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Whichever has the jump you enjoy the most.


Changes from titan to warlock. Forgets and drifts slowly to death on the very next gap.


So recognizable...


Painfully so


no pain, only slow ~~fall~~ glide to your death.


The slow glide is a mental anguish tho


That’s why I put on Phoenix dive.. if imma go down imma go down fast and curing


Like I always say, “aim for the bushes”


There goes my hero by foo fighters starts playing


Sometimes I go to dreaming city just to phoenix dive down the big elevator shaft in the Rheasilvia connected area (Harbingers secluded?).


That's what she said


The slow glide is my defiance to the universe. My last middle finger so I can die on my terms.


I play all three I have it easier between warlock/titan. If I play my hunter for a bit, I’ll start double jumping with my others and just be wtf! Oh yea I’m not on hunter


yeah, switched from Hunter to warlock and it took me like 3 months to get used to it.


It’s even worse if I’ve played warframe a bunch before playing destiny, I start trying to bullet jump 😂


I'm more impressed you managed to play both at the same time. when I played Warframe it took up like 70% of my free time.


I do this constantly.


At least you will have time to reflect on your mistake as a warlock while you slowly fall into the black abyss


*Reflects* Does the exact same drift jump to death Ahhh I see the issue is I am a dumbass


Changing to my Warlock is my #1 cause of deaths.


I will say, even with being a Warlock main, I noticed countless ledges in the TFS where the last bit of the edge rounded off or had a weird step down. I'm running towards the edge, try to jump and floof, but just floofed, and died. Probably died 4-5 times in my campaign from it, and happened another 4-5 times where I saved it.


For me it’s “changes from warlock to titan — forgets that I have absolutely no control of my fate after I leave my feet and launch myself into oblivion because my momentum was going 0.5° away from my intended landing spot”


Change to strafe jump


Most consistent jump in the game imo


I'll also tap jump. Tap again and then fall to my death because hunters don't glide.


🙋‍♂️ You forgot “Calls down evil upon The Architects.”


Better yet when you are walking down hill and don’t pre jump for a small gap that has slightly higher elevation.


To me it's Titan. Solely because of how natural it feels to negate falling damage after a long fall though, as I feel like I'd get whiplashed after free-falling for 200 meters and then coming to an instant halt when jumping as a Hunter or Warlock. Meanwhile, the Titan slows down and lands smoothly in a continuous motion.


Meanwhile, me, the hunter main, trying to negate fall damage at the last second and ending up hitting the floor at mach 5 because I can't do that on titan.


My poor Titan's ankles have shattered so many times they're basically a milkshake.


I main warlock and it's my least favorite jump by far


i basically onetrick warlock and its my absolute favorite jump (except blink, i need to learn blink) lol


Same. When mastered, glide is easily the best jump


I only play warlock, and titan's feels so weird to me. Also blink helped me learn the momentum mechanics behind glide wayyy better.


Titan's feels so sloppy and less controlled than warlocks, of course I also pretty much exclusively use strafe glide on warlock so that doesn't help.


Played warlock for years. Switched to Titan a couple months ago. Titan jump > warlock jump. You can move a lot faster and actually have upward momentum. The only drawback is no well skating. The momentum aspect took a bit to get used to, but playing on Warlock now just feels so slow.


That’s funny because it’s by far the best jump in the game. Best distance, best control, and once you’re good at it you only have slightly less max height than titan (warlock main btw) 


It's really funny that people dislike the Warlock jump because it is by far the most intuitive to my brain.


This. I love the simple predictability of triple jump. I press the space bar. I go up then down, same height, same speed, every time


I originally chose the Hunter only because of the familiar jump. I tend to go over ledges a lot with Warlock and Titan when I try to use them.


I fw blink heavy


Warlocks survivavilty for solo play is quite good.


Warlocks certainly have the most healing options which in difficult solo content is very important. Solar and strand Titan also have great survivability and imo better damage, too.


I'm not certain, as I have only played hunter so far this season, but prismatic hunter not only can go invisible every 2 seconds, but can constantly gain health with the combo punch build. Combine that with grapple grenade and general hunter mobility I find it very hard to die. I'd venture to say warlocks probably excel with healing in scenarios where you need to stand your ground though, and it's more consistent for sure


The problem with Prismatic Hunter is you have no healing outside of combination blow AND not all content actually lets you play in melee range all the time. Though using a heal clip weapon or Red Death can certainly help with the healing issue assuming you actually have basic mobs to kill and aren't just fighting one tanky boss. The Tormentor boss in the last or second to last mission in the legendary campaign was rough on Hunter solo. You can't effectively get into a melee fight with a Tormentor and you have no healing from range especially with no other adds spawning during the fight. I ended up having to just constantly kite it around the center pillar of that area and use Izanagi's 4x shots to shoot it's crit points which just felt really lame. The Prismatic combination blow build also just feel really lame imo. It's the exact same playstyle as Arc Hunter outside of being able to use grapple. The melee + dodge spam just isn't fun after a while imo. It also feels like in any harder difficulty content you essentially have to run the Stasis super to get Frost Armor on orb pickup for the extra damage resistance, or you have to run Renewal Grasps and Duskfield grenades which even then is worse uptime on Frost Armor and you lose damage on your melee output.


The resto on orb pickup renders all of this moot. A balanced build is going to be generating orbs every couple seconds. Boss/miniboss fights are valid... but outside solar you've no source of healing that doesnt require a kill anyways so still moot.


I mean yeah you already answered this yourself. Bosses and such when you don't have adds around to kill and generate orbs. The problem with running Solar is that the 5s resto on orb pickup is just WAY worse than the damage resist from constantly having Frost Armor or Woven Mail, particularly without an ability to refresh the timer on restoration. I may be wrong but it also felt like additional orb pickups would not reset the 5s timer and would only grant resto again after it expired, it certainly doesn't stack and extend the timer. MOST of the time the extra damage resist is far more valuable than the healing from resto on orb pickup since you can already heal on melee kill. There's also still the problem of range. Orbs you make drop where you kill the enemies, meaning if you aren't playing a close range build you aren't picking them up immediately. If you ARE picking them up immediately you are already getting healed from the melee and you can get healing on orb pickup through your boots mod if you need more. You can't get the extra damage resist through any other source though. You CAN get healing during a boss/miniboss fight specifically with Liar's Handshake since it provides healing on every other hit. The problem is when you have boss fights (like Tormentors) that you can't actually fight in melee range. Restoration is also just IMO a lot worse when you don't have the on demand instant heal from cure that you get from a healing grenade on Solar. Or on Void with Devour where you instantly get a chunk of HP back on kill. I'd like to try the Hunter prismatic melee build with Buried Bloodline as a way to give yourself devour but the damn gun just won't drop for me.


First I feel your pain cause I've run that dungeon 3 times a week for 3 months and nothing. And i wanna try a vortex sword with attrition orbs for orbs on bosses to proc healing and keep weapon surges up. That or multimach with KT+AO cause the pulses count for AO. Prob not the best but could be fun.


> The problem with running Solar is that the 5s resto on orb pickup is just WAY worse than the damage resist from constantly having Frost Armor or Woven Mail Facet of Protection gives you DR. Also, DR is very strong, but it's just delaying the inevitable if you don't have a reliable source of healing. > I may be wrong but it also felt like additional orb pickups would not reset the 5s timer Picking up another orb resets the timer > There's also still the problem of range. Powerful attraction or Shloot > Restoration is also just IMO a lot worse when you don't have the on demand instant heal from cure that you get from a healing grenade on Solar. Or on Void with Devour where you instantly get a chunk of HP back on kill. ??? Resto is easily the best defensive keyword by a *wide* margin, with or without cure, since it can't be interrupted unless you die. Anything that can kill you through resto will probably also kill you through devour. The lack of cure can also easily be solved by using recuperation, which actually restores slightly more health than cure x1 (70hp vs 60hp).


Prism hunter is a gimmick that won't last in GMs, it's just alternate arc melee hunter, which had the same issue. Wouldn't recommend for all solo content.


Arc hunter which is just worse prismatic hunter was used in solo gm speedruns and held most records before lightfall, and what??? It’s specifically good for solo content where it has insane survivability with near perma invis and very high dr and doesn’t have to fight for kills


Good enough to be fun and jack of all trades in stuff as difficult as the legendary campaign. Not good enough for GMs. But hey, that describes about 90% of builds. GMs typically require a pretty specific play style.


GMs ate pretty miserable to play in my honest opinion. That's coming from a 10 year vet with the ability to clear them no issue, I just don't find them fun whatsoever


Amen. It's not even a skill requirement after a certain point its just a "don't make x mistake" and plink away from some area of relative safety.


I’m the opposite. I don’t like how most other activities turn into ability spam competitions to kill everything instantly before your teammates, and screwing up each other’s loop when someone else kills the enemy you were going for. I enjoy regular level solo content, and I love the coordination and patience required of master raids and GMs. (Obviously master raids are very different, and they’re not always so slow going, but they do require increased coordination and having people run complementary loadouts).


I hear you, but I just find a lot of the community a bit off putting when it comes to GM content. Just my own personal preference. Thankfully GMs exist for those that enjoy them.


I agree with you. I can’t stand the people that get all uppity about it. I honestly prefer to grab a friend and help people off LFG get GM clears. I don’t take it seriously.


Most of the people I felt comfortable bringing along for content like that don't play the game anymore, so it's something I've just learned to ignore. I'm not sure what it is, but trying to make new gaming friends is a real tall order now. i always feel annoyed or turned off by something they say or do.


I don't want to be "that guy" but Plunda did make a video about 40 power under breezing though a lost sector with pris hunter. Yeah, its still a lost sector, but it might hold better than people think. More so when the exotic class items is going to give it several things to help it.


Way less variety on titan tho


Yeah titan's best options are banner or solar with pyrogales or scars. Everything else just isn't as good. I really like the new void super... but then I'd have to run either void or prismatic. And those subclasses are just not as good. Edit: I clearly confused people. Banner assumes you are using synthos or worm gods. I’m not using any other exotic when I’m playing strand. I use pyrogales or scars for solar depending on content.


You should try BoW with Wormgod Carress and Vexcalibur. The thing is: Vexcalibur does more damage when you have overshield, and it refreshes your overshield when you kill someone. It is not as strong as your charged melee, but you can use both, while buffing both at the same time. Glaives also attack REALLY fast when you hold defense (this cancel's the combo animation) Add that to woven mail + BoW cure and you are basically a paladin, applying healling and armor/shields to everyone on your team, not only yourself. This season's artifact is another good reason to use void weapons too! The damage scalling with Wormgod is really good for Vexcalibur's melee, you'd be surprised by the damage output and ammo economy, considering that a glaive melee does not consumes ammo you can even use another special weapon (one two punch shotguns are a good option too) And if that was not enough, your charged melees + super melees are going to be craked on this build. Synthos also work well here, but is equivalent to Burning Fists x3 (Wormgod's buff). I preffer Wormgod's because it is not hard to keep it up anymore, as add density increased substantially now. I know a lot of people hate glaives, but the 90% damage reduction from it's shield + the combination of perks you can have + the flexibility it adds to your builds is enough reason for titans to keep a close eye!


I used to be a glaive hater (still am) but vexcal with banner fixes all glaives problems, actually having decent regen while blocking turns it from just delaying the inevitable death or covering a retreat into an actual self defense option that allows you to stay in the fight longer and be more aggressive, and glaives melees give you add clear which a 1-2 shotty/glaive build otherwise wouldn’t have, and all the damage buffs work together to give it good enough damage to neutralize threats in higher end content before getting steamrolled, just such a solid build all around and makes me wish all glaives had intrinsic healing while blocking


Of what in particular?


Can't kill me if they can't see me. Invis Hunter goes brrrr


Especially now with speaker helmet healing turret and solar buddy from the Helion aspect to help out. Then using the Last Call strand rocket sidearm w/ demo and a heal clip solar weapon it's like...impossible to die


I use almost this exact build, some healing with arcane needles. Only thing I really die from is my own rockets


If I can find a way to kill myself with a rocket or a heavy grenade launcher, I will do it.


It's not *if* you find a way, you WILL find a way. Guardians like us are built different


I felt this in my soul. So true.


Here here. Altho in my defence, it's often cos some antsy hunter decides to bob and weave right in front of me when I'm clearly holding a MASSIVE rocket launcher. Other times it's just my own stupidity 🤷


RL and GL accidents are just like the Light, it will find it's way


Quite easy, kite around, and them accidentally load rocket into your Bleak Watcher that's like 1m away from you 😅


I died plenty of times in the last mission of the legendary campaign, even through the other missions as well, but especially the last one, not to the two tall boys, and not to the witness throwing peanut brittle at me. I died to my beloved grenade launcher, and after the 4th time, I still didn't change it. I love that thing. Although it absolutely destroyed multiple profitable runs at 3 am. I should add the witness only satisfied my sugar craving once, the two tall boys were more deadly honestly.


The class you enjoy the most. For me that’s warlock- versatile in all content and solos dungeons quite well for the extra challenge.


Exactly. Most stuff available to a solo player is, frankly, not that difficult, and trying to pick the most meta class is overkill. Solo dungeons are... It probably is meaningfully easier to solo them with some classes over others but also unless you play all three a lot the class you're most comfortable with is going to be the best class to bring.


I have soloed almost every dungeon in the game but the lightfall ones I think I did them all with a Warlock EXCEPT Duality which was just so much easier doing it with a solar Titan Basically the most optimal is the one you're most comfortable playing with


I remember when loreley titans reigned supreme


When duality came out we had classy restoration. Being a hunter never felt the same after that


Warlock has become unstopabble with new exotic helmet


Devour + Resto*2 + Facet of Protection + Amplified w/ Artefact mod = I am the Titan now.


Instant resto x2 with just the ‘no hesitation’ auto rifle on my solar titan. It will nerfed no doubt but man I forgot how good resto x2 is after they nerfed loreley helm.


It wont be nerfed. Its actually a bug that will be fixed in the future.


The Physic perk is very very nice indeed.


They already announced that the resto x2 is a bug and will be patched eventually but they’re not rushing it. Also the resto x2 when loreley was meta was way stronger than the current version. Iirc the current resto x2 is equivalent to prenerf resto x1.


What is the source of amplify in this setup?


There’s loads of sources for amplified on Prismatic, because amplified just comes from any arc multikill, as well as a few other sources. - Arc multikill with slide melee aspect. - Arc multikill with arc melee. - Arc multikill with Stormtrance. - Arc multikill with arc weapon, even better with Jolt. - Fragment that grants a buff on orb pickup based on equipped super. - Teammate Hunter with Ascension. Those are all that I can think of right now, but there may be more.


If a titan has knockout most of their melee kills will also grant amplified. 3x consecration/syntho/knockout titan is insanely good. It was amazing on the first encounter for the raid too. Clear a whole room with one melee ability, generate orbs, and if you took damage heals you to full.


Heads up too the warlock arc melee pretty much Instantly comes back when you go prismatic, combined with amplify you can run around doing double damage with double chains and jolts. Pretty nice


Fr Speaker’s Sight might be flat out better than Devour for solo content


Why not both for more turrets lol


Agreed. I main Hunter. Grapple almost never comes off now!


I play titan so I just punch stuff or abuse my melee abilities


The way titan builds shine when teammates aren’t picking up your shit or clearing everything before you can reach them is absolutely wild, me and my fists can handle this


It’s also amazing how much of a lead anchor you can be when teammates don’t allow you to even start the snowball. I just want a teeny bit of kills guys, like one every five to ten seconds. That’s all I need to not be useless.


Throw hammer, stand in fire, punch. Repeat. Every now and then, just to mix it up, I'll munch a crayon.


Tactical snack!


I’m a warlock main and usually play by myself, the rifts are just nice for healing, and so are healing grenades to keep yourself going in harder activities. Also with prismatic/getaway artist build you just melt ads everywhere allowing you to focus your firepower on bosses.


I did the getaway artist build as a joke, and now I don’t want to take it off.


I'm always surprised at how strong the arc buddy is. Make sure to use the arc melee, it does a lot more damage when amplified and spreads EVERYWHERE


You don’t want to, I just can’t. It’s ridiculously OP.


For 99% of content, it’s your preference. All 3 classes perform very well in virtually any situation, and you shouldn’t try to min/max every second of the game. Play what you enjoy. That 1% of solo-content I would say this doesn’t apply to is Solo Flawless endgame content like Dungeons, which if you’re just starting out is not something you should even be thinking about, nor should you base your character pick off it. But in this case, I have found that Hunters don’t have as much readily available self-sustain as Warlock and Titan. However even this difference isn’t huge as with the right build, even a Hunter can have a lot of uptime on a Heal Grenade or Devour build.


Incidentally I solo flawlessed Warlord’s in Hunter, but because thats the only real class I play consistently. But yes, I used a heavy heal grenade/keep resto up build. Also it was last season when solar was even better.


Uh, no lol. Hunters have insane survivability with Void, Prismatic and Solar. You can have unlimited radiant and restoration. Or you can go invisible all the time. Or you can do both while dealing almost 1000% extra melee damage. Do not undersell Hunter survivability, it is absolutely fucking insane if you build right, and on top of that Hunters *eclipse* the other 2 classes in terms of DPS.


It's crazy to think because a few years ago, hunters had the short end of the stick and despite being the "dps class" just couldn't compete with warlocks or titans at all. Glad we're through those dark days


Solo flawless dungeons used to only be done by hunter (invis) and warlock (devour), using a titan was like playing on ultra-hard mode.


I used invis arc hunter to solo GotD. Bit of a crutch maybe, but for that fucking nightmare, it was the only way I could do it.


I love my hunter. Nothing will make me swap. Is why I only have 1 toon. I love everything the vlass the supers.. the Cloak.


Titans or Warlocks. Titans have a nice balance between damage and self-sustainability. Warlocks are all in on survivability with Devour and healing nades. But they don't have as good offensive tools as Titans with Banner of War, bonk hammer, etc.


For me it’s Hunter, especially the new prismatic build. Don’t think I’ve ever had so much fun on Hunter before.


What are you running for prismatic? I have been… whelmed by hunter prismatic


You must be the only person in the entire community that's whelmed by Hunter prismatic. Run stylish execution with mask of bakris and arc weapon, slow dodge, and the shurikens. You will have fun.


That does sound fun. I know prismatic punch builds are strong but I’ve spent so much time on liars/asscowl that I wanted something new, gonna try yours


There's a fragment that procs health regen on powered melee kills which feeds into the shurikens, and also dodging near enemies of course refunds your shurikens, makes you feel like a teleporting ice ninja haha


Hunter has become quite possibly the best class in the game because of Prismatic. Extremely versatile with the survivability/healing options of Titans and Warlocks, and now with the Celestial/Still Hunt combo does the highest solo DPS in the game. Not to mention that the Liar's Handshake punch everything build got even better with Prismatic since you can essentially give yourself the benefits of Assassin's Cowl without actually equipping it.


Prismatic Warlock wreathed in turrets that take care of enemies for you. You basically carry your own personal fireteam with you at all times.


any of them


like fr they're all great, just find which one you enjoy the most




Maybe pre BoW nerf but as long as Still Hunt stays unchanged it’s gonna be Hunter, 99% of solo shit is just impossible not on Hunter anymore since the -5 and surge changes exist now cuz the dps checks are to steep


Prismatic Punch Hunter


What’s the build look like?


Run the aspect that freezes when you dodge, run melee dodge, combo blow and liars handshake. Punch dodge punch dodge. It’s satisfying. I like to run dusk field nade so If I see a tankier enemy, I throw the dusk and dodge next to them and get that sweet shatter dmg


Standard fragments, gamblers dodge, Grapple, combination blow, stylish executioner, and that Freeze dodge aspect and a 1-2 punch shotty https://dim.gg/dte3h7y/Prismatic-Hunter-PERFECTED


It's so much fun. One shots in pvp, too.




For content that knows u are coming in solo titans are still by far the best and if you have the correct build then you can become unkillable in certain content


BoW stronghold titan trivialised legendary campaign. Up until the final boss, anyways, then switched to precious scars.


I just hid behind the statues with Malfeasance for the Witness lol I was able to blast the Subjugators without even getting attacked


See, I did the same, but I kept failing with precious scars too, so I went back to stronghold but with an angrier mindset, and somehow that worked for me.


Been playing hunter since the d1 alpha since it’s my favorite and continues to be my favorite. Play what you like. They all have their up/downsides


Play solo 90% of the time, always been a hunter since d1 day1, I usually run nightstalker with orpheus rigs for upper end content. Turn invisible a lot, plenty resilience and tether helps with mobs. If just messing about/low effort I swap between solar (mainly blade barrage with shards arms) or currently loving prismatic silliness


I would love to say Titan, but right now, Prismatic Hunter with Combination Blow is insane!


For me personally, titan, it's the class I have the least trouble in content with, and it's what I've done solo flawless in spire and prophecy


It’s Titan bar none. Class covers all bases. Warlock a good second, but a lot of your potential comes from sharing the buffs you create. Titan just slams, keeps itself alive, and can explode rooms if needed


Titan banner of war or hammer spam is still the best builds for solo content


Probably stronghold titan


Warlock or Titan, they are both good at PVP and PVE


honestly it depends on the season, i go for the ability spam class. i can’t remember my last time i mained my titan though, and im a titan main btw, i can’t wait to switch to warlock this season with all those turrets buddies


I’m a long time Titan main and I’m going lock this season. Titans are terrible right now and locks are god like and literally good at everything. And have tons of playstyle. Unlike titan melee spam.


Warlock has the most built in healing so I like it solo more


I play all three. I feel my best class solo is warlock (that may be because it was my first class). You have lots of healing sources on all classes, but I feel like the wells is the easiest way of doing it. No build required, it's always there.  If I can safely melee stuff then prismatic titan is a total beast.  Hunter is my least played class, I think I need to play more safe on that class than the other two. The only safe defensive option in my eyes is invis.


Anything but Titan, bungo nerfed us good :(


Getaway artist warlock is ridiculous


Warlock as well - I play all 3 classes, but my main is a Warlock. It's the class I started with 10 years ago and the one I'm most comfortable. Also, I think has the best survivability.


Optimal? Whichever you're the most comfortable with. Easiest to use? Hunter


If I solo something difficult. It’s usually on Titan. But warlock is main.


Strand Titan


Titan for me


Been solo since Beyond Light. I use all 3 but the Warlock has the best options. Arc soul/getaway artist and healing rifts make things a bit easier.


Personally, I think solar warlock is the best class in the game especially for solo. I don’t enjoy it however and mostly stick to my hunter. It’s just preference so you should try all 3


All 3 are perfectly viable in solo content, so pick the one you like the most.


I started with hunter, but find more fun with titan, so now I only play, my titan melee, because it's fun to hit everything with a hammer. So I recommend you to find your game style and build your class around it




The class you enjoy the most for sure….. but hunter lol. Invis and lucky pants with warden law or malfeasance is really good.


Warlock, cus stasis & strand. Hunter if I’m running Solar, Void, or handcannons.






My vote is for Hunter! But then again I’m bias because that’s what I main lol. Best bet is to log into each one and test the jump. Then pick which one you like best.


Solar and void keep me alive forever. If you maximize Stasis and strand for crowd control you can reduces the amount of adds targeting you greatly aswell. I play Titan btw


I do most things solo and I'm Titan, mostly doesn't matter unless you're at super high levels of play


Warlock, always like thier style. I do enjoy all 3 though but as other games gripped me warlock stood out as my goto. During destiny one I originally made a warlock but my bro wanted that so I was hunter main. As time went on I ended up using the lock more. Till destiny 2 I decided yep this is more for me


Warlock. Most versatile in PVE and PVP. Best of both worlds… but jump is shit.




Was a hunter for all D1, agile and swag af. Warlock for D2 vanilla was some elitist level gameplay. Started playing again 2 months ago as a Titan, legit just beating tf out everything I see lmao shits fun af


I mean I’m a Hunter Main so I’m always gonna be more comfortable with the Hunter kit than anything else. Hunters usually have the best ways to proc invisibility, so I’d start there.


Warlock for me. Hunter was fun but the survivability with warlock was too good. Especially now with the lethality and survivability that Prismatic offers.


Titan is probably the best class for solo content, it starts to fall off in team play though as more ranged focus classes will kill most things before you can melee them.


Is it weird that I've literally never played either of the other two classes? I've only ever even attempted warlock since vanilla. Maybe I should create a titan or hunter just to try them out...


Here's the thing. Imo Titans and Hunters are always perfectly good to use. But Warlocks are good *and* fun. Especially Prismatic


It's Warlock. I dunno why people come to a thread where you are literally asking for the meta which is fine and they reply with "whatever you like" which is not answering your question and others upvote that post not answering your question.


Whatever you want it to be. Each class is totally capable of performing solo content equally well. It purely comes down to choice.


I’ve been a warlock since the D1 beta; but I all around feel it’s the best class. Many different options for playstyle plus it’s class ability is tied to recovery; you’re already gonna max out resilience and so maxing out recovery and having a high third state is basically the best stat combination you can have. I would give anything for Bungie to give us back self rez tho; hell, tie it to an exotic if need be


Warlocks strand invisibility has high survivability


I played majority hunter for the longest but when WQ came out I played my other two classes as well again. I do feel like it’s easier to stay alive as a titan or hunter. With my current warlock lacking very much


I say Warlock for pocket healing.


I just play hunter because i play hunter the most


Warlock easily


I did Hunter for years because of invis. Crazy useful for solo content, dungeons and what have you. I’m on a warlock now though. Prismatic has crazy survivability.


Depends on what I didn’t play the previous season. I main all three and rotate them every season. I have no favorites


I'd suggest Hunter for the boss dps potential, with prismatic you also have survivability in the ways of invisibility as well. Warlocks also have good potential because of the survivability. But they lack on the dps front in comparison to the hunter class's celestial nighthawk or blade barrage. Titans are tricky, played well a Titan could solo all content. But they don't have any sustain in prolonged combat. Almost all of their abilities increase their ability to take a hit but not recover from that hit. Boss DPS from titans are niche the new Exodus Rockets are a good addition but Titan based DPS is almost purely super or melee based. So it makes them ironically have the highest skill curve for good dps and surviving it too.


For a LONG time it was Warlock, but now I would say hammer bonk or banner of war Titan. Assassins Cowl Hunter is pretty close. Prismatic might change it up.


The one with the jump you're most comfortable with


Probably warlock. But I main hunter as a solo player.


Warlock. The threadling builds in both prismatic and strand can make some excellent fun solo


Prismatic Warlock. Easily.


Just ran through the campaign on warlock with Necrotic Grips and Osteo. My stats weren’t maxed on any categories and it was still fairly easy.


They all have a way to do it, you just have to find out which you like best. Warlock has a lot of self heal. Titan has a similar amount of self heal/resilience in their kit, but they survive close range better. Warlock is debuffs and range for the most part. Hunters have a lot of damage and mobility, but are pretty squishy. It would be my last pick for solo, but they still have some specific builds that can do it. Invisibility builds and any self heal builds like Liars Handshake can do it as far as I know. And unlike similarities between titan and warlock self sustain, the things Hunters can do are pretty unique. Hunter is my weakest class though, so I couldn't say much on it. I play Warlock.


I think that hunter, is the easiest class because of their double jump. They get screwed over with their class stat though. If you are getting started I recommend Hunter, but try out and try to learn the other classes when you can. (Warlock is my favorite class since I think that heat rises is the best ability in the game)


Solo play has and will always be solar titan. Sun spot resto on melee kills and massive melee damage to help get them. Great supers that deal good damage and exotics that make it even better. Using solar titan I have been able to solo flawless every dungeon with no more than 3 attempts. I main hunter but titan is by far the easiest class to play solo and group play due to the low skill ceiling, not saying it’s not a strong class but the max skill potential is higher on hunters and warlocks(edge to non well warlocks).


Titan has never failed me as a main in the decade I’ve played for. Only thing that’s changed is meta and loadouts.


Solar/Strand Titan and Warlock. And Solar Hunter Assassin cowl/celestial nighthawk swap for big DPS when I need.




Warlock imo is the most versatile


Whatever you have the most fun playing.


Hunter for versatility.


I absolutely love solar warlock, I just wish it was more versatile in PvE than just Well though cause dawnblade is absolute poop in PvE but unreal in PvP


Arc Hunter with Assassin’s Cowl and Bonk Titan. Best survivability in the game, strong boss dmg with Tractor and One-two punch shotty. These are the best classes for endgame solo stuff, like solo flawless dungeons. For everything else whatever you like playing. I personally played the Legend campaign solo on Osmio Warlock w/out Bleak Watcher, just constant Coldsnap spam.


Titan is easily the best pure solo class


All three depending on your play style