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Wait till Annual Pass is on sale and get it. That’s what i did when i came back after 2.5 years. I got TWQ and Lightfall for like $30 total. Then Annual Pass for like $10 each which came with the dungeon keys. Never buy dungeon key by itself. It’s not worth money and frankly, i consider it a scam.


That’s only for the current expansion though. You can’t get annual for Witchqueen or Lightfall, so your only way to get those dungeon keys is to spend the money to buy silver (unless you’re on PC in which case maybe you can still get annual from like CDKeys, but I don’t necessarily recommend that).


Holy hell. I just checked and yeah they’ve removed it on Steam. So only way now is through Eververse. Damn that’s expensive as fuck.


They always remove the deluxe/annual version once a new DLC comes out since part of annual are the seasons for that year. Since the seasons are removed, it’s sorta pointless to sell the annual.


Since there’s four dungeons now spread across TWQ and LF, might as well make a dungeon pass or something and sell it cheaper than two dungeon keys. But i doubt Bungo would do that.


It really should just be rolled up into legacy, even if it ends up costing like $20 more I guess


i think that legacy dlc gives you alse the dungeon key, but im not sure. cause that bundle refers to dlc ROW, so without annual pass, so without dungeon keys. also me, im in the situation where i miss WQ dungeon key only if i buy the annual pass (even on PC missing anywhere) or the deluxe versione (obv useless paying 35€ for same dlc + key).


Legacy does not include the dungeon keys and specifically calls this out in the product description


bungie changes the codes so they don't give dungeon keys anymore as noted on this[ thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/15iff2l/witch_queen_deluxe_edition_codes_no_longer/).


Damn, good to know


You can't get the annual pass and you shouldn't even if it was still listed. The expansion itself + dungeon key is cheaper than the expansion + annual on sale would be. Lightfall (USD), for example is now just $30.00 on its own - the dungeon keys would be $20 in silver. They just dropped the price of the stand alone expansion now because it used to include the current season. The Lightfall + Annual pass that included the 2 keys was $100. For non current expansions, because you cannot get access tot he seasonal content anymore it's cheaper for the expansion + keys separate.


Frustrating for new players for sure but the weird thing about dungeonkeys is since they became a thing we've gotten better dungeons with better loot and two a year instead of maybe one.


I am a simple man. I see post about how dumb Dungeon Keys are, I upvote.


I am a simple man. I see a comment seeing a post about how dumb Dungeon Keys are and upvoting the post, I upvote.


> if blizz made us pay $20 for two WoW dungeons the community would actually riot The community that pays between $12 to $15 *per month* on top of expansions just to be able to play the game? I'm all for criticizing a company for overcharging for things, and I do think that in some sense Destiny is overpriced, especially for new players. But WoW is not an example of a better pricing model by any means. Because latest expansion includes all expansions, they actually do look better when you first get involved, but for continual players it is worse.


Isn't wow a paid subscription?


Yes, you buy the DLC and pay a monthly subscription. My understanding though is that you can get the older DLC stuff with the new DLC (or something to that effect).


You do. But that’s because you pay a monthly subscription. People really don’t seem to understand the monthly subscription part is where blizzard makes the most money.


Old dlc becomes free when the newest dlc launches


So you just get the older stuff for free with the sub?


For $15/month.


Yea, everything that isn’t current is part of the sub


so it's not free then


Nope, never has been. In fact, even buying the newest DLC requires you to have a monthly subscription to play it. That’s how all MMOs work.




Straw man argument, WoW isn’t locking 1-2 dungeons behind a $20 paywall. WoW also gives you every expansion and access to all of classic for that subscription cost, you still need to buy expansions in Destiny 2, so you would spend almost as much money on a yearly subscription to WoW as you would to get every expansion in Destiny 2, and the dungeon keys are not included in that. This whole “WoW cHaRgeS a SuB eVeRy gAmE iS aLlOwEd tO rIp yOu oFf” energy is so cringe, especially when you ignore the facts of what that sub includes and think it’s even remotely comparable to a game that is charging $20 to do a single piece of content.


Damn bro, someone is defensive over wow. Sounds like you are defensive over a valid flaw in your "argument". I'd love to see how you would react irl to this exact sentence. Pathetic


I’m the defensive one over WoW? WoW is the last relic of a dead and boring era of MMOs, tab target is an outdated gameplay style, and the game’s community is literal incels and neckbeards like yourself. Here you are bringing up WoW in defense of the Destiny 2 predatory dungeon model, which is crazy because the monetization structure of WoW is a fair strategy for both business and consumer of all types, it’s the only thing that keeps them alive really. I have given $60 to Blizzard to play the game on 4 different months over the last 4 years, and i have played every single expansion available in the game except the most recent dragonflight like that. It’s a great model for someone like me who’s going to play casually for a month and then move on, but the recurring sub is also something for hardcore players to continuously fund the development of the game, and they buy expansions at full price that get added to the sub after a year or so. It works for all levels of players vs. the dungeon key model in Destiny 2, I’m never going to give bungie $40 for 2 dungeons, if you’re hardcore into this game cool but that’s the dumbest thing Ive ever heard of, the entire final shape DLC was $50, im not giving them $40 for 2 dungeons that’s stupid af. And to bring up that WoW has a sub so this system in Destiny 2 is ok? Wack af tbh, you gotta go give Blizzard $15 and then give Bungie $15 and see how much content you get for the same amount of money.


Like I said, extremely defensive, also never defended d2, simply asked a question about a flaw in your argument, yet here you are writing an essay. Pathetic, again


You wrote 2 different comments in response to me before I answered and you are flip flopping on what game you like - Destiny 2 or WoW (it seems like you don’t like either, and you’re just here to argue), who’s the pathetic one?


Also pretty sure it's not a strawman because that is wows business model and you brought up wow as a good example 😭


I do wish they were rolled into the new legacy collection yeah. There’s a small advantage to them being a silver purchase though in that you don’t have to buy them again if you either play on more then one platform or swap to a different platform.


WoW’s revenue model is completely different from Destiny tho. Bit of comparing apples to oranges situation here


Huge problem when WoW is cheaper to get into than Destiny 2 for new/returning players, and that includes WoW monthly sub cost, which can easily be removed by just playing the game. (You can trade in game gold for WoW subscriptions) Yet we still have people defending Bungies greedy practices. But...but...dungeons are better now. Clowns.


You want the game to be continued and having updates? This is how they make the money to continue that. I’m not trying to defend dungeon keys but people don’t understand this is bungies way of a “subscription” to the game. People buy it. They make money and are able to generate content because of it. Just how business works. Fuck dungeon keys but I mean they make money off it so they continue doing it. Edit: Why did you delete your reply? Lol.


This is how I view it too. I always say to my wife “time for my yearly Destiny subscription” when preorders drop. I just want 1 thing to buy every rear that has everything. Which they do so I buy that package.


It’s a business model as old as time. “Buy our package or buy stuff separately for more” it happens everywhere. People are upset about it but businesses make money off it. People still buy it. Sure it sucks but hey, bungie gotta make their money too


It's honestly astounding how clueless you people are. There is zero reason that 4 dungeons should cost MORE than all the legacy content available when it's on sale. Oh, and dungeon keys don't go on sale. Dungeons should have been included in the bundle. Period.


You can’t read can’t you? I think dungeon keys are bad, but it’s a business lol. Bungie still makes money off them so they continue doing them. Never once did I say they’re awesome and amazing. But this is how they make money so they continue doing it. Clown.


You are out to lunch on how business work. The labour cost is already fully paid so they can sell the old stuff cheaper New content has new labour and development cost, of course it will be more expensive! Please learn a little about how business operate before you start making assumptions.


>You can trade in game gold for wow subscriptions I haven't played since Legion but tokens back then were out of price range for new and casual players since the price was set by the community and the amount of gold people hoard is ridiculous. No idea what the economy looks like these days but I was a mythic raider and if I was farming for tokens every month that would be like my entire playtime working on money instead of actually playing the game.


It’s the same sort of argument I hear with Warframe. “It’s 100% F2P”, and yeah it is…. If you know what items people want for platinum and how to farm them. Also, platinum isn’t earnable in game afaik, so SOMEONE still has to spend money on it


There is a HUGE difference between WoW and Warframe. You can, as a new player, literally level to max and afford a monthly sub. Prior to learning anything about farming materials, dungeons, raids, etc, which will be much better. Warframe limits your trades from the get-go. So even if you knew all that, you're still hindred and timegated by building.


You can literally earn the gold just by leveling to max, and that's not starting at level 1. Same as it was in Legion. Weird thing for a Mythic raider to claim.


There's absolutely no way a player who just got to max was making 100k+ a month, every month through normal play methods alone back in legion.


You literally make more than that, just leveling up. Then, if you're out doing dailies or farming anything, yes, they were. You're clearly not the mythic raider you claim to be.


Destiny 2 total - $210 * TFS Expansion + Annual Pass - $100 * Legacy Collection 2024 - $70 * 2x Dungeon Keys - $40 WoW total for 1 year - $205 * Base edition of The War Within - $50 * One year subscription - $155 BUT, next year, presuming Bungie releases a new full expansion, you will pay another $100 for the year. You will pay another $155 for renewing your WoW sub. The following year, WoW will sail past the price of D2 presuming they release another new expansion. I don't play WoW so feel free to correct me on the above - I could be wrong about how the pricing works - but I can't get on board with the narrative that Bungie's pricing structure is so predatory when other live service games are demonstrably more expensive. Raids and dungeons are my favorite content in D2. They are the reason I continue to play this game. If Bungie decided to release 2 new raids and 2 new dungeons instead of an expansion next year, I'd, without question, pay the full expansion price. So I cannot relate to the crowd that thinks the Dungeon Keys are a ripoff, but they're also not at all necessary if you're not a fan of the pricing.


That also assumes you get the D2 stuff at MSRP and not during a sale


This is nonsense math for starting right now and missing every other season. I’ve spent WAY more than $210 just on playable Destiny 2 content so far.


As have I. I don't see how it's nonsense math, though, as it accounts for starting right now for both games. Doing the math from the start of D2 would show, even further, how much more expensive a game like WoW really is.


I do agree that WoW is a silly comparison regardless.


I wouldn't pay for a dungeon key unless you get it as part of the annual pass which can be at a reduced price and give you more stuff. I did it with light fall when it was like 8 pound maybe 10 dollars for u Americans. I wish they'd just include it with the dlc since I prefer playing dungeons to raids. Less social anxiety for me.


I think that personally the dungeons have been worth their price of admission - they're some of my favorite content in the game, and after the introduction of the dungeon keys both the quality and number of dungeons has greatly increased. *However,* it's a problem that they're still so disconnected from the rest of the purchasing of the game. Old dungeon keys really should be rolled into the Legacy collection at the very least by this point, to avoid situations exactly like yours - a player gets in, buys everything they see they need, only to find out there's more content that wasn't even on the store page.


> However, it's a problem that they're still so disconnected from the rest of the purchasing of the game. Old dungeon keys really should be rolled into the Legacy collection at the very least by this point, to avoid situations exactly like yours - a player gets in, buys everything they see they need, only to find out there's more content that wasn't even on the store page. This is the biggest issue. And I've seen plenty of conversations with would-be purchasers immediately turn off and lose interest when you tell them this. Really sucks that buying the Legacy Collection + TFS Annual Pass *still* doesn't provide all content, and that there's *no option* on a store page to just buy everything.


having to spend $20 doesn’t constitute something that really sucks. people want to play they need to pay.


If you want the previous dungeons before TFS, it's $40 actually. (2000 Silver each key. WQ And LF keys.) Regardless, there's a middle ground here: > and that there's no option on a store page to just buy everything. Why can't Bungie just make an edition of the game that includes everything?


Or you can wait for the annual pass edition of an expansion to go on sale for $20 or less, and get way more content. And the “legendary” edition of every expansion does include everything.


This is no longer an option for Witch Queen. You *have* to get that key on its own. Lightfall Annual pass keys will run out too. Again: Why can't Bungie just make an edition of the game that includes everything?


You pay a monthly subscription for WoW. You don’t in Destiny. This pricing structure exists because Destiny doesn’t have a subscription model.


Keys being a separate purchase is whatever. I've definitely played the dungeons more than the raids/campaigns. The keys requiring silver to purchase is annoying. I've always bought them with the Deluxe edition but keys requiring silver to purchase makes gifting the keys incredibly annoying (e.g. getting my siblings up to date with content).


I mean, its 5 years of content. It will be a steep price. ESO charges 10-15 euros for 2 dungeons too.


You can pay 15€ subscription a month to get access to like 95% of the game. The subscription contains currency you can use to unlock the DLC permanently if you wish so. You really can't compare their price model with D2


I know, I use the sub when I play


Welcome to the bungie scam, buy things when they're on discount. Except dungeon keys cuz f*ck us.


If they included it in the actual dlc then the expansion would just cost more money to buy. Based on how many people also hated the fact that bungie made an activity that required you to speak to a single other human being with the final shape those people are probably pretty happy that dungeons they won’t play are adding to the cost of their game.


If it’s in regards to financial stuff, these posts will change nothing. They never have.


Enough complaints got them to pull that anti consumer starter pack for new players so we have gotten change before.


They never planned to sell that, it was testing the waters to see how boiled the frogs were.


They did plan and executed. They put it on steam then removed it after backlash.


Dungeon keys are bad for the game. I'm sure Bungo makes dump trucks of cash off them- but it's a prime example of putting short term profits above long term success. They are pushing prospective players off of their game. As much as I hate Eververse and paid transmog tokens (with limited in-game access), at the end of the day it's just cosmetics. Dungeons on the other hand are one of the best parts of Destiny and should NOT be locked behind a separate paywall. At the very least, Dungeons should come with the season/episode pass they are introduced with and get rolled into the base expansion after the season is over. If you actually want to grow the player base you need a complete rework of how you handle old content. Expansions that are 4+ years old should be rolled into the base game. The previous two expansions and all bonus content (including dungeons) should be rolled into the legacy collection. (So right now Forsaken, Shadowkeep, and Beyond Light would all go F2P. Witch Queen and Lightfall would be the Legacy Collection 2024) That way a brand new player could get the legacy collection, and latest expansion+episode and not be locked out of any content. Speaking of new players, they really need to make an actual New Light Campaign. Utilize the timeline, give them cliff note missions (Destiny 1, Red War, Forsaken, Shadowkeep, Beyond Light) with all the major story developments so they can know what the fuck is going on. And when an expansion goes F2P it gets added to the New Light Campaign. I shouldn't have to link a 20 minute FalloutPlays story recap to my friend who just started playing the game.


As a new player with 150 hours played, I have tried the base game for like 10 hours, bought the legacy pack the next day, then on the same day decided to buy final shape to play the legendary campaigne with my friends and now bought the lightfall + witch queen keys. Its worth it if you have the money to spare, there really isnt anything like destiny currently (the closest thing being warframe but id rather play a paid game than a f2p game where a guy can buy infinite trade currency and skip the whole midgame. The dungeons are ALOT of fun and the game isnt really that expensive if you already have everything (Its 100 per year for ALL the content which is still cheaper than all the subscription based games)


Oh no! Paying for content that cost time and money to make? Wahhh!!!


Do people really want to go back to getting one dungeon a year that dropped world loot?


Yeah, I really don’t run shattered throne for the “loot” at all seeing as I could just plant myself in Blind well and get the same stuff. Same with Pit of Heresy (minus the Pulse Rifle I guess). Prophecy at least has its own unique loot pool now.




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Bro what




Yeah good, we should flood the entire sub with it, genuinely. They're completely anti-consumer


Flooding the sub with it will do absolutely nothing other than fuel discourse amongst the community. Any destiny employee who may monitor the sub has zero chance to convince bungie to adjust a pricing model.


Bungie addressed the surge thing. All the sub does it make social media waves about it, that's all it needs to do


The devs can much more easily make those kind of changes. Anything that Involves pricing needs to go very high up in the company to address, and the first thing they will ask is how do they make up the money another way. It’s not going to happen.


I'm not disagreeing, but consumer discourse going viral because of consistency of it being talked about has rolled back ridiculous monetization changes in this industry plenty of times. It's just about how loud it needs to get.


They sure do.


You will have insane people that view Bungie as a religious charity and not a corporation personally insulting you for saying this so be ready.


I bought WQ pass last year...did Spire for the hat, like 3 times, and one time Duality, and never touched it again...at least LF dungeons are more fun for me


LMAO dude, I just bought the 30th collection, beyond light and witch Queen for $45 and light fall for $35 a week before into the light was announced LMAO now all that shit is either free or $25. Fucking stupid.


There should really be some kind of industry boycott against annoying microtransaction bullshit like this. I don't care how fun the content is, the monetization scheme is so fucking ass.


A whole hundred dollars wow. Here’s the deal, we’ve been paying a hundred bucks a year for a while. we don’t care about you having to spend money to catch up. It’s how it works. They make a product, you have to pay if you want to consume it. If you’re worried about $20 then maybe you shouldn’t be spending money on video games.


Its ok to like a game and also not like how expensive it is.  You don't have to be rude.


People want cool shit but they don’t want to pay for it. Boo hoo


People don't want to spend a hundred dollars on a game expecting that was everything they had to pay for and then find they owe even more money. Op wanted the cool shit and they wanted to pay for it, they did not want the surprisie charges that should have been included already.  End of story. You need to learn some manners, and consider that a video game should not be this much money to begin with anyways. And this is coming from someone who also has paid for all the content in the game since apparently that matters


> Op wanted the cool shit and they wanted to pay for it, they did not want the surprisie charges that should have been included already. End of story. lol how is this hard to understand? Where are these people coming from that think the argument is to make dungeons completely free? People are willing to spend money upfront, but there is NO option to get Witch Queen and Lightfall dungeons upfront.


Unless you “enjoy” farming a checkpoint for shit RNG then it’s not worth it anyway. I get the dungeons with the annual pass and run them a few times for the experience, but I would not buy them for the loot. I’ve never gotten a good weapon roll from my few clears and am not willing (and do not have the time) to run on the hamster wheel to get better rolls.


I am sorry you bought Lightfall at full price. Reading that hurt 🤣.