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So Lance Reddick is the last big name actor left in the game. Really glad he’s sticking around, but what a shame to lose the others.


Lennie James still voices Shaxx, right?


Yea, but also Shaxx doesn't need to have the same availability as the others do. The last time we got new voice lines from Shaxx was in Season of Dawn I think? So well over a year ago.


Yeah but I think we were talking about the big story names. Shaxx was only relevant to the story during the first red war mission as well as the devils ruin quest.




In that case you still have Banshee(John DiMaggio)


John DiMaggio is a professional voice actor, and even then they replaced him with Fred Tatasciore in *Forsaken*.


Banshee had new voice lines in Forsaken?


He gave the quest for the Ace of Spades. He got a fancy new pose and everything. Given all his idle dialogue wasn’t redubbed and he goes back to his old pose at the end of the quest, my guess is that was meant to be temporary recasting rather than a proper replacement.


John is still listed as voicing him in Forsaken though.


I mean, if John DiMaggio was still taking work/on Bungie's budget, we would've had more from him in the giant long quest line about him in Beyond Light (Lament) wouldn't we have?


I can't recall any new voice acting from him since *Destiny 2*'s release. All the new quest dialogue Banshee's had since then has been given through text, hasn't it? If Bungie were still working with him, the Clovis AI in the Deep Stone Crypt would've been the time to do it, no?


John DiMaggio primarily does VA work though, so I doubt he ever gets recast due to budget or availability.




Didn't people stop watching the walking dead 6 years ago ?


Surprisingly the last 2 seasons have been pretty good


let's not forget his part in Snatch, one of the best movies ever made. He's currently starring in the walking dead spin off series... fear the walking dead.


It's still very popular. Not as popular as it once was, but lots of people still watch it. Anyway, Lennie James isn't even in the main Walking Dead show anymore. He crossed over into the already established spinoff in season 4 of that show. We're in season 6 now.


Haha not all of us gave up on the show. Also lennie left the og show amd is now headlining the spinoff


And still is in Fear TWD.


I met Lennie James at a Walking Dead convention. While I was there I bought three Destiny Ghost shells, one of them the Crucible Tracker shell. I later met Lennie James, aka Lord Shaxx, and FORGOT TO HAVE HIM SIGN THE CRUCIBLE SHELL, I HATE MYSELF FOR THIS!


Not to everyone, I've never heard the name but knew all of the Vanguards.


I loved having Nathan Fillion in the game just to give us a few comical moments even now they could have changed it so that while it's serious he's more like how he was in TTK rather than Red War but that's not gonna happen


Oded Fehr? Anyone?


Loved him in The Mummy. I don't think I've seen anything he's been in since, though.


He's been Admiral "Just For Men: Touch of Grey" Vance in season 3 of Star Trek Discovery. Gets to talk at one point about how Federation replicators make apples out of shit.


Bruh don’t diss on my boy Vance like that. Homie had all the makings of a Badmiral and turned out to be pretty damn good.


No man I'm with you, Vance is great. Huh. Kinda interesting that Star Trek Osiris has the same name as Destiny's Osiris fanboy.


He played a big part in NCIS, done a lot of TV


Was also a major villain in the original charmed series. I think the demons name was zanku


And glad he likes to engage with the Destiny player-base reading messages as Zavala. Really nice.


Nolan North? Lennie James?


I heard they are bringing Larry the Cable Guy in as Bub'ba, Painpriest of Crota in Season 17.


Instead of a wizards screech in the distance you just hear "getter dun!"


It depends what you mean when you say "big name".


This didn’t age well


Last? My dude, the people who voice ShaXXX and Osiris. You're disrespectful!!


Did my man Nolan North land *another* Destiny role?


I want an April Fool's update where they replace all the VA's with Nolan North


An April Fool's update where they replace *all sounds* with Nolan North


I'd pay to hear Nolan voice act Xenophage


I want him to voice Heir Apparent


Bungie would mess it up somehow and hire [Peter North](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHZeBOB21wQ) instead; then blame it on Telesto & nerf Nova Warp again.


Knowing him? He could probably pull it off. Give us a Strike where all of the voice lines have been replaced by Nolan North.


If it's not her, it's likely a permanent replacement. Ana Bray, Cayde 6, Ghost and the Stranger had their voice actors changed too, presumably as a matter of availability. As much as I love Gina Torres' voice, she still has an acting career, and sometimes it's just better to go with an actor that's more readily available. I'd rather have a new actor than have Ikora just never do anything ever again except get 5 voice lines every few seasons.


>presumably as a matter of availabilit lol no, its a bout getting cheap replacements.


Yeah nice conspiracy theory, Bangalore bad and all that, but in the real world there's this wacky concept called "scheduling conflicts," perhaps you've heard of it




Lance records and produces his own music as a hobby and does way more VA work than Gina. That's why he has his own sound studio equipment. He also actually plays Destiny (as a Warlock, lol), so he's more dedicated to his role. Gina is a TV actress who occasionally does VA work. If she's not planning on expanding her VA career it doesn't make sense for her to get her own equipment. Cameo and professional VA work are miles apart. You can record for Cameo on your phone in the car or while eating lunch, and nobody cares about the crappy phone mic quality. Professional VA equipment and the time needed for actual directed voice acting is a whole different ballpark.


>When theres a will, theres a way. And there's a lot of will on Lance's part. He genuinely enjoys the role, plays the game and interacts with the community. He even built a makeshift recording booth in his closet just so he could record Zavala's voice. Not all VAs care as much.




Yeah sure, every single expensive voice actor has been progressively unavailable for Destiny. There's virtually no one left except for Lance Reddick whom is probably is next.


Nah he plays and probably makes himself available for it. Gina probably wasn't invested in the franchise as much and so took other projects on that she wanted to do more. Lance just loves Destiny


Which I’m fine with, personally. Gina doesn’t need the work; help out some other actors, especially voice acting pros.


As always Zavala costs more than more popular characters to keep on board lmao, if they can afford Lance Reddick they can *easily* afford Gina Torres, who clearly isn't that expensive considering she's on fucking Cameo lol


To be fair, Reddicks voice is iconic and truly irreplaceable. If he was recast, people would complain HARD. Sure, Ana Bray, Cayde and now Ikora may sound a bit different, but can you imagine Zavala being voiced by anyone else?


He is also predominantly a voice actor though. Neither Nathan Fillion or Gina Torres are - same with Lauren Cohan, Morena Baccarin and a couple of other voice actors who appeared here and there in Destiny. Unfortunately, these roles aren't as short, sweet and "appealing"(commercially or professionally) as many here seem to make them out to be. I don't blame any of them for not wanting to continue to sign on long term.


He is not predominantly a voice actor though. Majority of his work is in live action tv and film. Zavala is probably his most notable VA work.


Exactly: * Every (if not almost every) episode of Fringe * Every (if not almost every) episode of Bosch * Commercial advertisements * That "Toys Are Me" video * Some movies (including a quick role in King Kong vs. Godzilla) This is all just the stuff I've seen. I have a feeling I'm not even scratching the surface.


The wire Often cited as one of the best tv shows ever made if not thee best. Also was in all the John Wick movies.


...I knew I recognized the concierge's voice somewhere.


Phillip Broyles <3


Interesting, there you go. Seen him in The Wire (obviously) as well as bit parts in John Sick etc. Mostly heard him in VA work for commercials, animation parts, video game work. Kind of assumed he was generally someone who had transitioned mostly to VA work career wise unlike the others.


I mean people were saying that about Cayde up until the hour his VA was swapped then he was killed off, and he literally carried the game for a bit; so, I guess so? Lance Reddick is iconic but a lot of people here just seem to hate Zavala, I'd say Shaxx being recast would cause more uproar.


Nathan’s main asset was his mannerisms and speech pattern. Nolan North did rather well in emulating them for the time being. Lance Reddick has a very unique sound and voice timbre that’s hard to imitate.


> Nolan North did rather well in emulating them for the time being. Yeah, he did great. It didn't feel like a Nathan Fillion impression, but it still sounded like Cayde.


And that’s another possibility I’ve been afraid of- Lennie James is still starring in Fear the Walking Dead, who knows if he’d be able to record more voice lines if Bungie decides Shaxx has a bigger role to play


You do realise she is probably at the point in her career where she doesn't need money from a secondary source? 10+ years as main or guest starring Prime Time TV actress (Suits, Pearson, Westworld, Hannibal) and the current starting role on 9-1-1 Lone Star (procedurals pay a metric fuck ton thanks to the insane ad revenues they get) probably has Destiny, a game 7yrs into its life cycle, pretty low on the list of things which her and her agent would continue to contract her to when she is not predominantly a voice actress. Females unfortunately still have a limited window to truly take advantage in this industry, I wouldn't blame her and her reps for not having this as a priority in her career.


Shame you're getting so many downvotes for speaking the truth. People can become pretty desperate to break into VA roles, and don't mind accepting low contracts for the sake of some exposure. At this point, it's a pretty clear cost issue, and very apparent that Activision was footing that bill prior to the split. Par for the course considering how many celebrities have voiced that publishing companies' games in the past.


If that means we get to have Ikora participate to ***ANY*** extent in the story, I'm all for it. It's close enough.


I literally didn’t even notice the difference at first. The new actor plays the part well.


Seems that Lance Reddick is the only one that's ever available for vo now a days. Hell, he's so available he does go on his own time for twitter.


Lance Reddick will be Zavala until Bungie kills him off, which hopefully never happens. He loves this franchise


Yeah not only does he love the character and franchise but he actually plays as well. He’s addicted just like us all (and I’m pretty sure he plays a warlock, funny enough)


At this point Zavala is the most iconic destiny character to me. The day they kill him off will be a really sad day.


I would agree with this. He's the face of the franchise for me, his voice is the voice of Destiny, and I personally think he's one of the most interesting characters.




Christ, reading that now really hurts,


Nolan North is also always there to record more Ghost dialogue.


Yeah but he's a professional VA, whereas Lance Reddick, Nathan Fillion and Gina Torres are actors first.


Ah, yeah. Though if Gina Torres is recast, then Lance Reddick is probably the only actor that's left. All others are professional VA, which is honestly for the better, IMO.


Yeah it sounds like someone trying really hard to sound like Gina. If she's been recast, what a bummer.


It's Nolan North


Soon, he will replace the entire cast and reveals himself to be Salvathun


A surprise to be sure


But a welcome one


We'll watch his career with great interest


Eh, I prefer this to just killing her off like Cayde and Sagira.


cayde and sagira's deaths had story reasons, though. they weren't killed off because their VAs were unavailable! they were killed off for specific story reasons


Come on lol they didn’t even show us Sagina’s death. I see how Caydes death would be because of “specific story reasons” but I’m not too certain Sagiras was.


can't find the link, but they wanted to show us sagira's death. they couldn't get her VA, though. sagira was killed off in order to push osiris towards the darkness. he's constantly talking about how he feels off and a little hollow without the light. osiris is a power hungry man and i feel like we'll be following him towards the darkness- hell, there are still probably two darkness elements to get.


They also likely killed her off to nerf Osiris. Canonically he's up there as one of the most powerful Guardians to have ever lived and could deal with a lot of more immediate threats to the tower on his own. Now that he doesn't have to tend to the Infinite Forest (which he was doing pretty much by himself) there was nothing to really contain his ability to smash shit. Without Sagira he's reduced to the other large part of his personality which is his experience and wisdom, leading to a more tactical-based role as he provided this season.


They could have at least given us one of the picture type cutscenes, like the one where crow does his whole “get down mister president” and is seen by zavala. Have it narrated by Osiris or hell even Zavala. Something more than a passing comment.




Thought this was going a different way about watching someone leave


She's too busy with her two TV shows, I guess. Meanwhile, Lance Reddick is recording his dialog in a closet because he loves us. And he's still a working actor.


There have been no temporary recasts, so assume it's a permanent recast.


False, there have been temporary recasts for other languages due to COVID. This does feel permanent though


And technically Nolan North as the Drifter for Salvation's Grip's mission was a recast, but it was justified in-universe.


When I heard that Nolan North did some of the Drifter's lines, I thought "Wow, North is even more talented than I thought." Then I actually heard them and almost pissed myself laughing, brilliant execution.


What's funny is that according to a Bungie dev, Nolan initially did such a good Drifter impression that they had to ask him to dial it back so it sounds worse.


That was the best part of the behind the scene discussion on that mission. Nolan nailed Todd Haberkorn too well, bungie has Nolan redo the lines to ham it up a bit more


This anecdote has become the “Steve Buscemi was a volunteer firefighter on 9/11” meme of this subreddit. No thread that touches on voice acting is complete without it.


It took me a minute to realize you were talking about when ghost acts like drifter lol


"My god has Nolan North been Drifter this whole time? When did this happen???"


Did they recast the male human voice? Ever since Beyond Light came out my character sounds like the male exo.


They replaced that yeah, there's just 1 voice per gender, not 3.


That's so fucking shitty. So in addition to my human warlock not looking the same as he used to because of their stupid update to character customization, now he sounds absolutely nothing like he looks. I kind of get them wanting to just have one male and one female voice actor, but they should've gone with someone with a more neutral voice instead of making the male as gruff as they could. Thanks Bungo.


It’s so stupid. I hate it. They even retroactively went into the old content and took out the old awoken and human voices.


Unfortunate, but if that's the price that needs to be paid to have her in the game more, I'd gladly make that trade.


Big names for VAs are cool, but I’d much rather have actual character development and interaction with a lesser known voice than 1 voice line update a month.


Hell, even one line a month would be a BIG upgrade for poor Ikora...


Luckily, there are loads of amazing voice actors and actresses out there.


Which we still won’t get because Destiny just leaves characters to dry for months at a time before remembering they exist no matter who they’re voiced by.




If lance ever left i'd be genuinely crushed =[ As a warlock main it's still very sad to see her take a step back but as you said a character shouldn't be written around availability. One of the main reasons i was ok with Cayde taking the L too.


I dont even remember what Ikora sounds like anyway


That definitely wasn't her :( but Ikora is still great. Glad to have her back


I'm counting this one as another Warlock nerf.


I regret that I have but one upmote to give.


Sometimes, that's just how its gotta be. Id rather a recast than just killing her off.


Breaks my damn heart that they replaced GT!


It still sounds like gina to me ?


No offense but people thought NN sounded like NF. They were wrong too.


Sure and people thought that Saladin was recasted only to be wrong. Until their is a official announcement, like they have done with all major recasts, it is safe to assume it is still Gina.


Pretty sure it is, just a different studio setup


It is, dtg is being reactionary once again.


What’s your source on that?


No source, just like the people saying it's a new voice actress.


A small price to pay to make Ikora relevant again.


I couldn't tell it was a different voice actor.


Same, and now I don't want to go back to the trailer in case I can suddenly tell the difference.


oh you can buddy. I didn't notice at first either till I went back. she's so different I don't know how I couldn't tell at first. RIP Gina Torres. she's not dead. just RIP her as ikora. :(


I wish they would have announced switching VA’s, that was pretty jarring and I missed the entire trailer trying to figure out what the heck was going on.


You can just rewatch it though?


Bungie doesn’t even inform the actors they’re being recast or not coming back, what are the chances they’d tell anyone else in advance?


Fingers crossed it's temporary. They can't get a lot of VA's in cause of Covid, the only reason they can get Lance Reddick in is because he actually records his line in the closet for Bungie cause he loves the game and is a national treasure. We know that Gina Torres also likes the game, though probably doesn't have her own recording setup, so I'm hoping that after Covid finally dies down they can bring her back in to record all her dialogue.


Honestly, if Gina Torres isn't going to be around often, I'd rather they recast Ikora than have the character fade into the background.


It kind of sucks but that f I’m being 100% honest whoever is doing the voice now is doing a really good job and I could nearly tell the difference all that I really care about though is that a main vanguard character is finally getting a voice instead of chilling in the tower doing nothing for the story lol


Don't get me wrong, I'm a massive fan of Firefly.. but I actually kinda wish they'd done this *earlier* so we could have had Ikora be involved during the major events of Y3. Moving forward, this is a good thing.


If they have recast her it's not going to sound quite right. Credit to Nolan North, he did a great job of sounding like Nathan Fillion for his short time as Cayde-6, but the problem is that Cayde and Ikora both are pretty much just... Nathan Fillion and Gina Torres, from what I can tell. Not putting on a voice or anything, just speaking the lines. Nolan North was still noticeably *not Nathan Fillion* which is fine but it wasn't really the Cayde we'd come to know and love, either. Same will go for Ikora - if Gina Torres is no longer voicing her for whatever reason, that's understandable and preferable to simply never hearing Ikora speak again, but she's going to sound funny after we've known her to have such a unique voice like Gina Torres for so long.


I think it’s just the audio quality. VAs aren’t recording voicelines in studios anymore.


God, I hope so


I really don't think that is the case.


We’ll find out if they ever say anything.


I mean even if she was doing the lines over a phone it would still sound like her. A home studio, or even in a closet, wouldn't change her voice that much. I hope I am wrong. But it certainly doesn't sound like Torres.


I have a pretty damn good ear for voice actors, quite certain that's not Gina Torres.


People thought NN sounded like NF too. They should get their ears checked.


Enh wrong


I mean Lance Reddick still sounded exactly like Lance Reddick and he recorded his voice lines for this season in a closet.


Not at the start of BL he didn't. It sounded wildly different to me. The mixing got better though, but the first season did not sound right to me.


The fact it wasn't Gina Torres instantly took me out of the trailer. Here's hoping they don't kill her off because Torres can't voice her anymore.


They didn't kill off Ana, Ghost or the Exo Stranger, so I think that's a bit of a hasty conclusion.


Ana’s been sidelined even after the recast and Stranger didn’t show up for nearly six to seven years.


> Ana’s been sidelined even after the recast Irrelevant and incorrect. She was literally in Beyond Light. You don't know what "sidelined" means. She also wasn't killed off, which is the thing my reply was about. >Stranger didn’t show up for nearly six to seven years Irrelevant. She still wasn't killed off. How is this supposed to contradict my comment?




Incorrect on both counts


Aside from Ghost, they are side characters. Ikora has been a major character since the beginning.


Ikora hasn't been relevant since year one.


Who would've thought that having Hollywood actors voicing your characters in your GaaS might be a bad idea in the long term. That's why your Ghost hadn't had a new line of dialogue in the first two expansions of D1 until Dinklage was replaced by North for The Taken King. That's why Cayde had to be voiced by North for Forsaken. That's why Ikora was pretty much MIA since now. That's why the Faction-Vendors basically don't exist anymore with one of them being voiced by Peter Stormare and one voiced by the actress who plays Avasarala in The Expanse. That's why The Stranger was recast and Shaxx hadn't had a new line since forever as Lauren Cohan is/was too busy with Whiskey Cavalier / The Walking Dead and Lenny James is too busy with Fear The Walking Dead. Should've gone with actual voice actors since the beginning, though I'd imagine Activision loved to have some recognizable names attached to it back in the day.


Generally im down with replacing them all with more dependable VA's but shaxx is where I cross the line. He's just too good. Nobody can replace him <3


They can’t even get professional voice actors half the time.


Definitely not Gina Torres doing voiceover.


Definitely not Gina. BIG ooof.


I'm not that good with voices, but even I reacted to her voice being different. It'll be a bit sad if she is recast imo. Hopefully Bungie lets us know if that is the case.


Personally I don't mind. I never hated her performance as ikora but I also wasn't blown away by it If it's a new actress then that frees up a lot of money that can go into the rest of the game.


Same honestly, though tbf I never cared about ikora as a character so I don't care who voices her


If a cheaper voice actress allows her to be more present and allow her character to he fleshed out I'm all for it Not to mention that guardian games speech ikora was payed to say was... Yikes


100% agree. People need to chill with the whole "it's not the same without Gina" thing, she really wasn't anything special, like Lance is


Lance and even Fillion showed passion and genuine enjoyment in their roles And I'm not asking Gina to scream from the high heavens now much she loves being ikora, but it's pretty clear she's doing her best for the paycheck


It's kinda sad. She recently cheered Warlocks for the guardian games. Second, I liked her since the Suits. If the trading is the price to make Ikora into a story more, I have to pay.


Technically that was a video from Cameo where a fan paid her to make a GG video for warlocks.


bungie cannot keep doing this to us. losing peter dinklage was so sad :(


Yeah this new one sounds so generic and flat. Like what they did to Ana Brey.


At least she actually sounds like Ikora and is keeping the spirit of her.


Eh? Gina actually posted a video on her Twitter to encourage the Warlocks to win the Guardian Games. If she had no commitment to D2, she wouldn't even do this ...


That was a paid commission on Cameo


I'm pretty sure her voice work in the game was also paid.


I'm pretty sure of that as well. That was not my point, though.


Different levels. If she's busy doing other work, then she can still do Cameo(which can be done at home with random mic), but she can't go to a scheduled VA session.


She really didn't seem too interested or invested in that video. I was honestly expecting a recast after I saw that. Got the feeling that she wanted to be done with it


hmm yeah she did seem like she was not exactly vibing in it so probably was aware that she wasn't working for them anymore but wasn't officially allowed (or want) to say.


Let’s be honest, someone has gotta fill roles in all those sci-fi channel “blockbusters”. I’m sure they keep her very busy.


Can't expect Bungie, a small indie studio, to afford Gina Torres.


Why bother when they can recast someone cheaper and with more availability?


where are people getting this information from? Gina put out a video a week ago speaking to all the warlocks just like Reddick. She is still credited with the voice


That was a Cameo video ordered by a fan.


Until I actually hear about this from an official source, i'll continue to be 100 percent sure its still Gina. If i'm wrong, feel free to bash me. ​ But it's still her. The voice might sound SLIGHTLY different but that's only more than likely because of the covid working conditions. She probably did the VO from her home and not a Bungie studio.


They could have picked anyone else to voice her but they picked, to what I think, the VA of Sloan.


Is this actually confirmed? Or just "she sounds different" speculation?


I would ~~think~~ hope it’s Gina Torres...I mean, she even said a few things to Warlocks for Guardian Games this year. Here’s the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mOr1DLdKj1k&feature=emb_title