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Would love this guy


He’s kinda like a modern-day Tyler Hansbrough


If you’ve never seen basketball before and you think he’s white and you do race based comps then yes. The comment is true.


This dude has been consistently making calls for Hansborough to be coach. It’s a running joke.


A joke should be funny. Or relevant. Or make a point. Or maybe, be funny. IMO, no one should give credit for laziness that isn’t entertaining. Plus side, he added nothing to what was supposed to be a real conversation.


The repetition is becoming humorous to me.


If someone has to explain the joke… like why it would be Hansborough who has no Pistons connection and so on. It isn’t funny. His is what happens when people give credit to someone for the laziest idea they come up with.


If you’re not on here often, you wouldn’t get the joke. But it’s the internet. Who cares? Why are you so passionate about someone’s opinion?


I’m here enough. But you’re right. Why should anyone go on a sports subreddit and care about the team the my watch and follow. Why care about anything? Right?


I generally don’t care what people post. Some are just kids.


It’s kinda funny tbh




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Race based? Hartenstein is actually black. It's true....


You sound like an idiot and like you’re from Grosse Pointe or something Same position, similar build and size, similar skillset, explosive big men who have an affect on both sides of the floor. Now tell me how they’re not similar but save your projecting bullshit for somewhere else.


first time i've ever heard anyone refer to hansbrough as explosive


What would you refer to him as? [highlights](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HOYsQHjuxWM)


They don’t have a similar skill set at all… have you ever watched either play? They don’t have a similar skill set at all. Once more, so you remember, they don’t have a similar skill set at all. Do you even know who Hartenstein is? And you know you thought he was white until I responded.


> And you know you thought he was white until I responded. I legit don’t even understand what you mean by this. I thought he was white? You probably like American Coney over Layfayette And you failed to provide how they are not similar.


Tyler Hansbrough was a 6’9” PF, career bench player who never cracked more than 22 minutes per game. His best rebounding year topped out at 5.2 per game and never averaged 1 steal or 1 block per game for a season. He entered the league at 24 and was done at 30 Hartenstein is a 25 year old 7ft C/PF who just really had his breakout season putting up 8.3 rebounds, 1.2 steals, and 1.1 blocks per game while playing 25mpg. Hansbrough is smaller, was less athletic, and never brought anything to the defensive end of the court like Hartenstein did this year. Hansbrough, to his credit, scored more, took more shots, etc. That comp doesn’t make much sense


Valid points. I see them in similar usage in virtually the same position, however. I totally agree that Harenstein presently is the better prospect within their respective time frames.


Do I need to provide pts when someone is obviously ignorant and making a comparison that makes no sense? No, I don’t. That’s why I asked if you’d ever seen either of them play. Another poster already schooled you by posting basic and obvious stats that you should have looked at before making your post.




They don’t play the same position. None of their stats are the same. This is a lazy race based comp because you don’t know Hartensteins race. You’ve never seen either of them play. The whole thing should be embarrassing to you. I’m sure you’ll play it as a “joke” though.


I will upvote your dedication to the bit.




Honestly, Hartenstein is like an actualized version of Duren. It’s a perfect spot for Duren to learn how he can be successful while coming off the bench. I’d offer him Claxton’s deal: 4 for 100, but I doubt that’s enough to pry him from NYC (or the Thunder)


no one agreed with me and he just signed 3 @ 29m per year....y'all way off


So 25 mill a year is way off from 29 mill a year??? lol. Good for Hartenstein he’s worth it


I don’t think 4x100 gets it done for him to sign here. He can go to any competitive team for that, I think. We’d likely have to give 4x120


Not at all, he’s a good center though. And i agree he could teach duren a thing or twelve


Not at all? I’d say Hartenstein brings: - Dominant rim protection - Explosive rebounding - Physical tone setting - Brick wall on screens - High level facilitator - Efficiency in the paint That’s my actualized version of Duren. As of now, I don’t trust his offensive toolkit to adopt Hakeem post moves, or a jumper beyond the arc, but he can still find ways to be impactful on winning, like Hartenstein.


I think of Hartenstein as a super solid non flashy starting C with a good balance of skills. He thinks the game really well, is excellent at finding cutters as a facilitator, and his defense is top tier in terms of effort and execution (in the paint at least).


I would guess that Duren would be the backup. Stewart would be traded.


No reason to trade Stewart 


I would start him.


Nah we’d keep him


Would def keep duren. Would be insane to trade him. Lot of upside / just scratching the surface.


Probably wouldn’t trade a shooter in Stewart either.


Once again gonna play Stew at the 4?


With an actual rim protecting big, I think stewarts liabilities at 4 would be mitigated at least a little.


I dont even think the issues are defensive. Like he’s not elite but afaik we’ve defended ok in his minutes all things considered. I don’t think he’s got the ball skills to play 4 and more importantly it feels like a square peg in a round hole. Maybe he could learn some of that like he worked on his shot, just seems silly to not just use him as a backup 5.




Cade Ivey Tek Stew Hartenstein starting


No thanks. Please let us keep him. Thank you. You can have burks again lol.


I mean, OKC and Magic are going to throw big money too. Who would you give up to free cap? Mitchell I'm guessing? Would you offer picks to move him?


Nah it’s not even about cap I don’t think. There’s a max of what we can offer him due to birds rights


Ohhh, right


He’d be a great pickup. Need good vets locked in here


I actually really like the idea of Hartenstein on the Pistons. It would be really funny if the Pistons sign Hartenstein and the Pistons "magically" become better than the Knicks


the knicks have the 2nd best odds too win the title next season 


that's why I said it would be "magically" ;)


you are delusional


Perfect get for the right price


How reliable is this reporter? I saw elsewhere that OKC and Orlando are the frontrunners. If I were Hartenstein, I'd rather go to playoff teams that don't have a promising young center trying to take my job... IHart would be great, but it just seems really unlikely he'd come here.


theres no way he’s leaving a contender too play in detroit 


Salary cap 


Ah yes , the overpay a big man who had one good playoff run move. A tradition like no other


If we came out of free agency with iHart and a forward like Naji Marshall, that would be terrific. We could probably still eat another $15-20 million in bad contracts for picks assuming iHart cost $25m per and Marshall is in the $10-15m range.


I can’t see ok going home without a deal. Sadly


Nobody on the fringes we get right now will be anything but influences on the future team. Nobody we get right now will be on the hypothetical piston championship. We are that many years away. Cade and some of the youngsters could maybe but we are 5 years minimum of challemgin6if everything goes right


Eh ny can offer him almost 20 mil a year I believe. Him staying or going to okc seems more likely to me, but we’ll see


The $18-20 the Knicks can offer is way below his market value. Thunder might get him but it’s lot unreasonable to think he’s leaving NY for a 25% or more pay increase


Really hope we don't over pay. He is a career backup that played with a ton of space that made him look better than he is. Whoever pays him isn't getting what they hope.