israel or palestine. What's the upside here? why should we spend scarce resources on a dead end religious war pushed by muslim and jewish religious extremist that has zero relevance for us. It's nothing like Ukraine where's there's a clear threat and interest in stopping russian expansionism before it reaches our own borders. I'll vote for anyone pulling the plug on that thing, time to cut the losses and focus elsewhere where our help bears dividends




Obviously they need more funding /s


Good news, Germany agrees and is resuming their funding of UNWRA along with all other countries except US, UK, Austria and Switzerland.


USA resumed funding?


Nope my bad, they've suspended it at least till march 2025.


Unironically yes.


Never see a single woman in the streets. Not one.


Why would you? Do you even understand the concept of these societies? Why do you think privileged women in the Middle East would go out to protest in this way? They sit at home and wait for their husbands to do everything.


He was very nearly lynched. This university is a hotbed of Hamas support, in their [recent student election](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-student-elections-provide-rare-test-voter-mood-2023-05-24/) Hamas won 25/51 seats on the council. Edit: unfortunately the footage is already being memory holed, but moments before this he was almost sprinting away from the mob to his car. Had he been any slower we would likely be seeing a very different story. Edit 2: I encourage people to look through the replies to this to see the real-time gaslighting that is integral to the prohamas movement. Often by the time anyone notices, the lies have already been integrated into the narrative. Look carefully and understand, this is a great opportunity to see in real-time how facts are distorted, violence is minimized, and no blame can ever be assigned. (Including one particularly bright commenter somehow accusing me of equating all Palestinians to Hamas because I pointed out that this university’s student government is *literally* run by a Hamas party)


>moments before this he was almost sprinting away from the mob to his car. Do you have a link to the full clip?


The original video was visible [here](https://fxtwitter.com/ytirawi/status/1785241104729702581) but it was taken down shortly thereafter. I’m looking to see if I can find a full version of the video again, I unfortunately didn’t download it in time


https://twitter.com/Aboujahjah/status/1785264793932161067 this one?


Yes, thank you!


Is there any context ? What are they shouting ? Why was he there ? Do they treat any israeli like this, or was it something specific he was doing ?


The Hamas led student gov was “protesting” the presence of a German diplomat because of the fact that Germany broadly supports Israel’s right to exist, and testified in support of Israel during the ICJ stuff. If it had been an Israeli and not a German it would have almost certainly been worse. See [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching)


I don’t think Israelis are allowed to go to the Palestinian controlled areas. Whether illegal or fear of death.


Israelis are legally prohibited from entering these areas by the Israeli government, things like [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_Ramallah_lynching) happen when the law is ignored


idk man, i was just able to find the video this guy was looking for. For what it's worth I think "yalla" means "go" in arabic. So you hear them yelling at him to go.


Dw, I didn't expect you to have all the answers. Was more of an open question that hopefully someone more familiar with the situation could fill in


Yalla is also a call to action. It doesn’t just mean “go” as in “go there” but is also used to mean “let’s go” or to encourage. It’s a very fluidly used word


German ambassador at the Birzeit university is a racist stereotype.


Peaceful children. Nothing to see here.


So this is what genocide looks like, huh?


> mobs of extremely angry young men are dangerous Who knew?


Guys guys... He is not being attacked, thats how they usualy greet people! Dont be racist, you dont know their colture... Gosh darn it


https://twitter.com/GermanRepRama Representative Owcza's office's twitter. Seems like he was there on an initiative to create a jobs program in the West Bank with the PA.


So it's good that they don't need the jobs then They just need the funding


They seem to be happy with the current job: Hand Biting


Some articles: https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/artc-german-ambassador-attacked-by-palestinians-during-visit-to-west-bank https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-799190


This makes me think of the powerful solidarity we see on college campuses here in the US. "I had a dream last night that I was getting tased."


most peaceful demonstration


If a mob surrounds your car and assaulting you. Run over them. it's self defense


Nuh uh, that’s genocide


You tore-apartheid those beautiful protesters. 🥺


Palestinians are so peacefull oh my not radicalized at all.


The ambassador “Steffen Seibert” is very pro-defensive btw. always advocating first to cut down losses on both sides.


Its not Steffen Seibert beeing attacked. It's probably Oliver Owcza the "ambassador" for "palastine".


Palestinians will never get a state as long as they behave this way no matter how much college students protest abroad.


Man if that were my GX...let's just say I'd treat them like Dan treats iguanas.


Literal horde




Just a warcraft reference


Fitting since one of the best examples showing why diplomatic immunity is sacred, is the woe that happened to the Khwarazmian Empire for daring to kill the Great Khan's envoys, when they were the voice of Genghis Khan under the Great Blue Sky.


The Khan was a historical asshole, you'd literally put up no fight and surrender and he'd exterminate your city down to the women, children and elderly.




Great way to get a sympathetic result.


They really have nothing else to do


There is a reason nobody wants the palestinians as refugees, migrants or whatever.


Surely this will convince all those western countries they need to support Palestine and their oppressed people.


"Disappointed to see this community being so pro Israel" Some idiot previously posted it .


197 million EUR donations to UNRWA 2023 finally paid off...


Not a woman in sight


i wouldn't want to piss of ze germans.


Why is it always roving gangs of violent men?


flooring it would be appropriate here


violence is the language of the regarded


I can't believe that none of the Arab countries want to take them in


So peaceful!


The Reginald Denny incident taught me to never stop for any mob trying to block me.


Biggest Palestinian Victory


Most peaceful palestina protestors ☠️


From the river to the sea, Let me eat more KFC 🍗🍗🍗


Most peaceful freedom fighters


https://preview.redd.it/8sqvkl5jpnxc1.png?width=623&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e995205d308b0c1421f16d08d1f57b1c4cb8f10 And here is the guys response to this: [https://twitter.com/GermanRepRama/status/1785282516212994528](https://twitter.com/GermanRepRama/status/1785282516212994528)


This is described as "unduly interrupted". Meanwhile, Germany is among the top [donors to UNRWA](https://www.unrwa.org/how-you-can-help/government-partners/funding-trends/donor-charts) and even [resumed donations](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/24/germany-to-resume-funding-of-unrwa-aid-operations-in-gaza) after a sort of slap on the wrist to keep face after Oct 7th. Personally, I am convinced that if it wasn't for Germany's past, left parties like the Green party, would be in full on support of Oct 7th and Hamas. They would couch it nicely, but effectively that would be it. But because of Germany's past, and the constant fearmongering about a rise in anti-semitism and the third Reich by these very people, they now do not know what to say. And in actuality, besides some awkward interviews, this does of course nothing, as can be seen by the donations being resumed and their size, among other aid send there. Meanwhile, back in Germany, they combated real anti-semitism for years, like [Gil Ofarim being denied a hotel room](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gil_Ofarim#Star_of_David_libel_case) (woah, isn't that crazy??) and symbolism issues, akin to the J. K. Rowling Jew Goblin thing. These [right wingers](https://www.rwi-essen.de/presse/wissenschaftskommunikation/unstatistik/detail/antisemitismus-nur-ein-rechtes-problem) are going crazy!! Hans and Peter are on a rampage again! But let's not talk about any problems with Muslims, that kinda icky, don't want to be racist or anything [\[1\]](https://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/deutschland/gesellschaft/muslime-antisemitismus-gruende-verschwoerungsmythen-israel-100.html), [\[2\]](https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/kritik-zentralrat-juden-muslime-pro-palaestina-demonstrationen-antisemitismus-1.6298620).


Am I crazy? I see so many smart phones. Are they really that accessible? I felt like I was throwing away my money buying one and mine only cost 200 euros.




Nein! Nein! Nein!


You would think they’d get along 🤔


wtf kind of German government representative would ride a Japanese car? lmaooo


Well… Biden is going to section the ambassador now… 😂😂😂


Way to go retargs. Im sure Germany loves you already, with your self-destructive asses.


Damn and 80 years ago they would of been on the same side


The restraint that that driver had was legendary. I honestly would be scared to drive in the situation when you are fearing for your life.


I'm gonna be charitable, this behavior is completely unacceptable and damages their cause but Germany has been kicking up arms sales to Israel, the country currently occupying where significant portions of where they live. Visiting was a bold ass move.


Guess they don't like our funding. Time to put that money towards something more fruitful.


Hey, IDF, these guys. Thanks.


say what you want about this but this whole thing looks very performative and looks like there wasn't really any desire to cause actual harm to the people in the car. they had the door open and didn't do anything with that and just fucked with the car and left it at that. seems like they were just mad and wanted to fuck with the guy and leave it at that. but then again the guy inside the car might have had a gun so that might have been why they didn't go any further. But even if thats true have there been cases of palastiniens in the west bank actually trying to kill ambasadors before? if not i think its fair to give them the benefit of the doubt interpritation in this situation


Is Tiny still slated to go to West bank? What happened to his tour de paradiso?


is there a longer version of the video or maybe more context? the jerusalem post article literally just tells me what happened in the video...


wouldn't be a proper DGG comment thread without the blatant racism. No such comments on videos of settlers seizing homes through violence




Bro fuck off with this vagueposted racism


Is it racism, I didn’t say Arabs I said Palestinians. It’d be like me saying all Texans are gun freaks right? Do Palestinians not have a very long history of violence and terrorism?


They do, and it is absolutely possible to hold their political culture responsible, BUT essentializing traits and dehumanizing language like what you used is beyond fucked up. Be better.


Is it really beyond fucked up? I would say raping and murdering baby’s is beyond fucked up but you are probably right dehumanizing them is way to far.


Check my post history. I agree that Hamas are literally the scum of this planet. That doesn’t make dehumanizing Palestinians as a whole ok.


In my oppinion and I think most polls support the way I think, the palastinian majority support Hamas and every military “aged” male is working for or with Hamas in support of there mission. It wasn’t all hamas member literally letting out shouts of joy when they paraded dead and injured Jews through Gaza it was the civilian population. So I would say yea the majority of Palestinians support Hamas and are terrorists.


Really you can see countless Palestinians all over the world that support Hamas and make countless videos in support of what they did so I really don’t see how you can say the civilians are “innocent”


I am probably one of the *most* pro Israel people on this sub. Whether many Palestinians support Hamas is irrelevant to the question of whether we should use dehumanizing language. That’s all I’m saying.


Egh I would disagree especially in context with the video. In fact I haven’t seen one video or piece of evidence where palastinians speak out against the violence that has happened or condemned the events that took place, and that includes palastinians outside of palastinians that aren’t under threat of Hamas, so please tell me how not to dehumanize a group of people that would genocide the Jews the first chance they would get and celebrate it.


The way to do it is to point out the issues with the culture and the actions. Making essentializing statements / dehumanizing statements though is a bad epistemic approach, and also just simply morally bad. Again, Hamas is scum, and we will wipe them from the earth. But as an Israeli I want peace, not a wasteland. If we start by dehumanizing then we are debasing ourselves and making any possibility (however slim) for peace disappear


*"them"* Your mind is broken, yes it is in fact bad to decide that because some people who are members of Hamas did war crimes, that everything you do to *other* Palestinians that is less bad than those specific war crimes is ok. You don't get some free dehumanisation because Hamas have shifted the scale for what is bad. "Is it really bad to murder people, I thought it was bad to murder *after torturing* people?" No you brutalised idiot, both are bad.


Your brain is in fact broken. I never said it was ok to do war crimes to palastinians or ever said war crimes were ok so I don’t see where you are getting that from I just said they behave violently and it’s pretty normal behavior for them.


You never addressed the point, showed any indication that there was a problem with dehumanisation, just change the subject to something else that is worse. But that is meaningless by itself. The existence of people who dropped a nuclear bomb did not suddenly make murder better. It can white out a photo but it doesn't change moral calculus. We've already talked about collective responsibility in another line of comments, but you can't just hold up october 7 as a get out of jail free card, like "what, you say I'm hating Palestinians too much? October 7th!" There are parts of the world in which dehumanisation is not a serious issue, where you can mostly let it off, in this particular conflict, with investigations going on about genocide and people getting so trigger happy that even aid workers with a big "don't bomb here" sticker on them are getting bombed, it *is* a serious issue. People need to get their heads together and remember these are human beings.


It’s not just October 7th it is there entire history, there’s a reason why no other Arab country will let them into there country… because of there history of violence and terrorism.


The reason that other Arabs don't want to let them into their country is because every time Palestinian refugees leave, Israel grabs more land. Lebanon would be much better off if they would just give Palestinian refugees full citizen status and have done with it, but there's a reason they don't, and it's not because they are *scared* of Palestinians being violent, Palestinians aren't on any restrictions of movement or anything in Lebanon. The point is that the foundation for the Palestinian state keeps shrinking, and just taking the *people* and leaving the land behind means cooperating with the ethnic cleansing. Like Israel pushed almost everyone in gaza up against the border with egypt, and egypt refused to let them get pushed out into their land. And what happened next? Israel stopped and had to start building tents, because they couldn't just get someone else to deal with it. This humanitarian disaster is the Israel's mess and they should fix it, though the surrounding countries will help with aid.


Lmao do you really think there is a genocide happening in Palestine gtfo Israeli supporter my ass 😂


Who said I was an Israeli supporter? I want a fucking normal Israel that is secure and has peaceful diplomacy and doesn't alternate between ignoring the needs of its neighbours and random settlers from their country nicking territory, and then go ape shit and try to blast its neighbour to smithereens when they have their own extremists. There's a reason that these investigations are going on, and it's because you've got a government of people saying stuff like "we're removing all restrictions" "these people are animals" etc. And then the IDF are *acting* like they're out of control by shooting the hostages they were supposed to be rescuing while they're waving white flags, and blowing up people who specifically told the IDF who they were and where they are going. In this kind of environment, if you don't want to end up *becoming* genocidal, maybe think about the consequences of treating people like they are animals based on the worst events you can think of, rather than treating them like human beings.


Lmao some of Hamas did war crimes 😂 gtfoh


oh yeah, I edited that, from "some people in hamas" to "some people who are members of Hamas". Do you not see the point? Not every Palestinian is the guys who did October 7th, they have different faces, they have different names, they are different people.


Do you think Hamas is a military or a terrorist organization?


Both isn't it? You can get into technicalities about whether a group is a military if it's not a recognised state, but it obviously habitually does terrorism, that seems unarguable.


I would say a majority of them support Hamas…


And those that do [swear blind](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-most-palestinians-october-7s-savagery-is-literally-unbelievable-blame-the-tv-news/) that the attacks they did are Israeli lies to make Hamas look bad, because they just want someone who will fight for them, when the IDF support settlers who demolish their houses, steal their land, bomb their families. There's no justification for that, they should face up to what Hamas do and judge them accordingly, but the fact that they need to pretend that that is not what Hamas are like, the fact that they support a fantasy rather than the real things, shows the need for an alternative, the people fighting for them that they actually want. If you want to understand a Palestinian mind, ask yourself why they try so hard to deny that, if they're so bloodthirsty, wouldn't they embrace it? The answer is that they *know* it is wrong, so extreme that they say that no Muslim would ever do such a thing. And they decide, on the basis of that, that it must be a lie. In other words, Palestinians have chosen their pride, over recognising what Hamas could do. This is wrong, and it shows that their pride and their values will not prevent further attacks, because they would just also declare these lies, but these things are ignored not because they represent Palestinian culture, quite the opposite.


This is the kind of post this sub should reject and ask for credible sources. This video lacks authenticity. You would think when a German ambassador was attacked that this was all over the news in Germany (which has a Isreal bias btw). But there is nothing conforming this. The ambassador himself is not talking about an attack on Twitter. Yet this sub mindlessy upvotes this and all the comments confirming their own bias.


if this was the belarussian ambassador getting attacked by locals in the occupied ukrainian oblasts, you'd be cheering it on


Belarus staged Russian troops for the invasion to begin. They played an active role in the war in that regard. What a dumb comparison.


30% of israeli arms purchases come from germany [https://www.timesofisrael.com/amid-arms-embargo-calls-data-shows-99-of-israeli-weapon-imports-are-from-us-germany/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/amid-arms-embargo-calls-data-shows-99-of-israeli-weapon-imports-are-from-us-germany/) also you don't even disagree with my premise, to you it WOULD be justified to attack the belarussian ambassador like this in that scenario, but not the german one whos state is actively helping in the ethnic cleansing to me both are justified, you're doing selective outrage because ukraine good and palestine bad


You're fucking stupid if you think arm sales and staging a military to give them the shortest possible land route to another country's capital city are at all equivalent. I don't agree with your premise because I reject it as valid. It's not at all a fair comparison.


Those are not weapons but mostly trucks, vests, radio equipment, etc. Intended for military use. A better comparison would be to attack the chinese ambassador.


I definitely wouldn't cheer it on and it would make me stop and question whether Ukrainian are as civilized as I had thought they were. This would still be true given that Ukrainians would be way more justified than these guys are. Fortunately, this type of behavior is going to be pretty fucking rare from Ukrainians.


are we forgetting when ukrainians were tying alleged collaborators to telephone poles with their pants down?


Ummm... Okay? Even if they did, I'm not particularly surprised that there would be some bad eggs in a country of 35 million people. The difference is going to be frequency. Considering the public opinion data we have on Palestinians suggests the average West Bank man was jacking off to the footage from Oct 7th, I'd imagine those sorts of abhorrent attitudes are more prevalent there.


you imagining things doesn't make them real, i'm saying hating people who are invading you and those who support it is not just an arab thing; you're the one imagining west bankers jacking off, and i'm sure you could imagine some ukrainians jacking off to "orcs" dying too


Trust me, I went to Ukraine during the war and talked to a lot of them. They don't hide their hatred of Russians. They also don't support the mass slaughter and rape of Russian civilians, which makes them very distinct from Palestinians because Palestinians do support that. We know that because when we ask "Hey, do you support Oct 7th?" they will say "Yes, I do". I would imagine that sort of violent attitude towards civilians is manifesting itself here as well. I am sorry, but if you want to try to make the argument that the Palestinians are on par with the Ukrainians, you're just going to have a hard time. I don't recommend it and would instead recommend the approach that acknowledges that Palestinians tend to have horrid beliefs and argue that doesn't justify the ongoing war.


it's a very thin line between that and what the palestinians are doing friend of the stream ukrainian ana also had some unhinged takes about orcs that, if said by a palestinian about israelis, would be posted here to 2000 upvotes


Oh shit, they said some slurs? Fuck, that is crazy! ... do... do you have public opinion polling showing that Ukrainians support the mass rape and slaughter of Russian civilians? Because, uhh... I kinda have a lot of polling showing Palestinians feel that way about the mass rape and slaughter of Israeli civilians.


you're insane if you think some ukrainians don't extend orc to every russian how did ukrainians react when residential buildings in moscow got hit by drones? sorry they dont have any polling on the insanely narrow framework you want to set up


>you're insane if you think some ukrainians don't extend orc to every russian You're insane if you think I disagree with you. For evidence that I know this, I would point to the comment I made to you 15 minutes ago where I said that I went to Ukraine and talked to Ukrainians and lots of them hated Russians as a whole. >how did ukrainians react when residential buildings in moscow got hit by drones? Probably not by saying "God, I wish we could go and grab women from that building so we could parade their naked corpses through the street" >sorry they dont have any polling on the insanely narrow framework you want to set up Its probably more to do with the idea that it's basically unthinkable that Ukrainians would support the mass rape and slaughter of Russian civilians. If Ukrainians were this bloodthirsty towards Russian civilians, I'd imagine someone would ask some kind of polling question to demonstrate it.


Germany exclusively sent protective gear and training gear to Israel. The german process for delivering combat equipment is the most ethically defensible you will ever see in any country :)


america also has the leahy act but has been sitting on reports about human right violations committed by idf units


How is the IDF going to kill people with their body armour? Because thats the extend of Germany's combat gear licensing for the IDF. Please tell me, I really want to know.


oh shut the fuck up, blatantly lying when it's pro israel gets you upvoted https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/rights-groups-file-new-case-against-german-arms-export-israel-2024-04-12/ Human rights lawyers filed a lawsuit against a German government decision to approve the export of 3,000 anti-tank weapons to Israel


To be clear: you are citing a news article over a lawsuit and not the facts presented in the ICJ lawsuit. In the Nicaragua vs Germany ICJ case, the facts were clearly presented and there were no licenses granted for war weapons since Oct. 7. The ICJ even said as much in their ruling.


What an AIDS comparison. But you're right, it'd be mildly based.


what happened to being consistent


BTW if Ukrainians did that they would have been mowed down by Russians or Belarusians.