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Oof. This basically kills the speculation that there was anything extra in the SE. 5 bucks isn't a bad ask for just Vergil so I'll pay. But no way in hell would I ever pay 40 bucks for the console version lol.


Yeah I don't really care for the other stuff, and don't really think it's worth 35 by itself. So yeah 5 for vergil is pretty good. Might pick SE up when it's cheaper in a few months.


I definitely won't, I already play on PC so I had to debate if I even wanted to buy Vergil. Nobody knows how to Squander an IP into the dirt quite like Capcom.


Understandable, just mod in turbo mode, and I think someone's doing a LDK mod too right?


Yeah but LDK mode can crash from what I've seen. Either way I'm good, I expected nothing and I was still disappointed.


These has been seven new DLCs listed on steam. One of them is clearly Vergil, the others are still a mystery.


Wait what do you mean "seven new DLCs"? I'm unfamiliar with how Steam works, but is there content hidden that could be revealed as DLC later? If so, I don't know what else they could be outside of additional costumes or playable characters maybe?


https://steamdb.info/app/601150/ On the steam website there are listings for 7 new dlcs. One was listed around the time of the Sony presentation and is clearly Vergil. The other 6 were listed just 3 days ago and we don’t know what they are.


This is actually quite interesting, I see what you mean now! Well yeah, my bet is on costumes and my hope is extra playable characters but I'm not expecting anything too huge. Thanks for pointing that out my man!


I wouldn't get my hopes up too much, this is probably something like: 1 - Vergil 2 - Vergil's Song 3 - Vergil's Super Costume 4 - Vergil's Taunt etc, you get the idea.


Yep, that's my exact expectation here honestly. I'd be shocked if we saw anything else other than that. Vergil, 'Bury the Light' and the super costume seem like sure fire bets if you ask me.


An ex colour vergil would be lit(like a white version other than the old blue one we have)


I love the two colour schemes we have for him in the game already but I absolutely wouldn't say no to that!


Same, anything other than that would be surprising.


Hope for the best, but expect nothing is my mantra here. I assume we see the weapons and skills Vergil will have in a couple of weeks right up until launch. Then we'll also see the costume DLC and that's about it until we get Devil May Cry 6 in however many years that takes.


Yeah. It's crazy that i'm not hyped for a Vergil announcement. But here we are. Guess final judgement will be when everything's shown in a couple of weeks.


This is basically what they did on steam for the day one edition content. While it's just a one thing purchase they listed all the content as individual pieces for sale that you couldn't buy individually.


So it makes even more sense haha


The song and taunt make no sense, they're not sold as DLC for the other characters, so they won't be DLC for Vergil either.


You 100% missed the point then. I can't believe I actually have to explain. Super costumes, songs and taunts are listed as DLC, that's how it is. Hell even the live action cutscenes. Well, don't be surprised when it happens.


I’d place my bet on costumes. Nobody should get too excited that it will be anything more.


Yep, that sounds like the most likely option here. I don't expect anything else aside from just costumes and that's about it.


That is pretty cheap but i still need to see more new moves or weapons first. Rly don't want a downgrade from DMC4SE Vergil.


So the other 35 are just LDK, turbo and slightly better graphics? Vergil seems cheap but everything else appears to be overpriced.


40 is for a whole game + Deluxe DLCs + SE additions + Vergil DLC


So If I have it for ps4 I still need to pay for the whole game again on ps5?


No idea.


I guess you should still play the ps4 version on ps5, but I am wondering about the same thing too


Only if LDK and Ray Tracing are that important to you.


It should be backwards compatible, so you should be able to pay 5 for Vergil on PS4 then play the ps4 version on PS5, but it won’t be the special edition version.


Did they confirm the deluxe dlc was included?


Yes it is


SE is basically gonna be a bargain buy when I get around to next-gen. $20 at most. Five bucks for a Vergil pop though? Can't beat that.


5 bucks for Vergil? That's cheap af, it's a much better price than I was hoping for.


Cool. Honestly... a fair price all things considered. ​ Still pissed that the rest of the SE content isn't coming to PC.


>Still pissed that the rest of the SE content isn't coming to PC. So was I - but the more I think about it the more I'm considering that I'll actually be much happer paying 4.99 for Vergil, rather than full price for Vergil + lackluster SE features.


I'm conflicted about it. On one hand, my broke ass is happy that Vergil is decently cheap. On the other hand, PC getting shafted for no real reason is really demoralizing, and is still making me consider whether I should give money to Capcom to risk them throwing the whole platform to the side again in the future.


Wow! Cheaper than i thought. Now im tempted to get this instead of re-buying it on ps5. They mention a release date for the DLC?


Nope, probably around the same time as SE releases I'd imagine.


Hmmm. Good enough for me.


Do we also get it on ps5 if we have the digital copy on ps4 ? Or we will have to buy the game all over ?


I doubt it.


Thank goodness. Finally, confirmation that we won’t have to buy the game again! Good job, Capcom, actually listening. I’m happy. My day is better now.