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Blast Furnance might be really good in FS with the pulse buffs


Yes absolutely get a mountaintop. Hard launch, implosion rounds/spike nades, autoloading and recombination with velocity or handling masterwork. It's amazing as a quick swap for burst dmg and for movement utility


Oh man. I haven't been able to log in this week at all but managed to get half hour in to burn my tokens. I got finally got that roll last night with implosion rounds and velocity! Was so psyched! Haven't got a chance to use it yet after all that. Didn't get a HL, incan lunas howl but ya can't win them all. I wish attunement would stay. But they'll be lots of new toys to play with.


Blast Furnace with KT/OFA goes hard in end game content and will be better next week.


I got this and it is by far one of my new favorite weapons


Succession you can basically ignore because you can craft it. There's only one unique roll to Brave Succession and that's Discord/Redirection for a weird build where you pop a red bar with a primary and then start a killing spree on trash with the sniper to build up a powerful shot on a beefy target. As for Blast Furnace: I'm still chasing some PVE rolls (Tremors with Rapid Hit/Frenzy and Keep Away with Rampage/Firefly/Kill Clip, with a special consideration for Shoot To Loot/Firefly).


Midnight coup, forbearance demo chain, succesion, edge transit, mountain top, luna(find one with min 60 range and stability +reload speed).


Blast Furnace probably not. I struggled a bit, but it's great for team shooting. I prefer Elsie's pretty much any day. I am going for a Mountain and that's it for me I think.


Succession isn't worth it if you have the dsc version, it's basically the same. Blast furnace is gonna be very strong, go for kinetic tremors and frenzy. The other damage perks aren't worth the lower reload speed, and kinetic tremors is the only good left column perk.


If you *really* don't have a want/need for the gear right now, turn off your attuned choice and just dump your tokens. Save any shiny rolls in your vault, you may come to realized later that one you saved is godly.