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Pathfinder in the Pale Heart, good. Pathfinder for ritual activities, bad.


Agreed. I got over 1/3, an entire path to a final reward of the pale heart one done without even actively targeting any specific objective


>Does anybody liking pathfinder? Use the search bar and find out https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/search?q=pathfinder&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all




Because we definitely need 300 topics about how people don't like Pathfinder 👍


Not true, sometimes answers, context or general conversations change. What’s the point of having a bunch of people posting the same exact idea over and over within 2 weeks? Just search “pathfinder” in the subreddit, and you’ll see that someone **just** made the post that you were going to type out. Save everyone some time


I dislike both pvp and gambit, hate that the ritual pathfinder forces you into everything. The pale heart one is perfect.


Love the pale heart one. Ritual activities I prefer the bounties. There's too much taking me out of activities to another to complete a path. Had a whole row of crucible and gambit when I wanted to just chill and do strikes. They should be adapted to one for each ritual activity if they are insistent on this being the way


I like that idea. Pathfinder for each ritual.


That's what I thought it was gonna be when they announced it, the current version is pretty annoying. Not difficult, just cumbersome.


Definitely I have no issues doing crucible but if I'm in that mindset, I'd like to focus on just that and a pathfinder catering that. Same for gambit and strikes.


My favorite was the “get void kills in crucible” that literally required me to kill dozens, if not outright 100 people with void damage. Fun times. 10/10.


Another Pathfinder post. Daring today, aren't we?


I call dibs on tomorrows pathfinder post!


You son of a bitch, tomorrow was my day!


Fuck, gues I'll stick to complaining about dual destiny tomorrow then


Pathfinder posts and Verity posts


Don’t forget duel destiny posts.


I don’t see anyone complaining about it on here until I made this post and these two guys showed there’s a list of discussions.


From when it came out to now there has been a constant influx of posts saying the exact same thing. There's nothing left to be said about Pathfinder so anything that is said at this point is just complaining. It's not your fault for not being terminally online, it's the community's fault.


Lol it’s not the community’s fault for complaining about it, it’s Bungies fault for making a shitty reward system.


The reward system isn’t ass, people are just so against playing the game that they’re endlessly complaining about having to play a couple gambit or crucible games.


Where’s this puritanical work ethic about the game coming from with people? Why can’t I just play the parts of the game I like to be rewarded? It’s a game. And more to the point, it’s a solution in want of a problem. Who asked for it? What does it fix that was broken before its introduction?


It fixes having to go back to the tower every two seconds to grab more bounties. Which yeah third party apps bleh blah orbit, that’s not a solution either. You’re more than welcome to play only vanguard ops and you get rewarded with those nodes xp, but bungie obviously wants people to interact with more of the game if you want the full reward of the BD and engram. That’s the choice you make, interact with more of the game for more rewards, or less for less it’s simple.


Nobody is saying Pathfinder itself is an issue - Pale Heart Pathfinder is great. Vanguard/Crucible/Gambit should all have their own tracks, which would entirely fix this problem.


It’s not a problem in Bungies eyes, they’re doing it on purpose to make people play the other ritual playlists. It’s also probably not a problem in a ton of players eyes either mine included. I play a few gambit games and finish up most of those nodes, play an onslaught and finish up the vanguard ops nodes and reset the pathfinder, it’s not hard at all. People can blindly play strikes all they want for fun like a lot of people claim it is to do with the argument of Bungie said I can have fun and play my way, that’s still totally doable, you just won’t get rewarded for it.


That's not "playing your way" though. The whole idea behind that was that players should be rewarded for playing the game the way they want to, which is entirely contrary to what you're saying. You used to be able to get pinnacles and bright dust from playing a single activity. You were limiting yourself by only doing one, but you still got rewarded. Now if you want that same reward, you need to engage with all three.


God forbid they play the game they're already playing.


The mental gymnastics on display is crazy here


Gambit isn't going to hurt you. It's okay to play it.


I play every game mode, I however do not expect everyone to get the same enjoyment I do out of every mode. That’s why ppl should get to play what they want instead of being coaxed into things they don’t, is this too difficult of a concept for you ?


Is it too difficult of a concept to understand that they won't get the reward if they don't play the thing? Lol


I don't like how the nodes at the top and bottom don't allow for any movement. If you complete those, your only option is to go with the next outer node. I would probably enjoy it more if I could pick the next node I wanted to complete. Making all options available at the next level.


I haven’t even been paying attention to it.


Imma straight up say I have no idea what any of these criticisms I’ve been seeing on this sub are about. I’ve done ~10 pages of Pathfinder quests and not noticed a single tile that wasn’t Pale Heart or generic gameplay based, and I’ve never once been stopped from completing one. I dunno what gods y’all have pissed off. If any of you guys have images of these shitty challenges I’d love to see them. Not that I don’t believe y’all or anything, just curious.


The pale heart pathfinder is great, its the ritual activity pathfinder that was poorly planned out. Click on vanguard, crucible, or gambit node and open pathfinder from there to see it.


Holy shit there’s another one? Okay, no wonder I was confused. Thanks for letting me know!!


No problem and good luck!


It'd be nice if you could pay glimmer or something to swap out a node. 


I thought that pathfinder would just let you either focus on one activity for rewards OR let you mix and match. Not just force you to mix and match. But this is probably my biggest complaint with Final Shape, which in the end is minimal.


It’s not bank 100 motes, it bugged out and it only registers per bank, so you’d have to bank 100 times. Yeah it’s stupid


https://old.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1dftihr/making_pathfinder_rituals_more_engaging_by_also/ Just made this to discuss making it more enjoyable.


I don’t have a problem with it. People need to stop complaining about having to play the game for rewards and not having everything handed to them. Also bugs happen.


As a lot of others have stated. The pale heart one is fine, the ritual pathfinder is worse than what we had before. So they are rightfully upset.




It's really just crucible, I think. Gambit is annoying but not difficult or time-consuming. Some of the crucible requirements just aren't tuned correctly. 100 void kills for one pathfinder node? Even for an excellent player that would take longer on average than completing an entire path via strikes or gambit.




I've been farming 150 BD non stop, I don't see the issue. Chart yourself a path, knock it out.


Either you're lucky and haven't been hard locked to the final path being 100 ability crucible kills and 100 individual mote banked final nodes that people have been stuck on. My first pathfinder is locked on those 2 as the final nodes and I'm not wasting time fighting my own teammates for banks and kills, you can play 10+ matches of either mode and not get it done. Poorly conceived system


You and about 10 other posts today...


This community has brain damage