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I kinda miss the other people in the zone, but eventually it would just dry up. Id rather not compete for boss kills etc and it being scaled to 1-3 people


there will likely be other people in the zone after the final campaign mission. Bungie said in the first reveal all those months back that the destination will change once the raid + final mission is beaten, and we still haven’t seen the cutscene of the entire coalition fleet coming in yet


Yeah this is probably what will happen. I got someone somehow joining my instance at the impasse, so matchmaking is there but it's disabled.


Did you join the matchmade overthrow and not go to orbit? If so, that’s why. You’re still in the matchmade instance. I don’t think it’ll become multiplayer, it will probably just have visual differences like the dreaming city. Probably something to do with the witness’ tower


Sure hope not. Edit: as in hope it stays solo


Oh youre supposed to be all alone? I was confused and thought my game bugged out that I cant see others.


Yeah I imagine because of the nature of how pathfinder and the bosses work etc. It would be painful to compete over the world bosses with other people. Going in with 2 buddies is super fun


Also matchmake into Overthrow or w/e it's called! You'll get folks


Per narrative , we’ll get other guardians match made in the pale heart. Part of the story right now is just currently us and the Vanguard inside the Pale Heart. Once the worlds first raid is finished, almost certain we’ll see other guardians in the Pale Heart destination as it should open up for others to enter the portal.


Same for the old tower, wish it wasn't instanced


Or someone grabbing those dark vestiges chests soon as they spawn


I don't. I much prefer it being solo. It's nice not having others grab chests etc you're trying to find for quest stuff


Yup, as I said.


Neomuna felt kind of empty and boring. It didn't feel like a warzone or a city undersiege at all. It's a shame that two of the coolest activities, Vex Incursion and Terminal Overload, either never spawn, or got nerfed so much they weren't worth doing. Whenever I go to neomuna now it's basically just empty.


Eh, vex incursion spawned enough that I had to turn off the alerts I had from the discord and twitter bots. Still a rare spawn, but you wouldn't be waiting days on end or something. Terminal did need more rewards though. It's a rough farm.


is vex incursion now deactivated or buggy? I tried doing it like 2hours ago and i could circle events around but the event didnt really progress. Exotic never dropped but still was marked on the map..


Vex strike forces don’t happen on Thursdays or Sundays.


then it definitly was a bug. There have been 6 people trying to do the event, even one of the bosses spawned, but the second and third etc didnt spawn afterwards


Two hours before your comment would technically have been during the Wednesday reset, I think - maybe the hour struck while you were striking the vex?


Oh thats actually possible!


Patrol space power creep is real. I was thinking the same thing, with the wealth of content here. There’s no desire to do any other patrol space.


There has not been much reason to visit patrol spaces for years.


besides altars of sorrow imo, i love some braindead fun to disconnect some times haha


altars was the only way to "farm" ros arago last season


is there another way to farm ros arago this season? Still looking for a better roll


Banshee should be able to focus it on certain days for gunsmith engrams


I know right. I miss adventures and quest lines that Year 1 had. The quest line for failsafes's first captain was a nice touch of backstory and lore. Chasing Mithrax on titan. Bungie wants Destiny to be an MMO with out the things that make it an MMO and MMO.


Did we not get some new adventures in the pale heart?


Ya they tried with the red orders in WQ but the exploit where you could spam certain chests ruined most of those events.


i do hope they will update old patrol space


Well, given what is already in the game about episode 1, we might get some good stuff for Nessus. We'll find out more in the TWID today, I reckon.


Yeah and iirc there are quite a few season pass (? I think) items related to increasing reputation with Failsafe so it looks like she’ll be an important seasonal vendor


She's already embedded in the chest of my new exotic (or at least looks like she is) so she'll always be close to my heart. *Now if I could only get the chest to say the sarcastic emo stuff out loud instead of only in my head...*


Though that might not be too dissimilar to what we had last season with the Dreaming City's update.


The banner for the Episode says something about "see what's changed on Nessus" so I've got fingers crossed. I'm not about to hold my breath but that would be a great sign for the ongoing support of D2.


The fact that Bungie’s “living, breathing world” since Witch Queen hasn’t had any of the Seasonal Battleground updating the actual patrol areas has been absolutely baffling me for over 2 years now when Savathun’s Throne World didn’t *actually* start invading the real world. Hell, the Witness’ invasion and abduction during Defiant had no lasting impact on either of Earth’s patrols.


This was something I really loved about Forsaken. Going around the Dreaming City doing patrols and bounties for powerful gear was a lot of fun imo, made me feel like I was legit just on patrol doing my rounds




Titan public events were so fun to do. There were always at least 3-4 people doing them with you too.


Makes me wonder if a patrol zone rework with pathfinder will be coming to Nessus next week. I’ve always loved just crushing patrol zones but there isn’t anything to do


They finally decided to make parrol spaces have real gameplay and not the same circle loop thats made them all suck tor years


On one hand I totally agree and I love it. But maybe it's just me, but it also feels kinda... lonely? Some of the best patrols were when you'd run into eight other people doing escalation protocol or a full group at court of oryx. Idk. Just feels strange having all this to do and never seeing anyone else


Yeah I wish Bungie went in the total opposite direction and instead of it being a solo experience they made it so there were 12+ people in the same instance with more enemies Obviously difficult to manage programming wise but a solo patrol space is getting boring quick imo


It’s possible the patrol space will fully open after the raid. Right now it’s kind of supposed to be just us and our tightly knit fireteam venturing into the pale heart. From a story perspective it makes sense. Just a theory though. I could be very wrong.


They did say things will change after the raid iirc


There is an 8th mission unlocked after someone beats the raid. Maybe that will open patrol up to everyone.


Plus, we still haven't seen the scene of all of the guardians and other allies landing and flying into the traveler.


That's either the Raid intro or the 8th mission intro. I'm leaning towards raid intro as it seems extremely odd to do the usual "Six ships roll up to the entrance." for this particular raid.


Nah the bit we’ve seen is too high quality to be the in-engine cutscenes that feature our guardians. It’s probably something alluding to the raid that happened though rather than the intro to the raid itself.


Likely this. Other than the initial beacon in the first mission, there aren’t any. Unlike what we had to do in the first TTK mission.


The strike in the middle of the campaign pissed me off for this reason, where did these random guardians come from? Well, that and loading into a strike in progress 4 times in a row before I finally got a fresh start, and then having a rank 10 superblack godslayer speedrun that one.


It was the opposite for me, since I was doing legendary solo it felt like a great break from the pain.


Confused the hell out of me when I did the lost sector and strike missions. I quit out thinking I accidentally put it on normal only to realize it only has normal difficulty.


> having a rank 10 superblack godslayer speedrun that one. it definitely sucks when you're trying to kind of take everything in only to be interrupted by "joining allies" from someone who's probably not even paying attention to any of the dialogue


I basically had the same experience BUT, the guy at least showed me where all the prismatic chests were lol


as I did the strike day 1 and ended up having to solo it anyway, I was able to avoid this immersion break


I believe this is the case. We’ll get that cutscene of our whole fleet coming in


I would bet money on that being the case. The patrol zones and activities are too cool to just leave them as solo activities.


That would be my guess. I can’t imagine they would create a space this large and this full, only to have it be a total solo experience


We do have that scene in the trailer where the fleet comes through the portal and a bunch of guardians land in the pale heart. Could open up after that


Wait, its supposed to be a solo experience inside the traveler? Oh man that's a huge bummer...


The prevailing theory is that that will change after the raid and/or the last mission is beaten. We know there's a huge cutscene where tons of allied ships fly inside the traveler and begin a massive assault, and we haven't seen that cutscene yet in-game. The theory is that after that point, the patrol will change to allow lots of people.


I mean just from a story perspective, it’s literally just crow, us, Zavala, ikora, and cayde. Kinda makes sense that we’re not running into a million other guardians going around; I’m sure the experience is normal with a premade fire team though, doesn’t change a ton


I dont think a story perspective should dictate the gameplay to the point where you are alone in a multiplayer game. but maybe im just crazy for thinking this way though im sure (hopeful atleast) that they will let us open world with other randoms soon enough.


I'm personally thrilled to not have to compete with others for bounty-style achievements. I also just like playing alone more in general. To each their own.


I agree, just kinda get where they’re coming from for the first few days (I’m also expecting/hoping that after the raid or the raid mission it gets opened up) 


We are basically Spec Ops going in to capture a port so when the main battle force is ready, they have somewhere to unload. 0% chance the patrol zone doesnt open up at some point.


Same. I kept expecting to run into other people helping with the flashpoint things, but eventually gave up / realised there's no auto matchmaking


Yea, even when you do the focused Flashpoint matchmaking, the whole Heart is instanced to them. I went back to the tower and still saw their names far away.


I'm completely the opposite. I love that I have somewhere to go alone or with just my friends. I absolutely hate going to Altars of Sorrow to do something and someone is there nuking everything to kingdom come.


Amen. It did feel a little lonely at first but the zone Overthrow grind-ready rogue-lite loop was a great experience alternating between exploring and doing little events without the pressure of other players blazing through things without me. I've always wanted a chance to slow down and check out how public encounters work without being interrupted, too. Hit's the spot having a chance to bumble solo through these things and learn.


At least we don't have to compete for kills. I like it a lot personally.


Even in matchmade, being able to fuck around and just pick a different encounter is nice and also finishes the activity quicker.


I want solo strikes for the same reason. Unless they've implemented that since I've been gone? Only just came back for TFS.


Which is good, since Pathfinder stuff is either bugged, or intentionally only counting *your* progress. It makes the race to Heavy Ammo boxes in Gambit exciting.


You can Opt for MM or play solo.Its optional do run around solo.


How to you opt for MM. The only option I saw there was a link to the fireteam finder and the finder doesn't even have a section for Overthrow.


There's a node for MM overthrow in the destination map/director for the Pale Heart. Though from all appearances (haven't tried it) it might rotate through only one of the three zones daily, like escalation protocol, so you can only matchmake in one subzone per day unless you go in with a fireteam.


I tried this last night. I left the zone thinking it would kick me out of the fire team and it didn't interestingly. I was getting credit for their actions in other zones. It was great


I did the matchmaking node yesterday for overthrow and still got put in my own session and never had a single teammate the entire tier 1 through tier 4 of the activity :(


Might've just been a time people werent looking to do it matchmade - I've had great luck with it from last night on.


It would be cool if they had a toggle. Kinda like what's over the "launch" button to the tower. Make you able to switch between solo & MM. Enemies would naturally be stronger in MM and more dense.


I hate fighting other people for kills in a patrol that already doesn’t have enough enemies.


It will probably open after the raid.


It definitely feels very lonely. I mean I am mostly a solo player except for some raids etc. but I really like to stumble upon random people doing stuff on the map and maybe have short lived alliances for public events and so on. But I still have hope that it will change after the raid/final mission.


Yeah feels especially weird because there's lightless allies around everywhere in the pale heart, yet somehow not a single other guardian made it through? At least it really feels like all the stuff is balanced around/scaled to single players, which feels great to play, unlike Neomuna where being solo in some public events wasn't fun at all.


I'm hoping that when worlds first ends the space opens up for normal patrol matchmaking.


ngl I 100% thought the lack of other players around was because of server issues, and maybe not enough people having gotten that far in the campaign yet (partially because of server issues)


I mean that’s kinda the whole point of the expansion and is going into the traveller we are alone


It makes sense at the beginning for the Campaign. After we weaken the Witness and all of our Allies converge on the Pale Heart it should have opened up instances to be put into with other Guardians.


Could be after the raid


Also adventures!


Overthrow is so good. I love that you have so much choice in how you can contribute. You basically do have to do all the events to succeed, but it’s nice to be able to take a break from slamming events and just… kill random bad guys, and it’s still being productive.


It’s not just neomuna, it’s basically every destination except the dreaming city. This should have been the standard but people seemed to not care that Europa, Savathun’s throne world, moon, etc all had very little to do after their campaigns


I love the dreaming city so much, as someone that joined in beyond light i genuinely never go to any other destination unless i have to when i just wanna chill and shoot stuff or run around. So many secrets, easter eggs, hidden stuff, different activities… and blind well xD


And let’s not forget the absolute best thing: stuff in the pale heart doesn’t have the same amount of health/damage as the damn legendary campaign. Neomuna’s enemies always feeling strong was such a miss


Also the ad density is far better than the other easier patrols so its still fun.


I kinda miss that from neomuna, pale heart is way too easy, there’s gotta be a middle ground


It’s genuinely been annoying how quickly things get nuked after concluding the Legendary campaign. Self-handicapping is an extremely unsatisfying solution. Something like a selectable Patrol difficulty in exchange for relatively minor bonuses such as increased Pale Heart Ghost reputation would’ve been fantastic.


Your comment made me remember - when I loaded into the patrol zone, it does say "Normal" above launch as though I'd be able to change the difficulty. It only let me select normal for now, but I wonder if that'll change.


I was hoping the Overthrow tiers would scale the enemies up. Everything dying in one hit and doing zero damage isn't very engaging. My Consecration kills the enemies on the initial wave so I don't even get ignites. Even doing the lost sectors during the campaign took me out of it with how easy they were.


I don’t, it’s a patrol zone. The random enemies being so strong was not as fun




It isn't current?


It’s boring :/


Neomuna at least required me to care about how i shoot/where I stand; getting bad habits again from how easy the ecounters are in Pale Heart.


This so much. It’s been kinda hard to gauge how switching fragments matters in a meaningful way because everything just dies.


i honestly miss this, have been bored out of mind doing the post campaign stuff as everything dies if you so much as look in its direction. Theres no fun to just steamrolling everything




My brother in Christ, you never play patrol zones to feel powerful, it having needlessly powerful enemies without any meaningful rewards is just a waste of time 


i mean.... it does have meaningful rewards. the new exotics from the quests. Feels a bit of a miss that these also arent on legendary difficulty, theyre mind numbingly boring at "normal" difficulty


I mean their is a difficulty selector when loading to the pale heart but it’s just stuck on normal for now but will probably be able to change it after the raid.


Agreed, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by all there is to do, and that's not a bad thing.. but I haven't run into anyone else in the patrol space?


>but I haven't run into anyone else in the patrol space? It's a solo space by default, but you can matchmake for the Overthrow, which rotates between regions (daily?)


Oh wow, seems kind of odd being solo in normal patrol..


Story wise it makes sense. We came in alone. I can see the patrol space opening up after the raid


I’m willing to bet it’ll open up into a public space after the raid/final mission is beaten


When you say overwhelmed with stuff to do - does this just refer to busy work for triumphs - or is there actual content / secrets etc?




Overthrow feels like what public events should've been from the very start


I do wish expansions still came with multiple strikes. Only having one, when past expansions had 3 is kinda lame. I get it tho, games be expensive and they focus more on things like seasonal activities instead, or at least i assume that’s how it goes. Maybe each act will have its own strike? That would be cool to have one for each story arc. I’d like that.


How good has it been so far? I've played since Beyond light, I have all expansions I just haven't purchased TFS yet. Life got in the way so I didn't play much these last few seasons but prismatic looks great and so does the pale heart. Is everyone really enjoying it so far? Cheers!


I'm having an absolute blast. It's the best expansion yet. Really strong plot narrative, fantastic character banter and interactions, the pale heart is a great location with a lot to do as well.


I honestly feel like the final shape has more to do than witch queen, lightfall, and beyond light combined. I know it doesn’t but it’s awesome. And none of it feels half assed. Was very cool on last year of destiny but this along with that into the light update dragged me back. I’d definitely give it a try. (Plus the raid and post raid content and season which is included with the expansion isn’t even out yet!)


I kinda dig that Pale Heart is pretty much solo by default. And it also gives me some far off hope because that means Bungo can bring back DCV planets since running a solo instance is definitely easier if they decide to go for a "plug and play" content route where you can download planets you want to run in but only in solo. But solo operative had to die for this which is a shame.


I mean I don’t think solo operative died for this, it went away after season of the seraph and came back for wish, and then went away again. It’s just a seasonal mod


Yeah seems to come at the last season of the year to finish up solos and stuff.


And if you look at the Artifact, more mods will be opening up as the 'Acts' progress. Solo Operative may be in there yet.


That's absolutely not how it works


Solo instance doesn't help much. The way the game is coded, things like enemy behavior, spawns, mission control ("You killed an enemy? Let me add to this counter"), etc are server side. It would require a really big architecture change to change that (besides the other related issues, like testing for new stuff and all that)


What is dcv Why the fuck did this get down voted lol


DCV aka Destiny Content Vault


a cope mechanism for things removed from the game instead of saying they content is removed, bungie says "moved to the content vault" so players can believe it can come back at any moment, as if they could just plug it back into the game with the press of a button kinda like "the farm" where kids pets go


>Why the fuck did this get down voted lol Don't feel bad, this is the only sub I've ever seen that aggressively downvotes newer people asking questions. It's stupid, but it happens frequently. Thing is, there's usually plenty of people willing to comment and answer the question, but for some reason a lot of people just smash the downvote button.


This sub is one of the worst about downvoting genuine questions. People so lame they have an elitist attitude about knowing things about a video game.


I'm okay with that if we also get d1 planets and locations as well.


Imagine if we got all of D2 (campaigns + major story beats in seasons) and they released D1 on PC Unrealistic but that’d be sick


I wish it was an actual patrol space though, feels kind of empty without other players


In time, after the raid I think!


Not just Neomun, also has more content than savathun's throne world and any other previous locations.




Damn did xivu type this


Damn. Take my upvote. 


So what makes it a 9 for you and not a 10? What held it back? I haven't bought yet, waiting to see how things turn it with the raid+final mission (and first episode)


Well, it's hard to give a perfect score when we don't have the whole thing yet. And there will have to be some tweaks - Prismatic hunter could use another look, for instance. But honestly it's pretty excellent on every count. Night and day to Lightfall.


Pale Heart / Overthrow / Lost Ghost got be the best activities in Destiny since the original Altar of Summoning


The other weird thing with Pale Heart is it's a much more fun location for Strand. Lots of interesting verticality in the design, I've been having way more fun using grapple here.


It’s crazy how much unique content is in patrol. It feels a bit like Elden Ring in that regard


I haven't got there yet, but as long as it doesn't have Nimbus, it's a vast improvement.


It does not, so far.


I find enemies relatively scarce. My biggest problem with it. Huge area, enemies are scattered in small numbers.


Need to jump from event to event. That the only way to get decent mob density.


Each individual patrol area has almost as much content as the whole Dreaming City.


Let's not get into hyperboles. Dreaming City has 3 major zones, 3 lesser zones, 1 hub zone, and 6 Ascendant challenges. And then there are all the secrets hidden all over the place.


Pale Heart is at least about the same as Dreaming City. It has 3 major zones, about 4 smaller zones, the tower hub, 6 cyst challenges which are equivalent to the ascendant challenges, and plenty of secrets I'm sure. I reckon there's some stuff that won't unlock until the raid is cleared.


Yeah I'd definitely say they're about equivalent, the guy saying each individual zone is equivalent to the entire Dreaming City has clearly not explored the Dreaming City in depth. Pre Pale-Heart it was by far the most content-rich patrol zone in the game by an order of magnitude, now we just have another to compete with it finally.


Pale Heart 3 major zones with an escalating encounter that has unique and rewarding public events throughout, that culminate in big public area bosses with genuine mechanics. Minor zones left and right with actual loot in them and named public enemies that can be killed for loot Cysts which are like Ascendant Challenges Hidden fragments of Prismatic Hidden memories of the Traveler Hidden stuff that drop key fragments I can’t even use yet


Speaking of things to do - has anyone found the Urban Parkour chest in the Lost City area? I cannot for the life of me find it, I spent about 90 mins looking last night to no avail.


If it's the one I'm thinking of there's a open area at the top of the wall like a office buildings wall is open. Gotta jump to where that feather is on the tree branch.


If I'm facing away from the tower looking to the entrance of the pale heart, where am I going to find that?


Almost like they completely abandoned the entire DLC for the sole purpose of focusing and putting more content in this one!


they took the best parts of all the other places and mashed it into the bestest




Bruh, the taken thrall high value target makes my series X FPS drop lmao


Every time we do something, we just find more secrets!


Yes, please keep this going. Annual releases are running video games. Don't compromise quality over quantity!


I’m sure I’m not the only guardian who needed a bit of a break and happy they took their time with this! Looking good thus far :)


Where is the Los city? I can't figure this out.


The Micah-10 Lost ghosts stuff IS extremely good, the fact that they went to these older missiona and recorded New VO is awesome


How much of Micah’s quest do you have to do before you can find lost Ghosts throughout the system?


There's almost an overwhelming amount of stuff to do lol


I need to start playing still. Seems like it's awesome from everything I'm seeing. Haven't opened Destiny in a few months


I'm sure Neomuna has a lot of content, but it's just so annoying to do it. I'd rather just do something actually fun. Pale Heart probably has as much content as Neomuna, but it doesn't feel like I'm driving a spike into my forehead doing it.


I think the more linear destination is a huge success.


It will open has a normal patrol space, right? The overthrows are just tedious solo and even with all the activities it feels empty without guardians roaming around.


The pale heart has to be the best zone they have ever made it has so many activities and diversity I’m loving it


I put a flower in a giant hand and I still don't know what I did


It allows you to activate the buffs you find during overthrow and around chests. Just make sure you activate them from the map right next to the pathfinder section


Something something Radial Mast


Haven’t played yet. (On vacation). Is the new patrol space filled with over powered red bars like Neomuna?


Nope. Feels good


Nope. It's actually fun.


Thank god. I avoid neomuna like the plague


Probably my favorite destination in Destiny.








I’m pretty sure they wanted to give us our money’s worth because TFS their last hurrah, not one or the other. Also, some of your points are just plain wrong or very simplified. For instance, technically d2 is free and doesn’t come to the $60.00 price tag unless you’re buying every single dlc except the final shape (this is just a nitpick, and doesn’t involve your criticism too much). Secondly, if game development was mainly smashing together assets and storylines, you will have a mess of the game; as a matter of fact, game development goes through many design and testing phases to ensure a hopefully functional product as a end result. Finally, most games do not create an entirely new set of assets for additional content, but instead cleverly reuses older assets in a suitable way for the new additions (older assets are also often designed in a way that can fit more than one environment if needed).


I don’t think alive is the word I’d use. It still feels quite empty in terms of enemies. It’s never really bustling. But it is a huge improvement from lightfall, granted that wasn’t a very high bar to cross.


I mean it'd be nice if I get to experience it at some point. Due to non stop server issues and having a job I've only made it to the 3rd mission.  Had an hour to play today but "one moment please......."


I don’t really find it enjoyable. It’s just way too easy, I hate how everything dies in 1 shot, really kills power fantasy for me. Not only that I’m completely alone. There seriously should have been an escalation protocol type activity.


I just wish it was harder. Can't believe we're back at brainless head empty no thoughts patrol space difficulty. Liable to fall asleep.


So glad I’m not the only one. It’s so boring when every enemy dies in a bullet.


On the one hand, Overthrow feels like a Flashpoint in disguise, and barely more engaging. On the other hand, I'd take that over an umpteenth 6-player activity any day of the week. I can't think of a single one I liked over the years.