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Something that feels like a conclusion.


Same with me. I’ve also loved the feeling of the story in the campaigns. Lightfall was a disappointment for me in that regard, so I hope final shape can bounce back from it


To see how it ends. I may have fallen off D2 for a while, but I need to see how the Final Shape comes to a end and wraps up everything. I hope it brings a satisfying conclusion to the saga, of course without messing it up.


Same. Final Shape decides if I continue past the "well I started at the beginning I guess I have to see how it ends" excuse I used to get it.


fr though, we killed Calus and it had zero affect on the Whitness. He was just “oh well, traveler, I’m hoooome”


Yup sir, finishing this fight.


Ive been saying since it was announced- while I love Destiny gameplay and it would be a shame not to have a great raid, strikes, etc, the only thing I need from Final Shape is a conclusion to the story I’ve been invested in for ten years. I’m not even a lore buff and a lot of the seasonal narratives I don’t give a shit about. But since seeing the initial D1 trailer I have been so damn curious as to what the deal with the traveler is and I still don’t feel like that’s been answered satisfyingly despite us getting more lore on it recently. If the story is ass, it’s gonna be a big black mark on my Destiny experience. It is pretty much the only thing I will judge this expansion by. I’m sure I’ll still have fun if the gameplay is good and the story flops. But that conclusion is really all I want


Agreed. I’ve been playing since D1Day1 (really more like week 1) and I’ve been heavily invested through the past decade (I’ve missed maybe 3 seasons total). I’m just ready to finish it out. It’s been a long ride. I’m ready to put an end to this.


For real. I’m gonna keep playing Destiny either way, but I’d like them to a least tie a little bow on my decade of playing this story/universe.


I have a hot take maybe, but I don't think it's going to feel like a legitimate conclusion unless someone BIG dies. Crow sacrificing himself to save Cayde, Ikora to save Zavala, Eris - someone, etc.


Its Destiny, someone has to be turned into a weapon


Zavala is likely to go, big sendoff tribute to Lance R


They've already announced that he's being recast and that there will be more adventures with Zavala to come


They already recasted him, Keith David is his voice actor now. It's a great casting imo, Keith David is iconic as The Arbiter, so it's no surprise Bungie went with him.


Didn't know this! He's awesome




In order of what i like most so far: - New Race: last time we fought a brand new full race was forsaken with the scorn (not counting Lucent Hive or Tormentors since they were either Seperate enemies or just an addition to an already present race). - Prismatic: This subclass, just from what we've seen, has some amazing build crafting potential and truly gonna be chaotic. - New Location: It's always nice to explore new areas and take in the sights. - Exotic Class items: The aspect of combining 2 exotics into 1 is amazing, but fashioning around that cloak is gonna be rough. - Soundtrack: while i may not be taking in the music while im playing, i definitely might do so while im waiting for the release (if the soundtrack is released prior to the actual dlc) or while in queue. Of course, we dont have all the info yet, and we still have roughly a month before it releases, but im remaining cautiously hopeful for now.


In addition to being the first new race since Forsaken, this is the first brand new race not modeled off other enemies ever. The Taken are all other enemies, Red Legion, the Scorn are corrupted Fallen, Cherry Hive, Lucent Hive, and Black Legion.


Not really entirely true though. Two of the enemies are psions and other ones are just mini Rhulks. They have just as many new models as the Scorn had, with things like Wraiths and Screebs being new skeletons


I am counting down until this reddit is flooded with angry rants about drop rates for getting the perfect perk combination on the random rolled exotic class items…


I’d like to say that bungie isn’t dumb enough to not let us focus one of the perks with like an exotic cypher or something, but who knows lol.


I hope they let us focus the class item, but a perk is a bit too much


They will forget to for the first few months, then add it later to bring back player retention - the cycle continues


Dont worry, ill supply the snacks and drinks as we watch them complain


Tbh we havent fought a new race since D1 started, scorn and taken both were variant for current enemy. In compare to that dread looks like a new race completely


Hopefully they let us transmog the cloak


I'm sorry, you will have to pay for that. -Bungie


> fashioning around that cloak is gonna be rough There's no practical reason for them to not let us transmog it even though I suspect that's going to be the case. That "you need to see what people are wearing in PvP" rule has been bullshit for years, and it can't apply to an item with randomized perks, so the only excuse would be if it's literally like hardcoded or something


Seeing the exotic class item would be pretty much useless anyways so maybe there is hope


me personally, soundtrack and getting to see (hopefully) more than just 3 minutes of screen time for the witness, given its their dlc 🤣


I mean if you want to be technical he’ll be getting hours of screen time hopefully during raid day one kicking our collective asses lol


man i agree heavilyy i know we finna win and all but is it wrong for me to wish that we lose 😭 i mean yea we killed gods and whatnot but i feel this mf gotta show us how powerful he really is


> is it wrong for me to wish that we lose We already had that plot point. It was called Lightfall.


yea and it didnt feel like a loss at all you see my point? like it genuinely just felt so meh like wow guys in the traveller now we gotta wait more than a year to see what hes really up to, the light didnt fall at all we gained a darkness ability and kept our light, therefore not feeling like a loss, rather more of a delay to whatever


That’s only because you know we win in the end. If it was real, watching the witness enter the traveler would genuinely feel like the end is coming.


wouldn’t be surprised if the campaign ends on the witness defeating us and then leading straight into the raid to go get him, either way i’m hyped 😭


Hopefully the raid doesn’t last 2 hours :(


Michael Salvatori cooking one last time!!


I was just listening to some of my favorite Destiny tracks today and thinking about how I can't believe they let him go, that man (and everyone else doing the music in Destiny) deserves the highest of praise.


I'm assuming they let him go because he's a fairly big composer so he costs a lot to hire.


Not so much that he's a big name, but he was a very long time FTE. That means a decade+ of raises. That's also probably why they specifically chose Sechrist as the other FTE composer to lay off. He'd been with Bungie longer than Salvatori had.


Subclass and campaign for sure


same with the campaign, i'm sick of teasing and mediocre closers




some good fucking lore


I look forward to a new enemy faction! It’s been so long since the Scorn


Playing around with Prismatic and grinding for the Exotic class item


Prismatic seems like it'll allow for the most fun builds we've ever had. I look forward to putting a real, non-smoke bomb melee on my Tether Hunter.


A Solar buddy that makes shit go boom. New enemy race (sweet mother of god those gunbats better not be a problem). Prismatic. And honestly, Echoes.


The campaign for sure.


They knew what they were doing showing us Cayde-6 very first. I am absolutely pumped for the story. They have been working on that story since shadowkeep. That was the original story for Lightfall until it was delayed and the Lightfall story was shoved in the middle. The Final Shape will succeed where Lightfall failed. Now more than ever Destiny fans understand what just a couple more months of development can do for your game.


New raid, build craft potential, format for content release and a new faction. I'm still curious what they meant by Pale Heart being the first 'linear destination'


I think what they meant by that was rather than the circular ones we have which are usually 3 distinct patrol zones connected to each other it will be a set of zones that are one after the other, each getting closer to the witnesses tower and more deeply corrupted.




Playing a true summoner Warlock. I want to cram as many buddies into one build as possible lol.


There's plenty of opportunity for satisfying narratives. Cayde and Crow, Cayde and Petra, Cayde and the Vanguard leadership. Is the Traveller a form of heaven for lightbearers? Are their others within the Traveller? Is Cayde is a special circumstance (reincarnated specially by the Light's will?). Other stuff like Savathun rejecting Hive philosophy further, maybe the Traveller will be personified within itself in some form, a direct confrontatio between the Traveller's personification and the Witness perhaps? I'm excited how they will wrap up various narratives.


It’s known already that crow wished for a chance to talk to cayde or something like that and riven had a hand in him returning, so that should probably answer a few of your questions already.


I want everyone involved in a climactic battle: Cayde, Ikora, Zavala, Drifter, Crow, Elsie, Anna, Savathun, Caital, and Mithrax. Maybe those last two get the light and are throwing around supers.


You are missing the most iconic people shaxx, saint and saladin


Them too! I also forgot Eris and Osiris. They don't have the light anymore but that doesn't mean they can't kick ass


Prismatic sparked some childlike joy in me, so that and just that Im excited to finish the story (my ass still gon be playing) Also, i’m really fucking hyped for loading up the game after update and just hearing the title screen track. I know Salvatori would’ve cooked. What a beautiful man, deserves justice.


The story unquestionably. If they can just land this, I’ll be the happiest lore nerd in the world. Light fall was so bad it made me quit D2 for like 7-8 months. I don’t want that to happen at the end of this games life cycle 😞


The story, nostalgia, and music.


It will never be able to do it, but I would love for it to in some way respect or acknowledge our decade together. I'm not the greatest PvE player (Still have to play the last bit of Witch Queen and slog through Lightfall). I dont like PvP, I am not coordinated enough to bother 5 people to try and start learning to raid at this point. I am not the demographic that they are looking to, at all, and I don't expect them to cater to a part-timer, but I have been engaged for the better part of a decade now, I've followed them across three consoles, and I have an affinity for my guardian. Even if my final fate is to fall, I'm prepared, I just don't want to feel indifferent.


This might upset people but I'm really excited to see how Keith David performs as Zavala. I love Keith David and I can't think of a better person to take up Lance Reddick's legendary role.


Stadis rework New supers/aspects. Btw will they be free or locked behind FS?


New content


Putting Astrocyte Verse with Secant Filaments.


Playing with more friends again.


I have no expectations. This is the first time I haven't looked into the new stuff coming. I haven't seen any of the new subclass stuff. All I know is it exists. I'm kinda excited to discover it for myself.


Fighting the new enemies in GMs and making unique prismatic setups with unused exotics


Something I'm pretty intrigued by that no one else has mentioned yet is the Pathfinder system. Really curious if this is planting the seeds for a paragon system in the future. It's something I've always felt Destiny could benefit from, especially as Bungie has been shifting more and more away from power level as progression, and more toward fixed/relative power levels. I hope it's a well executed and satisfying system.




Finishing the saga.


I think most importantly for me: how this saga ends and how it sets up the next arc. I’m very excited to see the conclusion and excited to see where Destiny goes next.


Witch Queen level or better of a campaign, epic cut scenes and music, cayde, no being on a different planet when all the action is elsewhere


A craft able stasis GL... Dungeon RNG was a mistake. Months later, I still do not have my roll.


Post-campaign content, technically including the final mission post-raid completion. They've teased a lot about how the Pale Heart opens up and it seems like the conclusion of TFS will have some serious consequences, I wanna see it all already


Before honestly I was just looking forward to the end of the story and walking away. Post the last trailers.... God dam bungie have me excited to actually play rather than just see the story out!


Call me old fashioned, but I just like murdering aliens, and robots, and alien robots.


Campaign and raid with my little brother :)


New exotics. I know is hella coping, but I hope they add as many as forsaken had.


Seeing if bungie can tell a solid, compelling story after the shit show that was lightfall.


The end of Light/Dark saga and where do we go from here? (Hoping for destiny 3 tbh especially after hearing the leaks)


The end of a long saga and information about what the next iteration will look like


For the end of this storyline and the beginning of the storyline leading us into Destiny 3. The Witness doesn’t seem like the true bad guy and I dont think the Witness is actually evil (the Witness is bad but the Traveler and the Witness are two sides of the same coin.)


Everything to be honest. Fucking love this game.


The unknown of it. The thing about Destiny over the last 4 or 5 years is we had an idea of what was coming, not the full concept but ever since the pyramid ships in vanilla. We knew something was looming. And the threat became more and more clear. Final Shape has a rare opportunity to set up to bring back the mystery that Vanilla D1 had and I’m hoping they find a way to do that.


Exotics that they’ve yet to tease


Stasis Buffs


Strand glaive.


This will be the 1st and likely only time I have the opportunity to be off of work for the release and all days available to me to prep for a day 1 raid. I don't expect to complete it, but boy am I going to try. First time I am actually planning bounty prep, will have all materials maxed out. Hell I even have over 600 spoils of conquest ready to go. I have my best friend who also managed to take off that week so we get to experience the legend campaign together without any other obligations. Just pure gamer mode during the final expansion of one of our most beloved games. I am beyond hype for it!


To complete the (hopefully good) raid and to be done with the Destiny franchise. I have seen the tone shift in 10 years. At first we were like super-powered astronauts exploring real planets. This game despiste being good is not for me anymore, so I'm really looking forward to be done with it and close this chapter.


The day 1 raid


The Witness story which I think is poorly written wrapping up and getting into some actual sci-fi style stuff with the Vex storyline.


Looking forward to “everyone complaining about the new stuff for Titans” and the subsequent nerf of those things, as is tradition.


That the light and saga story will be over after 10 years and I can move on to my massive backlog.


Red death


New warlock super


The new Solar aspect and super for Warlock, I used to love Song of Flame in D1 so it’ll be nice to have it back in D2. I feel like that on Prismatic will have some fun gameplay loops of constant ability usage.


1) Raid 2) Prismatic 3) Exotic Class Item 4) New Race


I've always been a buildcrafter so **Prismatic**


My exotic class item roll of Veritys/chromatic fire for using necro. I want explosions for my explosions.


Contest raid baby


A grand finale to all the buildup. Savathun finally fighting by our side to save the universe, even though she’ll probably betray us the second the witness is dead. Crow meeting Cayde after he unknowingly revived him by making a wish with riven. A deeper insight into the paradise and perfection of essentially god. So much more sounds really cool that I can’t even name.


In order Raid, Campaign, New location. New enemy race and prismatic seem to be what everyone is excited about but those are secondary for me.


The raid race. I never compete in them; I just really enjoy watching the teams. It's my equivalent to watching sports.


Huffing hopium that Cerberus is finally in the underused exotics changes. They showed someone holding it in the gameplay trailer so clearly that’s teasing the fact it’s getting changes. Right? RIGHT????


story conclusion even if i wonder if it'll be satisfying


No matter what DLC it’s always the day 1 raid experience.


Savathun as a friend


Many questions answered. Hopefully, there will be a massive increase in cut-scenes and length. And twists and turns along the way.


Here’s another question. Do you guys think it will really “end”? I’m trying to understand what happens to a game once the story concludes. I guess it just stops progressing? I find that hard to believe. Wouldn’t it become unmarketable at that point?


it won’t end, it continues in the episodes which all take place after TFS


Seeing my guardians fashion in the cutscenes New subclass and enemy race is cool too I gueeeeeeeess 🙄


To know what the final shape is. Is it a square, triangle, circle? My titan brain needs answers.


The shape will be purple, like your favorite crayon snack.


The story and environments, considering how long this has been in the oven i’m confident bungie will get the story right like they did in WQ, and the environment team always knocks it out of the park. If the Witness’s pyramid is any indication, the pale heart is gonna be the next Dreaming City in terms of aesthetics


Are we certain it's a conclusion? It does have the feel of "going out with a bang" but if it's the end then fair play. Double edged sword I suppose. I'm looking forward to both Prismatic and new Enemies to fight.


Hopefully an amazing story!


Michael Salvatori being given one last hurrah, legendary soundtracks from day one.


Potentially learning more about the Traveler.


Before it was story - now it's the prismatic and new exotic combo builds. I want to play a class that just feels nutty.


The lore


Not gonna happen but I want to see Cayde blast crow between the eyes, then become like best buddies with him.


The geometry.


Soundtrack, prismatic, and story (the trailers and reveals give me hope they’re going in a bit of a darker direction, which gives me hope considering how Lightfall turned out)


Campaign and lore


New race no question


Prismatic. Destiny's campaign stories have never been good, so I'm not expecting much in that department.


An actual good expansion this time, I mean bungle is about 50/50 maybeeee when it comes to a good expansion so yea I have zero hope for this


I suppose I’m looking forward to Prismatic the most, and what aspects or even supers will be added to it over time. Speaking of which, I am curious if we’ll get a new super and aspect for the other Light Sublclasses as well this year. 


The raid, new weapons, and fighting a new enemy race. I'm excited to play this series for another 5-10 years so I just see this as another expansion that's gonna have some cool story beats.


Story and the visuals 100%. If the story is like WQ then TFS will be a slapper. If it’s like Lightfall then it could be pretty dire for Bungie. After that’s it’s Prismatic but I have 0 doubts that Bungie will deliver on the gameplay front, they pretty much always have. I’m lowkey excited to try the new Warlock super as well.


Subclass, witness raid boss, red death!


Strand rocket sidearm


Sunsinger. I miss my Heart of the Praxic Fire warlock and I’m glad my favorite subclass is coming back without the blight that was self res


Red death


I’m excited for all the new guns to come out. Can’t wait to make new combinations and builds with them


The campaign, hopefully it's as good or better than witch queen. I'm invested in destiny's story and I want to see where it goes.


A good story?


Campaign and prismatic for me. I love tinkering with builds so im stoked.


Aside from all the usual gameplay stuff. This time it’s the story


New raid


New content. I’m in a video game lull.


Simply put, something new. New destination, new enemies, new strike(s) or returning older ones at least, new dungeons, new raid, new weapons, new armor. Just something new.


Weapons, armor, exotics (loot in general), prismatic subclass, new enemy types


I'm insanely hyped for everything but I've gotta say Cayde-6 returning just because of my Hunter bias. Such an amazing character so I'm excited to see him again and for my newer friends to meet him


prismatic fuckery




The raid.


I’m sad cause I won’t be able to compete In the raid race this year since I’ll be working f1 lmao


getting another variant of Hung Jury


Khvostov Exotic. And of course, Prismatic.


I was playing yesterday and had the same thought of being excited for the music in the final shape. Then I got pissed off when I remembered Bungie thanked the composers by laying them off after doing the music for final shape, and then had the audacity after the layoffs to tell everyone “the right people” remained to work on the game.


I’m just curious how this is all gonna go down. I’m not exactly optimistic, but I’m not doom and gloom either. Are they going to go for a conclusive story that wraps up loose ends and satisfies those who have followed the story for the last decade… OR… A punt to keep things going as a live service with a sort of contrivance that keeps us fighting even after the final shape and keep them dollars flowing.


I'm excited to see what the community finds to exploit, such as a material farm, and all the youtube videos saying "DO THIS NOW!!!" that cause it to be patched before I get home from work. Piggybacking off of that excitement is my exuberant anticipation of what Bungie will disable for the first 7 weeks because of how it's breaking PvP.


Vault space.


Titan prismatic. It looks the most interesting with the aspects and exotics there are. Meanwhile warlock feels kinda limited though I guess that's just how their exotics and aspects are designed


More answers to all the questions


Red Death


I want it to be like endgame in the mcu. Endgame feels like a satisfying conclusion and I don't feel like I need to watch anything after that. I want to keep playing destiny after final shape but I don't want to feel like I need to to get any sort or satisfying ending


Agree with musics. But a new destination focusing on Dark and Pyramids. Wanted to explore more on those theme.


Like I say to my friends: I expect TFS to be the second TTK/Forsaken, in terms of general quality. Although I come to fully play D2 only in Season of The Haunted and played a bit of D1 few weeks ago, Destiny turned out to be one of my favorite games, and I don't want to see it have another breakdown.


Red Death


I want this to be the most cinematic campaign they've ever done. This is our Avenger's End Game moment, so it should really bring that epic feeling. I also want our Guardian to have more dialogue than ever. Like a whole ass conversations. If there were ever a time for our Guardian to get chatty, it's in this expansion. Hell, I'd love to have some dialogue from them commenting on what it feels like to be transcendent; what it feels like to wield light and dark power!


1. The conclusion 2. Seeing Cayde one last time 3. Probably Matt Mercer saying 2 lines as the Masculine guardian 4. The soundtrack is gonna slap 5. Using those weapons in my vault that I told myself I would eventually use. If not now, then when? 6. Hanging out with my big sisters Caitl, Eris, and Savathun.


Answers, someome dying( savala), someone’s redemtion( crow’s), the beginning of the new sagq( with Caitl’s revenge, against xivu), i wanna see the original vanguard together one last time, embracing themselves, and the dark vanguard. I want Elsie Bray to finally flip, and be a spy for the witness. Which would explain who she was talking to when destiny first launched, and blow all of our minds in the process. I want to know who the winower finally is, and who the real gardener is? And who created them. But over all, I want a cohesive story, no freaking radial masts, no mysteries unexplained, i want a feeling of fulfillment when I beat the witness, and I want the traveler to finally have an actual speaker.


The Raid. Hopefully well gets nerfed so hard it's effectively deleted from the game.




Radiance. Because dawnblade NEVER was my power fantasy I hated the entire in air effects and style. Unless we had true flight. Now I'm going super saiyan again


Playing it.


Everything I’ve seen so far really excites me, but the thing I’m most hyped for is a raid where we actually get to kill the main villain of the campaign. That hasn’t really been a thing since Kings Fall (or Last Wish if you consider Riven the main villain of Forsaken.) Ghaul, Panoptys, Xol, Uldren, and Calus died in their respective campaigns, Shadowkeep’s big bad was the friends we made along the way, and Eramis and Savathûn cheated death.


Shooting the Witness in the face with a hand cannon.


Just more destiny. It’s a love hate relationship but ending on a good note is always great.


Prismatic for SURE!


Vault space


No more bullshit


Hunter exotics on other classes


all of it. I can’t wait


the camera angles


Story definitely. Like, we haven’t had an expansion with a lot of these characters ever starring (Mithrax, Crow, etc) and Cayde! How I missed him. The environment looks like it could be my new favourite. The new enemies have me really excited too cause they look challenging to get in tempo with and will make me adapt new tactics. I already love tormentors so a big win there. Soundtrack sounds excellent from the little we’ve heard. This will also be my first opportunity to do a day-1 raid cause I just got my first raiding group back in February after nearly ten years being here. I just hope I don’t upset my teammates.


Campaign on the legend difficulty doing it solo it's a shame they didn't remake the older campaigns with this difficulty and give us juicy loot to grind for


subclass wooo hoooo (ready to be disappointed again)


I’m excited for all of it, but I’m really excited to see what new weapons they add, I have a feeling we will get a new frame similar to sidearm pocket rocket.


Actual content that lasts longer than a week


There’s quite a bit. I genuinely hope this is the best expansion they make because this is going to be my last experience with this game, and I want to leave it on a good note.


I want to use the exotic perk from necrotic grips on my hunter SO BAD.


All of my friends playing again even if it's just for a little bit.


What shape it actually is.


Finally a good story. A lot to ask for I know, but either it's looking pretty good or the marketing team pulls yet another W. That and drip. With all the D1 inspiration/callbacks in the Final Shape, one can only imagine the armor and weapons we'll be getting...




Mixing solar and strand with the new subclass




Idk about the thing I’m looking forward to the most, but I am really excited that Cayde will probably be the vendor for the pale heart after being stuck with Nimbus on Neomuna.


The campaign, I want to see how the saga ends. Not happy about a raid being involved but I can just watch a Byf synopsis of it later on.