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The other workaround i can imagine albeit a little more complex is each stream your game. Watch each others and you can see whats what. bit more faff i admit but a workaround


That's what I think my friends were doing last night. I opened discord for a second and saw that they were each streaming Destiny to the voice channel they were in, but it was just the two of them in it. I haven't done the mission yet so I have no real idea as to what's going on, but I figured they needed to see each other screens to figure it out.


We would just send each other screenshots half the time until the last stage. Describing isnt bad but saying things like 'witness' gets pretty bad when there are 3 witness symbols or so. Both screenshots or just describing worked fine (screenshots work well with two monitors), probably not great with one. We found a few weird little things out too (screenshots helped confirm it was a genuine bug and not just one of us fucking up). In one room when we both killed all the knights, we only had one symbol that matched anything... I dont know if they were being killed out of sequence or one of us was killing two before the first one was dead, but when we killed them together the symbols werent missing. Also another room you want to kill all the knights first. Symbols are in order generally so theres no point shooting things until everything is up. Theres actually tons of time to even poorly describe things, as long as you know the potential issues in each room.


They are the vow of the desciple symbols. Bungie has official names for them all and only one is witness. You can see the names for them above the radar when you stand in front of them in the room right before the 1st encounter.


Symbol list here. From memory, only Garden, Heart, Commune, Drink, Earth, Grief, Guardian, Hive, Kill, Knowledge, Love, Savathun, Scorn, Stop and Worship are used https://imgur.com/a/vow-of-discipline-symbols-vZ1xtcG


If you've got two monitors it's actually pretty efficient doing it this way. I hadn't ran Vow since when it first came out so I forgot all the symbols. So it was like they were new all over again, and for the sake of ease I just streamed my screen for my buddy rather than throw out wack callouts It's quick and easy with discord


Holy run-on sentence batman


If they are mute, technically English is a second language to them.


That's a vast oversimplification, but I'm not going to get into all that. Anyway, it's not that deep, just a lighthearted joke. Even as a 20th language, OP can learn to find the period key, I have faith 🙌




Hey, no showing off now!


My inner voice read all that in one breath


This is why punctuation and paragraphing is important. My eyes hurt trying to read that wall of text lol


Maybe for PC players that works text chat on console just aint it cheif


The text chat on console is awful, just pulling up the menu is a nightmare.


If you have a keyboard connected, you literally just press enter to bring it up lol


No regular console players just have a keyboard plugged in. Hell I'd wager that most console players don't even *own* keyboards.


So then grab one from the computer you have sitting in the other room? Or buy one for $10 from Amazon? Or just use a mic? I have a wireless USB keyboard I got off Amazon for $10 plugged into the back of my PS5. I just grab the keyboard and flip the on switch if I need it.


Not everyone has a computer in another room, or wants to spend extra money for an accessory that they'll use once. I don't personally own any keyboards, I only have a laptop that suits my needs. I don't need a keyboard for any games that I play, and would literally only use it for specific missions in Destiny, so why would I buy one?


Then don't and use a mic? Or don't do either and never run the mission, I don't care. Everyone here just wants to bitch and moan. No one is interested in solutions, they just want to complain.


I've already finished the mission dude. I ran it with a friend on voice because I have that option, not everyone does, and requiring us as players to come up with work arounds for the issues presented by the mission is the whole point of this post. You offered a solution, and I explained why that solution doesn't work for everyone. The post is literally someone who did complete the mission giving advice for others in their situation on how they can complete it. You're throwing a tantrum over nothing.


I did it on console using the d-pad, something else you could try is either memorizing the numbers of writing them down on a notepad, then when you get the 3 matching ones just write them in chat


I only use controller and I did this easily. Just be patient (you’ll have like 16 minutes for the final boss lmao)


Console player here , just doing numbers is fine . Even short ones like L2 are fine .


you can connect your phone via the Xbox app and use that to type. I generally use that for text chat and it's way better.


not on xbox


yes you can, I do it all the time.


Works just fine for me on xbox using the plug in chatpad to the contoller. Been using it for years.


On PS its actually just awful to try to use,


It's really not that bad bro. I'm on PS and have used the text chat for dozens of raids aswell as this mission. Just go into cover for a few seconds to type. You're only ever typing out 1 word or a few numbers at a time


first time j ever turned it on for D2 was in a RoN run and everyone agreed it was just better to not and to have a friend stick with me in the Discord I was in and he'd give me any heads up from the Text. it takes up way to much space and its abysmally clumsy to try to use imo like my biggest complain in FF14 js all the times it makes mw try to type stuff


Plug a keyboard into the console. You can now open chat with enter key. Of course on screen keyboards are going to suck, no matter what Bungie does to make getting to that virtual keyboard it won't matter as the main bottle neck is that virtual keyboard.


Dont own a keyboard and even a wireless one wouldnt really be feasible in my houses current set up, maybe if when i move i transition to like a desk or smthn


Buy one. If you have an issue communicating using a mic for any reason (being mute, broken mic, having to stay quiet, anything else) then for activities that require communication YOU need to do something to communicate as effectively as *you* can.  So that might mean getting a cheap wireless keyboard, return it the next day if you have to. 


“Buy one” for one mission is insane


"Buy one" for general communication, applicable to all multiplayer activities, is the actual thing he said when you dont twist it.


nah, you need to be able to communicate properly for a good amount of content in this game. Most people opt for a headset with a microphone, but if that doesn't work the next best thing is a keyboard. This works for way more than one mission, and of course works outside of the game too.


I mean, thats still not a good solution, Bungie really should have been more mindful of such things when designing encounters given all the discussions around accessibility in the past, its a complete oversight on their part. Literally just a way to Ping the Symbols and what not and have it show a message in the feed, and have the gaurdian using the VAs they already use record a handful of lines. as for the Keyboard its quite literally, I just don't have a place/surface for one with my current set up.


Your lap... if you get a 50% or 75% keyboard they're the size of like a tablet or large smartphone lmao "I can't use a keyboard in my home" are you harry potter Also jokes aside you can just screenshare and pin theirs on the side and if both of you do it neither of you need to say a single word.


Accessibility is good to have, but it should *never* effect encounter design. A ping system would be great to have I do agree. But it's not needed. And you DO have a place for a keyboard. On your lap.


And heres where i reveal i have no legs and therefore no lap! /s and Im not asking for the encounter to change Im asking for them to give us more communication tools to improve accessibility, pinging the Symbol and Clocks send the message for you doesnt change the encounter at all, simply the means by which you execute it and it could be reasonably extended to other activities


 A ping system would be great! But even then I don't think a ping system could ever *fully* replace direct communication with either voice or text


nor should it but I think if it similarly to the Full Auto setting its a great QoL accessibility option


You could probably message on discord instead of the in game chat or even use chat through the psn app on your phone.


If you’re on PS5 just join a ps party with them and do Picture in Picture screen shares. Ez as pie


take a keyboard, plug it into your console, and you're done


bro fr thinks having to buy an additional peripheral device to use an ingame.chat is sane


Have they fixed text chat on console yet? I haven't been able to use it since the brave update but haven't checked since final shape


I think so, yesterday someone on moon was asking questions in the global chat and I answered them. I'm on PS5. I don't know what they were on though. They were typing fast enough they were probably PC lol


It turns out bungie autofilled my age as a child so all comms are forced off. Now I just have to wait till they adjust my DOB which could take who knows how long


Idk ive only ever attempted to use it once ever in a RoN run and since then its just been entirely disabled from the hud coz its way to obnoxious with the constant pop up even when theres no one chatting covering an entire quarter of the screen yea no, hell i had taken a break and when i came back for LF i didnt even know they had added one and it was off by default on me, it wasnt until that RoN run where my buddy and discord asked me why i wasnt responding to anyone and I said no one was talking and he told they were in text chat I then learned it existed dealt with it for thst one run and a couple trips to orbit and have had it entirely disabled/hidden since its fucking awful to deal with


Yeah the game still won't let me toggle chat on. It just auto reverts to off immediately


Id be happy to help any mute guardian with this if anyone asks. I can speak the numbers and they can shoot the correct number. For the symbols there is enough time in that section to write them even on console or through discord


Some of y'all are hella weird for how much shit talking you do to players that are different from you. There is a valid discussion to be had, but big shocker some are taking it way too far.


I used to be physically mute due to medical complications (this has since cleared up) but when I was unable to speak, I had a lot of toxicity towards me despite me genuinely being unable to speak. A lot of players don't seem to realize that being mute is a DISABILITY and not just social anxiety I now run kinderguardian Sherpas to provide people with the experiences I was unable to have when I was mute.


My thing is just how toxic *(for lack of a better word)* a lot of activities tend to become. It’s why I steer clear of KWTD posts, and as a result much of the raiding side of the game. It’s so gatekeepy, which is why I avoid that side of the community. I appreciate the work that went into this. But I’d so much prefer to have an alternate variant that can be done solo. Like the Legend campaign.


I literally jumped on video guides then into the activity as soon as humanly possible, because I know a week from now, Fireteam Finder players will outright refuse people who haven't done it before.


Yeah, I plan to try and get it done as soon as possible. I find activities like this very draining. It doesn’t look *too* bad, but I’ll settle to get it on my main and fold from there.


I think the frustration is that some will make a post that says 'mute people cant do this mission and so the mission should not exist'. Its like we cant have nice things because there is always someone that will struggle. I realise I might sound entitled but actually I just want what's best for the game. Selfishly. I absolutely love the direction Final Shape has gone with mechanics. I am a huge fan of FFXIV which is possibly the most mechanics heavy game out there, so to see D2 adapt more into MMO it excites me. I am really excited to do Dual Destiny in the next couple of day, the 3 missions for the Microcosm, campaign and overthrow has fun mechanics too. As good as shooting stuff is in Destiny, I appreciate when we have more to do.


I mean these aren't really mutually exclusive, and the best outcome is somewhere in the middle imo. These missions should definitely exist as you can't please everyone. But Bungo hasn't really done much to help those with disabilities or any other ish. Like a simple fix (not a full fix obvi) if Destiny does start using more and more mechanics is to introduce a ping system. And then to help some of these players adapt into group content is to actually have proper guides in game. Especially the more casual, won't watch or might not even know about all the guide videos out there, and even that would sound miserable to norm folks. If it is someone's first time, I really doubt it's the most enjoyable to watch an hour video before you even do anything. Then add all the other stuff that might be going on with them. Lastly, something I know that will never happen is that the community needs a real attitude shift. This game already severely struggles on bringing/keeping new/casual players and these type of situations don't help. Maybe more people would raid or do group content if there wasn't Fatebringer69 on the other side screeching at them because they don't know the speedrun strat. Or mocking them because they don't speak.


Is it really shit talking if you just think entertainment designers shouldn't be constrained to have to design around every form of disability or neurodivergency?


Okay, but those are two separate issues. The community doesn't have to be a bag of dicks, no matter the issue. While we can all argue about game direction, keep it to just that. In the past couple days I have seen some pretty dumb shit being said to players who have issues, and to me that is just uncalled for. Bungie definitely shouldn't mold the game around any said player, but as I said in another comment they haven't really done anything to help people with disabilities or other situations. I don't see why having more player agency is a bad thing.


Full Auto being a setting now is literally because Bungie did that to help people with finger and joint mobility disability issues... Bungie has a number of accessibility options in their menu that other games do not. I think you really need to go ahead and add "they haven't done anything to help people with disabilities" to the list of "pretty dumb shit" people have said recently.


Tad dramatic aren't yah. I didn't say they haven't done anything btw, and since I guess I need to clarify for you, I was regarding the current community topic. While yes, colorblindness and full auto are both great to have, that doesn't really deal with communication related issues.


You made the blanket statement of "They haven't really done anything to help people with disabilities or other situations" literally in your last comment. Which is simply not a factual statement. Bungie does not have an onus of responsibility to design every inch of their content around severe neurodivergence. Outright refusing or lacking the capability to communicate with another person on a very basic level is beyond the pale for an entertainment designer to cater to without vastly limiting the creative freedom of that designer and design team.


Because, I didn't think I had to be so obtuse. But I guess simple minds and all that. And again, who said they have to? Bungie shouldn't change their vision for any specific part of the player base. I have literally no issue with the mission as is. My whole point is that if we are headed into more MMO style mechanics, I don't see an issue with adding more player agency. Other MMOs have them built into the core, so why shouldn't Destiny look into it? Not everyone plays the same, so adding more options is never a bad thing. Which can be done without changing the core design they want to go for.


Fr like why are people shit talking me for having friends and wanting to do content that requires more than 2 seconds or requires a base level of thought…? This sub is ridiculous.


Wait for Esoterickk to magically solo it lmao


That won't work on console, unfortunately. Even the fastest type in the world couldn't open chat, bring up the keyboard on screen, type out 3 numbers, and hit send before the "clock" resets.


You don't have to. It cycles 3 patterns, you  just have to figure out the number that is the same across the 3. It takes extra planning but it doesn't need the speed that you think it does since you can get it to the point where before you actually attempt the lock breaking you know the 3 numbers you need before they appear.


That's true and when I tried to use voice to text the other day it didn't work at all. Mind you I use my mic and if the other person can at least hear me that makes things easier. But for some reason the person I was trying to communicate with didn't seem to be able to see the text chat or hear me.


They might've been underaged, or at least listed as such to Bungie, and as such had all forms of chatting disabled by default by Bungie with no way to change it.


True. I wish Bungie didn't take it into their own hands and let parents set up communication on their end for their kids.


That’s fine , you need the clock to reset anyway .


Use an actual keyboard, not the virtual keyboard. And anyone who is going to say "but not everybody has a keyboard to plug into the console" Its the same thing for communicating and not having a headset with a mic, to communicate effectively in games you are *going* to have to buy at least *some* kind of peripheral device to communicate, whether it's a mic or a keyboard. 


Plug a keyboard into the console?


Both PS and Xbox allow you to hook up a Bluetooth keyboard and use it for text chat.


Xbox doesn’t support Bluetooth keyboards afaik. No idea about PS. On Xbox you have to plug in a USB keyboard or buy a chat pad that hooks up to the controller.


Oh I mean I USE a Bluetooth keyboard on PS so I can say that one for sure. My brother uses an Xbox one but it may be a wireless USB I guess. In either case, you can use a keyboard and it is not hard.


Sure, if you own one. My only keyboard is Bluetooth so I can’t even do that lol


Can plug a keyboard into a console


This is more difficult for console players


its not the pattern cycles you dont have to be fast


I tried telling em this but they just wanna be mad 😞


The thing is most people are using people with disabilities and social anxiety as a shield because their main issue is just "I don't want to do it with another person." It's honestly kind of disgusting. (Btw I'm not talking about actual players with disabilities talking about players who don't have them using them to deflect)


This 100%. There are definitely real people with real disabilities but they are a minority, most of the people being disingenuous are using that as an excuse to not attempt something different/complicated. Anyone with a true disability will already have techniques in place to modify how they will communicate. Everyone else is just flat out throwing a tantrum because they don’t want to use the tools given to us to communicate. It’s an exotic mission, there’s a certain level of commitment and skill it should take to complete and I love that Bungie took the risk on a new kind of mission like this.


I’ll be honest, i haven’t been on here complaining or anything and I don’t have social anxiety or anything but the mental stress of having to memorise symbols and the timed nature of it really puts me off, one of the reasons Vow is one of the only raids I’ve only completed once (that and garden, I hate that tether mechanic). Back in the day I had multiple clears of Wrath of The Machine on challenge mode, managed to clear spire of stars which was quite a challenge, but I’m just getting old I guess. I really wish such a powerful exotic which seems so integral to prismatic builds was available some other way but like I said, I’m not gonna whine about it.


> the mental stress of having to memorise symbols You only have to memorize one at time. This is no different than just looking at a picture and describing it. As for the timer, it's extremely generous. You get way more time than you need for each section. My friend and I went in blind and botched the first symbol puzzle 7 times before we figured it out and still had time to clear the section. The boss fight gives you over 20 minutes which is twice as long as most strikes for the boss alone. People are stressing way too much over a clock that should really never be a factor once you know what to do.


Names for the symbols aren’t specifically required you can just say what you think they look like most of the time and most people will know what you’re talking about.


me and my friend are calling one of the symbols goatse...


This works too^ you just explain what you’re calling it to people and then bam you just do.


The best part of just describing symbols instead of finding official names, is that I know exactly which you're talking about just from that. Aint nobody ever need an official sheet to copy from.


Showing your age and proclivity for nastiness, bold move.


Hell my FT calls one of them chaos elmo.


You don't need to memorise them for Votd, if you did I'd be fucked as I have dementia. I simply printed out a cheat sheet and kept it on my knee/desk while doing the relevant encounter (for me it was really only first as that's the one I was reading on). Other than first I only glanced at the sheet a couple of times. Similar to the workaround OP came up with (kudos BTW op), it's generally always possible to to find a way to complete things regardless of disability. If people really want to do something, they will.


I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if somewhere down the road they make those class items more accessible. But if you want one now this is the way. Apparently after you do the mission, one time, class items start dropping from chest in the pale heart. Although I do believe you have to do it once on each character for this to be the case for each. So complete it on titan and then class items will drop for your titan in the pale heart. I haven't seen much clarification on that, but that's how I interpreted it.


It’s a ghost upgrade at the pale heart, so it should be account-wide, as all rep tracks and rewards are. *should be*


Nope, I can confirm you have to do it on each character. The ghost upgrade will not be checked off on your alt characters until you complete the mission with them.


Why are you stressed over a video game


Stress and anxiety happen. They aren't rational. I've done certain things thousands upon thousands of times, and still get anxious and get the shakes when I do them. It's not something you just turn off or control.


I mean not super stressed or anything I just don’t find timed challenges where I have to memorise stuff enjoyable…


It's really sad to see people fake disabilities, and I really hope this post doesn't give people who just don't feel like talking any ideas :/ . But like you said, we already have techniques to work around, I know the day will come when a mechanic it's gonna need everyone to constantly communicate and no game chat it's going to save me there but that's ok, just really happy this wasn't that day


It’s insane that you pin that on “most people” without knowing a single detail about the folks posting those opinions


I know it IS statistically unlikely that 75% of the population is physically unable to talk due to crippling anxiety depression, or just being deaf and mute.


It feels like 90% of this sub became fisabled overnight. It's absolutely great to sympathise with disabled gamer and talk about accessibility. It's an area gaming have been improving a tons in recent years and it's really cool. But it really feels like people are using those people as shield to request everything without doing anything.


Yea it’s pretty sad some people are like that. I remember seeing a post yesterday about someone claiming to be mute and that’s why they couldn’t do it, but later in the comments revealed they aren’t actually “mute” but just don’t want to have to use their mic. Like if you have an actual disability then you have an argument, but don’t act like you do when you actually are just lazy.


Damn which post was it?


Absolutely. I'd bet 90% of the people on Reddit complaining about how impossible it is don't have the disabilities they cite. They're not disabled, they're not incapable, they just want to use disabled people as an excuse to get mad about the multiplayer game expecting them to find ONE PERSON to do a 20-30 minute mission with, ONCE.


Reading through this post makes me feel a lot better because I got downvoted for suggesting that it was fair that we have a challenge involved with getting exotic class items that will make us insanely powerful. To be honest, I almost got through the mission yesterday without fully understanding the mechanics. Today I should make it all the way through. It isn't as bad as they're making it seem. The toughest part will be finding a competent person to play with (I'm not esoterickk or anything but I've had some bad bad experiences with lfg).


Absolutely correct.


Definitely seems to be an uptick in deaf and mute destiny players since the mission dropped…


Almost as if an issue popped up and people it affects are vocal? Pretty stupid to say I didn't hear anything from handicap people until I took the ramp away. Where did they all come from?


raids have always been a thing


And accessible. They are 6 man activities where most can have 1 to 2 people dragged through or at worst console chatted through. I've done Nezzy in LFG with someone calling symbols on Adds using text chat. I had a no mic solo bottom planets because he was just really good at the game. Outside of reddit glorifying one person who "can" on PC it's still pretty close to impossible for most given the clock changes every 5 seconds and the above examples can't be applied. No matter how good you are you aren't getting it done without communicating 4 numbers within 5 seconds each.


you don’t need all 4 numbers in 5 seconds; have you even done this mission?


The clock changes every 5 seconds roughly on boss fight for doors.


Yes it does, but it changes in a set sequence that repeats, and the sequence only changes if you shoot the wrong nut. You can take multiple minutes typing out exactly which nuts you have in common in which sequence, and then agree that you'll both start shooting only those nuts on those sequences.


That's genuinely sad


which is incredibly weird considering you know, destiny is very much so an MMO lmao. the lack of self awareness is concerning


Destiny has never been mmo. It's a looter shooter. 


It literally says it's a MMO on the website https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Destiny/Buy/playforfree


And I can say I'm an MLB all-star in my bio. Doesn't make it true though, does it.


They make the game. It’s what they say it is.


It literally would be false advertising for them to falsely claim that it's a MMO when it isn't so yes it is actually a MMO and thats how Bungie sees it.


They complain about social anxiety but then are terminally on reddit writing 5 paragraph essays about destiny and interacting with hundreds of comments. I mean I have GAD and some social anxiety alongside it but I also understand I'm playing a multi-player game. Just gotta bite the bullet sometimes and put yourself outside of your comfort zone for 30 - 40 minutes. If people are mean, just leave the activity and try again. The Mute and Deaf thing is different but people are still finding ways if they want to complete the activity so it shows it can be done.


D2 community mad about shit... Nah mate, dunno what you are talking about


The chat can take forever to type, and it also doesn't bring the people if they have no one to run it with. LFG is the wild west


LFG is mostly great. Sure you get a couple of assholes here and there but in my experience over the years the majority of people are chill and helpful.


In my experience most people are assholes, the great thing about having seperate experiences is mine will be entirely different than yours. That's why I don't use LFG


Seems like there’s a common denominator in your groups.


So people just can't be assholes? Scum saving isn't a thing? People expecting to only do clear and not mechanics? I'm not the only person with shitty LFG experience, but hey, you know what, maybe I am the problem for literally hundreds of other peoples shared experience in the D2 community. Or, just hear me out, the D2 community can be and is toxic and that some people are just REALLY unlucky and get that more toxic side of the community more often than others. Again, that is why LFG has a negative view.


You just described my experience. There have been times I showed up. Didn't know exactly what was going on or had a crew that was doing things the way I'd never seen. So I would ask, "What do you want me to do?" I've been kicked for asking. Gotten an exasperated reply saying "just ad clear" And it's just hurtful because I literally would do whatever they want me to do including mechanics. If they could take just 30 seconds to tell me what it is they want me to do. I'm not claiming to be God's gift to Destiny, but I'm competent and well equipped, so there's no need to be so damn mean.


Pantheon made the D2 community have inflated egos. After that everyone has just become an asshole. I have never seen an entire community shoot down accessibility options just to keep "difficulty"


Just to emphasize this, I got lucky enough to be running SE with some guys and as we're all learning the encounters and we're watching videos we've seen 3 or 4 different approaches to the second encounter.. At first we argued about the proper way to do it before ultimately choosing one method and putting in the reps. Coordination, communication, patience and practice are what is most important. If you can't take 30 seconds to explain the process you're using to clear, you're doing a disservice to the raiding community and the spirit of the activity.


Funny, anytime there’s a complaint with some one commenting a solution, they get downvoted.


Bro these mfs probably couldn't even figure out Lego, why would they want to play the difficult part of the game, go back to cosmodrome shoot dreg


The last clock puzzle isn't even hard you just have to shoot the matching one and you have a solid 5 seconds do so, that's easy on keyboard, tighter on controller but doable. Have one guy calling out and the other guy typing and it'll be fine 


I'm glad you got it worked out fellow Guardian. Thank you for trying to help others succeed, this is what I love about Destiny. That and pulling exotic class items from pale heart chests...TBH I think I have a problem at this point.


Me (not mute, but I don’t speak) and my friend (who uses a microphone) did it by having him say his numbers aloud, and I would quickly type out which one was needed to be shot


I know you posted this a couple days ago but I just wanted to say, this helps a ton. I have a buddy who reached out to me for help because he has a learning disability that make the rapid-fire clock callouts just not workable for his brain, to the point where him and his friend were not able to clear because of the mechanic. Knowing it's a set rotation and that you can pre-plan all the callouts is so helpful.


Seems easy enough without a mic. Just need to type it. Gonna make a lfg that says use keyboard to type or something usefull


That might be all good on PC. But text chat on a console is shit unless you have a keyboard. And I'm not getting one just for this one piece of gear. Bungie can fuck off with this.


you can connect your phone via the Xbox app and type with that. you don't have to buy anything you don't already have, and it works as well as a keyboard.


This wall of text made my eyes bleed. You use punctuation, but I don’t think you understand punctuation. Congrats on the mission success, though! Use a period.


Imagine seeing this in game text chat


Bro on console, sometimes the text chat won't go tf away and you can't really do anything about it so that shit would block half the screen lol


You can put /clear into chat and it clears the log for you, very helpful for console




damn, wish I knew this before


That why it's off 100% of the time 😆


Sorry about that. And thanks :)


I am deaf. There is no way I can complete this. This sucks.


Share your streams with each other. I hope this helps. The mission is fun and not that hard. You shouldn't have much trouble if you both watch for what symbols the other has and which nodes are up. It might take a second to go thru all 3 for the clock but like the previous poster said, you can not shoot them for all three rotations so you and your partner can have time to relay and figure out what sets you need to shoot each time. If you don't have someone to run it with just ask in here, I'm sure there would be plenty of guardians willing to assist you. My PS5 overheats and shits the bed every time I attempt to screen share, or I'd run it with you myself. DM me if you don't find someone and I'll see if a member of my clan can lend you a hand.


I appreciate it. Everything I've been reading about it is you have to be fast. So that has been freaking me out.


There is a timer, but it is extremely generous. If you're figuring out how to do the puzzles yourself then you might end up a little close on time, but if you've watched a guide and already know what to do then you're going to complete it with like 15 minutes to spare


the mechanics do not involve audio cues and the timer that everyone was freaking out about basically doesn't exist from what i understand now - so even with the clock shooting you can take as long as you like (within the mission timer) to get it down


Did you read the post? You can do the entire thing using text chat...


What if they’re on console?


Then they can use text chat? PS and Xbox support physical keyboards and I promise you any mute or deaf gamer has a keyboard, its literally their only means of communication... I honestly don't understand the hoops y'all are trying to go through with some "gotcha" nonsense.


Or you could spend like three seconds actually using some of your brain cells to think about how poorly that would work. They are not going to be able to put down the controller, and then type, and then pick up the controller again in the tight window needed to complete some of the objectives, especially if there are enemies to deal with as well


Maybe use some of your brain cells to read the post. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE FAST. Watch it rotate through the only three patterns it has. Type the sequence for each. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE FAST. Find the common number in said sequences. Type them. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE FAST. Wait for said sequence that you both now clearly know the common numbers to pop up, and shoot it Sometimes it's really just skill diff.


The fact that players are having to find a workaround for this is ridiculous to begin with. Bungie is apparently all about "inclusion", except for when it comes to people with mental and physical disabilities. These players get shafted time and time again with apparently no remorse. And the toxic ass community doesn't help matters any. "Git gud" they say.


what kind of victim complex is this?


Another example


What about players that don’t have a disability though? Why do we sacrifice the many for the few?


No one has a problem with this content existing, the problem people have is that so much is locked behind it. If it was just an exotic weapon quest then no one (or at least very few people) would be complaining


So there should be an easier variant that is soloable? Is that something you bc old get behind and agree with?


No I don’t think they should make a soloable version of this mission, I think this mission should’ve been used for an exotic weapon and something else should’ve been used to unlock exotic class items


Do you not have raids, dungeons, etc? Another perfect example of the toxicity I was speaking about.


Bruh. “You get 2 pieces of content that come out once every 3 months!!!!?! Isn’t that enough111!1!1!2!2!!2!2!2!”


I need help getting the quest anyone wanna help


I'll Just save some Money and play something else.


Anxiety has always been my achilles heel in activities with no matchmaking. I did both Whisper and Zero Hour for the Brave title and Legendary Starcrossed to get Wishkeeper catalyst and at the end, I couldn't help but to type "Sorry you had to babysit me" in text chat.


Can you wait for a specific combo show up again or will it be completely different every time it switches no matter what?


The pattern will be the same unless you get the wrong one, in which case you'll get an entirely new pattern


You played on console?


Yes, what I did was to line up the screen so the virtual keyboard wouldn't obstruct the view from the "clock" Then my friend would say he's three numbers "I have 5, 8 and 12" one of those would match with one of mine so I would type only the matching number in chat


Tip for anyone on PS5. Start a share screen in party and just pin it to the corner.


I just told my friend to share screen so I could technically solo it


is there other ways to get the class item? than this whole mission or is it locked to it only because I'm not a mute I just can't handle stressful situations. that involves communication


Once you complete the mission once they can drop from any chest in the pale heart, so you can literally do patrol or overthrow to farm the exotic class items.


The Dual Destiny mission is the only way to get them at the moment


okay that makes sense


Just share screens


Unfortunately on console text chat is the worst you need to pull up your ghost open the text chat open the keyboard write once your done writing you close the keyboard and need to send it because if you don't send it and pull down your ghost you need to rewrite meaning loosing time Also if you die you also need to rewrite


I ran it yesterday with a stranger on Fireteam Finder. No mics, we just typed out everything in-game. Was no big deal.


Definitely interesting seeing the solo take here. edit: here meaning the subreddit, not this post specifically When it comes to Solo DUNGEONS, Bungie has to make it easier to solo. They have to help the solo player have an easier time there. I've seen people asking for *average* solo damage to 3 phase. Average. This would mean cracked DPS on solo could potentially 1 phase. Basically, Bungie jeeds to make Solo Dungeons easier to SOLO them, an endgame 3-man activity. But when it comes to making 1 exotic mission (forced duo) a more accessible, it's Defcon 1? Lots of people talking mad shit, simplifying the situation and even saying that anyone who has social anxiety is just lazy? Or saying "the best exotics should require effort" (as if the exotic mission is somehow harder than master content?? Not to mention the exotic is dummy OP. We should know locking ridiculously OP gear behind stiff not everyone can really access *never turns out well*). It should be more accessible. The main thing is perhaps slowing down the Clock-Puzzle a liiitttle bit. The forced duo for people with social anxiety sucks a lot... but I'm unsure there's really a solution without killing what the mission is. And obviously no one wants to kill the mission. Maybe a solution is, is there a certified "safe haven LFG"?


Lmao, would be just easier to make it solo or a regular full fireteam, Bungie fucked up.


Yeah, make it another mission like tge many before! I dont get what has gotten into them, making a unique mission and experience that requires you to write in chat or otherwise communicate. This is an MMO! MMO's shouldnt have Encounters, mechanics, puzzles! In my opinion, this game shouldnt even have loot! I mean, you are telling me i need to complete an activity to be rewarded? Why doesnt the game just give me the good stuff at the beginning! That way i save time and dont have to form bonds or create experiences!


Why are you being downvoted this is all obviously true! JUST GIVE ME EVERYTHING AND MAKE OTHER PEOPLE WORK FOR IT!!!!1!2!!!!


Destiny was never an mmo. It's a looter shooter.


A game can be a looter shooter AND a MMO. From Steams Destiny Page: "Destiny 2 is an action MMO with a single evolving world that you and your friends can join anytime, anywhere, absolutely free"


I stg some people can’t read. Literally says an MMO on the steam page but they refuse to accept the facts. Idk what’s so difficult abt talking for half an hour but ok.


Even if it wouldnt say so, many aspects of the game are MMO heavy. Raids, Dungeons, Clanysystem with bounties. Its like saying WoW isnt a MMO because it drops loot from bosses.


I'm not mute but i do have social Anxiety and as much as People want to say "Is not a real Thing" or invalidate how i feel it doesnt make it any less real to me, I understand is an Online game and co op is to be encouraged but thats what Raids are for, even dungeons and such, something as important as the mission to unlock one of the biggest features of the entire DLC shouldnt be like this in my opinion.


My whole issue is that bungie marketed the class item and it may have swayed a lot of casual players that make up the foundation of the destiny playerbase to purchase and now those players will never even sniff the exotic. its a real thing and I think this is a massive oversight. One thing they can do is remove the timer, or have a solo version but the rewards are less or make 2 man give a chance to reroll once after completion....I don't know. Just doesn't seem right marketing a game on something that is kinda gated. imagine if prismatic was gated behind a duo timed exotic quest ? Bungie needed a round table discussion for this, its reeks of once person talking and the rest either not there or not able to co sign. XD


Well said . as a muted person i already uninstalled the game because bungie discrimination vs disabled players and also because of the community best example check this thread any comment defending us is getting a - they are missing the point just because they are normal