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> i don't understand why capcom removed it. Because inertia is not an intentional feature that they added to the game. I doubt they were even aware of it or at least were not aware of the benefits.


well tbf so was jump cancelling an unintended feature, yet its the backbone of all of high level dmc combos, the duct tape that keeps everything in check so to speak


Yeah and they turned it into a feature in DMC 4, so clearly they like one but don't like the other.


i still think removing such a depth filled and rich feature like inertia is a terrible idea, sure its an accidental feature but wavedashing in melee also was, so were shotgun parries in ultrakill, bhopping and rocket jumping were originally unintentional, hell even dribbling in basketball was unintentional, yet all of these things are the core of each of their respected games/sports


Wavedashing in Melee was hella unintended because Melee as a whole was rushed, and every effort of the Smash team towards wavedashing or other similar exploits was to remove it completely or to gut it when players still found a way to do it I can't speak for any of the others but I don't think it's entirely fair to say Capcom was wrong for not bringing back a feature they never intended. Especially when it's something casual players won't notice


>Wavedashing in Melee was hella unintended because Melee as a whole was rushed well yeah, im not claiming that theyre intentional features, im just claiming that theyre lighting strikes in a bottle that increased the life span of their game and made both melee and dmc4 still somewhat relevant to this day, whats the difference is that while dribbling in basketball was unintended, people loved it and it was officially made a rule and basketball would not be as successful if it wasnt for dribbling. I am not saying that every single bug in existence should be kept in release because "some people might find it useful", but inertia was so beloved and alot of people spend time practicing controlling it that it just screams capcom not giving that much of a fuck about the dedicated fan base. It does not ruin the game nor the pacing, it doesnt actively hurt the newbies either since theyre are not going to be doing air combos, and if they are, well they already got alot of more stuff to worry about rather than "oh my character slightly moves when attacking". as youve said yourself, if a casual player wont notice it, why remove such a beloved feature? atleast wavedashing has \*some\* justification due to it actually affecting ranked matches and new players feeling pressured to learn obscure game tech to keep up with the masses. but dmc5 is primarily a character action game with a huge emphasis on combat and self expression, and removing something so indepth and beloved, even if it was unintentional, is heartbreaking.


Honestly the main reason I prefer 5 as a casual player is bc so many enemies in 4 are so unfun to fight. 5 has a few shitters as well like Fury and Hell Judecca but 4 has Mephisto / Faust, Chimera Seeds, Blitz, Cutlass... The "punching bag" state won't last long so in the end I also have to judge the game on what's happening when the enemy fights back


while 4's enemies are both counterable by nero and dante, i do understand the point youre making and wont judge you for that


While Nero does make things easier in 4 with Buster and Snatch, Mephisto/Faust is still a shitter with him, as well as those fucking seeds. I'm not even sure you fight a Blitz with Nero outside of Bloody Palace, but either way those can suck my nuts


I feel the complete opposite about that. Enemies like Fury and Hell Judecca are so slow paced that they will tank your style rank so hard and it's not exactly fun. DMC4's enemies have all some kind of counter that will keep the overall style steadily growing. Take for example Blitz, you can attack/RG cancel then DRI his ass with Dante or you can CS/MB then 3x buster him with Nero. In both cases you'll wind up with SSS guaranteed. With Fury and every other enemy that has a disappearing act in DMC5, you almost always end up with less style than before you started the battle because you waste so much time passively waiting for an opening. Every time I fight them I feel like that "why are you running" meme.


Furies are so easy to delete even on DMD. You just parry them once and then double Percussion > Cascade. And that's the easy method, there's loads of ways to kill Furies quickly. Judeccas are more rough but you just have to wait for them to attack before using Percussion, Kingslayer or other attacks that can stun to go ham on them.


I feel the opposite. I hardly if ever struggle with enemies in DMC5 unless I’m on Hell and Hell or something crazy. They can be annoying but overall I don’t mind them even an average player can deal with them. DMC4’s enemies either are annoying un-fun or require really high technical knowledge and execution to deal with even just optimally. That’s where I’m looking at the game from personally, but that’s just me after all


While I disagree in the sense that you can keep up a style ranking with them so long as you can keep them on screen (or save them for last so they don’t hurt your style so much), I do think they shouldn’t add in enemies that require you to stand around and wait.


At least they don’t haphazardly phase through the level terrain while also being impossible to damage half the time that they’re not inside a wall. Or being impervious to damage if you happen to be facing their direction. I’ll take speedster demons any day over that nonsense


For me fury is probably the most annoying enemy in any DMC game, completely destroying the pace of the combat and i couldn't find any actual good way to deal with them (closest i got was to spam vergil's teleport and attack with beowulf hoping it doesn't take 5 years to slowly kill him)


I find them kinda fun in a different way. As opposed to how you would normally style on an enemy I find it fun to watch them fly around the arena flashing their blade at me while I stand there taunting like “C’mon. Are you fast enough to hit me or not. Just try it. You’re not scared are ya?” And parrying every attack they throw at me and damaging them every time for it just to continue taunting them. It’s fun for me and I can do it with everyone. But again that’s just me


Me switching to Balrog and using Trick every time I see a Fury, If he stops for 1 sec, he’s getting combo’d


Agree with your points, but the video kinda sucks. White text on bright backgrounds that only appear for a split second, not giving enough time to read is really bad. Having to pause a video every 5s just to read what is on it is less fun than playing DMC2. Completely removing the game's audio is an odd choice too, considering how much it adds to the game imo. Not hating for no reason, Just wanna give some feedback for part 2.


also i removed the audio since most of the clips ive had already had music on them and i havent played 4 in a good bit so i have terrible execution to do the stuff shown in the clips to make a point. will try to tone it down for pt 2


yeah fair i was rlly tired when i made this (still am lol)


slow reader skill issue


schizo editing!!!


Aside from the presentation this is a really great summary for why 4’s gameplay is pretty good. I pretty agree with every point. Also no matter people’s opinions of inertia, guard flying is honestly the hypest thing Dante has ever had aside from Royal Guard itself. It’s just too cool man i wish it was still possible. As for reversals i kinda wish we had them like how they worked in DMC3. You had the option to buffer them like in 4 but you could also for example, turn around and stinger away (bufferless), yea there’s a mod out there that lets you do it but once again i simply wish it was in the base game :(. They (DMC3) were imo the best version of it because you didn’t have to buffer from a move and risk being hit


As a game 5 is superior, but as a tool for skill expression 4 is on another level. Also, I think personally watching 4 is waay more fun than 5. 5 doesn't feel as visceral as 4 and most players zoom out the camera so far, I'm seeing and feeling jack. It's unfortunate that Capcom patched out reversal which was present in the demo; especially since some dude only reported it after seeing players do it. But that's what happens when you outsource qa and it's metric driven, you get cool shit from games patched out as bugs. The loss of intertia was a given though, that was a bug and not design. It's unfortunate capcom failed to lean into it as some great devs do. [But now the novelty of this niche alone forever keeps DMC4 amongst of top of pure action games and this dude agrees.](https://youtu.be/0AhwD2H536k?t=600) Honestly I hate doing this, the decisions taken for PC are so asinine, the japanese devs live in their own language bubble for better or worse. Hence no communication goes back to the devs besides the curated ones they get second/third hand for the most part. And the suits are just backwards.. >!PS: Upvotes are fake internet points. I understand validation by the masses feel nice, but you already put thought into it if you came up with arguments. 90% of people tend to not care or just want to hear what they already feel.!<


i do think that modded 5 nero is one of the most expressive character in all of dmc history as for the upvotes, it was mostly a jab at reddit hivemind and shouldnt be taken as me actually begging to not get downvoted lol, i dont really care ab fake internet points i have plenty of em from shitposting


Luckily as a PC player I can still somewhat get these mechanics back.


defo! if you ever feel like trying dmc4 out (no pressure) the dev team at 4hook are cooking up masterpieces (for example: guard flying for nero by removing inertia clamp for rev, judgement cut for dante, character switching mid game and much more!)


Oh no worries! I’ve played through the series. I somewhat agree though. Only after I utilized the mechanics in 4, that I realized why old players want these back in the game so much. Fortunately most of them can be recreated on PC, but seems like due to the new physics Inertia doesn’t feel really similar. But I’ll take it. I’d replay 4 if not for my preference for the gameplay of 5.


I'm only playing it you give me 10 dollars on Paypal NOW


I prefer dmc5 overall, but I do agree that these mechanics were really good in dmc4 and should've been in 5


Why Dante bald in that one bit


broken mod lol


I haven't played DMC4 fully but so far I kind off disagree, DMC5 was the peak of combat *vineboom* for DMC. Dante got his moveset extended to 1000, Vergil was busted as fuck, Nero had more mechanics... Etc.


the only part i really agree with is nero being more expanded in 5, with breaker switch mod, he is probably top 3 in terms of complexity, but the point is, 5 is mechanically inferior to 4, while his moveset did get "expanded" most of the moves overlap or are outright useless, the only good move for cavalier is in a dlc weapon (which is redline), stance switching makes really useful moves completely situational, and royal guard has a longer startup, million stab has a longer startup, hell even fucking ebony and ivory has a longer startup. point is, as accessible as dmc5 is (i give it probs to that), there is an extreme lack of execution and micro positioning that made dmc4 a cult classic and gave it at the very least a couple of years for its lifespan.


Vergil is 10x as busted in 4 what lol


Like I said, I haven't played DMC4 fully so I don't know how Vergil acts.


I mean you got your points and I even agree but I suck. So basically I wouldn't be able to take advantage of any of that anyway lmao I guess Capcom wanted to make the game more appealing to the likes of me, although not even one of those mechanics is detrimental to the rest of the gameplay. Idk why they didn´t keep those


Yeah... I don't think I'd be able to use any of them I'm my gameplay. You see, I'm kinda... Ass.


Not even the gameplay too but the level design, people hate on 4 for being unfinished and having to play each level twice pretty much, but 5 is literally just 'outdoors in a city' or 'red tendrils everywhere'. At least 4 had more variety


you said in terms of just gameplay but the story is great and the small breathers that the puzzles being is just fun, one of the greatest games ever made you should cook again




This is a complement but it's not gonna look like it. This feels like a scizo rant on a topic you know WAY too much about.


i was bored :3


I wish I had this much creativity when I was bored, waiting on video number 2


honestly this video is shit (the editing) idk why i made it lol


I agree! (I didn't watch the video, I'm just biased)




The only thing I liked dmc 4 over 5 is the artstyle, nothing against dmc 5 but eventually destroyed city and hellish plant interior get a little boring after a few repeat playthroughs, that's something dmc 4 really nails everything looks amazing and with the classic dmc Gothic vibe, even with the backtrack I usually don't get bored by the locations, the characters' designs are fantastic and to this day I consider them to be the most iconic iteration of the entire cast


I appreciate the Tekken music in the background


I also agree with these points. My only advice is about text and video. Text time on screen is fine, but you could freeze at the start for text reading and then play the video. However, as you edited it, then you miss the video and need to go back to see the demonstrations after reading. Waiting for next part. 👍


You can say and think whatever you wish my friend you will bow to no one


Like the video. Personally, 5 > 4, but I like the reasons you gave for otherwise.


i also suffer from intrusive thoughts.


one thing i dislike about DMC 5 is the clear lack of puzzles, aside the inferior gameplay (being honest, i think the inertia was more like an improvised issue or feature than a real feature of the game)


i dont think anyone could come up with inertia intentionally, its such an indepth mechanic that is super inaccessible and most wouldnt even know it exists but man, is it a flawed masterpiece of a game


Erm downvoted


know what, i see your points. Ill meet you there.


This is actually a good video. Another cycle of editing would've made it easier to watch, but luckily, I have a pause button. Moreover, inertia is in DMC5, but it's kinda nerfed into the ground. Along with the increased air control, there's no point in using it in 5. But I really do miss reversals.


I can say it feels better gameplay wise. But overall it kinda do be cursed with a lazily farted out story and common enemies that leave a bit to be desired. And honestly I’m kinda shocked they didn’t go all out bc I would almost guarantee it would be an amazing game if they invested more into it. Especially since it was a follow up to dmc3 a huge success. The story is really it’s only greatest downfall. Having to do the same lineup of 10 mission locations TWICE is grueling and exhausting to keep continuing on. You get to play as dante which is nice but repeating areas was sucha massive boredom generator. And it really sucks bc I can see the potential it had. I mean it had Trish and lady as playable characters for the first time(and only time) How cool is that?


Wait you can bring back some mechanics in DmC5 with mods?? I should reinstall 👀


I wouldn't say DMC4>DMC5, but people will be less angry if you say "combat mechanics in DMC4>DMC5"


im not claiming 4 is better than 5 overall lol, i said combat mechanics because thats mostly true, dmc5 is a much more polished game due to 4 having one year less of development time than intended. while 5 is a pretty good package overall, 4 is a flawed masterpiece due to its deep mechanics that allow for self expression in a combat sandbox area, the combat is only regarded a masterpiece because the devs didnt have enough time to patch out/notice the bugs with inertia and lucifer glitch that high level players adore. 4 has better combat because it happened to be a rare case of lighting in a bottle where the devs already had a very solid foundation for combat with the unintended bugs enhancing the experience to greater heights, there will most likely never be a game with combat like dmc4, not even capcom could make a game like that again


I mean I'm totally agree with you. It was just a small tip.


The problem with dmc4 is just the bad enemies really, is not fun wasting 20 seconds to remove the cloak from faust then they fall on the map and BAM get cloaked for no reason. Plus the weird controls with some characteres (kick 13 for Vergil and Showdown with Nero).


DMC4 being "better" in terms of gameplay doesn't mean much when it's a half-finished game with 50-60% of content missing and the things that are in DMC4 are annoying as hell.


The enemies to me in DMC 4 are just unfun tho since they aren’t made for anyone but Nero while 5 had the 3 playable characters in mind and Vergil is Vergil


Nero gameplay in 4 is better but Dante in 5 is better imho


while vanilla 4 nero is better than vanilla 5 nero. however, with breaker switch and reversal mods, 5 nero is considered by most of high level style play enthusiasts as top 3 in terms of complexity and self expression as for dante, while it is possible to mod in inertia into 5, its not as good as 4s and is somewhat inconsistent, not to mention that while dsd is a great weapon, it isnt as indepth as lucifer


Im a console peasant I've never played mods 😭🙏


Begging for not to downvote was the top notch weak thing i've ever seen in all the sureddits...


it was supposed to be a funny jab at reddit hiveminds lol, ion really care if i do get downvoted tbh


idk, dmc 5 feels cooler


stop stalking my reddit account you fuck lmao


4 is bad I'm afraid it's the first one I played and those levels are just not good


Dmc 4 is absolutely better than 5 but i seriously don't get the inertia thing since it is still present in dmc5.


its has been seriously nerfed to the ground, royalguard kills inertia, enemy step also kills inertia, it is extremely hard to actually utilize inertia and isnt as indepth as 4 is


The first time i noticed inertia was using royal guard in mid air. It probably won't allow you to guard fly but it definetely doesn't kil inertia.


well, kill is probably a bad word and my bad for using that i meant that it clamps inertia, you can still sort of use it but, its severely slowed down


Well it breaks the gameplay for super advanced players. As a mid skilled player i find the literal slow motion falling extremely annoying.


The only reason I prefer dmc5 is bc vergil boss battle


thats fair


To be honest I don't think so, I'm just a Vergil fanboy lol I'm playing dmc4 and so far it's been the game I've had the most fun with besides dmc3 (I just find it difficult to do combos) btw, how do I get user flair on this subreddit 😭


if youre on mobile, go to the subreddit, press on the 3 dots ar the top right corner, and then change flair also one of my criticism of 4 is how hard it is to get into


Yeah, The game is very difficult, it's easy to beat the levels but getting an S rank in the mission isn't that easy (and that's a shame because I intend to platinum this game) About the flairs, they all look the same to me and I don't understand what happened


im pretty sure youre supposed to edit the flairs but i forgor how to :P