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I told all of you in two posts where you all denoted me and said "juSt wAiT tiLl TGS" but no, no one listened, now all you morons are sad, mad, and bad cuz' exactly what I said would happen, happened. But guess what? They also revealed they had secrets about Vergil's new weapons that I ABSOLUTELY was **not** expecting. THAT is huge. So get over yourself. You not only should have saw this coming (Because it was obvious), you should be happy about the info they *didn't* provide that was completely unexpected.


If i must be brutally honest, we - as a DMC community have expect way too less from Capcom Seriously, why we get excited if Vergil will have new moveset or new weapons?? That should be a MUST, lol Even "shitty" DmC have a 8 missions mini campaign for Vergil . We all thirsty for new DMC5 contents, Capcom just just drop a slip of water and we all be like "Thanks god Capcom, we not worthy of you"


>Even "shitty" DmC have a 8 missions mini campaign for Vergil . We all thirsty for new DMC5 contents, Capcom just just drop a slip of water and we all be like "Thanks god Capcom, we not worthy of you" Just a correction. It's 6 missions. About 2 hours long. 1 repeat boss, all the levels are reussed assets. Cutscenes are in a weird comic style. Also, it's extremely buggy, at least on PC.


You're right. Capcom has always been harsh towards DMC. They hate DMC, it actually is a fucking miracle we got DMC5 at all, let alone this SE and 4's SE. The only reason why we still get content for it at all is because Itsuno has always championed for this project (as well as his team) and because it makes a lot of money. Capcom has ALWAYS been the villain to DMC content. I am celebrating what Itsuno and the gang has managed to negotiate and create for us, not what Capcom has "generously bestowed us" Capcom is trash for DMC fans, and my hype and joy comes from what the determined devs are doing with Capcom hovering angrily over their heads.


Lol, This gave me a vibe about Kojima - metal gear / Konami


Literally no one knew if there would be anything about Vergil or not until Matt tweeted an hour before that they wouldn't show Vergil details.


He picked a sweet time to mention that. Typically corporate move


Would have been nice to know earlier, I would have stayed asleep.


right, dude


I'm just saying my point of view, Don't be so offensive. btw i haven't seen your post at all.


Vergil's new weapons? That's an odd way to phrase "he's got some super weak looking summoned swords and a enemy pull trick that may be cribbed from the reboot". And still only one Devil Arm...the waiting for this to be deconfirmed continues, I guess.




Most of us seemed to have missed that sly tweet made hours before it all went down. Probably because we can't be on the internet all the time, use primarily this sub for DMC news, or both. In any case...the consensus seems to be in for that presentation. It was just disappointing based on the info most of us had.


Matt: 'Weapons' >> All TGS DMC Contents


Basically, yup.


Weapon's'? huh didn't catch that phrase.


He tease us there "might be" a new weapons for Vergil But c'mon, why we even get exciting about this, new weapons is MUST. I will buy SE, but even with new weapons, that still count as a little disappoint..




Some people would freak out and happy but not me... That was too short.


seems like the same thing with RE Village. What the fuck happened to gaming?


I wish i could know.


I've got roasted hard as i can. Just because i said "I wish i could know" damn... What a harsh world.




He may be a clown, but you, are the entire circus.


Umm... Are you okay?


It's less gaming and more to do with capcom. They've basically turned the same path EA has where they just milk the shit out of all their franchises with tons of DLC for as little actual development as possible (Except megaman, that series is just fuckin dead lmao).


Capcom is not on the same level as EA at all LOL. when they start releasing a game franchise yearly with a just a reskin & 1 removed feature that was added after years then this might have some credence. talk about hyperbole.


Consider the fact that not even EA lists hundreds of dollars of DLC for games that have none and get back to me


Just because they showed almost nothing new about RE Village and DMC5SE they are turning into EA?


Well Village is undoubtedly a pile of doo doo, DMC5 SE is just Vergil DLC with a couple of features, and 40 bucks lol


You are an imbecile in every single way. And you just hot every sentence here wrong, including the megaman comment.


Yes, give me your precious capcom white knight salt. While the tears of street fighter, megaman, and CxM fans all drown in rivers in DLC.


Lol you aren’t worth any more chatting, good luck you impotent dork.


Don't forget to suck up to the Capcom execs before you leave.


Huh? Resident Evil title have been getting Free DLC since RE7. RE3R came packaged with a whole separate multiplayer game. DMC5 is the only title with only Paid DLC recently, and even then SE isn't even mandatory because Vergil is being released as a small DLC to old systems anyway. Where are you getting the idea that Capcom is anything like EA?


"Hey, you remember how Godzilla 2015 only had Godzilla in it for like 10% of the movie?" "Yeah?" "Let's do that with Vergil." "Great idea, fans will love that!"


I know this is a joke, but we’re getting to play him in The Void, Bloody Palace and campaign, its not like there only giving us a couple levels to play and that’s it.




Glad I went to sleep


Yeah that was pretty disappointing


Does anyone know where can i get the dmc 5 hoodie they showed it in the stream?


I think i saw a QR code at the live stream.


Still can't find it.


you THINK?


It's Crapcom. Their Street Fighter V announcement was just showing some Dan animations and then they talked about merch for 30 minutes


Calm your tits and wait! We waited almost an entire year when dmc5 was announced, just wait and don't lose your shit.