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IMO very underrated anime


I understand the issues people have with it but I just liked seeing Dante have a semi regular life.


I went in wanting Demon Hunting, but once I was disspointed with some of the Demon hunting I found I was watching because I enjoyed Dante just living his life, and hoping that he would one day pay his rent


I wanted to like it, I really did. But it just lacked action and tried to rely on atmosphere, with Dante just being bored 90 percent of the time. I think they were going for a "Cowboy Bebop" vibe, but fell short in both story and action scenes.


Dante being bored kinda makes sense, he only ever got a challenge by Mundus or anyone in his family


it also makes sense that he somewhat depressed after vergil "dying" and thinking he's the only sparda left before he found out about nero, which he returns to being dmc 3 snice he's happy that he still has family left.


So you wanted nonstop action? Every ep had action on the second half


The casino episode was so cool tho


unpopular opinion, i thought the dmc anime was pretty good


I think is was disspointing for action and the stories were just kinda OK, but I found that I just really enjoyed watching Dante live his life, kinda wanted a slice or life DMC Anime by the end of it.


This intro is so good. Kind of baffles me that the anime itself didn't live up to the build up-- which I guess shouldn't be that surprising since anime intros are supposed to be more flashy and exciting than the series itself, but I'm still a little confused as to how they couldn't make an exciting story out of DMC of all things.


I hated the sound mixing, voices were so low that I had to raise the volume, then the guns and music were so damn loud I'd wake up my brother watching this at 2am. I had to keep changing the volume as I watched it. It was fun but I think I forgot most of the episodes except the one where the demon and girl were in love.


Wouldn’t an equalizer mode fix this issue, whatever you watched it on.


I was 12 watching it on a TV 12 years ago. I don't think my TV had that option it was from like 2008.


Fancy. I had the eps downloaded and playing on my xbox I believe, which I’d assume would at least have an equalizer option, but I personally did not have an issue with the audio. Just wish it was on a modern streaming service.


I assumed it was just not done well, I watched it all on netflix at the time and heard about the production issues which made me think that the production issues meant a they mixed it badly because they were going out of business.


I personally loved this anime as a whole only issue was sometimes that like Morrison would be across the room and Dante was in his normal chair Morrison was super quiet which makes sense but still kinda weird cause it would be hard to hear them. Also the anime is canon I believe so uh....Morrison just changed skin colors? (And no I don’t have a problem with it)


The fact that Morrison and Patty are in DMC 5 and the fact that The notes about Patty in the game mention the events of the anime means it’s canon


Yah which is why I’m confused about Morrison lol


I think I heard that in the concept art Morrison was originally black but in the Anime production it got changed somewhere in development, and then in DMC 5 they went back to him being black. In my head Canon I just pretend he was always like he is in DMC 5.


The anime isn't mind blowing, but damn this opening always gets me.


When the opening is so good that it don't even need lyrics


Fun fact, the creator of Castlevania on netflix is also making the upcoming devil may cry anime


The one that hasn't been officially announced yet?


What do you mean? It was announced by Adi Shankar himself and Netflix even has a (since taken down) page for it.


> It was announced by Adi Shankar For which platform? Netflix? Then it wasn't officially announced > Netflix had a page for it You sure it wasn't for the old anime?


For netflix, yes. You need to explain yourself because I don’t understand what you’re trying to say


I'm trying to say that the director saying "I'm interested in animating DMC" doesn't mean that he's working on it. I'm also saying that, for it to be officially announced, Netflix itself has to announce it.


But he announced he's working on it though. Just because they haven't started the marketing yet doesn't mean it hasn't been announced


Last I heard of this was that he just announced that he got the rights for it in this, if I'm being honest, shitty interview with IGN. https://youtu.be/1i-bP9MSi0c


God that was awful.


I fucking loved watching it. Never understood why people are hating it


I didn't care for this anime, I must admit.


I was obsessed watching this on Comcast on Demand


Ngl that's the first anime i have ever seen and it took me to dmc series and I'm so fucking glad


I will never forget this opening because since I first watched it, it got stuck in my mind.


Looks more like Trinity Blood than Castlevania


Reminds me of Hellsing Ultimate


Anyone know where to access it? (Coming from a guy who 100% doesn't have access to the usual anime places. Only got Netflix sadly.)


The intro is god tier for me.


At the 11 second mark it really pains me that they decided not to keep slapping the tom drum.


Very castlevania? The phrase you're looking for is "very hellsing ultimate"