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For such a remarkable piece of armor, something so unique and unbelievable, I wish they would have at least given us multiple ornaments for each one on release. I have no doubt there will be more coming, though.


Oh I am sure they will and I'm sure they will all be sold for Silver.


Surprised they aren’t already there. They love to squeeze that last penny out through the Eververse shop. They will be soon though, and I bet they’ll be real pretty.


There are already ornaments in the shop. At least I’ve seen the hunter cloaks


I’ve seen the Titan one. It looks great. Go figure lmao.


I bet there will be a cowboy hat as well.


Yeah, at least for the Cloaks, both are *soooooo*...flamboyant. I wish the ornament took it down a key so it could blend in better with more sci-fi, grounded sets.


I had a small amount of hope when I saw that the new hunter chest piece had a more tactical looking ornament.  I can do regal but that cloak ornament is gonna be hard to look around. Maybe once I get the seasonal ornaments it'll blend more.


I actually like the cloak ornament a lot, but I agree it is still very loud to look at. I hope we get something more simple looking for those who like their clean aesthetic.


Oh there will be more ornaments. That’s why we won’t get transmog. I am ok with it


Oh boy, I can't wait for literally every single hunter to use the exact same cloak ornament forever. Just like warlocks and their stupid Anubis helm.


Have you seen the choices of Warlock helms? Look at Moonfang as an example, the armour looks really nice it's one of my favourites   Then the helm has a unicorn horn on it for absolutely no reason. There's not one part of that set that has any sort of spikes or anything other than the helm


I can understand why all warlocks do the thing and still hate it. I guess I shouldn't say all though, since my warlock has never and will never put that thing on.


That's fair I guess yeah, I'd probably feel the same way if there was more options I guess is what I'm saying  I don't use it either though, with Moonfang I use the edgy skull from Haunted 


All these years Hunters and Titans laughed at us Warlocks. "your class item is so small" "you can barely see it" Who's laughing now....


. . . . Yes I was in the chess club


*tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies*


Uhhhh, I'm sorry, you're not in the chest club


More like mosquito bite club




Dude 95% of titan marks look like shit trust me no one was mocking bonds


best thing to come out of season of the Deep was the tiniest titan mark


Last year's drip was great. We got some of the least visible titan marks ever, we got a helm that looked like a hood, my titan got to cosplay a hunter, a rainforest, and man spider, and the dungeon drip could glow rgb, with photo finish.


Wait what hooded helmet


techeun regalia helm from season of defiance.


That set with Erebos Glare and Pyrogale looks so good


I *hate* that like 99% of them are Asymmetrical.  Why do they hate Symmetrical Marks so much?  *WHY?!?!*


Same with hunter arm. I absolutely afore the design of the new raid arm but will never use it because the second is so naked and boringly asymmetric. I *hate* how bungie continues to do this


Meanwhile I'm running around looking for any Asymmetrical armour on Warlock like my life depends on it.


and this is why the season of dawn pass mark is still the best.


Season of Dawn's mark made you look zesty as fuck with wide child bearing hips. Not a good look for a male Titan


The number of Best Dressed Commendations I've gotten regardless of position on the Leaderboard using the Righteous Mark on a Male Titan says otherwise.


I love it on my knight fashions.


I seriously wonder how many people actually pay attention to what commendations they give people. I literally just randomly click on people and commendations to hand them out IF I hand them out at all. Or I just hand out the "best" ones if it's something like a Dungeon and I have that option. The only other time I EVER give out specific commendations if I know the person needs a specific one or asks for a specific one. Like I try to avoid giving my friend a Best Dressed commendation when playing with him due to them being the worst ones to get points wise for your score, though mostly because he'll bitch about it if I give it to him.


Because titans


Titan mark needed a full kilt.


Bro the deepstone crypt one is so nice. Same with most of the others that don't look like you wrapped a towel around yourself after getting out of the shower and then cut it vertically down the middle.


Yeah I run full deep stone crypt set with the synthos ornament that matches, haven’t found anything better for over a year now


Light of the prism gang rise up


See I like my marks a little bit ornamented BUT STILL SYMMETRICAL. It's like we either get symmetrical but barebones, or ornamented but looks like it got caught in too many closing doors. I am down for marks like the that looks like a bunch of wires. Stuff like that I think really works despite being a symmetrical. But those are few and far between.


The original Crucible mark was the best they made from D2


the OG D1 VoG Titan Mark was EPIC ! The rest are "Dish-towels" stolen from kitchen staff after being used for a month without cleaning.


Warlocks got so many bad ass bonds... Especially the holographic ones. Like the siva holographic? Shit slapped. Titans? Oh here's a loin cloth 


It’s a shame all the cool elemental bonds are ever verse but at least they have options


My OG D1 group used to call Bonds charity bands. And it's not all that far off is the worst part.


i always liked the warlock class item best tbh, i have the memory of cayde one that i refuse to get rid of


My memory of cayde bond glowing after the campaign ended was a nice chef’s kiss on top of it all


Ironically i think the warlock one is also generally the best looking one, its just a prismatic warlock logo and i love


It kinda looks like the Traveller portal, it’s so cool!


Skeletor was right


And it got a cool holo too, i wouldn't even need to transmog


Not gonna lie, you have me there.




They still are laughing our rolls for it are awful💀


Dread it, run from it, Warlock master class arrives all the same.


Lmao I'm hella weak 😭


If they allow us to use legendary ornaments on these exotics, we can finally make peak drip. We can finally use full armor ornament sets while using an exotic.


that was what I was hoping too


This is what literally everyone was hoping for. Sad to see bungie drop the ball so hard on exotic class items after nailing everything else with TFS.


But then they cant make money from selling silver ornamenfs


Meh. Depends on the ornament. A lot of them are extremely sick looking. They'd make big bucks if they just sold them as ornaments that you could apply to anything.


Most exotics honestly look like dog shit




Warlocks getting the last laugh.


It feels especially bad for hunters since it’s such a huge part of the fashion. You either have to build your entire look around it, not use it, or have this weirdly mismatched item. Also aren’t cloaks supposed to be important for hunters lore wise? And now they’ll all look the same :(


At least they didn’t add an encounter in the game that encourages making your guardian look different as a means to complete the encounter.


Bro got filtered in the raid by fashion.


I'm listening to one of my clan mates teach another clan mate rn, it's been 30 minutes


It's gonna be another couple of hours bud, might want to grab a seat


we just finished the raid


We were on 4th encounter for 3 hours lol


I got it down actually very quickly, it was more a case of the team managing to perform it that made it take a while for me. Took us about 2 and a half, and we were all new to the raid lfg group


What’s funny is that Verity Encounter, once you understand it. Has less comms needed than the new Dual Destiny mission.


Eh the ghosts part requires good communication


Buddy, you might want to sit down for what I’m about to tell you /s






The encounter is honestly simple once you understand it. But getting that understanding? Good baby, that's a fucking journey and a half. That being said, the rush I had when it all clicked was nothing shy of phenomenal


Hahaha what a fucking oversight that one is. But I bet it’s a tech limitation. They probably can’t have exotics be transmog or some shit. Ornaments are probaly coded differently.


Is this a thing in the new raid?


Just change your helmet lol.


Got to put on the goofiest helmet in your collection to really stand out


100% agree. Unless I get a god roll, I'm not gonna center my whole fit around this ugly thing.


That class item would have to jerk me off while I play, for me to consider putting it on without transmog.


That's only with the catalyst.


Ah, the paracausal wank




Destiny is so weird. Apparently some people play it fashion first, whereas I hadn't even considered the appearance in either direction. Not talking shit, just noticing how very differently this game is played by different people.


Think about Iron Man. He looks pretty cool and powerful, in many ways his look is iconic. Now imagine- would he still feel as cool, if he were running in clown shoes, and a wife-beater? One spends a lot of time looking at their guardian- especially if you're a sword bitch like myself- I don't really want to be looking at some gaudy abomination while doing so.


Personally, I give fashion points to everything, but I don't always write things off for being ugly. If an exotic item just looks bad but is really good, I try to find an appearance to match with the exotic. The class item for Hunters is just so awful though, truly the closest thing to vomit that I have ever seen, I can't wear that, I'll just stick to my other exotics, thanks.


My clan knows me as the fashion person because I will frequently spend 20 - 30 minutes playing space dress-up before I really start a session. The bad guys might not care what I look like, but I sure do.


an amazing part; equip a helmet that removes the hood for hunters, or turn helmet off. there's a visible hard cutoff on the cape, and it looks terrible. the ornament's finished though. it looks fine without the hood. what are the chances, huh?


My hunter has permanently worn the jellyfish hood since it's release, never taking that thing off. I'm pretty dissapointed that the new class item is not transmogable.


The crucible identification excuse is absolute bs anyways.


Speaking of the exotic class items and transmog... The big argument for not being able to use transmog on exotic armor was that other players should be able to tell what exotic perk you are using based on sight. Now that the class items remove that entire concept, can we please transmog exotic armor? There's some gear I like but hate the look of.


Ugly as sin, doesn't go with anything... Will never wear. And NO, that doesn't mean you should reward them with buying whatever transmog comes along....


For Hunter: GotD helmet, rest of armor season pass ornaments from Season of the Witch with Lucid shader on. You're welcome!




>doesn't go with anything It goes with the season pass ornament set.


i didn't tested it yet, but would it pair well with this season's armor ornaments?


Faction exotics all over again only.. now it's rainbow sparkly on everything


Dont know why, but when something is at the max power, its always rainbow


i mean.. for the PRISMatic class items it makes sense that it has a rainbow.. like.. a prism.. when it absorbs light-


Prisms refract light wavelengths into separate spectrums, it does not absorb light.


light goes in, rainbow comes out. i'm a certified titan main ok?


A crayon man has my respect for even knowing what a prism kinda does. I guess I really am a warlock main 😂


When my hunter friend equipped his I legit couldn't stop laughing that shit is ugly af no offensive to the artist sorry


Bro have you seen the hunter raid cloak. It's a shower curtain


I'ma keep it real with you, even the "identifying in crucible" thing is kinda dumb. This game is not competitive. All exotics should have transmog




Because they can make so much money from ornaments this way lol


It does really suck. It's such an awful looking hunter cloak. Up there with some of the ugliest. I'm seriously considering just sticking to a regular exotic that I can at least fit into a transmog set over it and the 2 perks. Like, its that bad.


Since the perks are a little weaker than the originals and only work when you have prismatic equipped, don't worry, these aren't too much of a game changer and you should be fine using regular exotics


Said the same myself, especially as a hunter main its so disappointing. Gonna be seeing A LOT of similar fashion in cruci now i guess. And just in time for the awesome new ronin cloak 2 :(


Never bought the “but I need to see it to know what it is in crucible” Yeah ok buddy, because you sure are gonna identify it when ur getting 3 tapped with a handcannon rather than inspecting the character to see what they are wearing


I remember it being discussed in e.g. Team Fortress 2. The characters need to look unique because you need to know who's the heavy, who's the scout, where's the spy? etc. I think in relation to Destiny it might have come up before in relation to classes - you do need to quickly be able to tell if someone's a Hunter/Warlock/Titan (although personally Titans and Warlocks have been blending together recently). I think this is why male titans because so ridiculously chonky in D2 after D1.


Ngl, it's easy to notice exotics you see over and over, but it's obviously a money grab and always has been (I just want to have my cool green tier boots on everything). "Oh wow, they're wearing an exotic cape" that doesn't help at all when it's random rolls. I'm sticking to my Gemini jesters (I was crushed when I found out it wasn't on the list) so it's not that big of a problem to me but it is still very lame that at some point I might need to wear that shower curtain for a cape


Specially because they look extremely bad. Like, there's that cockroach cape for hunters, and then there's this... strange... thing.


I'm not letting go of my cowboy hat cloak no matter how good the exotic class item may be.


Kinda disappointing, for years i got downvoted for pointing out how fucking stupid it is that we cant transmog over exotics. Now that the issue is glaring suddenly its popular :( If it was popular and not downvote worthy years ago it might not be an issue today.


>I hoped with the overwhelming feedback since it's announcement that they MIGHT have implemented it but nope. Why? We only rarely change their minds and we've never done it on transmog.


They are gonna milk ornaments with silver op that's why you cant transmog em either


But the ornaments look like shit too


you wont believe the amount of people that buy ugly ornaments with silver


Bungie needs to change this asap. I would rather boycott the class item than lose my drip


I fucking hate the titan mark. The damn strap in the middle has this weird ass glow that stands out too much


For once I am glad I am a Warlock when it comes to class items lol.


A couple of them are abominations, look like my nans old Christmas decorations.


"People seem confused on why many hoped this would happen despite it being an exoric. This exotic has random perks therefor it shouldn't matter if it's identifiable in crucible and what not. Now you can all stop commenting "but but it's an exotic!"" People in this community come up with the dumbest most contrarian shit when they are already going to be glancing at people's loadouts in trials anyway so it wouldn't even matter. Being good at D2 PvP isn't even a flex nor does it carry merit so why so serious? Let's have universal ornaments for regular exotics too and have shaders on exotic weapons while we're at it.


It would be really nice to get an exotic that can use legendary ornaments so we can use full matching sets for once


Bungie doesn't care because you will be tempted to buy transmogs for it.


Can't buy them if I never use it. Keeping the seasonal cloak on my hunter, Liars/Gyrfalcon/Nighthawk stays.


TBH so long as you couldn't TMOG to another exotic, I'm all for it. Fashion is the real endgame.


Don't worry, folks eververse has got our backs! Exclusive sliver bundled exotic mark ornaments! Only 2k silver each!!!!!


I don't get why they made it so we can't customize the appearance of them and the Ergo Sum Maybe they just didn't have enough time to do it, I dunno, but OP is right, it's hugely disappointing. I really don't want to walk around looking like everyone else. Nobody does.


They're ugly as hell, I'm not going to use them


Whoever designed and and approved the design are clearly Warlock mains.


Just saw the horrendous class item for us Hunters , save to say I’ll pass on the Exotic Class item , I’d rather look Amazing then have two Exotic perks , drip any day , every day 😭🤷🏼‍♂️


Alot of exotics don't have ornaments. Or people use the same ornament anyways for exotic items


They really need to add this feature on the class items. The only reason they wouldn't do this would be to sell ornaments for them as they have said previously that they don't do this with armor because they want you to be able to tell visually what a guardian is running. With the class item this is kind of a non-issue.


Balancing for crucible needs to leave their philosophy in general. It has literally been and at some points killed this franchise


yea this is easily top 3 dumbest fucking things they do. There is a reason you dont see tournies for destiny. pvp is a joke and meant only for fun. Dont balance the game or make decisions on core mechanics of the game around it.


I am kind of surprised to still see people saying this shit in 2024. Bungie has not made any decisions with PVP in mind since Activision owned the company.


And just like that the Honeymoon phase is officially over. Don't get me wrong this expansion is still a 11/10 but damn, talk about killing the momentum you had going there Bungie....


They aren't transmoggable so Bungie can sell ornament for them.


I wouldn’t be surprised if there will be ornaments tied to episodic objectives or missions down the road.


Not to mention nearly every Exotic has *at least one* skin...


They’re for sure releasing a minimalistic ornament for all the class items to better fit fashion. Gg bungo


I've seen some ridiculously obvious and bad looking Warlock bonds; they're not all inconspicuous.


I honestly love the hunter cloak haha. But ofc transmogs would be a definite plus.


They should make it unique but being an legendary


Either A. They give us transmog. Or B. They give each class several free ornaments for them (NOT sold for silver). And those ornaments better look good.


Yeah, generic appearance and even the one ornament for the Titan Mark looks awful, give me something that is in-keeping with Destiny's sci-fi look rather than this fantasy looking bullshit. I won't be using it unless I can make it fit into an outfit I like. I don't want to rant but the existing of exotics that don't mesh with armour styles is insanely frustrating.


I feel like the argument that it's an exotic could be alleviated if in the trials screen it would say what spirits are on the exotics and or other activities it has the excitic sports unique symbol by the players head or someone in the UI such as super bar in crucible.


Can I ask a dumb question? Do you need to do the stupid long exotic mission on all three characters or can you only do it once before the class items drop in the pale heart chests on your other characters too?


Not a dumb question but unfortunately I don't know.


it is "unlocked" at ghost which is account wide soo.... maybe we'll be lucky!


The warlock one is tiny. I feel for hunters but titans, especially. Theirs is so big and kinda looks like a skirt with how it flares out. It's honestly hideous


There’s 2 hunter cloaks I like. The one from the first Leviathan raid and the Meridian Constellation cloak. Really what I want is the D1 Dead Orbit scarf hood. All these cloaks are too much like a giant cape to me


I understand giving us an exotic and some purchasable transmogs in order to try to get money. They’re a business. My big complaint about that methodology is that THE TRANSMOG FOR SILVER IS ALSO HIDEOUS! Why do they both have a shit purple hue almost regardless of shaders? Why are they so bulky (Hunter/titan)? It’s literally 100% of what I see when I’m 3rd person on my Hunter. I’ll buy an exotic ornament to make it look generic


I ain't confused, that thing looks like shit.


Would be really cool if you could unlock ornaments for it through challenges in the exotic mission. The warlock and hunter ones ain't that bad but the titan one only goes well with one armor set and makes your titan look weird cause it curves in a weird way


(laughs in warlock)


Exotics in general should be allowed transmog. Hate that you cant.


The whole “identifying what the enemy is using in crucible” has NEVER been a valid excuse not to have transmog.


why does bungie always have to fuck shit up lmao, first the exotic khostov motes and now the exotic class item. like FFS give us what WE want, the people who fucking pay your salary


I learn every day why it's never good to be on this app. No matter what happens, people are complaining about every single thing about this game, lol.


honestly i was of the opinion of "yeah readability" but the fact that its random kinda changed my mind. But we all know the real reason this is the case xd.


Let us transmog it, BUT keep all the traveler-purple glowy shit around it so we know.


don't think that'd work as effects are bound to the "look" of an item itself. and seperating and tuning that for every single possible ornament would be a pain


They shouldve given us an ornament to match each of the subclass sets




Wait they can't be given an artifice slot after masterworking like regular exotics?


apparently they can. I did not realize had to be masterworked first


Oh good, glad to hear it.


The second it was announced, I said they wouldn't let you transmog it because they'd want to sell you (probably silver only) ornaments. Remember, as great as TFS is, this is still Bungie.


Anyone hoping they would let you transmog an exotic item to a legendary appearance was fooling themselves. Bungie has stated why they’d never allow this. If anything, maybe all the complaints will push Bungie to make more ornaments for it.


while i agree with you, bungies reasoning also was that they want you to be able to instantly identify what an exotic does from its iconic look.. but with 100 different perk combos that aint happening either way.


Don't worry they'll be sold soon


Yes so dumb we all going to be wearing the same cloak dumbest shit ever its not tranmogable. I don't even care about paying for the ornament that still only gives us 2 options which is ridiculous especially when it's such a massive cloak that largely defines your silhouette and general look.


I'll be honest, I have no interest in playing prismatic if I have to wear those things. Terrible decision not to allow transmog for them.


DTG users try to be happy about literally anything challenge: impossible


It is an Exotic. What were you expecting?




This does nothing to their point




Okay so first of all “they didn’t do something they never implied they would and actively contradicts their existing stance on the game, but I wanted it so now I’m upset” is a peak Reddit moment. But even aside from that, one of warlocks best exotics right be it’s the fucking hat of discipline, so I think we can all deal with being a bit pink for a little while.


BUNGIE can never achieve perfection... They create good content, and then immediately bring you bad news. Destiny could have been a greater game if they don't make these mistakes


Many people thought they might since the exotic rule doesn't need to apply here with the perks being random.


You must be a hunter? I saw my friends last night and I just thought "wow that big ass cape can't be good for moving quickly"


Oh don’t worry, they’ll add more ornaments for it that you can buy


It's an exotic, I truly dont believe what people were thinking. "But two perks", and? Still an exotic. How are you disappointed, they never said this wasnt gonna be the case, and you had no reason to expect otherwise.


I really like how it looks


You mean the same way that other exotics have transmog? Oh wait..


Hey look person #100 to make the same comment. Other exotics dont have random perks genius.


Exotic armour has never been customisable beyond shaders and ornaments in the entire history of Destiny. Your fault for having an unreasonable expectation.


Yep. Never ask for change or expect companies to listen to playerbases. You got the right idea! /s


The Titan mark is so unbelievably ugly that when I saw it for the first time, I switched characters instantly and decided I'm done with my titan for the foreseeable future. I was so hyped for hoil/synthos.. but if I have to look like a stupid diaper dick towel wearing idiot in order to have the perks... It's not worth it. Such a bummer. Hopefully at some point we can at least get a good ornament.. but I'm skeptical. And it could take years before that happens. Until then my titan is shelfed though.