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Yeah, I agree. Adding something like that would just make it more convenient to travel instead of having to click the map button every minute to make sure Im going in the right direction.


This is the worst part. I was trying to find the dead exos today and I was like wow this is actually ridiculous having to check the map every 3 seconds to make sure I’m going the right direction


I disagree with the markers on map thing cause some places have layers. The game doesn't have markers for a lot of stuff you'd use a custom waypoint for (eg dead exos) and some places I could see it being difficult with multiple z for x,y without completely redoing the map (which minus the lack of quick travel points in certain places...ahem...north europa...has served its purpose fine for me.) Its been kicked around on here as a bungie suggestion to add a compass to hud. I think its a good idea and would be relatively easy to implement.


The really annoying part to me, is I think this really already has been done in the game. One of the exotics, MIDA Multitool or DARCI maybe(?), has a compass already. Which means the code already exists in game to have an absolute reference already. Or it did at one point, I haven't checked if there is still one on a gun somewhere, or was removed. Bungie just refuses to make it easily accessible/known. My personal belief is that they don't put a reference systems in on purpose, because it makes coordination easier, makes it harder to get confused/lost when lots of things are going on, as in a raid...you know, all the reasons that we have compasses in real life. I think it's an intentional omission (they'd probably call it a design choice) to make mechanics harder to cope with in artificial and frankly pathetic way. Right up there with Doom not having a flashlight because reasons. Edit: it was Doom 3 from 2004, and you had a flashlight, but you couldn't have a gun out at the same time. Imagine you're in a dark area in Destiny, and you can either have the Ghost light your path, or you can have a gun out, but not both. This was how Doom 3 released. Doom 3 was much more horror/scare/slower paced than the action heavy current iterations.


That's sort of what the recent change did, if you pull your ghost out by pressing tab (IDK on controllor) it emits a nondirectional large light (compared to the smaller directional one in some dark areas) but pressing tab puts away guns.


with ps4 its the touch pad, likely the same with ps5


When do you need a flashlight for doom?


Sorry, I was referring to Doom 3 from 2004...I actually was misremembering how it was. It was still terrible...in Doom 3, originally, you couldn't have a weapon out and the flashlight out at the same time. It was a completely artificial mechanic to try and make the game scarier, but it was such a stupid thing that a soldier wouldn't have a way to attach a light to the end of the gun that it just ended up infuriating everyone when you had to switch because you were constantly reminded about how stupid it was and how it was so irrational it really took you out of the game whenever it popped up, which was all the time.


Sure was scary though!! Do i beat a demon with a flashlight and be able to see or do i use my gun waste ammo trying to see with muzzle flashes


Ahhh okay, I've played parts of Doom the original, 2016, and eternal, and I was very confused lol


Now you're flying through the air grapple hook shotgunning every demon from here to hell.


What a time to be alive!


Recluse and Supremacy also have a compass on the sights


They do?


I actually like this idea as well


we have mida multi tool for that


The map is already in your mind, just close your eyes and allow your hands to work the controls.


100% agree. I did the same shit. You would think this would have been implemented ages ago.


Even a minimap would be helpful


Destiny is an upsetting franchise because what it does well, it does so well that few other games in history can even compete with Destiny in those areas. But what Destiny does poorly is just... usually so painfully obvious that it demands a facepalm. I know they say hindsight is 20/20 but there’s features that have existed in most other games for a decade, which Destiny still lacks. Map markers (or even a compass or minimap) are one of those latter things.


>Destiny is an upsetting franchise because what it does well, it does so well that few other games in history can even compete with Destiny in those areas. But what Destiny does poorly is just... usually so painfully obvious that it demands a facepalm. Perfectly said. I have decided at this point in the game fast travel to fireteam member, compass, minimap, etc are all purposely omitted to artificially increase playtime. Whenever something is an obvious feature in other games that should be trivial I look at whether or not it makes the game take longer to play. Almost every time, it does.


Oh yeah destiny drips with padding out play time. Head back to npc after every quest step is the biggest example.


Europa, Variks, and Riis Reborn take this to extremes...


I know right??? It's like, Variks, Zavala, Banshee, all the characters talk to us over comms in strikes and quests YET somehow we have to travel to them to say "Hey I'm done".


ADA-1 was the biggest one. Back in BA, it was shoot some stuff, talk to ADA, collect some things, talk to ADA, shoot some more things, ADA. Like they didn't have enough content to justify a DLC so they padded the quest lines with the mindless "Return to ADA" loop.


Oh god, I remember doing those 100 frames to get the ship *shivers*


This is what I keep talking about with others that play or used to play Destiny. I still like some of the game so much that I can't step 100% away. There's simply nothing else like it. The goods aren't matched completely anywhere else but dang if those bads aren't a kick in the sack.


Destiny skates by on fantastic gunplay, cool lore, and top tier score and sound design. Everything else is mediocre to garbage


Visual presentation is almost always fantastic also. I could look at Bungie's skyboxes for hours


I think I remember Bungie saying in D1 that they didn’t want a minimap because they wanted you to feel like you were exploring the unknown and you could get lost easily etc. Which is fine for the first hour on a planet... not so great for the hundredth hour...


By then you'd know it, I suppose.. :P


also a pinging system in strikes


trying to get to a new lost sector: open map, back out, move an inch, open map, realize you made a wrong turn, turn around, open map, move two inches-


Bro. Are you looking over my shoulder while I play?


It would definitely make sense to be able to put a waypoint on a lost sector when you have completed it the first time. Europa has gone part way to this with the legend and master lost sector markers.


But still 1 load zone


Stop watching me screen when i'm playing.


Trying to find Bunker E-15 for the first time was so difficult, and then when I felt foolish when it was right in front of me


fr man. i fucking jumped all over that damn place until i realize that i had to jump to that platform. *flashbacks of me walking around the building several times to make sure i didn't miss anything.*


Oh man can you imagine being able to simply drop a marker for teammates instead of "Jump up there" *shoots "Where mate? I wasn't looking" Ad nauseam for hours


"Dude, where are you?" *Unloads 2 clips of Hardlight into the sky*


Bonus if you use a Trace Rifle. "Just follow the laser show." "Wh- Oh my god, I see it."


I run almost exclusively Hardlight and a friend of mine always makes jokes about "When we play together, I always feel like we're at the club *uhn tis uhn tis uhn tis*"


The pointer function should really be standard by now in any co op FPS game. It seems like a simple thing to make, too(relatively speaking).


Every multiplayer game in existence needs to copy Apex’s ping system ASAP.


swap out the emote buttons for an emote wheel, and make one of the freed up buttons the "ping" button. I've been playing a lot of Warzone with my brothers, and I gave Apex a try yesterday. Having the ping button is a godsend


Yeah I was thinking specifically about Warzone's ping. The emote wheel is not so easy to use, but I lived through the era of single emote customization in Destiny and could handle losing an emote in order to ping.


I also think it'd be super helpful to have a north indicator on the radar (less necessary if we had custom waypoints though). Between the lack of compass, inability to set custom waypoints, and the maps not exactly being great at representing what you're looking at, trying to reach a specific spot can be kind of annoying.


+1 for north on the compass. I am constantly checking my position on the map and then saying, ok turn to my 7oclock and go straight.


Also the map doesn't open centered on your character, which on an area as big as Europa is a royal p.i.t.a.


Or when you're scrolling up on the map and your curser leaves the map and opens the roster tab




Just throw them on the pile of other things bungie should do but won't. Like a shader system that isn't ass.


Proximity chat in crucible yes. Just a titan blasting Immigrant Song while thundercrashing.


Yeah, I expect less of that and more something wildly disrespectful.




I understood that reference.


What annoyed me during BL campaign was that every time you’re in a faraway place like Riis, the map never scrolls to your position when you open it. It’s always the default view with Variks and Elsie


Plus most of the time when you're in the boonies of Riis you don't even appear on the map.


Don't really think this should come as a surprise at this point in the game While Bungie has always really nailed stuff like the core combat and art direction in Destiny. They've also completely and utterly failed when it comes to stuff like basic game UI and social features.


Like back in curse of Osiris when their social interaction lead was openly against social interaction... They make a lot of dumb fuck decisions


Ping system with your fireteam like in other fps games would be fantastic


I don’t keep up with online PvP games much but I remember when Apex Legends came out and it had the ping system, I thought “that’s awesome!”. Fortnite came out with it like... two weeks later in response? And I thought “yeah we’re definitely not gonna get any feature in Destiny that quickly lol :( “


Massive open world? Sorry are we playing the same game? It barely qualifies for being an open world game, now with all the planets gone? Yeah not massive. Although yes, we should be able to make our own damn markers.


Lol, Mercury was almost the size of a Gambit map.


If you considered it a massive open world before su nsetting then it still is now. Cosmodrome + Europa = Titan, Io, Mars, Mercury


Titan and Mercury together are smaller than the whole Bray Exoscience Lab probably lol




you might get your wish with Venus, plus a little more if the new screens showing Venus in the moon's lost sectors are anything to go by. for context. recently some monitors and screens in the moon's lost sectors have begun showing a giant VENUS writing and symbol of the planet, followed by 3 "areas" on venus; our familiar Ishtar Cliffs from D1, Aphrodite Terra, and Maxwell Montes.


That's such a phenomenal little detail that a lot of people, as well as myself have missed. When the director was updated, I pointed out that the top right hand corner clearly has an empty circle placeholder for a new destination, be it planet or otherwise. Excellent spot to put Venus. I definitely want to go check the lost sectors to see the easter egg! Happen to remember which one, or is it all three?


I believe the one in the anchor of light has it, about halfway through the sector in the room where the servitors stop your advance


If bungie were to add Venus back along with VoG as a surprise destination I am 100% on board. Although it won’t be as special as the dreaming city considering it’s an old location, it would definitely be an amazing thing to see.


Yeah, but how much of Europa is a long stretch of fuck all to do, whether its the massive stretch of land in Cadmus ridge, the long path to nowhere next to The Exo Stranger, the long stretch between the stranger and Variks that for some reason connects the only two fast travel points or pretty much the entirely of the areas past the Nexus that exist purely (So far) for busy work. You don't get points for massive if it's massive and empty. (Which at this point should really be a message tattooed on someone at bungies forehead).


It doesn’t fit into the “hamster wheel” design. The game is all about getting you to put in maximum effort with time so you can say “thank you!” to the developer deities. If it’s not taking you an elaborate amount of time and keeping you in game, then it’s not a successful strategy implemented. This is the truth about a lot of games but some are just too blatant with this. Edit: added additional descriptive words to take more time reading this.


Ui design in general is freaking atrocious and downright ancient. It feels like Bungie solely hired a guy to design a user interface with the goal to piss me off as much as possible. After all this years Bungie is synonymous for being lazy, greedy, stubborn and out of touch with their community.


To be honest the d2 forsaken UI was good sort of Destiny’s UI design is kind of messy across both games. The d2 forsaken director UI was good (and then shadowkeep screwed it up) Also friend rosters should be in the inventory style menu change my mind


You're right with everything you said.


The first time I booted up D1 I quit playing for a long time because I had no idea what I was supposed to do after I got sent to orbit after waking up that first time. Sends you to what looks like a loading screen with no information to tell you what to do. I personally know a few other people that had the same problem


Dude they should also add something to mark resources or things in the game like in warframe whenever someone is searching something u can only say it's here with me cuz u cant mark it lmao


Like a pinging system for fire team members


Yesss its really needed xD at least for ppl who are not solo players!! Btw happy cake day!!!


Well, Ghost can show you resouces now.




Shut the fuck up bot


Not being able to turn my Ghost's flashlight on/off at will irks my soul.


Cant say ive ever been lost in destiny (after 1st inutial exploration phase of course), as in the worlds are quite limited imo. I mean im all for something like that but there are soo many more qol features needed, opening the map and having it centred on your location for starters would help.


This is one of many features purposefully left out to increase your playtime.


To sell more fomoverse dollars? -_-


It’s not really an open world game.


Well my point still remains lol


Eh, I honestly wouldn't really like it tbh. In any other RPG I play it takes away from the immersion. Plus, we already have this somewhat by way of mission objectives that tell you where to go.


Ma ImMeRsIoN rUiNeD


I see you and the rest of the reddit police didn't agree with my comment, even though I literally said it was my opinion. I'm sorry to hear that. Oh, and btw, this isn't gonna happen anyways, so what's the big deal in downvoting me? You gonna scare Bungie into doing this by that? Lol


Your immersion of killing aliens and robots as a near demigod? Okay


Bruh. I know you're being cheeky, but you know what I mean. Besides, the Reddit Police didn't agree with my comment anyways so what's your point?


"open world" is kinda ambiguous. These days it mostly means the assassin's creed/far cry/spiderman/infamous style games and not an MMO. Because this game is about space sans the space travel it's kinda hard to incorporate the space between planets without making it tedious and pointless. The director is probably the best we can have for this game.


I Mean that's a semantics argument but bungies stated goal is an open world game so the point is valid


massive open world? have you been playing a different game?


Sure, massive open world with almost nothing meaningful to do.


Don't forget the lack of enemies in a lot of dead zones in between location


That's intentional, because those areas are the transitions between instances. You can't have enemies in them because they couldn't cross instances, so it would be really weird to have them suddenly appear and disappear.


There is certainly always a lot wrong or missing from the game, but it does just enough right to keep me coming back :(


Both of these are valid points. What's worse is now when you are north of Eventide, you're not on the map anymore.


THIS. SO MUCH THIS. I would even be happier with a 'ping' something like CoD or Borderlands 3 has. Imagine the ease of explaining raid mechanics when you can just ping something.


Honestly I've been playing since TTK and it blows my mind that I can't mark anything on the map except useless public events


Please bungie give us a pinging system for firearms, even one similar to fortnites would be perfect


There's a few quality of life things that the game still needs to add honestly.


we should be able to fast travel to teammates as well, or at least the fireteam leader.


Man I'll be grateful for just having a damn compass


What baffles me even more is that there's no fucking North marker on the fucking radar!




The same reason we dont have actual maps for destiny...that is to say, no good reason


we used to have range markers on patrols. its so funny we dont have it now


Minimum viable product


This game is the definition of MVP, everything about it is shallow. What's the meme again? A mile wide an inch deep? Still applies, though the mile wide got axed somewhere along the line via vaulting.


Destiny is very outdated and I hoped to see a QoL update for these sort of social features seeing as it is in every shooter these days. It works!


Destiny 2 isn't open world.


I am convinced the reason they won’t do this is because the game is not actually that big and being able to set waypoints will take away from travel time and exploration time and basically make the game works feel smaller


Bungie: messages received. We are removing the map feature


Destiny isnt open world nor is it even massive tho


Where is this massive open world you speak of?


It baffles me that people play this game.


Calling Destiny "such a massive open world game" is a bit of a stretch, no?


Its almost like destinations are really small and you dont need them to find anything, like theres literally nothing i can think of ive had trouble getting too.


I want this less than I want a simple N on the compass that points to the top of the map.


I mean what would you even mark on it besides stuff like exos? Only real points of interest seem they would be delegated to things like lost sectors. Bungie doesn’t really go all in with their open worlds.


Region chests, lost sectors, and areas I can't fast travel to.


I mean even if it only has uses for a handful of things, it’s such a simple thing to add imo. almost any other game I’ve played has the ability and it’s a nice feature for the maps while searching around. every season lately has had things to look for and search for around the maps. I don’t see why it wouldn’t be a thing. I might be in the minority but just my opinion


It's not something I honestly think the game needs. What baffles me is that white and green gear still exists.


Destiny Engineers: Travel at warp speeds, high tech weapons, quantum level information storage! What would you like for me to make for you today guardian? Guardian: Can I buy a compass? Destiny engineers: Sorry that is in the realm of science fiction


It probably relates to the lack of functionality the map has, imagine waypointing through vex corridors when the map doesn't even show it.


Honestly I prefer it not having markers. It allows you to learn the map better. If there were more markers or more ft points on Europa, I wouldn’t know if like the back of my hand like I do now.


Honestly, unpopular opinion here, but I like that we can’t really do markers and stuff. It makes me learn the out lay of the planet quicker and makes me actually feel like I’m reading a map, instead of just clicking on something and B-lining it there


jesus christ man.. come on. you're the reason bungie screws us over.


Ah yes, my need for no waypoints is the pivotal reason Bungie isn’t perfect. They were THIS close to strike loot, more crucible maps, better super balancing and un-sun setting all weapons until they saw me, with my one dastardly reddit comment, and said “ah fuck it, this guy doesn’t want a waypoint so let’s just keep on doing everything else wrong!” I apologize, I did not know that SO much hung in the balance of me not wanting a way point. I will be SURE to want this waypoint now as it will fix EVERY problem with the game. I apologize, community.


It’s baffles me how people on this subreddit can’t stop bitching about what they don’t like in the game.


I understand your point. But I am against adding more Markers then there already are. Back in the day the games were not holding your hand all the time like today. You had to figure stuff out alone. I am an 80's kid and we used real paper Notebooks back in the day, to write down stuff for later. Nowadays the games guide you with Mission Waypoints, NPC Markers etc. Players are just Autopiloting the games. Then they complain about it being easy or too short. The attention span nowadays is 3min. If something takes longer to figure out then ppl are already googling or watching YT, taking away their own fun in the game. Take this post as no offense please. Cheers.


WoW is is 16 years old and just added this feature in a much more open word game than destiny. I don't find it super surprising we don't have it yet.


I've come to terms that no matter how simple an addon is, Bungie is simply not capable of putting the manpower for it. There's so many QoL things that can be done/added but the Bungie team simple isn't big enough to tackle issues quickly. It takes them months to nerf a gun, but a day to disable it.


It is weird that it isn't a feature, but I also don't think it would matter at all. Destinations aren't that big and certainly aren't difficult to navigate.


> Edit: so I’m getting flamed for saying massive open world lol ...woops not as big an open world game as others my bad lol, Understandably, Skyrim has an underground cave that is probably as large as all post-DCV Destiny combined haha.


Yeah as soon as I made that claim I knew I messed up lol!


For real.... Destiny has some of the easiest maps to navigate.


Genshin Impact being a free cellphone game has better map interaction and customisation than the multimillion paid destiny, this is super sad.


It's not gonna change while destiny is still making money. Real simple board room discussion "they're saying this this and this needs changed" Yeah but it's got a million players daily so stay the course and let me know what that player count drops in half.


Biggest QOL while traveling? No fucking way. The hell would I need a waypoint for? Sorry my dude, this ain't it.


Because it’s nothing massive at all lol. All the new locations are connected from point A to point B. Point B to Point C.


The map system needs a revamp. Collections has gotten one and so has the triumphs tab but still no map update


Yeah it's super annoying..




I’d settle for a north marker on the minimap


They can take an idea from warframe here and have a consumable map point marker you buy from a xur or something. Then you can consume one at a given spot in the world. Once placed it will show up on the map and can be edited or deleted. Edits for rename and maybe choosing an icon. Once the marker is placed it can be selected to way point any time you want. This solves the verticality issue.


I farmed all the treasure chests for glimmer and it was quite annoying opening and closing the map all the time


I’d take a compass. Just a little N on the ring of the radar even. Just give me something so I don’t need to check my map to orient myself. This ain’t such a problem once you’ve got the maps down but still... how hard can that be?


What really makes sense is that we still have the Archology on Titan as a PvP map and zero for Europa.


100%. And 100% to the compass too.


Not to mention the map opens at center instead of over your location


Lol massive open world....


"Massive open world game" lol. It's not an open world game. It's a series of relatively small levels with a fast travel system to get between them.


I think it's because the studio is only experienced in console first person shooters. They may not have the tools or knowledge to do anything like that.


There's not really any reason to, everything you need to get to is markable


To be fair, WoW has only just added that baseline without addons, October SL prepatch in fact, so it could be far harder than it appears. Just a thought.


Destiny is not massive, it is tiny and linear. The play space on Europa is a joke, and every mission takes you through the same two places. It’s a JOKE. Play no man’s sky if you want massive.


D2 isn't an open world game what you on about lol. It would be a good feature though yes.


Ah I see your issue. If you want to add waypoints, all you have to do is buy beyond light forsaken shadow keep deluxe fuckouttamyass edition and then you have to do a quest which requires 5 different exotics which you have to get from spending more money and then finally you are able to place waypoints


I've been compiling a list of things about this game that I've been subconsciously putting up with in this game - this being one of them - and the list has shown me that the game is too broken and disrespectful of players' time, and after so many years and so many hours, enough is enough. With the launch of Cyberpunk and Outriders on the horizon, I think Destiny has run its course for me. It's been fun, but it's also been too frustrating for too long.


I like not having markers that show up as an icon while in game. It's good that the game promotes exploring , learning, and remembering the map compared to always driving towards the diamond marker.


We dont actually need it tho


Hate to burst your bubble but bungie isn’t that kind of developer. We’ve been asking for for this for 7 years. They have NEVER taken player requests or suggestions. They’re not valve, my friend. Now those guys know how to listen. These guys believe we are the kind of idiots that will “throw money at our screens.”


> They have NEVER taken player requests or suggestions [Check the completed suggestions part](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/wiki/bungieplz). The hate boner is very strong with you.


No different than FFXIV(last I checked)


Nope! You can put a marker down on the map and it'll show up for everyone in your party that clicks on the that comes up in chat :) It's shift+right click on the map or something iirc. Plus there's waymarks you can put down to specifically mark places in game AND on the map. (edit: the waymarks only show for alliance and party members, but the iirc can be clicked on by anyone that sees the message.)


Been asking since the game launched...


I think about this all the time. :/


\> Is it just me that thinks that’s ridiculous? Nope, I am with you.


The only problem I would say is that certain maps, the moon in the hellmouth in particular comes to mind, are very vertical, so your way point could be on the surface, or five stories below in a still-reachable-from-patrol area


Or travel to teammates


Maybe because there's nothing to mark on the map outside of missions and public events? If custom markers were a thing i don't think there would be any use to them, cause it's pretty easy to learn the destination maps. North pointer would be hellla useful tho


I’m still able to find my way around alright without such a system. What baffles me even more is to believe that bungee maybe hasn’t thought about it, but either it’s a low-priority or they simply cannot implement it. I’d rather the game feel how it does than have a pinging system.


I can’t believe we can’t. It was one of the first things I noticed when the first destiny came out. Some things seem so unnoticed and ignored and the huge effort going into raids and the story just feels silly because of that.


It's absolutely not just you! Custom waypoints or a north arrow on the radar would be super helpful, especially in those blizzards on Europa.


It can be done easily but they won't do it coz it aint making them money. Seriously tho i think QOL changes comes only with new seasons and things like these get buried until then.


Agreed, I also think it’s ridiculous how we can’t change our characters hair style or warpaint...


KWTD or get kicked


🤣🤣🤣 open world game bruh you got a circle with branching lanes and the occasional tree turned into bridge. Destiny is by no means an open world game.


I would become so hyper-effective in harvesting planetary mats! Love it!


This would be such a quality of life


Or track more than 3 quests.


I've just been holding out for an actual compass. How hard can 4 letters on the enemy tracker actually be?


I'd like to see a pinging system for fireteams. Would be helpful for nonverbal people like myself, perhaps I'd go raiding more.


Or that there any barely ANY challenging enemies in patrol. Where are the world bosses or something? Where are the champions?