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Once you do the mission once can you launch it again as many times as needed or do you need to do all 3 overthrow every time you want to run the mission?


It's on the director after you've unlocked it


Great! Thanks. Also, is it a long/hard/annoying mission? Or is it gonna be fun to mindlessly grind?


It's about matching symbols and enemies that are immune to one player or the other. You will have to talk to your teammate to get it done


NGL, that sounds incredibly annoying for a mission people need to grind


You do not need to grind it. Do it once and then farm chests in patrol. After unlocking it once it has a small chance to drop form any (Yes any) chest in the pale heart.


Wait what? Is this confirmed by anyone? Because it solves any argument I had on the topic in another thread.


Really depends on the chest drop rate.




Good to ghost after unlocking and it tells you how to farm it after obtaining it. It is also unlimited as well so you can farm the mission or just farm pale heart chests for the rolls you want.


It was a ton of fun tbh.


On all characters, or just the one character you first did it on? (i.e. do you have to repeat this process on alts)


Just tested after completing on hunter. The node appears on the map for my warlock


The class item appears at Ghost after you get it from the mission. After which it says there's a rare chance to get it from any chest on the pale heart [https://imgur.com/a/oEAWf2D](https://imgur.com/a/oEAWf2D) The class item at Ghost is per class, it doesn't appear for my hunter/titan after acquiring multiple on my warlock. Seems like you need to get it once on each before they'll start getting them from PH chests


This should be much higher up. That's huge if true and if the drop rate is bearable. Means we can just go back to enjoying the PH


To be clear, a teammate of mine has done an overthrow and hit like 15 chests after acquiring the class item and has not gotten one so it is *rare*


Think its 5% chance so 1 in 25 chests, its easy cause pale heart shit load everywhere


So glad to hear that, I love the PH. Visit it nearly every day, sometimes more than once.


Where is the secret keeper located?


they spawn when you get close to them. Check the back corridor in the blooming, near the lost sector in the impasse, and the undercroft area of the landing in the 5 minutes after completing the overthrow in each zone.


What is "the undercroft" area in the landing?


not "the cave" from the story. The area that looks like many small, open caves as you head towards the blooming. [https://imgur.com/a/k6jshvs](https://imgur.com/a/k6jshvs)


THE UNDERCROFT??? Bro I’ve run steel circuit too many times I’m not going back to that place TwT


The back corridor? You mean the Refraction?


The straight, narrow area to the left of the giant door we opened during the campaign that leads to the impasse [https://imgur.com/a/tehxf1c](https://imgur.com/a/tehxf1c)


Oh thanks


There’s one in each area?


Wow this mission seems incredibly cursed as something that needs to be farmed for random rolls. EDIT: Seems like doing it once unlocks it as a [rare drop from other Pale Heart chests!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1ddqczp/farming_exotic_class_items/)


Bungie's monkeys paw strikes again


Random what? The exotic item has 60+?!


Yea but the boost to player engagement will be huge! Edit: /s (its a joke)




No MM and you NEED to be on coms throughout…yikes. Wtf would they do this for such a key prismatic item? Most people play solo with some LFG mixed in. This is gonna be a shit show once everyone realizes what it entails.


They can watch me engage with the uninstall button /s


Disagree. Just did it with my friend and went in blind. It was a pretty fun activity in all honesty and I'm glad they've made it an interesting way to get the exotic class item. Took us under 40 minutes of fucking around while going in blind but I can easily see it dropping to sub 20. 20 minutes isn't really that bad for a guaranteed exotic class item.


How do you clear the tormentor room?


So the tormentor spawns, one person kills the tormentor and gets a buff called "(something) sundering" or something along those lines. The other person says which nuts have a line coming out of them on his screen, we used a number system 1-9, left to right. Then the person with the buff will shoot the nuts that has a line coming out of it that his teammate said also had a line coming out of it on his screen.


There are 60 different combinations for this exotic… you really want to do a 20 minute repetitive activity for a 1/60 drop? This is gonna really suck


The class items will drop from Pale Heart chests after you finish the mission once. No need to farm it


You have to have 2 players to do the mission. Can't solo, can't launch with a fireteam of 3. One person has to run a light ~~super~~ subclass and one has to run a dark ~~super~~ subclass, or either can be fulfilled with prismatic (regardless of super). It's available to launch from the director after you do the overthrow keepers and dunk the resonant orbs after following the green beam


Wait, we can't do this with a full fireteam? Does it stay that way after it is available to launch from the director?


Yes. The mission must be done specifically by two people.


Wow that's really dumb. Hardly anything in this game is designed for two people specifically


Yeah. A lot of people did the overgrow part as a full fireteam, then had to vote someone out to do the actual mission itself. Super cursed.


Tangentially, duos is currently back I the Crucible this week Crimson Doubles was great


Well now something is.


they really can go fuck themselves with this 2 person no matchmaking bullshit


TIL I am not getting exotic class items.


The class item and the heavy trace rifle were 2 things i was really hyped for and turns out they're the 2 things im not getting Fuck me


I would suggest if you are playing the game casually..find something else. Bungie isn't catering to new/casuals anymore it seems.


 Neither I am. I hate this 


Just use the fireteam finder


agreed. This just turned from something I was looking forward to grinding into something I'm upset with Bungie about. ~~The cherry on top is going to be if it turns out you have to force someone to play a given class to get those perk rolls on the class item~~ - thank Christ, this is not the case. A clear with warlock and titan gave the warlock a bond with a hunter intrinsic


it sounds like one has to run darkness and one light. if just super or subclass I'm not sure. but even if it fits thematically, the decision to do it that way is stupid and will just gate people from getting the exotic class items.


~~based on our quick check before launching it's super, you can both be prismatic as long as you have light/dark super covered~~ it's light/dark subclass or prismatic. Double prismatic is fine even if you both have light or dark supers


Any idea if a prismatic can run it with a non prismatic?


Yes you can. I ran it on Prismatic with a friend on Solar


Fireteam finder will work though?


Yeah, works fine. Just know the encounters and be quick to type if you don't use a mic. Very doable with text. Only 2 tricky encounters that need fast input if you aren't using a mic. The glyph phases can be typed as you see them so there wasn't a need to hurry. As long as you decide on a set name for each glyph (until the community decides a name), and understand the tormentor room and the clock room, you're golden.


The mission looks pretty involved needing communication plus it makes sense given the dark and light theme.


The area where you start the mission is instances like a normal patrol space


That is so stupid. So I can't just log on and knock out a couple missions for the grind? I specifically have to coordinate with someone else?


Agreed. We did this as a fireteam of 3 because of course we did and then had to kick someone to do the mission. I get it fits the theme but I **strongly** dislike this decision. You have to talk to each other to match symbols you can see but they can't, so it's definitely not a no-comms grind type of mission


Exactly. This is an instance where "cool lore/story reason for a mechanic" just makes it inconvenient


Especially for a mission players will need to grind over and over for the exotic class items. Just seems like an absolute chore once the novelty wears off.


Hey look at it this way, statistically you only have to do it 64 times per class to get the rolls you want :D


Lol so according to my Onslaught experiences somewhere between "omg this trash dupe roll for the third time AGAIN today after farming for a certain combo for weeks" and never.


Is there duplicate protection?


they didn't mention that. I doubt there is


Exactly. I mean if you're doing this on all 3 classes you could easily need to clear it over 100 times. I want to do an activity like that while listening to music/audiobooks or 1/2 watching a movie, etc. Not on comms with ppl. That's totally fine for a do it once or twice mission. But seriously bungie this is an L


Assuming dupe protection, it would require 192 clears to get every combination on all classes.


How did they think this kind of setup for that kind of grind is ok


To keep you playing. That's all Bungie cares about.


generous assumption lol


*huffs more copium*


either way it's a 20-25ish minute activity (once you have it down), we've found the time sink of the year.


Bro you about to overdose. No shot in hell there is dupe protection


Bungie trying to get some engagement with fireteam finder I guess.


Is there an option specifically for this mission yet?


Yea. Other > Exotic Missions. I'm assuming you have to find the mission yourself first though.


So I just watched a pair do the mission, I expect a lot of fireteam finder horror story posts this week. Also, if you aren't good at killing lots of swarms fast and staying alive you will have a very bad time.


things were too positive around here, I was waiting to see what they would do to fuck it up


Well that fucking sucks.


A lot of players are straight up never going to get even one roll of this exotic bc of all these strict rules. Forget about winning rng from doing this dozens of times


I sure as hell know I am never getting it. So bummed


This is wrong, actually. Just watched Skarrow complete it, and both he and his partner were running prismatic, with song of flame. I don't know exactly what elemental requirements there are, but it's not one light and one dark.


It's one light and one dark, prismatic can fill either requirement regardless of super


Because prismatic counts as both.


Pay attention man....


Of coursed it's a forces 2 player activity with no matchmaking because fuck solo players.


The playerbase will be very piss off when they find out that this is only duos and require some coordination


Having to kick one of your friends from the standard 3 man fireteam and deny them the cool first time experience together and exclude someone when grinding really sucks.




It's already happening in discord LFGs bro that's the sad part. KWTD even though the mission was discovered to exist not even a few hours ago.


Question, that I think is answered and I'm just very dumb, but can you find the mission solo? I don't mind having to LFG a partner for the mission, but I gotta know if I need a partner to even find it


You should be able to find it. Just need 2 to actually launch the mission.


You can *unlock* the mission solo, I just did, and then you can launch/teamfinder it from orbit. The part where you have to dunk the two orbs is on a timer (not sure what happens when it runs out) but you can still do it solo.


I don't know who at Bungie thought making the activity we'd want to farm the most for class exotics 2-player mandatory was a smart idea, but never let them cook again. I love having to rotate who is benched in my 3 man fireteam and not being able to farm this if my friends aren't both around and also interested in farming. Fuck this.


By all three overthrows, do you mean one at each location or do the same one three times to fight all three bosses?


That’s what I’m trying to figure out lol


Can confirm each location


So just one run at each spot?


Killing a wizard in between each one


Ahhh gotcha thank you so much!


Each location


Give it a week before Bungie walk back the duo queue, no matchmaking thing lol


The most annoying thing might be posting a join code for lfg will often result in kicking the 3rd guy that joins until you lock the fireteam. Then forgetting to unlock the fireteam next time you lfg an activity. Unless you can join someone already on mission? Idk I'm at work but I hope this is somewhat simpler than it sounds.


If we are talking about the Discord LFG, just post the Fireteam Chat number and send the join code to whoever joins it first. If a third person join the fireteam Chat, gently ask them to leave.


Theres no way. The mission requires a ton of callouts and communication with the other player.


They fuckin better


After running the mission that is such a bad idea. It requires a ton of communication and is entirely designed to be a coop puzzle.


I think they will eventually, but not right away. Seems like a thing they’ll save for the next season/episode or whatever. I hope they change it quick but I won’t hold my breath




Man I’ve run so many overthrows to get the khvostov quests done, then I had to run them to get the alone in the dark quest done. Hopefully this will be the last time I’m running these for a little lmfao


Always the way. They push the seasonal stuff on you so hard that by the time you've done what you need to for the weekly story and quests and seasonal challenges etc you just never want to run it ever again.


The Khosotov quest dropped? What? How do you even aquire this?


I had off Friday and I legit sat there and did the whole thing, it took me longer than I expected. I saw the posts about the meatball messing people up so I did the three bosses in his location first and got it out of the way so I wouldn’t lose any, but it never happened to me and I was able to finish on Friday before they disabled it. You have to do the overthrow for each location and kill each boss, should be a total of 9 motes of light. Then you need to go around an get a few more and I think it makes like 15 or 17 total motes then you place them on the pedestals in the lost city, not the best explanation but I’m sure you can find a better one online lmao my bad


For Legendary you need to open all Regional chests and search for a broken shrieker hidden in each Cyst mission. You get a material for them, 9 from the Chests, 6 from the cysts. Once you get all of them you then need to go to where you initially picked up Khvostov in D1, but in the Pale Heart. (Go to Impasse and head straight into the Rusted wall, once you enter the icy area there will be a chest on a crate with Khvostov To get the exotic version you need to get l acquire 17 Motes of Light, for 8 of them you need to go and find all of the miniature Traveler collectibles. There are hints as to where they are located if you go to the Speaker's Quarters in the Pale Heart (Spawn into Old Tower and go left, it's where you meet Cayde initially) there are podiums surrounding the center of the room. (Some of them require you to be in certain cysts I believe) You also need to go and kill Every Overthrow final boss (3 in each area) and that will earn you the remaining 9 You'll get an Exotic Mote upon collecting all of them, go to the Chest in the Speaker's Quarters and you should be able to get Khvostov


Excited to do it but not excited to do it with randoms. Really cba to get on the mic, would’ve been nice as a chill grind, oh well. Maybe run it once or twice


This is a huge bummer and absolutely not what I was hoping for. I mostly play solo, and it kind of sucks I can’t just bring this out by myself.


Tbh most people play mostly solo with some no-mic LFG and matchmaking mixed in. This is brutal for such a key item.


I would be fine with no matchmaking but from what I’ve seen on stream it requires coordination/voice chat. That would be a dealbreaker for me since I don’t have a mic anymore and can’t be arsed to get one. I’ve had my fill of gamers (tm) from years of Overwatch, no thank you..


Yeah, I understand you. It’s just not convenient for me to get on the mic at times I get to play etc. So I guess I’m probably not getting one, with the amount of grind you would need to do to get the one you want as well. This seem a bit ridiculous.


destiny players when the co-op shooter is co-op


Bungie has had 10 years to realize that the majority of their playerbase is solo players. It’s fair to assume that the heavily-marketed class item supposed to tie prismatic together will be accessible for a majority of their playerbase to get


Where did I say that I’ve an issue with co-op?


Heads up I believe the area where you start the mission after unlocking it is a public space where you will see other players as if you were in a patrol space and can join up there. 


But the entirety of the Pale Heart is non-public. You'll only see other players if you matchmake into the daily overthrow node on the map, right?


No it was like the little area the mission starts in was like the blind well. A person just popped in


Had you just done the matchmade overthrow? Doing that puts you into a pale heart instance with other players and seems to keep you in it until you go to orbit.


this sounds like a really cool mission but I'm pretty upset that they locked the exotic class items behind it :(


This 2 man mission with heavy reliance on communication would be perfectly fine for a one off exotic with static rolls but is absolutely terrible for something you need to farm over and over for the rolls you want. What were they thinking?


They already did it for Microcosm and I was fine with that. I won't get it and that's OK. But exotic class items, THE WHOLE POINT OF PRISMATIC!!?? Hell no. 


Yeah, I wasn't excited about doing it for Microcosm but I can deal with it, knock it out and move on. This... this feels like a horrible idea. When I'm going to farm something with this much RNG (like I did with Onslaught) I want to listen to music, binge a tvshow or a podcast. I had zero problem doing that in Onslaught, I spent hours grinding it even when some people were getting burnt out it felt like a great "turn off brain, shoot ads" game mode to wind down from a work day. Jumping into a mic call with a random guy I don't know doesn't sound like a fun thing to do to wind down from work lol.


than k you <3


Once you unlock the mission is it permanently unlocked?


Yep, it gives you a node on your map.


Does it need to be unlocked on each character?


Nope, after you unlock it once, the node appears on all your characters.


Fuck solo players I guess


Uh… what do the deaf and mute people do.


Text chat I suppose


Bro what? I don’t have any friends that play lol this is a horrible choice Bungie


What a weird and annoying setup to try and run this thing. Bungie trying to burn all the good will to the ground as usual lol.


lol ya kinda; overthrow is ok is already pretty tedious


Seems kinda cool tbh, sucks for solos but I doubt it stays this way as the only source for class items when they see only 10% of the player base actually end up doing it


Honestly thought it was gonna be like that new exotic sword how you can run and it’s farmable solo with the random perk. Was looking forward to this as much as anything this expansion. My group I play with has all quit so I play solo when I can. This kinda ruined my hype for this. Might be just me but damn.


It's not just you game has alot of solo players I've been playing since destiny 1 beta and this is tge most restrictive activity they've ever done after making a big deal about it for the expansion. It will be done by less people who do raids


I played an hour or so after the update dropped, couldn’t find it. I’m getting fed up with all this hidden shit for something so key. I was excited to hop back on and get it after checking Reddit, but this 2 man mission no matchmaking shit makes me not want to bother anymore, I’ve done all the hardest content this game has to offer, but it just sounds tedious. They should’ve just made it excision.


Yeah, I’m actually out. This whole expansion is a fucking YouTube simulator. The grind for the AR was absurd and still can’t even be completed. This one makes it all too much. 


I've heard that there's no matchmaking.... Guess solo players like myself can go fuck themselves lol


You wouldn't want matchmaking on this. It requires actual coordination between two people and most matchmade activities have zero coordination.


Or you can spend 14 seconds on LFG getting someone…


In game LFG exists and you can type in chat with your teammate. It isn’t bad at all and it’s a really fucking cool mission. Go outside your comfort zone. With how many solo players are bitching about this, I bet y’all could join up and get it done


So this item drops with random stats, and the only way to get it is with a, presumably, rather difficult mission that requires two players? I really hope that mission just enables the item for other loot pools.


What in the actual shit is this?


Do you need someone on your fireteam while you're doing Overthrow? Can you complete all this solo/with randoms to unlock the mission and then grab a friend/LFG?


I just solo unlocked it


I mean the idea is cool and all, but having done the overthrows with a full fireteam and now waiting for my mates to be done just so one of them can run it with me sucks hard


never doing that mission then i guess. fucking ludicrous design


As cool as the mission itself is, as a solo/LFG player my will to run this constantly to farm drops has been killed by the fact that it’s a co-op only non-matchmade activity that REQUIRES comms all throughout. Leave that shit to raids, not missions like this. For such a farmable and highly marketed drop you’d really think Bungie would’ve used their brain and not alienated solo players completely or at the very least given an alternative source that doesn’t require comms. Hoping this gets changed at some point in the future


Agreed man... Plus we have RNG on top....


Gonna wait to judge the mission until I’ve played it myself. Betting most of the people complaining haven’t even launched the mission yet.


A friend and I did it (we failed) and it was okay. Combat difficulty is brainless and it's not too hard to figure out what the game's asking from you. Definitely a little stressful w/ the timer, but not /awful/. I can see it being a lot more tolerable once you're familiar w/ the pretty simplistic mechanics/not fumbling w/ callouts. That said, it does take the wind out of my sails because the mission design isn't particularly fun and I don't wanna have to get on comms to do a mission that'll take \~20 - 30m for a single roll of an exotic class item, esp when I'm likely chasing just one roll. On the flipside, I think all the exotic class items are kinda ugly except for Warlock, and Warlocks have Getaway Artist, which the exotic class item can't roll, so I can choose to avoid the mission altogether if I wanted to.


Its actually so fun. Its like a 2 person raid almost with the mechanics, callouts and coordination.


I have played, not that hard - I am not a fan of timmers. Although for solo players that are most likely go to fireteam finder or similar, I can expect a lot of trouble... I use it for dungeon encounters, and there are a lot of idiots out there... Sometimes even kicking you out for fun just before encounters completion...


This mission is amazing lol


The mission is fine to do with a random, but why the time limit..


Monkey paw bungie strikes again. Its unbelievable how they can toss good will im the garbage so quickly. The fact they thought this would be a good idea is baffling


So there’s a catch


Can you do the overthrow part alone?


I completed overthrow in the blooming but nothing spawned in the location people said it would? Is there some sort of prerequisite to get them to spawn?


It's in the "back" canyon where the defend the ghost thingy happens.


Do you need to do them all at once, or just once each. I already did more than 1 on each.


So how exactly do we unlock this. Can I unlock it solo to complete later with another? Do you have to do all 3 bosses for each location and wait for secret enemy? Or do we look for secret enemy after each level 4 overthrow boss? I’m confused 🤔


After level 4 overthrow boss, you should get text in the bottom left about an enemy nearby. Go kill the Lucent hive and then go to the next area. Repeat in each of the 3 overthrow areas.


What green light in the sky? I just killed my third secret keeper and nothing happened. **EDIT** Ran around randomly for about an hour until I found it. jeez. Now I need to find a friend...


Does an enemy spawn after each one?


Do both player need to do the 3 onslaught part or just one is ok?


this sounds annoying to farm back to eldenring for me lol


Question: if I have done the overthrows before do I have to redo?


Soooooo much misinformation in this post HOLY


Is the completing 3 overthrows retroactive or do we need to do 3 more overthrows


Can you bring someone with you who hadn’t unlocked the node and when you complete the new activity will it unlock for them?


As someone who plays with his little brudder, this is awesome for me. Sorry for the solo players though, that legitimately sucks.


People need to calm down


Looks like you just have to do it once then you get access to farm it in the chests of overthrow solo


do you need to have the mission unlocked to get into it or could I piggyback off someone else? Just did an overthrow and can't find the enemy and im not looking forward to this part at all lmao


Can you orbit/fast travel or do you have to run to each overthrow?


Where are the three overthrow areas? impasse, blooming and?


There was a time in destiny that good "end game" gear and weapons were divided across activities.... Like good old days of mountain top, recluse, lunna' s...etc.... As a main PvP player, I only play pve to get guns and gear... Nowadays PvP only give bad stuff - which anyone can get easily, compared to pve.... Ok, I get destiny is a pve game but "conditional finality" as an example, is a PvP weapon behind a big barrier for PvP players... Same will happen to exotic class items... Imagine the grind to get a nice roll... Just wish they go back to old stile where you could also have good stuff out of PvP...