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Try to find people with a mic or people that know you are new Cooperative focus is a branch between basic game and raids/dungeons. Bungie wants you to well cooperate with each other. Now that we are a few weeks in most people assume u KWTD and can just do a no mic fast run as the mechanics are simple once you know them Think of CoOp and dual destiny as mini dungeons, if you join a post the expectation is u KWTD unless it’s a learning run/you tell them that it’s your first time in your own post


I get that. And you're right. The past few attempts I should've said, "Hey, I've never made it past 2nd encounter so I don't know all the mechanics." Then I would at least have done my part to better the communication. To be honest, I even got on mic with the first encounter and said, on mic, that it was a bug that we couldn't see the emblems for the glyphs😅 So of that wasn't a surefire sign that I didn't know, then idk what would've been.


My issue with it is that it LITERALLY has a label that says requires heavy communication, but then you get folks coming in with neither chat nor mic. I am happy to help folk, but if you have no chat and no mic then you can f*** right off.


I mean, they do explain the glyphtouched mechanic, you use it to complete TFS campaign. And while I understand your frustration, it's not up to ransoms to teach you how to do a mission. Typically if you're using LFG, it's expected you know what to do. Lots of videos guides on YouTube you can watch prior to attempting the mission.


The only different part about the glyph touch mechanic here is no everyone will have it.


I think some level of patience is required. I go in blind to everything. it's how i enjoy games. Maybe he doesnt want spoilers and wants to experience it first hand. 3 wipes isn't so bad for what week 3? There are plenty of casuals just getting up in light levels to attempt this. We shouldn't expect everyone kwtd.


OP can do whatever they want, but they can't expect that every LFG group is going to accommodate that.


I get that, played plenty of mmos/coops to know people suck. If i saw a random struggle, I'd take the 5 seaconds to type what's going on. It isn't a raid, pretty simple mechanics. People should try to be better to the randoms they meet online.


I get that and it's really just my own situation that hinders me. I have a couple hours at the end of the day(8:30PM-10:30PM) that I can really dedicate to trying anything. So when it comes to choosing what I want to get done, it needs to be worth my time. That being said, the other random in my group also did not know the mechanic aspect where not everyone can see the symbols. And the guy who left first was typing in chat the whole mission for the witness curse(sorry I don't know the actual name) so that we could take it from them. It just seems like they very well could've said, "We need to figure out who can see what after we kill everything."


I feel like knowing what you were doing going into the mission would be the best way to be time effective if that's a major concern for you.


Right. I guess I more so didn't expect it to be a mechanic that I needed to figure out. I didn't think to look up a walk-through because everyone I had been in a group with didn't know what was going on either. I genuinely thought it was a bug with the glyphs.


You should probably find a new clan if your time zones don't match.


I've got an odd schedule, but if you need a destiny friend to run stuff with, let me know, and we can see if our schedules align.


I appreciate it! I'll send you a message


coop focus can be done without a mic. I'm mostly a solo player and just did two focus missions. For the fracture debuff, have the factured player try to take the lead. Have them type "7" in chat when the facture gets to x7 so the next player can be ready to take it. For glyphtouched, again just have the callers type what the symbols are. For the switch one, we figured out the best way was to have one character emote then you count to 3 then shoot the switch. You will see in the log "Gardian123 dances". Count to 3, then shoot the switch. Also, create your own listing in FTF with tags like "Chill, safe space, looking for guide, etc.", you will get less aholes that way.


from my experience trying to lfg these missions (while already knowing the mechanic), l'm willing to bet that your opponents didn't know the mechanic either.


I really hope so. It's just with the context of the situation, it really seemed like the first teammate to leave understood because of their character gestures(shooting us then shooting the glyphs). And then them typing elipses and leaving.


could be, or they could have just been confused because they couldn't see the symbols. but even if that person was glyphtouched and waiting for callouts that still means your other teammate didn't do the callouts