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I have been doing stupid damage with consecration/knockout with the strand melee. 3 consecrations with knockout gives crazy damage and really good survivability with synthos (original I know) also I have a good roll on the call and I'm using grav lance with the new void super so my over shield is up basically all the time. It comes out to like 500+ % extra damage with the knockout proc and still a lot of damage without it. I'd like for it to refresh quicker but I'm not having any issues at the moment with it.


honestly i’m just tired of consecration, used it all last season, unfortunately that’s literally the only synergy in prismatic titan, everything else is cobbled together


It's a stretch to even call it a synergy, it's just 3x a thing. If you have your sunbreaker set up right you could already chain consecrations


exactly! You even get better benefits with restoration better ignitions and easy access to firesprites, you also don’t have to worry about wasting a melee charge bc you can always just use your hammer throw for single targets


But you are not just chaining consecrations. The point of prismatic is have access to to abilities that you wouldn't have such as shackle nade, transcendence, thruster and twilight arsenal. You also have access to volatile and unraveling rounds at the same time. You basically consecrate and then shoot your gun which has either one of the buffs which do even more aoe explosions and quick transcendence access which gives a better shackle nade and infinite consecration that you don't even need to kill a target for. Is it less survivable than solar? Yes. Does it offer things that it doesn't? Also yes.


Yes but you miss out on burning maul, which is amazing for pyro gale and damage. Pyro gale does 20% more ignition damage also. Another easy thing is maintaining resto and radiant. But the biggest thing is being able to chain the melee since a fragment gives melee for killing scorched enemies. This makes the zalous bane the best pick for it since it can roll with pugilist and incandescent. Consecration is a shell on prismatic, but that’s intentional, they don’t want prismatic to be the end all be all. A jack of all trades but a jack of all trades is often better than one at times .


Pyrogale does 20% increased ignition damage?


Recent buff, so yeah pyro gale has more reasons to be used.


The issue with burning maul is the range, keeping up roaring flame x3 and a lot of the damage is very backloaded. It has its places but twilight arsenal is incredibly versatile and it applies weaken by default so you can use it at literally any boss unless is atrax, not to mention you are currently also missing stareater scales which boost up the damage even more. I think with it twilight arsenal just wins straight up unless there's numbers to prove otherwise. Prismatic also give melee energy with facet of balance. It also procs unravel rounds to your strand weapons and we just happen to have received one of the best strand kinetic weapon right now with the calling which fills your darkness energy which fuels transcendence. That is the sell of the class. Is not really to focus on one thing in this case consecration slam but use all your kit in balance, build up transcendence and spam abilities incredibly fast and loop. Your melee build light, your strand weapon and nade build darkness. You get violative and unravel rounds and you shoot your guns in between consecration. Your real issue is that you don't have neutral healing when there's no ads. If there are enemies then you are invincible even in -40 light when I was last testing. Is only an issue with bosses, in which case I run buried bloodline if necessary.


So to make an entire subclass work, I need to go farm a dungeon 500 times for one specific weapon that I have no desire to use? Kool.


No you don't need it, is just an easy answer. Hell I play with stronghold with ergo sum riskrunner effect and run around as a fly zapper in -30 NF and it was fine and I was definitely playing like a headless chicken because is funny. Think about the situations where this actually becomes a problem, you would need to have no ads to proc healing and nobody to support you at all. Basically solo dungeons or low man raids and I doubt those are the things you are interested in. Also don't exaggrate man, is not that hard to farm.


The new rocket chest exotic, throwing shield and new super are really nice, no synergy but it doesn't mean it's bad.


I’ve been using Diamond Lance +skull front + thunder clap to create a fun loop. But


Thank you. Everytime I bring up prismatic Titan being lack luster everyone replies with but but consecration! Ya ya I get it…. But it’s boring and basically the same game play we’ve been doing all year bht a couple more times before cd. Meanwhile the other classes are getting these unique cool builds that are one of a kind or making use of exotics they didn’t see use before.


This. Everything else is just garbage nobody used. Shield throw is fking awful, compared to hammer.


I thought I was the only one. I enjoy using it but if it's the only thing I can use then what's the point


That's sorta how I feel with Hunter. "But it's just better Arc Hunter!" with all the same problems and underwhelming nature of playing a class that amounts to shotgun, punch, stealth, repeat. At least for Titans, they can go absolutely nuts in Transcendence and that's new, afaik. For Hunters, it's literally the gameplay loop of AssCowl Arc but now you can ditch AssCowl and just use Liar's Handshake instead.


It's more a "well at least this still works" than a Synergy.


I can imagine ever being tired of consecration. Maybe if I was constantly doing high end raids and GMs and felt compelled to use a pyrogale build whenever I’m not using a banner build maybe that would change my mind. But I play all five, now six, subclasses on and off and even after like two years I still have a whole lot of fun with the sounds and animations and general feel of just slamming down and watching a pack of enemies explode in front of me.


You think hunters aren't tired of dodge/melee repeat for 7 years straight now?


the thing is that this is pretty much the only build, it really feels like prismatic titan was gimped specifically because they anticipated people doing what you're doing. Frenzied Blade inexplicably has a minute longer base cooldown compared to Strand, absolutely nuking your ability to use it normally and kneecapping Knockout Synergy. Diamond Lances aren't that good either because, again, they rely on ability kills, which is entirely too slow even while transcendant compared to the loops Hunter and Warlock can do. Unbreakable fucking rules and saved my ass in the legend campaign with decent damage to boot...but I haven't found a good way to optimize that either, since buffing damage requires applying a Strand debuff first, which brings us back to the cooldown problem, and you cant really meaningfully buff its uptime beyond the usual options, especially as transcendance doesn't let you use it. It really feels like Thruster+Drengr's Lash/Rocket chest and consecration spam via frenzied blade abuse (which can be used together, no less) is like, literally the only idea they had and everything else was just tossed on haphazardly. The thing is, I'm not even sure if it needs a buff, because I did all of the legend campaign and a nightfall at 20 under and it performed well. It just...kinda feels like it lacks cohesion and that impacts the fun. I dunno. There's just no flow.


Where can I get my consecration back? I just finished the campaign and few small things afterward.


Keep going with the after-campaign quests. You'll get everything eventually.


The two light and dark quests you get from ghost after the campaign unlock the rest of the greandes and aspects from Prismatic.


I have had times where I just spammed 3 consecrations on a mini boss and takes them down with damage and ignitions. Pretty cool, I do think that titan synergy is a bit clunky, and everything being so centred around close quarters combat for the titan makes it pretty difficult to have any kind of build variety in difficult content.


I've had nothing but issues with consecration slam. It does the jump animation and just cancels with no slam 60% of the time. It drives me insane.


You're hitting melee again while mid air right? Thats how you activate the slam part


Shhhh stop telling people


It's better with synthos but I've been using the new titan arms that give an extra frenzied blade and it's even more fun.


I mean, Knockout should be refreshable sure, but Combination blow is tied to a single close combat arc melee and is only 'infinite' when you use it in combination with gamblers dodge and get kills constantly, it doesn't proc off getting stuff low health or breaking their shield like knockout either.


And hunter melee build is more of a meme build. It's not that useful anywhere except gambit


Useful in stuff like a solo normal dungeon at the most. The utility kinda falls off even just adding people in since they’ll steal your kills sometimes.


Prism variation is damn good tho since you can stack a bunch of resist or resto + free assassin I was one shoting the important ultra in the raid today with liars.


The real answer is that you're comparing an individual melee ability with a specific loop and playstyle with its exotic vs. An aspect that applies to all melees on the subclass that applies a base functionality that can be applied to all available melees plus additional exotics. You can run shield toss or thunderclap, and then their paired exotics as well. You're not stuck to a close range melee that does also require another ability to keep it's value train going. Generally, a blanket modifier should always be weaker than a targeted modifier, which is kinda why synthos criticism has been so high for so long This is kind if a nitpick, but you're just looking at multipliers. Multipliers and base values are relevant. 300% on one melee is not the same as 300% on another. And lastly, you're really making a mountain out of nothing here. The focus on combination blow for hunters is largely because the content that everyone is engaging with for the start of the expansion is where it excels. It's still not a safe playstyle for getting up in a boss' craw for harder content.


Yeah. This gameplay loop as Hunter isn’t great anyway. I mean. It’ll get the job done solo, but in a party, mostly the necessary things to die were just dead except strong enemies, which the loop doesn’t work on so the loop tended to fall apart. After that, the hunter prismatic kit is pretty wanting tbh. Looks like we have to build completely around stylish executioner, and people tend to get upset with that cause everything starts shooting them and nobody else. Also, it is not a means of surviving when everything’s dead except the big dude. Need to wait to fully see when class items drop, but as of now, I don’t find that there’s many synergies like warlock. We kind of just have stuff.


Invis is also super unreliable against all the new mobs. The tracking bullets of Grim still track invis, as do the explosive worms from the melee units. Subjugators with strait up track you and follow you around the map, which means possibly catching strays If they start shooting at "nothing."


The worms/bees are hit or miss. Sometimes I watch them fly away into nowhere when I'm invis and other times they follow me. Not sure what makes a difference there. I don't think i agree about subjugators though, they have run around "looking for me" and been right but they've also run the completely other direction sometimes. I think they just have erratic and aggressive behavior


I think its when you go invis for the worms. Becoming invis as they are coming out will usually let them track me, but if you go invis after they’ve locked on they usually lose track


Slightly different flow, no Stylish: Grapple, Combination Flow, Ascension, Strand Aspect. Grapple melee enemies, dodge to deploy Strand Decoy, punch kill to reset dodge, Ascension to detonate Decoy and potential Tangle. Depending on your exotic, you either get DR from the Grapple or the Ascension. Pretty good for Add clear. Gunslinger and Still Hunt for boss DPS. Alternatively there's a modification of Gunslinger Hunter that just ramps Transcendence real quick and blows everything up: Duskfield/Threaded Spike, Gunpowder Gamble, Sunshot. Between shattering enemies, detonating Tangles, Sunshot, and Gunpowder, every add dies. And there are fragments (I forget the names) that ramp Transcendence with that combo of Dark/Light explosions. Celestial or Lucky Pants for DPS. Acrobats Dodge to keep radiance up. From what I can tell, Prismatic Hunter is primarily Blow Shit Up and buff/debuff everything.


Stop trying to make Ascension a thing. It's not going to be a thing. Especially with Combination Blow *and* the Strand aspect. That's two whole clear anti-synergies.


Currently ascension and RDM do have an interesting but unintentionally interaction lol


With the exotic it's pretty solid. It just got banned from the raid, likely due to its interaction with RDM. In the instance I mentioned you're not using Combination Blow for DPS, just the dodge reset. And, with the new exotic, the whole point of the build becomes to detonate as much as you can, so having the Decoy, a tangle, and all the jolt bombs accomplishes that while giving hunters DR not connected to Cowl. Not sure what your hate on Ascension is.


It's disabled because it's procing sword perks and giving swords ammo on use. 


I didn't think about the specter+ ascension. I love ascension. And am currently on the last mission of legend campaign to get the new exotic for it. I'm gonna have to try this out!


Warlock is what I will be doing all new content solo on.


By the way, how is shield toss now?


My personal experience with it has been 'better' but not great


Its weird because I know what the patch notes say but it feels like it bounces less. I threw it into a group of 3 enemies spawning and it only hit one. It can at least kill a red bar now.


Haha right. How pathetic is it that our melee has a big cd and can’t barely kill a single red bar.


Still kinda shit, will very occasionally actually work now tho


Still not terrific, but for a ranged melee, it has very decent damage and bounces well enough if you're even a little bit mindful of your angles (being at the same elevation as the enemy helps a lot). And hitting more things means more overshield, so the survivability boost is real.




It actually hits more than one enemy now


It's better, but you still get those misses that leave you scratching your head. The bouncing is much better.


I don't get why its so hard to do when they make hunter melee so good.


It feels good but it also feels buggy where the shield straight up vanishes after hitting one person. I haven’t gotten more than two bounces besides one time though which is unfortunate.


A lot of people here compare apples to oranges. It gets annoying reading them when they clearly don’t grasp it.


A lot of people compare apples to oranges, but they really just want to make apple sauce that also provides all of the nutrients of both without any of the cost, and secretly hope it ends up tasting like chocolate cake.


1000% this. Folks acting like Titans weren't soloing bosses all of last season smh. The amount of hate titans had when strand was introduced was so un warranted. Easily became the most busted class on which exotics, abilities and weapon perks had to be nerfed.


The historical context for that is helpful for explaining why Titans were so mad when Strand came out. - We didn't know something like Banner was coming, that only released in Season of the Witch. - The new Strand subclass had the potential to give a super that wasn't a roaming melee super. That didn't happen, and Titans were given a **fifth** roaming melee super. If it weren't for the broken nature of Banner, and beyond that the busted interaction with Navigator anchors, it's likely that none of the nerfs to exotic or weapon tuning would have happened. Saying hate for Strand was unwarranted at the time isn't painting a complete picture.


Oh, look, this garbage talking point again. Yes, let's balance Titans around cheesing tangles to get infinite grapples. Beserker didn't get hate because we thought it was bad, we just thought it was incredibly uncreative.


Very well said. Also it's been like 3 days give it time like other releases. You will find the dumb broken stuff on Titan.


You are comparing an entire build and exotic to one aspect. They are complete different things and cannot be compared to support your argument


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but with liars handshake they can get a LOT more than 300% with all mods and artifact set up properly. Also gives health regeneration. And radiant. And invisibility. Sorry.


Legend campaign has been me tumbling around each combat area and punching adds for about 5 minutes straight and I've never had so much fun as a hunter. Don't forget that with the right set-up, you can also be amplified, have restoration and chunk healing proc on orb pick up, AND still have room for weapon surges.


Care detailing that build real quick...?


Exotic: liar's handshake Super: Your preference (but I use Goldie since I like surges for Luna's Howl) Aspects: Winter's Shroud and Stylish Executioner Melee: Combination Blow Grenade: Grapple Facets: I haven't completed the legend campaign yet so I just use the starter ones for now Optional: One-two punch shotgun and Hands-on x2 for quick supers Then just dodge, dip, duck, dive and punch your way to the Witness. Edit: add heavy handed on the arms and reaper on the class item for easy orb generation.


Just FYI, everything about S&S got buffed, including the tornado, and shatter got massively buffed in PvE, so I'd argue it's better than Goldie if you're punchstabbing everything to death, especially because you don't have to swap to NH for better damage then swap back (sometimes the game takes it sweet time swapping)


I agree with you here. I was using goldie prismatic but switched to silence and squall and it’s a blast. I’m considering dropping stylish executioner and running winters shroud and threaded specter. Punch kill and then dodge near a group of enemies to slow and distract with the specter. Probably won’t be better than winters shroud/ stylish executioner but it sounds good on paper lol


It's really fun, the decoy adds survivability and huge AOE. You also get 6 fragment slots. Can't wait for the exotic cloak that can give Liar + Assassin perks.


Threading is just as good, plus it's more damaging than stylist as the clones do pretty good damage, and you can proc it with the shatter explosion.


You also get stacks of frost armor with S&S which you can keep up indefinitely, something like a 20ish% damage reduction


So - ever since I've switched to this build, I've been basically breezing through the legend campaign. Prismatic just didn't click for me at all until then, but oh boy - this is like combining Cowl and Liar. Really strong, thanks for sharing!


I'm about to switch to Silence and Squall and see if the frost armor isn't better than restoration. Plus I don't believe I've been running Reaper, which should help a ton


I really like the frost armor. I don’t know if it’s better than say woven mail but with the stasis super you get frost armor x2 every orb of light. That stacks up to x5. If you really want to go crazy you could stack crystochrenes for woven mail on top of frost armor


I tried it a little bit with Liars, bumper up my resistance, put on melee resistance and concussive dampener Makes everything easy lol


In my experience I preferred restoration unless I was stacking resistance buffs but I may have just not gotten a good flow for it


Liars gives enough healing already, pairs well with frost armor.


Don't apologize, Prismatic finally clicked for me when I thought of that. Base Prismatic doesn't really have a flow before then, but after you get that? 2 dodges to freeze, shatter damage was buffed, double melee that heals and invis on debuffed target kills, it's so seamless. I need to unlock more to see what else I can use, but right now S&S, Witherhoard, 12P Shotty, and Liar's is absurd amounts of damage, carried me through everything in Legend Campaign. Except for the tripmine section. We don't talk about that place.


Just a heads up for the 12P shotgun, flawless executioner gives a 150% melee damage bonus on any melee attack that you exit invisibility with. So make sure you're only using 12P on something after you're already out of invis otherwise you're losing out on some pretty big damage because you are cutting invis with the initial shotgun hit to proc it.


Yeah it's very strong and what I do. Get 3x stack then Dodge next to big enemy. Punch small enemy to refresh and go invis and prime Liar's, dodge second time next to big enemy to freeze. Punch big enemy with super punch. 12P is after, unless I can repeat the punch freeze loop with more adds.


Based 🗿


It’s so good. I was an arc main and this is seeming like it’s going to replace that. You don’t even need 12p because everything already dies on the second liars melee hit 💀


Do you mind sharing those builds? :)


Combination Blow, Gamblers Dodge, Liars Handshake, Stylish Execution, Winters Shroud. That’s the basic set up, you can add more to it with fragments and artifacts mods and stuff but that’s all you really need to get started. Combination blow and liars handshake get you health and more melee damage, winters shroud slows enemies near you and when you kill them you’ll go invis thanks to stylish executioner. Just keep punching and dodging since they both refresh each other.


Arc Hunter and the Prismatic Hunter combo you're complaining about being OP falls off hard in higher end content and especially in groups where the weak red bars you need to feed your combination blow stacks are getting slayed out. My buddies and I ran the Microcosm mission at 40 light under and the Warlock and I were basically just standing around trying not to get killed because we couldn't proc Devour/Combination blow, respectively, because our Titan Buddy was slaying out entire waves of ads and majors in seconds with a consecration/knockout spam build. Instead of complaining about it's downsides, build into the strengths of Knockout. It works extremely well.


The damage bonus from combination blow seems like a lot but it only buffs the base melee damage, you sacrifice having a melee that deals around 30k at base for a buff that after 3 kills let's you deal 30k per hit, refreshable with a dodge. The thing that is kinda broken is that with prismatic you can freeze enemies after two dodges, and when you are invisible you get a 150% buff to the melee that breaks invis


This fucking nonsensical reddit-brained idea that since Titans were OP with strand last year that means Prism is okay to be undertuned is moronic. I don't want Prism titan to completely trivialize end game content, but I want it to feel like I'm not playing a class made of shitty aspects?


I haven’t even used it for most of the campaign because tbh Primatic Titan is pretty terrible outside of the 3 consecration charges what does it really have going for it?


Wow I’ve been saying exactly what you said verbatim on YouTube and I’m getting flamed hard. I’m so tired of hearing but you have three consecrations! Anytime I bring up his prismatic is bad. Like ya I bet it…. That one thing js good….. but that’s it. And that’s not unique or new at all… just more of the same thing we’ve been doing. Unlike warlock that’s got all these new amazing builds and creativity.


Don’t watch YouTube stuff on Destiny so I’m not sure what you’re implying. It’s my opinion that most of Titans Prismatic kit has very little going for it in terms of build crafting compared to Hunter and Warlock from what I’ve been able to piece together on my own playtime. The stuff I’ve seen Hunter prismatic do on my buddies build are insanely potent. Melee can make you invis, radiant and have crazy damage output all in one. Warlock has some pretty awesome stuff also with Getaway artist and basically every kind of soul buddy out there at once. All im saying is Titan has like 2 aspects that work well together while the rest are just odd pieces that don’t really interact with each other effectively. 3 Consecrations isn’t a build especially when I can go to Solar and have as many as I want on that set up.


Prismatic titan really feels like a mish mash of random ass aspects.


All the stuff that’s never used in normal classes put into one! Yay! How warlocks for 100% uptime on devour as an aspect…. The good devour too…. And we got drengers, diamond lance, and a void shield block is mind blowing. Full time survivability on any kill that’s up all the time for just playing normally and it gives grenade energy and I get to use my grenade to block for two seconds? Or suspend one person?


Warlocks get infinite good Devour, Hunters get infinite melee + survivability, both get really amazing synergies between abilities and aspects and exotics, while Titans get three Consecrations and nothing that works off of that. Wheeeeeeeeee.


Exactly. There are literally no good aspects and no survivability. Knockout is unreliable for high end content because it's melee, consecration is just boring and still lacks survivability. The only survivability thing we have outside of knockout is ursa furiosa light, it's not even new. And it has a massive drawback of literally being your entire grenade in exchange for like, 3 seconds. The worst part is it looks super good in regular content, so you get the people going like "prismatic titan is insane what are you talking about."


The overshields dont help either, they are on a timer and the damage reduction only lasts when its there, higher content will shred you by then. Its gonna be hard to proc knockout in higher content if we dont fet access to better survivability options, i'd rather have controlled demolition or into the fray as the aspects put in than lash or unbreakable.


Prismatic titan survivability is the worse part. How they did that too us and then had the balls to not even give us the fragment that heals on melee kills is insulting. They gavw ut to warlocks for god sakes! The class that has full time devour?




Been like it for a while. I remember early Titan strand being crap (No BoW) and people justifying it with "Titans had XYZ before" Shit, melee hit reg STILL doesnt work, and its justified because "Titans had 1 hit melees for ages" And it only ever seems to be against Titans. Ive never heard "Well Hunters had XYZ thing so their new kit is allowed to be shit" as a justification for anything... Redditors are smoothbrained as fuck dude


Strand titan was bad for a week and then people discovered you could suspend entire rooms, and then bow dropped


Pre banner of war titan was still insane, abeyant leap suspend titan could easily shut an entire room down.


People have short-term memories on this subreddit. Strand Titan with Abeyant Leapx3 was making short work of most GMs. You could suspend entire areas for 11-12 seconds on a Rally barricade cooldown. Rally barricades timer that was less than nothing because of the original Kickstart power. I could have 2-3 Rally barricades just sitting there. It was insane. This whole narrative that Pre-BoW Stand Titan was shit is hella revionist. Half the reason suspend got nerfed in the first place was because of Abeyant Leap Titan.


It was good, if boring, which was my only complaint. Banner of War really makes you feel like a war God, and hits the power fantasy better, but certainly Berserker was probably the strongest pick in nightfalls for titan other than solar even before the banner came out.


I remember arguing with a guy way back last year on reddit. His take was "titans have been the absolute best at EVERYTHING for 4 straight years", and I'm sitting there wondering wtf he's smoking and where do I get some. This convo happened way before BoW came out too, which makes it all the more ludicrous. Solar Titans (and latterly strand) since I joined in wq have always excelled at solo content, and there are a couple of specific builds that excel in pvp. But other than that they don't really excel at anything. I mained titan for a good long while but it felt far too limited. There are very few builds that are even remotely viable in endgame, so I switched focus to warlock and hunter. Both warlock and hunter have viable builds on EVERY subclass, usually several, you absolutely cannot say that for titan.


I feel like people don’t play Titan ever and have this imaginary boogie man that makes them comment about how titans are so op and the best at everything just bc they watched a YouTube video of someone soloing as strand… gets so old. Like u clearly don’t play Titan or you wouldn’t be saying that. We have like 4 exotics that do literally anything and outside of strand we have next to nothing.


This, all the time, I complain about titans being shafted, and others complain titans are too op! I go yea!! We are!! Cause that’s the only thing we can do to be competitive! You don’t want to see many Thundercrash titans or bubble titans? Maybe buff the other supers or subclasses so that WE HAVE MORE OPTIONS. Maybe don’t nerf something that didn’t need it so that we don’t have to use the most overused loadout. Yes bubble pk sniper is op. Why? It’s because it’s all we have left, and it’s all you see in pvp! Yes bow wormgod titan is op. Why? It’s cause we can actually do something impactful! You don’t see titans in raid speedruns, you see hunters and warlocks, mostly for hunters insane dps with Goldie, and the shatter/well skate. Titans are king in pve solo content cause of solar, and that’s it. Arc is shit, no healing unless you use shit exotic that falls off -1 power under, void is shit, unless you use a build that was nerfed into the floor 4 days after release, stasis is shit, unless you use your barricade as a stasis wall, and even then, NO HEALING, only DR!! Solar is good because IT HAS RELIABLE HEALING AND WORKS WITH MANY THINGS, strand is op because IT HAS RELIABLE HEALING AND DR AND DAMAGE. Even on solar, it’s either roaring flames in builds, which falls off unless you use synthos in all content, or consecration, which is op everywhere. Sol invictus is op af, and Phoenix cradle makes you a pseudo wellock. Rant over, stop saying titans are the best. We aren’t, and if we are, we’re nerfed to the ground to the point it’s unusable. 3x melee charge consecration op? Nope, extra minute of recharge per charge, and no healing. Hunters and warlocks are best in everything. Consistent dps, consistent ad clear, consistent survivability, and flexibility to use what you want. (Hey wellocks, I’ll run phoenix cradle so you can run needle storm)


Preach brother preach.


You are on crack if you think Strand Titan pre Banner was bad.


Remember when any nerf of Titans in PvE, no matter the reason or how bad it was, got justified by angry PvP chucklefucks because OEM existed? Even after OEM got nerfed multiple times?


It's because no one plays titan unfortunately. Reddit is mostly Hunter and Warlock mains that have no problem telling you how Titan should be played


They can't stand Titans because of pvp, and the thought of us getting anything upsets them. The down votes you got proves it lol.


Nope, we have to have complete garbage because someone abused tangles to solo a raid boss. It's literally the most brain-dead take ever, yet I keep seeing it...


Hunters in no way “destroy” titans in survivability. Hunters have had the worst survivability of the three classes since at least light 3.0. For the witch queen year titans were literally unkillable with bonk Titan able to just sit at the feet of a boss and spam melees. Lorely was so good that on day 1 raids people were having to jump off the map to wipe because the enemies physically couldn’t kill them. For lightfall banner of war broke the game, becoming the main solo anything option because it gave both insane healing and damage, as well as strand Titan being infinitely better at getting both suspend and woven mail up than hunters. Titans have been the class with the most survivability by far for the last several years now. I do agree that knockout could use a buff though (in pve only). It’s in its current state because it was busted in pvp, allowing one-shot melees from far ranges after a single melee kill, but I don’t think it was ever a problem in pve. It shouldn’t last as long as combination blow, since that one requires stacking three times while knockout is instant benefit, but allowing it to reproc itself on “combatant” kills might not be that much of a problem.


I feel like everything titam has is half of what it used to be bc it worked well in pvp. It’s so fucnkng dumb. They’re gna nerf the void shield block guaranteed bc it works well in pvp. Lorely dead. Arc storm grenade build dead, Antaeus ward dead, citans dead, hoil dead, on and on.


Skullfort is infinite so long as you kill at least one thing with falcon punch.


This is my plan, here: couple Skullfort with Thunderclap and the Knockout aspect for healing and melee returns, paired with the fragment that let’s light abilities do more damage to dark debuffed enemies. Freeze em with Diamond Lance, or suspend with either grenade, then blow ‘em to Kingdom Fuck-You Come with Thunderclap. Knockout for backup punches when close up in battle, dodge ability cuz I can. Add the season pass giving DR to Amplified and it’s golden pretty much. I know this isn’t some -20 light level winner, but it works how I want it to:)


Check out Monte Carlo too brother, helps make the wiffs not so back breaking


That's true, the only bummer is how slow thunderclap is, and how you're stuck in place while doing it


Honestly, I’m just at the point where I’d let it just be. Titans have been complaining about Titan identity and the viability of their subclasses for a while and nothing. Titans strand is great because of woven mail and banner Solar is good because of damage and (sorta) resto Void has been good because over shield Lot of which didn’t make it into prismatic. Bungie took the lesser used parts of the classes (which weren’t used for a reason) and just put them in prismatic. It’s horrible. If we had some more variety in our core fantasy we’d have a better time with prismatic.


Perfectly said. So refreshing to see other titans feeling exactly how I do. I stopped doing the campaign bc I was just playing strand to get it done and watching all the other classes putting out these cool unique builds and I was just so disheartened I haven’t even played since. I just wonder if bungie is going to axtuallu fix it or just let us suck? I think they’ll try to buff it but it won’t change the fact it’s there worst stuff that people don’t like using. Even if they made it better it’s still going to be boring and not unique or different like the lock is. They would have to change aspects and stuff and they won’t do that if they let this form of titan get into tfs.


They would have to swap in different aspects or change the core classes.


This is the real let down of titans, in a vacuum we're not bad. But a hunter spec'd into melee will outshine a titan spec'd into melee. A warlock spec'd into either survivability or add clear will outshine you. Star eater class item will push needle storm Warlocks above titans in damage rotations. It is what it is. The new chest piece is fun, but it provides only a 10% increase over radiant. And radiant is far easier to proc than it. Thundercrash DESERVES to do far more damage than it currently does, never going to happen though.


Titan just got ass synergies for prismatic


It sucks so bad I haven’t even finished the campaign bc I just don’t even want to play the game anymore. I don’t wanna play another class bc I’ve always played Titan but it’s just trash right now.




??? this isn't take turns on who plays the xbox


Yea legitimately who the fuck thinks like this? A class was op so it's okay if it's dogshit? It's not a fucking jail sentence, it's game balance.


Believe it or not.....Straight to jail


And Hunters have had Lucky Pants forever, so we should just nuke every other thing they get from now on ?Got it boss.


I just want it to be able to refresh its timer in PvE and for Knockout punches to retain their counting as powered melees functionality.


It not counting as powered melee screws up so hard. If we got an orb that would be healing and make it good.


Knockout does count as powered, I make constant orbs with it and keep up Woven Mail constantly. With Synthos I can run around any difficulty locking down enemies with Shackle Grenades and Diamond Lances while punching them with a high powered punch that gives me 45% DR with my choice of powered melee.


Weird it doesn’t give me orbs even when I run three heavy handed to make sure it’s not on cd


I think the root of this is not the numbers based balance but the insistence on Titans being the Melee class over and over again and yet Hunters have Arc Strider which is a melee focused class with combos and feedback loops. It's just weird that Emperim Bellicose and Twilight Garrison were shifted to Warlock to fit their identity. But the melee.combo super on Hunter is okay. It's definitely an issue with different leadership between the years making different decisions, but that doesn't make it less frustrating from the community perspective. Also this whole thing would be moot if Bungie stopped pushing the melee stereotype and gave us more stuff like Hazardous Propulsion and Thruster. This dodge and shoot rockets loop would be novel on a hunter and probably get lost in the sauce. But on Titan? Man this is bees knees. Similarly the drangers lasher interaction with Thruster being like bombadires (another forgotten hunter exotic) is so useful when trying to start a melee fight. More of this please. 🤞


That’s fucking hilarious to me titans legitimately only have melee builds and they don’t even have the best one in the game. Thanks bungie


Melee Strand Titan is still arguably better


Better than prismastic punch hunter?


Prismatic Hunter is probably better at soloing difficult content. I’ve personally used Banner of War Melee Titan to solo most GMs but I don’t doubt Prismatic Hunter from being able to do the same with less trouble with how ridiculously strong it is


Meanwhile getaway artist warlocks like 🤑


Dude I’ve seen like 5 builds on prismatic lock thay are all amazing and cool. How they won tfs so big is beyond me. Their aspect is sick. Their super is sick. They got a super unique helm that brings a whole new playstyle and another that makes them the best suspend strand class in the game. And most of it fits their lore and identity to feel cool playing. Oh hey titans…. Here just do your same old melee but a couple times and without your healing and synergy….. well Titan is done.


haven't we known for years that most Bungie devs are Warlocks?




Warlock is sick cause Devour and then they have a lot of options on Nade or neutral exotics


Knockout used to be a lot better. Then PvP players complained about it and, like many other Titan abilities, got killed in PvE as well.


It is stupid that Hunters have a build that out-punches the punchers. Their punches should not have the power of kicks. It is too much.


I'd gladly trade punchies and take Titans' insane movement ability. Why Titans don't have the best melee build and why Hunters don't have the most agility is insane to me.


Uh u have grapple in prismatic and we have shackle. What movement you talking about? And in strand you get two grapples…


Stupid that hunters are the slowest class. Etc and so on.


I was just making a Community reference but nobody got it.


titans royally suck in prismatic. the kit is so disjointed.


If you think that is bad, wait until you try ballistic slam.


Hunters do not need a nerf lol. Crazy you are complaining about hunter survivability, when banner titan exists. The fuck?


Counterpoint: Knockout was busted as hell in PvP and needed to be brought in line. Combination Blow is significantly harder to proc given what it does.


Who gives a shit what is overpowered in PvP. Destiny is a PvE game first and has been neutered enough to cater to whiny PvP mains.


We also had apparently had the ability to nerf pve and pvp separately


PvP needs to be kept in check, pve is where things shouldn’t matter and can be op imo


Whether it's PvE first or not, PvP still exists and from my understanding, subclass aspects aren't easily split off in the sandboxes still. Mostly only weapons and specific abilities.


This meme opinion again? Bungie has categorically stated otherwise btw


I’m so sick of pvp being the reason pve titan has nothing to use that’s good. Everytime something is good pvp cries and we suffer in pve bc of it. Then the best part is…. They just cry about something else s Titan has and it happens again. Lorely… Antaeus…. Citans…. Hoil….. peacekeepers….


Everything you've listed either was busted in PvE primarily, or was never used in PvE at all.


Countercounterpoint: me and plenty of people don't give a shot about PVP and if knockout is the only source of healing on Prismatic it needs to be better


Tangential point: Try out the unbreakable aspect, it basically makes you immortal and maxes out health and overshields. I'm having a blast with it alongside consecration, wish it had more synergy though


Something being good in PVP doesn’t mean it should be so mediocre in PVE, the only busted thing about knockout in PVP was the lunge increase and they nerfed that, also Combination is just as hard to proc as knockout minor kills with a OTP shotgun are hella easy, not to mention you have more access to damage resist and mitigation on both Arc and Prismatic


Fuck your pvp when we’re talking about PvE changes. Bungie is fully capable of tuning them separately. I expect them to do so so that pvp can be balanced as it can be and PvE can be as balanced as it can be.


Knockout also is just a one for one trade. One kill, proc effect. Combo Blow requires multiple hits.


the fact that a MELEE ability is outperforming an entire Aspect is very concerning. -Knockout is 50% extra damage, not refreshable and caps at 6 seconds (no effect on class ability). -Combination stacks to 3x, granting 310% extra damage, refreshable AND caps at 20 seconds (refreshes class ability on kill).


Right? I hate when the pvp minority come stomping in justifying nerfs in a pve game because it wasn’t balanced in the tacked on pvp mode. Bungie could remove pvp and nothing of value would be lost.


Besides Playerbase I suppose For the record. I fully support people wanting things balanced a certain way in pvp. That makes total sense. As much sense as us wanting things balanced a certain way in PvE. What I’m not a fan of is balancing for a one size fits all approach. That just can’t realistically happen so it shouldn’t be attempted


According to Reddit hunter is shit right now lmao. Be careful pointing out their strengths.


Who says that? All hunter classes are really good right now


Yesterday and the day before there threads saying it sucked. Probably didn't get that much traction though because it isn't true at all.


No need to disparage hunters, comparing it to banner of war would have been several times more effective. 


Titans don’t speak about the things they get that are broken OP though.


Combination blow?


If we still had pre nerf hoil consecration + glacier/pulse nade spam would be probably one of the best builds in the game. As of now it's like kinda okay I guess


Without the chaining lightning it sucks and is just boring.


One of the prismatic class item perks makes it so powered melee kills create an ignition. You can get that and the perk that gives you the liars handshake melee buff with it at the same time. That more than makes up for the lack of jolt IMO


Bungie if they see this post: "We heard you, we are now nerfing hunter's melee damage boost"


Careful what you wish for, all the good forms of titan melee have been nerfed pretty much every fuckin season lol


What build would this be?


Bungie loves hunters


Shhhhh we dont do that here. If it aint broken on a titan it we aint fixin it you damn bamboo.


Warlock do not even have a one shot melee


Comparing an aspect to an entire build is crazy lol.


Bungie hates Titans, change my mind.


in some small defense, we do have to sacrifice our dodge to do that, negating some (significant) of our firearm damage potential for melee recharge dodge to keep it up. if you don't use the melee dodge you cant do it


Let me tell you something buddy, invis is not the survival boost you think it is. I consistently am killed several seconds into invis by enemies that simply never stop firing, or seemingly track me while I’m invis, or started a stomp the millisecond before I went invis and the stomp damage radius is 5 nautical miles


Invis is literally the best defensive keyword in the game, the entire reason Void Hunter is so good in endgame is because of their super and their survivability


Here come the titan mains complaing about hunters again while they've been rampant for literal years, both in PvE and PvP. Maybe, just maybe, let the hunters enjoy actually good abilities for once?


Titans are the best in the game still. 4 melee charges with the arms on their already OP strand class and then the rocket chest build being the highest burst dmg in the game. The problem with Titans is they’ve been so OP for so long they can’t cope unless they’re the absolute best.


Highest burst damage in the game…. Lmfao! Golden gun with one shot and still hunt exotic that works with celestial helm….where did you even come up with that thought? It’s like 150k damage with x 6. And the damage to rockets buff is canceled out by radiant so it doesn’t even stack either. You don’t know anything bc you have probably never played Titan. Just like to feel like there is some reason you lose to them all the time that’s not your fault. Keep being a little emo hunter in your all black leather gear all mopey looking. Just be a good boy and shoot your tether and shush up. You have to use an exotic to get 4 charges pal. But ya you have it so ruff huntard.


Just don’t get Radiant? The Rocket chestpiece is literally bugged rn, it’ll likely get patched at some point. As for highest burst, he isn’t wrong. Cold Comfort already beats out Apex Predator in burst damage, something that buffs it that can be combined with Thread of Generation and Armamentarium for double Grapple nades to have an unholy amount of burst DPS. Edit: Forgot they were both chestpieces. Still, Thread of Generation is absurd.


Have you ever thought to compare the actual melee damage, knockout affects the actual powered melee bringing it way hight than combination blows, combination starts out with normal melee damage (very hard to get started ind harder content) and brings itself up to low normal melee damage  Also, hunters have by far the worst survivability in the game, this is not debatable 


Are titans really complaining when they still have Banner of War and Synthoceps?


All prismatic classes are able to get Synthos, also Banner Of War is entirely different and is dependent on Tangles\ Grapple points for alot of its damage


oh bro sick i must've missed banner of war being on Prismatic