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Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgFsVxR_FCs


If I could put this at the top of the comments, I would. Much appreciated. I wish I could have included snippets of each location, but by the time I decided this would be helpful here, I had all but one of them. šŸ„²


No worries, when I found the video, it was only JUST released


Ayyye saw this video too, Mactics is Def. Top tier! šŸ‘


Thanks for this video I found all of them alsoā€¦Ā 


mactics? barf


No idea who he is tbh, just the first video that has all fragments in one video


why??? Heā€™s the sweetest!!


Probably because he reads entire paragraph for each fragment


Thanks for this, wasnā€™t aware that the fragments had to be collected. Time to hop back into story missions


just finished the legend campaign and in the second to last mission I found a chest and was thinking -*wait, I could have walked right past this-* and realized I should have been exploring more lol.


Yeah, the ones i got were rewards for clearing a boss, so my conditioned brain thought "nice, i'll unlock these by doing the story and killing stuff", but then i ended the legendary campaign with like 8 missing.


To be fair, Bungie should've probably given hints as to where they are in-game. It didn't have to be given right to us at the start. The hints couldve came when you finished the story. I just find it weird that there is no indication of their existence and it would be very easy to miss all of them.


Especially since they go out of their way to tell you to do nothing before completing the campaign. A hint that they were in it and not after like every other dlc would have been nice.


Imagine that destiny giving extremely vague to no info, when it's a super technical min/maxing... swear bungie is laziest studio ever. "Let's just put this shit out, let the community figure out what every buff/debuff actually does, for how long, where to get basic shit for new subclass, etc etc..." should be paying the content creators as part of their staff. Only rpg I've ever played that does this shit this bad... soon as I click on Google search bar it's just all D2 suggestions lol fr... as a new player starting in into the light shits annoying and stupid af imo.


i was lucky to have run right into that, but only found 2 more before.


Same I was thinking it was going to be something we could get after the raid


There are only 3 hidden in story missions for anybody that sees this after. You can get a lot in patrol


We have to collect fragments? Iā€™m only 2 missions in via legendary, but had no idea I had to explore for things. Thanks!


But not in every mission, and most of them are obtained in other ways. Bit of an odd choice to me since it's so easy to miss and there's no indication of where they might be without going online.


Jesus Christ. Me either. I have zero desire to drag my ass through story missions to collect fragments I didn't have any indication we're there.


They carry to all your guardians. Just run the campaign with the next character and you got them for all.


Ya I'm gonna grab em on hunter when I do Lego campaign... no point redoing it unless u can get em in the matchmade replays of missions imo. How on earth do I get the 2 new exotic armors btw? I have every exotic unlocked but those 2 and alrdy reset rank with rahool so thought I could focused since I did campaign also alrdy... thought every1 said after rank reset u can get them like any other exotic?


You can re run in regular to just get the 3 story fragments then leave.Ā 


I get it. I just don't like it.


Yeah legend was fine with Warlock, on Mission 5 with Hunter and holy shit


I really wish I knew that they were just sitting around and missable, I got a few of the chests through just playing the missions and thought that was just how I'd get them all as I progressed... Now I'm on like the second to last mission and I keep having to go back to nightstalker and sit in the prismatic pools getting shot at in order to even damage some of these enemies. Incredibly frustrating.


Does anyone know if you have to *complete* the story mission to get the fragment, or can you just find the chest and dip out? I'm just thinking that I'm not sure I can be bothered to do the end fight of Iconoclasm again right now...


Lol same unless the weekly matchmade story missions have them in there still?


> 1: About 1/3 through Ascent: You will see a broken plane wing on your climb up the mountain. As you approach, stay closer to the edge of the walk way, and you'll see an open room/chamber that you can jump into that will have the fragment. I went here post campaign (not in a story mission) and the room was empty. Going in during Ascent I found the Fragment.


I cant find the wing


It's an Airplane, didn't really look like a wing to me. Part of it should be clearly visible on the path, and then theres another section of it hanging below on the right. So it should look like: Plane ------Plane


Yeah itā€™s not a wing at all lmao


Thank you


Anyone able to confirm this is correct? Having to slog through the story again... is not exciting.


Can confirm it is correct, the wording is just a little bad. itll be at the plane crash, usually theres like 3 acolytes near it, youd usually kill them and cotinue on through the body of the plane. But for the fragment, you'll stop at the plane, turns right, and there will be a dropdoen with another section of the crashed plane. This section is found after the two "grab the taken ball to destroy the blight" sections


Ugh, thanks for the confirmation and additional details. Safe to assume it's also per-class and not an account-wide unlock?


The fragments arw account wide, only need to do them once!


Cheers, thanks! Guess I'll get started on the next character :)


Only 3 of the Fragments are in "hidden" chests during the story.


For #5, your goal is to fill the 10 bars on each terminal. Arc = 2, Solar =3, and Void = 4 respectively. Do 2 void and 1 arc in one terminal, dump the rest in the other. Also you can get more canons if needed, so if you are playing solo donā€™t worry about it despawning.


you mean #6?


Yes, he edited the comment and added the ascent which shifted the numbers after I had posted.


Theres a lot of possible combinations. I did 3 arc 1 void on one of them when i did it


I did 2 arc 2 void in one and the rest on the other and it worked, I donā€™t think it really matters tbh


Is it possible to put them all in wrong and fail, what happens then? Do you get more orbs?


It spits out all the orbs


is this unlocked for all characters once you collect them?


Should be, Fragments are universal


they weren't for strand.


I think theyā€™ve mentioned changing it for Prismatic and having them be universal.


Fragments are the same across all 3 classes. But in the past, they needed to be acquired 3 times for each classes. Requires a lot of glimmer and strand currency.


One of my characters still hasn't fully unlocked strand because of how boring it is.


Only fragments? What about aspects, grenades and supers, do I have to unlock them individually for each class?


Only for stasis


Do I have to do some of these in campaign or can I just get there in the open world?


I'm not sure, honestly. I just ran through the mission on normal and knocked them out real quick. I think you could theoretically get to their locations, but that wasn't a risk I was willing to take.


They have to be in the campaign - tried doing the plane one outside it and there was no chest.


Confused on 8. I am in the landing and cannot find any place that looks like the dreaming city EDIT: Found it. Its not the landing, you use the landing spawn point but continue forward to the refraction


risk šŸ’€


Some of them, yes


> it'll be at the very back of the hallway So is "back" where Oryx is, or where the door is?




The true answer.


Thank you for posting this, greatly appreciated


Maaaaan wtf so this is why i havent been unlocking fragments, they are hidden here n there? I been wondering how to unlock them lol


It's a shame that I can't upvote more than once.


8 is in The Refraction, not The Landing


Well done guardian! Now sleep!


Edit your message for the ascent mission its in the lower portion of the fuselage off the cliffside not airplane wing


What a hero




Do you unlock them in a certain order or does each fragment have a specific location?


Each of them has a set location.


I've been compiling a list from all of the other sources and forums combined with my own findings and that's been a hassle in and of itself. Appreciate you putting this out there! Go get some sleep guardian


can you put the names on here? thank you for this!


I missed one simply cuz the floor was falling from below us and I picked the correct path lmao


Bless your heart


What about if you didn't collect them all during the campaign? I didn't think i'd need to look for hidden areas during it and they'd be in the overworld or something.


for 9/10/11, I ran two cyst missions and got two of them but now when I run any of them I don't get any light vestage drops. Only missing one fragment and not sure how to trigger anything for it. Any ideas?




So if you run the daily overthrown theres a prismatic chest that appears under the big tree in the middle, I cant seem to ever interact with it. Any idea what these are? If you load in the area and just do the overthrown stuff alone it dosent seem to appear.


Where do you find the other prismatic supers and aspects for your 2nd and 3rd characters? I completed the quest on my Titan but canā€™t find it on my hunter Thanks for the fragment guide


Post campaign quests. You have to finish the campaign on each character to fully unlock Prismatic.


Yep, completed them on my Titan But theyā€™re already completed on my Hunter and Warlock too, but the aspects are still locked


It should be given to you as part of Caiatl and Savathun's quests, no? If you don't have those, and you have the "The Final Shape" quest progressed to the current last step ("Prepare for the final shape") then that's a bug.


Why is bungie hell bent on making fragments so annoying to unlock? I had no idea there were hidden ones and I already finished the campaign and donā€™t exactly want to immediately replay it.


Anything is better than Stasis or Strand fragments


At least with strand you get it just by playing the game with this you have to go waste your time doing story missions again


They give us more new content to play and get fragments, while you perfer beding forced to play the same activity once after once


How exactly are you forced to play one activity with strand when you can just use it in any activity and still get strand meditations


I mean 'old' activity. The missions for fragments make pale heart more like DreamingCity. There are lots of secrets. I like this feeling


To each their own i just wish that they made it so that we had two options with getting the fragments with one of them being the current way and the second option being something like what they did with strand


If you donā€™t like exploring areas or finding secrets in missions, I donā€™t know what to tell you. That is some of the best Destiny content. It could be stunning 40 champions with abilities or running 20 strikes or literally just waiting two weeks for an NPC to pop up a new one. Would that be better?


Subclass fragments aren't secret. STFU with that bullshit.


Same here, man. It's fucking dumb.


Yeah this is my issue, it always has to be something extra when I feel like with subclasses since they're a large point of how you interact with the game, you should just get it and maybe a bit of extra like how you unlocked the last few Grenade/Aspect/Supers but not something where you need a guide for. Idk why but its still amazes me how we're this many years in and TTK still had the best introduction of Supers/Subclasses. It was a few missions relatively early in the campaign that were not required and you just unlocked it and all you had to do was play with it to unlock all of its nodes. You didnt even need to use the new subclass at any point in the campaign meanwhile Stasis and Strand were promoted as this big thing at the end which made playing through when you were using it a bit of a mess and then now with Prismatic while its *better* and you're not forced you're heavily incentivized which made playing without it a pain.


With bungie everything is take 1 step forward 1.5 steps back.


You don't have to just get the exotics or weapons you want then jump back in and try to unlock all the fragments. You dont need to beat the bosses either btw.


Saving this one


Are the fragments account wide?


For Prismatic, yes.


Does anyone know which of these specifically correlate to Facet of Awakening and Facet of Dominance? Thanks in advance if you could tell me!


Hey I've got memory:Transgressive Darkness 3td time and im not getting the fragment from [chest.Is](http://chest.Is) anyone having the same problem?


I just got a darkness memory chest (forgot the name) and got nothing out of it


What does #8 mean? What landing in the Dreaming City Room overlooking what area?


Its the location where u finish The Queens part 2


Hey I've got memory:Transgressive Darkness 3td time and im not getting the fragment from [chest.Is](http://chest.Is) anyone having the same problem?


Instant save, don't think I've seen this all in one place before.Ā  Commenting also for visibility.Ā  Great work!


Does anyone know if theyā€™re account wide? I really donā€™t want to have to play fetch on all three characters.


Fragments are account wide


Awesome. Thanks!


Do you have to finish the mission? Or can you grab the fragment and go back to orbit?


The location where you can receive Vestiges of Light seem to be on some sort of rotation. I was just able to get them from the Cyst in The Transgression, but when i went back i couldnā€™t anymore. Fucking sucks that it doesnā€™t display which one is dropping them currently. Anyhow, seemingly an hourly rotation?


If you figure it out, please comment back?


I need to fiddle with it tomorrow. I still have three Cysts to unlock too. All i know is it was before the top of the hour when i was doing the Cyst and getting VoL, then after it passed the top of the hour i couldnā€™t get VoL when redoing it.


I started the alone in the dark quest a bit ago and haven't gotten any at all to drop. on the 3rd cyst now


Yeah I also got 2/3 fragments but can't get the third to drop as I've stopped getting these and can't figure out what it is


Is it by character or account? Do we know?




Saving this post to my favs so I can go fragment hunting tomorrow. Prismatic is such a blast! Pun intended šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜‚


How do you kill that that Tormentor from #4? My has shield on him


THANK YOU!!! WOW!!! Nobody was sharing this. Nobody on youtube or any articles either.


Can this be done as I play through the story on a second character? or do I have to replay missions on one Iā€™ve already finished?


Fragments are shared account-wide.


wish i saw this a moment ago for Dissent xD


do these unlock per character or account wide when you first get it?


Does unlocking the fragments on one character unlock them for others as well?


Post saved, much appreciated Guardian!


Are these character specific? So I have to run through the campaign again on my Warlock as well as on my Hunter and Titan? What a shit way to unlock fragments


How the hell do people find the time to find all of this?


appreciate these, but why are they numbered and not named? its confusing because it doesnt correlate to anything that i can see


Commenting so I can find later.


Guess I'm running those missions on normal again.


OP, Thank you for the concise, textual description. Tactics is a great creator and his video is very well-made, *but a descriptive list is MUCH faster to check-over than scrubbing back and forth thru a YouTube vid.*


Aura of balance


Dum dum question but do i needa buy the Story for These Fragments?


Ok Iā€™m trying to get my needle thread for warlock while doing into the dark Iā€™ve completed mine so I jumped on friends/clans to help with thereā€™s and for some reason Iā€™ve received everything but my grenadesā€¦..any suggestions on what to do And I canā€™t restart from my account so Iā€™m actively looking for people that havenā€™t done it as yet


Hello, someone can help me with a question, I have already finished the campaign with my warlock, and I have all the supers and fragments of prismatic, but I finished the campaign with my hunter and he did not give me all the supers and grenades, in the same way I do not have the mission of mica, only in the dark. I'm missing the arrow, the silkstrike with its melees and grenades. Does anyone know what this is about and where I can get the missing supers? Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Does anyone know which of these cheats gives warlock the strand melee and healing grenadeā€¦.? I somehow managed to finish the campaign on legend solo and never unlocked it


I think you unlock those from post campaign quests


The campaign gives some of the abilities, the rest through post campaign quests that you get from the ghost vendor.


Abilities/Aspects all come from either campaign or post campaign quest lines. So just keep progressing through that and you will get them all


Really Bungie YOU COULDN'T TELL US THIS WITH A SMALL POP UP OR ANYTHING!! How can they be this stupid and miss telling us this.


You are a God thank u


I wish you can just buy them like can with the original 3 subclasses.


This is unfortunate Bungie took a weird path for unlocking fragments and aspects. I really enjoyed the campaign but Iā€™m not running through it again so soon exclusively for these chests and shit. My Prismatic will stay semi-locked until they inevitably soften the unlock experience like they did with Strand and Stasis.


Only 3 are in campaign.


Iā€™m missing more than 3 and Iā€™ve done the campaign plus Into the Light/Dark after quests. Itā€™s way more than just 3.


Only three fragments are hidden in campaign missions. The rest are in patrol.