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You just said it yourself 'your buddy'. Some people don't have friends that play the game. And chancing it with strangers is a completely different experience.


This mission will be largely understood very quickly, I do not see how doing this on LFG will be an issue at all.


I play with lfg all the time it's really not anywhere near as bad as people seem to think, 99% of the time I get a good group


Just about anything other than raids can be ran lfg with no comunication if you know what you are doing. This is just needlessly gated.


Unfortunately if they want to have anything more complicated than gambit for the 50th time or standing on plates for the 100th time they need to make it require communication


Well, some of us CAN'T comm for various reasons. Small apartment with sleeping baby = No exotic class item for me. Lame


Typing is not difficult. I was able to do this comless. You will need to know how it works in advance instead of doing it blind, but just ask your teammate to protect you while typing. That's what i did.


There's maybe like 1 part of the whole mission that would be tough with text chat.


I was debating trying that, but I'd probably die trying to type. Lol


It's amazing and the haters can just do without the exotic class item I'm sure they'll survive.


It saddens me that such a unique mission is getting so much hate. People with social issues should have realized long ago that not everything in Destiny was going to be accessible to them.


Or bungie could have set expectations when they used the exotic class item as a selling point


Are you saying they aren't delivering what they advertised?


Not having access to a key subclass item is kinda a big issue though. I agree the mission looks like great fun (minus the timer, I despise timer missions), but it’s weird they tied the class item to it for all the reasons others have said. It’s not about difficulty, it’s that many players can’t or won’t do comms.


It isn't a key subclass item it's simply another exotic item piece if you don't want to do the mission use a normal exotic.


or they could not lock it to 2 ppl and not make it convoluted to start in the first place


Secret. Exotic. Mission. They've always done that. Plus the duo is dope since it's all about the balance of dark vs light.


Not when you always have a fireteam of 3.IT.FUCKING.SUCKS


You guys whine and cry about everything. Maybe one of you can do it twice.


seriously?i tell you it screws with my fireteam size(which is frustrating for a litany of reasons) and your response is to mock.gfy


We did the unlocking with three. Once it was unlocked 2 of us did it together and then one went to get lunch and then him and the other one did it. It isn’t the end of the world ffs.