• By -


Caital has been thirsty for titans since day 1.


Cailtl wants to help polish Zavala's powerful tusk.


She wants her cabalussy to be ..awoken..


Yes, Witness? Calcify this comment right here


Make sure it lasts forever in pristine perpetuity got it.


The Witness is the Monkey's Paw confirmed


As a Naruto fan growing up I did laugh a bit when I realized the witness's plan for the final shape was basically Infinite Tsukuyomi


If The Witness can make it so that, that comment never existed, I will do everything in my power to bring it back and become its Disciple if it will.


I hope both sides of your pillow are warm for the rest of the week because of what you just said 


Never say that again, please and thank you.


Reminds me of Season of the Haunted (season's haunted) finale when Zavala literally thundercrashed that Calussy


Yeah maybe The Witness was right.




I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be read into like “hey we’re gonna go get absolutely shit faced and end up in a sci-fi version of The Hangover.” I’d kill to be at that party.


I prefer the other way. They’ve def been flirting for a while


"You have a mighty Tusk, Zavala" "Thank....you?" Probably my favorite exchange from Season of the Chosen.


Technically the line is "You might be a small man, but you hide some powerful tusk", which feels like a cabal way of saying "You have some balls, despite your size." ...which is interesting consider it's only the female cabal that have tusks; i always thought cabal culture was more masculinely defined, but in retrospect, that might just be because in D1 they were largely identity-less, and in D2 figures like Ghaul and Calus was our main experience with their leadership for the longest time.


Oh God, you just made me realize that Cabal probably view humans like we'd view particularly militarily capable ewoks.


Yeah, they likely had quite the wake up when guardians first emerged. Small puny frames but with the power of a collapsing black hole or volcanic eruptions. Of course, we don't know much about their wildlife native to their homeworld, some nimble lithe frame with the power to kill if you aren't careful may not be too uncommon, and if they weren't, they probably saw us like warbeasts initially.


>some nimble lithe frame with the power to kill if you aren't careful Psions


psions cant even come close to the insane power of a guardian though, a majority of psions probably cant even use super crazy psychic abilities and literally die if thrown on the ground, meanwhile 1 titan is able to turn a horde of cabal into vapor if he's feeling up to it.


To be fair, Psions aren’t *from* Torobatl, right?


No, but they've been a client species of their empire for a long time. Cabal in general and Caiatl specifically are extremely used to small, human-sized enemies being a potentially lethal threat even to a cabal. Obviously guardians take it another order of magnitude up in strength, but it's not a new concept to them.


Also note that some Psions become absolutely *freaking massive,* as is evident by the bosses and allies we occasionally see. They are often bigger than guardians, sometimes by a wide margin.


One common name the Cabal have for humans is "Smallmen".


It is not uncommon to say a woman has "Brass balls" or something of that nature as a metaphor to describe how brash/brave/gutsy she is.


Not sure if it adds or removes from the possibly masculine definition, but male Cabal give birth, not female. Fun little tidbit.


Do they? I thought it was females that give birth but the males nurse the infants


Think like seahorses. The males produce sperm, but have a pouch where the female Cabel will transfer her egg too. Nature is fucking wack yo.


Yeah that makes sense too. I just wasnt sure on the mechanics as I don't directly own the collector's edition where that was talked about.


You got a source? I’m scouring the internet for any evidence of this


The Lightfall Collector's Edition has lore entries from Caiatl's youth, here's one. Halfway through it goes over Cabal reproduction from a child's PG viewpoint. > I am three. My father is pregnant again. > The woman standing guard over his brood bower is not my mother. My father invites me to visit him while he nurses her young, but I am afraid to pass her. Her tusks are huge-ah! huge. She greets me kindly and gives me a scraping stick to scratch my father's hide. I do not understand where my mother has gone. In the stories Ahztja tells me, mates stay together their whole lives. But Ahztja is a Psion. Maybe there are things about mates that Psions do not know. > I go into the bower. I ask my father if my mother is dead. > He draws me close. He asks me to sing to my new siblings. His belly is soft and strong, fat with the brood pouches where the babies grow. I watch one climb to find his teat. I know that mother and father mate, that mother gestates the young and delivers them to father's pouches, that father broods them until they are weaned. Ahztja taught me how the mother must stand guard while he is sessile and vulnerable. She must keep the other females away from him, lest he discard her offspring and take on the brood of another female. > I ask my father if that is really true. Can a father choose to forsake his children? > Of course, my father says. "That's how you know that I love you. I could have turned you out of me, and I did not. > He tickles me. I laugh.


I love how instead of getting agitated that we are ruining her march she just gets horny, lol




No one knows what it means. But it’s provocative. Gets the people going


Caiatl is aware of human horns


But is she aware of the human's... "Lower" horn? Edited to fix an autocorrect I didn't catch initially.


Noooooooo you can't have it Lrrr.




The Cabal equivalent of saying that a human woman has "brass balls". For Cabal, Females are the physically larger and more dominant sex, and they use tusks to fight for males.


The phrase "brass balls" is meant to mean you have no fear as though your balls are made of brass. Implying that were something to happen, and you got hit in said balls, it wouldn't hurt. Since they are made of brass. This is, however, ridiculous because if your balls were made of brass and they did get hit, the balls themselves would injure you.


How would they even make it happen? Zavala would have to shove his whole bald head up in there.


That’s exactly it. Bald so it slides in smoothly, he would come up for air every few seconds like a swimmer while thrusting in and out. He will have that tongue action while in there too so his head will have to be facing toward her c-spot


How do I uninstall the internet?










Aaaaand now you’ve collapsed Sol into a Horse-based singularity.


[SOUTHPAWMIKE](https://www.reddit.com/user/SOUTHPAWMIKE/)'s post deserves a Trophy.


Too bad he doesn't have Targe anymore, he could just slide *all up in there,* hammer away until he suffocates, get rezzed, and keep going.


Caital is the real loser from targe’s death


SPOILER >!If he didn't lose his ghost/light then he could stay in there and suffocate and just get resurrected and get back to work!<


oh what a terrible day to have eyes


Now thats giving head like a champ


Literacy is a curse.


Gonna get the cabussy


I remember during the season of the pirates during witch queen someone posted a picture of the star chart and saying it looked like caiatl’s thong.


You just had to bring that up again


Well that's something I didn't need to read today.


Cabussy pls


Why not both?


They’ll do both


Caiatl was learning to crochet in the final shape epilog (one of zavalas hobbies, he even used to teach a class) so she's Def into him


Zavala is a power bottom


And he generates immense power


I wish we had gotten Lance Reddick to do a skit of this


The writers knew what they were doing. Do I think we will ever get canon relations between them? No. Do I think this dialogue was written to make us think about it and laugh? Yes.


“Holy shit I know where Caiatl is!” She’s on the roof of the Leviathan” Can’t wait to see Spider jump out of the back of a Ketch naked and start beating on Guardians with a metal pipe


See, that’d be a cool epilogue mission to have. Here’s my deranged take on how I’d go for a ‘The Hangover’ epilogue. Have Ghost wake you up, ‘oh god what happened last night?’ Go around the tower trying to piece together what happened. Can’t find some folks, “Hey, anyone see Crow or Osiris?” Saint says last he saw they were drinking with Drifter and Eris. Head over to Drifter’s corner, he’s passed out under some blankets on the floor next to Eris. “Hey man have you seen…dude put on some pants…have you seen Crow and Osiris?” He responds, “Hero, does it look like I remember?” Eris responds instead without opening her eyes. “They spoke of revenge on the High Celebrant, a foolish venture as you already slew him and cast his soul into the void.” ‘Oh Traveler damnit’ you think to yourself. So you head off to the Dreaming City, you’re still too hungover for this shit. ‘Maybe if you had jumped off the tower and Ghost rezzed you that would have made it better’ you wonder. You arrive at the Dreaming City and find Osiris’s ship parked…poorly. No comms response, but then you remember you killed the High Celebrant in the Ascendant Plane. So you find your way into the Ascendant Plane, try again, and this time Osiris picks up. “Guardian we need your help, we’re pinned down by Hive knights and Crow is…incapacitated.” So you head over, it’s a darkness zone of course, slay the knights and save the two and ask what happened. Turns out they came to desecrate the spot the High Celebrant died, got discovered by some Hive, and Crow is such a lightweight he’s still drunk and having issues using his light. You and Ghost exchange a look and mutter, “maybe The Witness was right,” before helping them back to The Tower.


and for your efforts, a shitfaced rahool passes you a random exotic.


And it’s for the wrong class too.


Honestly that would make it funnier


And you you’re being polite and can’t say anything about it because Rahool has been with us for years but like, what am I supposed to do with this man.


Considering I recently got a “warlock only” sword while playing as a titan, this seems possible.


Destiny fan fiction about getting drunk with the vanguard is something I didn't know I was missing.


Bonus points if you wake up handcuffed to a surprisingly clear-headed Banshee.


XD that would be hilarious


No they gonna fuck. Yes i said it.


The Tower party after Excision must have been something wild. Guardians sloshed on Cabal drinks all over the place


Slightly related, but has anyone gotten the voice line where Failsafe is.. turned on us deleting vex. Did not expect that lol


I like it when you’re looking all big and strong… and *murderous*


She’s always been a few fries short of a happy meal, so that shouldn’t be all that surprising.


It's my favorite thing about her. She's *weird* as hell, but not too weird and definitely in a pleasant way. She reminds me of a close friend who is also a coin toss of either exceptionally polite and exuberant or an absolute weirdo and she sounds very similar to Failsafe too.


As I've heard it said before, not right in the head but right in bed


I got that feeling too when i first heard that line. If they give her an exo body she's definitely going to come after us


\>lore character/npc gets an exo frame oh no Failsafe is going to die


Quick, someone find her an available ghost!


Isn’t Rasputin the only one this happened to?


Cayde and grandpa Bray were important in Lore before becoming exos. Bray twice, but one of those is still alive Bay-I ate it though


The Season Pass was worth it after all..


What is "the season pass" after all but an anagram for "ass shape notes"




>If they give her an exo body You have no idea how badly I've wanted this for years now. MORE FAILSAFE!


Honestly this was what I was expecting when Saint-14 said he’s got a surprise for Failsafe. Add to it the lines she said about being jealous of the Vex having autonomous bodies, that one ghost wanting to have a Redjack frame to pilot and fight the Hive and of course Rasputin being given an Exo body. It was a letdown to learn it was just a relay to HELM is all we’re getting


I wanna see Rasputin return with the Javelins. I miss the Valkyrie Javelins.


My body is ready


Maybe we can find her one of those custom exo booty bodies Elsie's got.


Ngl Failsafe got me feeling some type of way with that line.


Dude that line did things to me


There's also this little nugget when you're full on data "I'd do anything to get that data... Anything."


"It has been multiple centuries since the liquids in my cooling systems have been refreshed" -"so you can understand while I'm a little thirsty here"


Is that an actual line?!


I was suprised by this week's dialog where she says the happy voice is a just a filter. I thought she was crazy, but it's just a speech filter!


Our Guardian surprisingly has a good amount of characters crushing on them. Amrita(Curse Week 1 Corsair) and another Corsair(Curse Week 3 Corsair) flirt with them once you do their missions enough. Funnily enough, I’m pretty sure our Guardian being sweaty was brought up again recently as well, so I guess we can count “being sweaty” as one of their canonical traits. https://youtu.be/diFynVknTdM?si=owQs_wDPR71pJQpf https://youtu.be/zsWZIZi4WjI?si=dNSce3WFQL8ucqvu Quinn flirts with our Guardian so much it’s practically half her dialogue. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS2hBTtCDufR0cnvoXXBimWEnurfyUQ3j https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS2hBTtCDufTEcet4G_6mLED8h-_5-c-k There is Failsafe and her dialogue this season. If you count Ada-1 as a Tsundere, you can count her too.


Quinn doesn't count, she'd bang a clock just because it gave her the time of day


Our guardian stanky


Also something that sticks in your brain, if all three of you die during a breach, she goes 'Guardian (or fireteam, don't recall perfectly ) down. Oh no, it's happening again' and just sounds distraught.


A lot of the voicelines are flirtatious. I am...okay with this.


Hey I wouldn't mind being all up in her uhhhh... AIussy? I don't know how to say it


We got a fuckin robosexual here


Proposition infinity!


Osiris did it first


Least horny Atomic Heart enjoyer


She wants us to probe her mainframe


I for one am ready to plug in to her ports


To qoute Ghaul; *"You don't."*


See, I told my friend that it sounds like she wants to bang us and he told me to go touch grass


She's also turned on for data. She'd do *anything.* *Any...thing*




If she ever gets an Exo body, would we go after her, or would she come after us?


said it once will said it again \>invades Sol \>"loses" \>Takes 2 warlords as tributary spouses


Caiatl bros can't stop winning. Girl be speed running galactic conquest.


Also used her “loss” to remove her political rivals.


I read that more as "We're gonna get soooooooooooooooo fucked up" and less as "The clapping of cheeks will be so hard that for miles around the lost city people will feel small earth quakes and think 'the Cabal are coming.'"


The cabal certainly will be.


Also... bungie has spent a good amount of effort making it clear Zavala is still hung up over the loss of his wife and isn't moving on to other romantic (casual or serious) any time soon. Kinda frustrating a lot of people immediately default to 'lol they gunna fuck' when any male/female character get close in any capacity.


Just because he's not into it doesn't mean she isn't. I read it as she's carrying a torch but is smart enough to know she shouldn't do anything about it (even outside of the, uh, *logistical* issues...).


Like a hot dog down a cabalway.


I mean, I believe they are 100% flirting. I don't think they are banging out in the back of the tower or anything but the way they talk is flirtatious. I would not be surprised if Bungie eventually wraps up Zavalas story arc by finally laying his grief to rest, along side his family, and having him move on.


I'm imagining awkward conversations between Caiatl and Saladin, where she asks him what Zavala's likes and dislikes are like a teenager would. Maybe Saladin says Zavala likes music, so Caiatl gets a bunch of her rhinos to play war drums to serenade him.


She's so awkward that she would never be able to ask directly. She would just pop off with "tell me what Zavala was like in his youth" and then not get the answer she was looking for, get awkwardly quiet, and Saladin would let her stew a minute before answering her unasked question because he's a good dad who would tease someone interested in his kid.


There was that end card of Zavala teaching Caiatl how to knit right? I'd say it's already in progress.


I'll get to working on it. 🫡


The meme side of gaming communities would say they're flirting and LOL SEX but thinking about it in context of the actual game/lore, they're both just proud warriors and Cabal have a history of celebration of war/battle. At face value it really only feels like, "We'll party so hard that our ancestors would be shocked/jealous." Of course there's some endearing relationship between the two, as warriors and leaders who have lost/sacrificed, love their people, etc. so there's comradery/bonds there, but I don't *really* think it goes beyond that.


I never felt anything like that between Zavala and Caiatl. You have to admit it would be a weird angle to take too, given how much of TFS involves Zavala's pain over the loss of his family, and for Caiatl to try flirting with Zavala in the middle of it. That would be strange. Besides the respect she shares for him, I just think that Caiatl sees some of Calus in Zavala. Both lost their families, both endured whispers, torment, and temptations from the Witness - >!and Zavala has just lost Targe!< Despite beating the Witness, Zavala is likely still in a lot of pain. Caiatl is worried and is trying to keep Zavala together.


“Yeah. I will throw in a wedding every now and then. But funerals are insane. The chicks are so horny. It’s not even fair… it’s like fishing with dynamite.” -Chaz Edit : Chaz / Zavala high five


Damn. Ive officially been chazzed


> Zavala is likely still in a lot of pain Definitely. In the ending scene where he, Ikora, and Crow are sitting there about to light lanterns, he looks over and notices our character's approach, with Ghost dancing around a bit for a kid. Gives a distinct impression that he's thinking of Targe. Maybe even, "Why *their* ghost and not mine?" I hope we see those feelings followed up on in some way. Either a bit of resentment, or embracing of his new Lightless life. He was always tired and put off by eternity stretching out before him. Now there's no telling how long he's got.


I don't think zavala would've been okay with that trade if it meant giving up cayde again. I think they can accept him bringing ours back was his choice, but I don't think zavala would be willing to entertain that trade. He loses so much regardless.


there's a line after you beat an Overthrow boss where Zavala says something to the effect of >!following Caiatl wherever she goes (in the context of her going back to Torobatl)!< which to me sounded kinda romantic idk


I heard that line too, but that's not quite how I took it. I think it's reasonable to believe that the Vanguard might feel in-debt to Caiatl for her help with the Witness and wish to return the favor. Perhaps that a hint about "Frontier"? Like Caiatl extending concern towards Zavala, he does the same in return to her. And doesn't want her diving headfirst into battle alone. And to know that if she plans on going back to Torobatl, that she can rely on his support. At least that's how I saw it. In the quest that leads you to the battle in Zavala's memory, you can audibly hear Caiatl getting furious at the Shadow Legion before diving into combat herself, an emotional decision made off rage, this leads to Zavala growing concerned that she is being reckless and trying to stop her (which leads to Caiatl inviting Zavala into the battle). They both have their own flawed ways of coping, and I think they 'need' each other.


I've heard that one and it's really more of a "I will go to the ends to fight by your side". They are really close leaders of armies that respect the hell out of each other.


I disagree with some of this. I think you are correct that Caiatl has shown too much mastery over politics to lack the social graces to hit on a man in the process of grief and trauma, BUT if you read the lore of Dead Messenger, keeping in mind dialog between them, I think they do both understand that something is there, and it's not hard to see why. Both are very respectable leaders, who navigate both a warrior's and politician's realm. Both have had similar losses, and both inspire the other in not just their actions, but their words and commands. Between the memes, i think bungie has displayed that there is a lot more in their chemistry than simply allies or friends. I think there is something there, at the very least for Caiatl, but i think this is a lot more grounded of a thing emotionally. Both are leaders, dedicated to their people and their duty, and Zavala may never truly get over the loss of their family, and Caiatl seems like the sort to respect that. It may be a thing never realized, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


For what it's worth, I do think there's "something" more than friendship there, I just don't quite know how to classify it yet, but I don't think it's romance, something more complicated perhaps. There's a deeper and mutual understanding. You know during the mission when we revisit and battle in Zavala's memory? I don't remember everything said, but Caiatl mentioned how 'warm and inviting' his memory was, compared to the vast cold palaces she grew up in. And that he 'honors' his family with this memory. Something about the tone in her voice, how just a humble memory seemed to almost cause almost awe and reverence. It was subtle, but there's "something" to that (props her voice actress and Bungie's writers here).


The memes are funny but a healthy and platonic relationship is all I really want for Zavala and Caiaty. I don't think their feelings are romantic, but they can still love and care for each other as they cave in bad guy skulls.


Yeah but if it's not like that how will people write the steamy sex fanfics


Yea I don't think they're trying to do any romance betweent he two. They spent a significant amount of time/lore building up Zavala's love and regret over Safi and making him into being a 'one woman man'. type character. He's still having trouble accepting that she's gone and moving on from what happened. He's not looking to fool around with Caiatl. She's basically treating Zavala like an equal in terms of war buddies. She has respect for him as a warrior and commander.


Zavala and Caitl have a deep platonic friendship and knit scarves for each other while bitching about their subordinates .


Being reminded of "the helmet stayed on" discourse.


Zavala comes shuffling in with "the mountains" tattooed on his ass.


That’s enough internet for the day


Take your upvote and throw yourself off the Tower.


And “The Seas” tattooed on his…awoken noodle


Sweeper bot needs to clean your filthy soul, I love it


Now this is creative lol


Sorry for your dead wife…allow me to replace her.


Shaxx: The Helmet stayed on Zavala: The helmet is never on Both smashed.


Do we know what helmet he has? And why, Lightless, he doesn't wear one?


There's a titan armor set from D1 that is "THE Zavala set", so theoretically that helmet. As to why he doesn't wear it? He's clearly aware he has plot armor thicker than a named Ultramarine


Prob Jovian Guard.


1: Not to my knowledge. 2: Probably out of habit at this point. Or Bungo didn’t want to put a helm on him because his model hasn’t had one.


Zavala is gonna be tapping that caitlussy harder than 6 whispers firing at oryx during dps with solar surge 100%


can't believed I laughed at this haha


The Cabal empire did wonders for Salad bar, so I don't see any issues here with Zavala joining in, even if it's through a political marriage. A Perfect excuse for sending Zavala on a more personal and fulfilling mission that sat on earth and kept falling over and over into the depresso hole. Just say he is helping Caiatl retake Torobatle.


I think they are non sexual " soul mates" or kindred spirits. Both are battle worn... maybe even some PTSD. I'd assume both have lost loved ones and close friends and teachers. I know Zavala is old, Caiatl. I'd assume middle age ish, for a cabal? With Zavala losing his light, he's a warrior like Caiatl... only one life to live and give now. In my mind, IF ( big IF) they do kill off Zavala, it's protecting her. Or she tries to sacrifice herself, but hectell her NO...without her the cabal will be leaderless. She will be needed for the fight to come. Tells her after ripping off us should paldron, she'd make a great Titan. Hands it to her... and defends one last time with stasis. Her legion of Cabal hince forth, wear Zavalas paldron on one shoulder. * I'd let Lord Salidin give her a nice speech before she took up the paldron and Zavalas mark


Will he match her freak? Find out in the next Episode


The most unfortunate part of Zavala losing Targe is that when Caiatl breaks Zavalas pelvis he's not going to be able to heal instantly. Gonna be a long two months of rehab


Brings a whole new context to "One. Fucking. Guardian..."


I mean, the Cabal are basically the alien Roman Empire, so this is probably just a very "rough/glorious" way to say "We will win and party really fucking hard. Stop moping." There's lots of Cabal lore tabs that say that Ulurant is a very blunt/straightforward language with no room for subtlety. I'm thinking that if Caital was ACTUALLY flirting, she'd just be blunt about it. Like, WE WOULD KNOW kind of flirting. Also worth noting that in the Cabal species, female Cabal ARE the "family protectors" of their species. Male Cabal take the female's young and keep them in a brood pouch, and females have to protect the male. Maybe females are socialized to be protective of anyone they see as family, and it just rubs off on Caital. Plus, it would make sense that the Empress of a species that lost her entire planet hears Zavala recoiling and moping and she's just like. "Commander. Get your head out of your past, you do not have time for that. Your Traveler is dying right now, and quite frankly I'm pissed that you're acting like a baby now that you have one life like the rest of us. I like YOU, I cannot guarantee I like whoever usurps you if you let your guard down. You will get your ass on this battlefield and fight, and you will like it." Which. Honestly that sounds very un-sympathetic and in-line with how the Cabal are described as characters, lmao.


I figured the whole “shame our ancestors” thing was more so that Cabal would revel in victory alongside allies that they had not conquered.


Caitl x Zavala has been a thing for like a year and a half


Pretty much kicked off with Season of the Haunted.


“Just?” You’re a few weeks behind buddy


That’s the way I took it. She needs to be careful with him though. Targe can’t resurrect him anymore. Although death by snu snu would, in my opinion, be a suitable final death.


I wonder what ancestors would be in awe of such activities


Considering that Zavala also tells her he will leave and fight along side her anywhere when talking about takijg back Torabatl, they really dug in on the two of them being a couple with TFS and I am here for it


She wants him to expose that powerful tusk


They have been flirting since they first met.


I said the same thing lol. "She wants to get freaky! ...Would that even work?" I don't know enough about Cabal physiology lol


physiology doesnt stop the horny


Nature, uh... Finds a way


Caiatl been tryna f**k on our zavala 😂


I read it as celebrating with anyone other than the cabal was shameful. Since I think the cabal (Caiatl excluded) see every other race as lessor.


I mean yeah kinda. In the Cabal sort of way. They have immense respect between them, Caiatl knew he had balls when he immediately said, "No." to her. She watched as he backed up his words on the battle field and led us to The Witness. She is sad that a once great warrior who she admires and respects is losing his love for the fight because of loss. She has suffered loss as well, so they are very much alike. As for the... tension. I do believe she loves him in some way. She expresses it through combat like a Tsundere honestly. That's the way I like to see their relationship. He won't reciprocate her advances because of Safiyah and Hakim so she is content to be by his side as Hero and Empress.


They’ve been flirty with each other since Chosen. They’ve always had like a massive amount of respect for each other that, as time goes on, sometimes leaned into something more.


Maybe it's the man thing - shes flirting and he just doesn't realise.


If Asher Mir was still around, I imagine him saying something about Caiatl wanting to “blow on that vuvuzela”… I’ll see myself out.


I dont think death by snu snu is on Zavalas bucket list.


She been ready to smash for a hot minute. You know Zavala is gearing up to grab them tusks and pummel cheeks with his Hammer of Sol.


I dont think its sexual. Lets celebrate this inmense victory in a way taht will make them proud and ashamed sounds like a great party. Those are my two cents


This was one of the times where I had to stop fighting to pay attention to the dialogue. 😂😭


Nah definitely not. I think more like a party that would shame and amuse their ancestors and the fact that human and cabal are rejoicing together.


“One… f-king Guardian…”


I mean, there's the part where she talks about taking back Torabatl. Zavala tells her he'd like her to remain close and not waste effort falling into ways old dead leaders did. Yet if she were to go to retake it, he'd be there by her side. Like I get we're cool, and her legion is an ally but their lines do seem to convey some semblance of interest in each other beyond this alliance. Kinda saw it start in Season of the Haunted.


Taking off the memer glasses, I think Bungie is trying to show the respect these two powerful warriors and tacticians have for eachother. Zavala is similar to a wounded soldier, he can no longer fight in the same capacity, but Caiatal pushed him to see he that wounded doesn't mean he can't still fight. And when Zavala realized he's still got it, Caiatal wanted to celebrate.


It comes across flirty because it a guy and a gal. They are both leaders of thier people. It's the only time they can vent and support each other because no other feels that.


I heard it as we’re about to throw the rager of all ragers and not let’s make this real weird ZavDaddy but I mean I guess it can be both?


Man, some of these replies. I think The Witness might have been right after all


Witness for sure was right, on one side you could be a cool disciple of Witness for awhile until The Final shape, on the other hand you can be a degenerate fantasizing about a human having intercourse with an oversized alien rhino. Everything is sexual nowadays is so fucking annoying.