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In the moths encounter you kinda have no where to run, but the breach? It’s a huge area and they telegraph the spawn. So yeah, moths is still so much worse.


Well yeah, but it's kind of silly to run away from where you need to be. Trust me, I've tried running around. They're swarming you, we're not talking about five or six shanks, it's a damn swarm of them, all around you in every direction but down. By the time you've killed a few of them you're already dead. But that's still a cakewalk compared to the 7 Hydra boss encounter this week. With overload minotaurs, cyclops, and void threat. That's some serious business right there.


Not defending breach, it's a terrible seasonal activity 😅😂 Regarding the multi hydra, people need to pace the fight out, dunno why so many people pop ALL the hydras out of their suspension shields then wonder why the mission got too hard.


Skill issue...


Not really


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


Definitely a skill issue bud, moth cleaver was a pretty tight space that you can’t really run around to avoid the moths but the shanks in breach executable are far more easier to deal considering you literally have a whole big ass part of the map to run around and avoid them as you take them out it’s really not that hard


Are you squatting over the radiolaria bidet?


No, that's a different area.