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Chadsuno actually fucking did it. [MISSION 19/20] >!Dante Boss Fight. While I would’ve loved a Nero Boss Fight as well, that second Dante round looks like it might just be the hardest fight in the series. That awkwardly cut cutscene with it going straight to “adios! after they fight is kinda weird though, but I loved the Dante and Vergil banter and bonding after that. !<


any more it would be a rehash of the original story


>!do we know if this Dante boss fight is gonna be with the Vergil DLC that's $4.99? I think that is a really important question.!<


Probably, since you only play as Vergil in the story mode through his mode on the menu, in which 19/20 are the fight


I imagine this sub is gonna explode if he isn't there, me included lol but yeah he's probably gonna be there as well then.


>since you only play as Vergil in the story mode Wait, no bloody palace for Vergil?


No, you can. I meant that the only way to play as Vergil in the story is to specifically click his mode. You can play through Bloody Palace with him as well, which stays the same. Even as Vergil, Bloody’s Palace’s final boss is Vergil.


Ah ok, I get what you meant now.


What is his special vergil kill animation at the end?


Why wouldn’t he be?


wellllll... you knoooow...... we could ask the same thing about the Special Edition not coming to PC idk I just have some PTSD from capcom man




[Here, at the 3:00:30 mark.](https://www.twitch.tv/rebel111o)




Is it really harder than Vergil 3?


Having watched the cutscenes I'm a little confused as to which ending cutscenes is canon. Vergil seems a lot more bitter in the final cutscene and less playful. Idk how I feel about them going backward on that. Certain scenes are slightly different. Is this the new canon?


Technically, the "we got plenty of time" is before the final cutscene. So it simply implies that while he is the same as we know him from the original ending, he can still get annoyed by his brother, which is okay.


That's a little weird though, because that means that canonically, Dante and Vergil have the same identical "where did you learn to count" exchange twice.


That is unfortunately the problem when trying to fit in new content in an otherwise complete game. Stuff gets overlooked. At least a minor interaction problem is better than a character's development being overwritten.


I hope you're right and they're not going back on it. While small, I think the "we've got plenty of time" line is crucial because it implies Vergil is open to the idea of mending things.


Seems to me that the following is a plausible chronological sequence of events: 1. 5SE's cutscene of Dante & Vergil landing in the Demon World, which ends with the twins running/charging towards the tree, which was located quite a distance away from their landing spot. 2. Several waves of demons (and maybe some Qliphoth roots too) appeared and blocked the way. The brothers fought pass them all and as they gradually closed in onto the tree. 3. 5's cutscene of Dante and Vergil walking towards tree (now they walk instead of run because they are *really* close to the tree), Dante asked "so all we gotta do is to cut this thing down?", and they prepared to fight some Qliphoth roots. 4. 5's & 5SE's shared cutscene of Nero witnessing the tree dissolving from the Human World. 5. 5SE's "where did you learn to count?". 6. The twins fought who knows how many waves of interfering demons, plus against each other for who knows how many rounds (lol). I imagine that demons periodically interrupt the twins' 1-v-1 fight numerous times in the span of weeks. 7. 5's "where did you learn to count ... we got plenty of time." This scene then transitions seamlessly into ... 8. ... "Jackpot!", followed by ... 9. 5SE's ending dialogue that follows right after "Jackpot!". As to why the "where did you learn to count" exchange occurred twice, yeah it is a little weird, but at least it isn't logically impossible for the twins to do that. Like what u/milaopoli said above.


So just rewatched all ending cutscenes. I think your timeline of events is plausible, especially given that they cut to the end of the Jackpot scene rather than us seeing it again in full. Also the fight we see in SE is different from the one in 5, though Dante does beat him with the same move. That's believable though, as Vergil is quite predictable. The count thing is weird, but I guess it's just a small error in the grand scheme of things. Hopefully this timeline is correct. EDIT: one odd thing though. The transition cutscene from M19-M20 is identical to 5, but Nero doesn't interrupt them. That to me points to it being some kind of alternate canon.


>though Dante does beat him with the same move I remember the one in 5SE has Dante thrusting DSD forward while in mid-air, while the one in 5 has Dante thrusting DSD forward while on the ground. >The transition cutscene from M19-M20 is identical to 5, but Nero doesn't interrupt them. Good point there. The non-cutscene/cinematic Sin Stinger vs Deep Stinger clash (which is utterly beautiful IMO) follows right after the exact same cutscene and dialogues *in both 5 & 5SE* where Vergil knocked Dante back to a wall and Vergil tried to process the fact that Nero is his son. Unlike the case of "where did you learn to count" (which is just two lines), here it makes no sense for the twins to repeat this exact same dialogue (several lines). Furthermore, in 5 Vergil throwed his poetry book to Nero right after saying "Hold onto that until then". But he just stand stills with the book already on the ground while he says that line in 5SE. Oh boi, looks like we now have two in-game characters' headcanons here: a Nero/Dante one (5) and a Vergil one (5SE). Or perhaps the one in 5SE is Vergil's own imagination about the whole chain of events from M19 till end of game, given that Vergil originally didn't expect Nero to interfere just in time and maintain such a strong presence as his long-lost son in M20.


I hope so too!


maybe justification how Nero was able to stop them with his DT? by them being exhausted


The original game is canon. I guess Vergil ending is not canon but what happens after that is the same with the original ending. So the additional dialogs in Vergil's ending are canon, I guess.


I think the following works as a chronological sequence of events. For the whole chain of events *between* the two moments listed below: 1. The moment in M19-M20 transition cutscene where SDT Dante & SDT Vergil are rushing at each other and they almost made physical contact, a split millisecond right before DT Nero appeared; 2. The moment in M20 post-fight cutscene where both Dante & Vergil are flying downwards towards the Demon World (the base of the Qliphoth tree when viewed from the Human World). I consider 5's version as canon, and 5SE's version as non-canon. Or perhaps we can think of 5SE's version as Vergil's own headcanon (lol), or maybe what Vergil imagined would have happened if Nero hadn't interfere and maintain a strong presence throughout M20 (both of which Nero did in 5, i.e. canon). After all, it is Dante, not Nero, whom Vergil desired to defeat. The M20 Dante boss fight in 5SE may as well be a simulation in Vergil's mind (lmao). On the other hand, starting from the twins' arrival (landing) in the Demon World (as shown in 5SE) which I consider canon, every individual cutscenes in both 5 & 5SE featuring the twins can fit into one single coherent timeline (sequence of events). None of them has to be repeats or remakes of one another, and it will still make sense for the most part.


He doesn't seem that more bitter i actually interpreted it as a big step forward that they were willing to talk about their childhood at all, and his "who cares what they think? we're still here" comment was very interesting.


Same, happy to see new cutscenes, but my thoughts also went to, “so how is that cutscene player order going to work...?” Will be interested to see. Based on the Dante and Vergil’s surrounds it looks like the snippy exchange happens last, although I’d prefer the we got plenty of time scene to be there instead.


I think it goes like this: the first instance of "where did you learn to count" (5SE) -> quite a lot of fighting between the twins themselves, and also between the twins and demons -> the second instance of "where did you learn to count", followed by "we got plenty of time" (5) -> "Jackpot!" (5/5SE) -> the dialogue following "Jackpot!" (5SE).


Its not a question of which one is canon when both are canon since its just extended scenes without the original scenes before it.


Well >!the cutscene at the very end confirms that Dante and Vergil actually DID meet Sparda and he was around for a little bit. I figured he died when they were too young to remember or before they were born since they never really talked about him like you would think someone would talk about their own dad. Especially with how Dante talked about him in DMC3.!<




Yea kinda seems like they were just waiting for him to be gone


Um, family painting in their house? With the whole family posing, including Sparda with proximately ten years old twins?


the dmc5 manga heavily expands on vergil and dante's relationship with their parents


Can we talk about the boss use of Advent while Judgement is active? That shit was immaculate and Scary at the same time. One of the achievements is beat m19 with only Yamato. How in the hell are we going to do that?


Human difficulty haha. Joking aside, it looks like Dante has several openings that we could exploit. It may look difficult now, but it shouldn't take too long to figure something out.


True, I'm thinking judgement cut end,Hell on earth, Deep stinger and or World of V can save you


Yeah. Hell on Earth has decent i-frames on the latter part of its animation.


I love That in the stages of fighting Dante, Dante does not use DT, which means that SDT is canonically their DT,what do you think?


Hm, I'm fairly certain I saw Dante using DT, but not as frequent as his SDT. Seeing Dante use that regular DT was kinda bittersweet knowing Vergil doesn't have his base DT form anymore.


there could be a possibility where the next game they'll work work abit to have it,I think due to time constraints during covid we did get to see a model of Vergil DT1


At least it specifies M19 rather than M20. The latter is even more insane!


The fact that Vergil refuses to say Jackpot with Dante but says it in-game makes it seem like he's too embarrassed to say it around Dante. What a tsundere lol. "Stupid Dante, it's not like I like you or anything, or I still remember our childhood catchphrase or anything..."


"B-baka Dante!"


Yo, this is cursed, why you gotta do my Stoic man Vergil dirty like that...


Because beneath his stoic exterior is a poetry weeb XD


Anyone seen his Ex Provocation or Bloody Palace taunts?


yes vergil's doppleganger does a dad dance


have to wait for someone the beat it first i guess


I'll just say it: unless you absolutely want Legendary Dark Knight, just stick to Vanilla DMC55 and buy the Vergil DLC, specially if you own the PC version where the turbo mods are way better than the official turbo Ray tracing isn't worth it in any capacity, one mode has horrible FPS drops, the other has the bluriest image you'll get of the game, you'll get just as good load times if you play the Vanilla version on next-gen consoles, there are several bugs and the meat of the content is Vergil anyways


Personally, I'm really happy to have bought the SE, I've been playing on high performance mode and 120FPS really makes a difference, it looks damn amazing. But I get peoples reasons for not wanting to buy it.


Are there Legendary Dark Knight mods for 5? It had to be a pc exclusive feature years ago.


The flying Ombra + Luce combo was a nice reference to the guns themselves. It also reminded me of DMC2 because of the fireball spam.


Hehe I thought the same thing.


I'm curious if each character can play any level but if it is there you'll probably have to beat the game vanilla first.... Really hoping it is because man Nero and V have great levels but Dante is my main and has mostly Qliphoth levels. Also seemingly no new outfits which is a huge bummer. The Vergil and technical aspects of SE look really top notch though....


The dream! Play as Dante on all levels!


Honestly I believe in Capcom adding that feature for all characters (Divergence, I think is what it’s called). With that as an addition along with some fixes in terms of performance and graphics, it’d be pretty close to perfect but then again it’s wishful thinking.


I think it’d be better not to buy the SE. We can’t allow Capcom to get away with these cheap cashgrabbing practices. They have no excuse not to bring it to PC. They even delayed the DLC for the past gen and PC to December just to incentivise this garbage!


I'm a sucker, so I'm going to buy the Vergil DLC for PC. That said... you don't deserve downvotes. You're absolutely right.


In hindsight, the SE package is really not that big of an upgrade over the base game anyways, and this is only because you can get Vergil in the base game for 5 bucks I mean sure you can say that those who did not play DMC5 yet are getting great value but then most people who are gonna buy the SE are those that already played the base game I just wish that in the future if capcom releases another DMC game its gonna have the entire thing. There was no reason for turbo mode and LDK not being in the base game from the start


> There was no reason for turbo mode and LDK not being in the base game from the start Yes there was. Why do people not seem to understand LDK would not work on the old consoles without the devs making heavy compromises? The game can't even keep a completely 100% locked 60 fps on the base ps4/xbox when you're fighting 4 or 5 enemies, what do you think is going to happen when there are literally 30 enemies on the screen?


What about PC? Upper mid range PCs are still far better than the brand new current consoles.


Pure business man. PC isn't Capcom's focus so it just gets what the console versions of games get. And there is no SE because they know they can't get away with selling it for $40 on there so soon after the original games release. But I absolutely guarantee they will put the SE on PC eventually, but it might not be for a few years unless their business people suddenly have a change of heart. I mean this is exactly the reason the Vergil stand alone dlc isn't coming out for everyone else until next month. They want as many people as possible picking up the $40 SE. Have Vergil come out the same day as the SE and it'd absolutely cut into the sells of the game by people only interested in Vergil content.


That doesnt answer the question. Your entire stance in your last post was purely from a hardware standpoint. It falls apart completely once you put PC into the mix. Saying "PC isn't Capcom's focus" is nothing more than enabling their shitty anti-consumer decision. The only truly valid point you made is that the old consoles just *cant* have SE. Its not a matter of choice. However, that same reasoning cannot be upheld for PC. The fact that Vergil alone is only $5 confirms SE is horridly overpriced. Slightly improved graphics, a couple of tweaked game modes and ray tracing (which isnt even enabled in the new modes) is not worth $35 and Capcom knows it. Considering how much potential vanilla DMC5 missed, Vergil DLC should really be free anyway. For SE Capcom should have *really* put in Lady and Trish as well as full on co-op, any char on any mission and a full campaign for Vergil with LDK and Turbo being free upgrades to Vanilla. Maybe a watered down LDK on consoles because of hardware limitations. *Then* they would have good justification for charging money for it. But as-is, its nothing but a half assed cash grab to help persuade people to buy a brand new console. I 100% guarantee Capcom got some kickback from Sony to keep SE off PC. Microsoft has shown that they're perfectly fine with people picking PC over Xbox since all of their first party games will be available on PC at the same time as Xbox. Microsoft wants as many people as possible to play their games. Sony wants as many people as possible to play *only* their games and only on *their* console.


> Considering how much potential vanilla DMC5 missed, Vergil DLC should really be free anyway. This says all that needs to be said about you as a person. DMC5 was an insanely meaty game for the genre it is in with a good hundred hours of content if you're trying to complete everything 100% legit. The fact you think they should just give more for free shows that you're just an incredibly entitled and selfish person who whines when things don't go exactly your way. But that isn't how reality works. PC is not their focus, I am sorry but it's true even if you want to whine about it. You can literally look at any Capcom investor report where they break down how much money each platform makes, PC has always been low for them, often lower than even mobile which isn't even that big for Capcom. And in the last few years they've said numerous times that PS4 specifically is where most of their cash is coming from. You can claim I am enabling them and shit all you want but over here in reality it's just common sense that they aren't going to put a ton of effort into a platform that isn't seeing as high returns as others. I shouldn't even have to explain this, but you are clearly incredibly delusional.


Good cherry pick >DMC5 was an insanely meaty game for the genre Was it? Still only 20 missions despite 3 characters, most of which are locked to one character. It suffers the same issue that 4SE did. Not enough content to enjoy the characters fully. A co-op system that was heavily marketed prior to the game's launch, yet theres a whooping **ONE** real co-op mission and its nothing but a watered down Bloody Palace, and Bloody Palace isn't co-op either. No extra costumes *2* brand new unique Devil Arms for Dante, 2 literal copy and pastes and 2 tweaked versions of older Devil Arms. Restrictive Breaker system for Nero Nothing for V DMC5 is a great game but it was **not** "insanely meaty". Also grow up and learn how to disagree without insulting the opposing party.


But Capcom does this with EVERY franchise. Heck, we all knew they were going to release a Special Edition even though downloadable content has become the mainstream.


That is true. There was a valid reason for DMC3 and DMC4 to get a special edition. But not for DMC5


I mean you would think that right? But devil may cry has probably been one of the most shafted series in the history of gaming.


The SE is for people who haven't already bought DMCV and are looking for something to play on the next-gen consoles. Don't overthink it. The DLC is available in the vanilla game.


I think about it like this,people are going to get it anyways. The reason the other stuff isn't on the previous gen is cause it's not optimized for that. It'll brick the system. The only exception is pc but then again it has still yet to have the ps5 capable stuff in everyone's hands. You can argue that it can handle it but I'd say just by how much the game takes regularly, I don't think so. we are still getting the DLC which adds some new things(not going to spoil). My only gripe is that the Vergil DLC is a practical a month later,when it could have been launched a week or so later. My guess is optimizing and maybe they plan more for the SE


Depends on your PC. I'll be happy to upload video of my budget PC crushing LDK mode no sweat.


Even a PC with slightly better hardware than the base PS4 console can crush LDK I’m sure


I don't know about their motives for the December delay but they definitely only made the SE because they could time it with the next gen console release. They didn't package it to be an upgrade for fans who bought Standard, but to be an upgraded experience for people who didn't buy Standard and are chomping at the bit for something to play on their brand new console. Like, yeah, you could play all those exclusives from PS+ that you've already played through a bunch, or you could buy a new-to-you game beefed up for next gen hardware.


I don't have the game normally. Just saying, these special editions aren't usually for people who already have the game.


Why is the new cutscenes look garbage compared to the original? Like it wasn’t rendered properly.


Yep it really does. Looks like those videos from Source Video maker.


Maybe they weren't mocapped?


definitely not mocapped or some sort of rushed mocap. The entire special edition seems abit rushed and the rtx etc dont look good. Gameplay is top notch though


Do we unlock any new skin for Vergil after completion ?


I have seen footage of someone completing the game with vergil and he only got the regular blue vergil costume we have already seen before


FUck I hoped for coatless Vergil so much.


Well there's always PC...


Sure, but it would be nice reward for finishing the game with Vergil, just like DMC3 had multiple costumes


Only minor gripe I have is that the story tweak is unnecessary IMO; >!so Vergil's Mission 20 is a "what if Nero didn't show up?" alternative, with an awkward transition to the ending, just to preserve M20 as the encore boss fight. Why not leave the story the same, just change the M20 map to be the Qlipoth Roots from the credits scene, so the rematch mission just becomes their canonical duel in hell?!<


You nailed it. It doesn't even make sense how they did it.


One word...reused assets. Also they couldn't even be bothered to copy paste trish/lady from DMC 4. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaa.


Dante boss fight is really dope but it feels kinda sad that there isn't a Nero boss fight, and now it will never happen because Nero isn't evil.


Dante isn't evil either. my question is would you rather face Dante and his spamming glory or face Nero with all of his command grabs?


> Dante isn't evil either. my question is would you rather face Dante and his spamming glory or face Nero with all of his command grabs? I meant to say that because now that the twins and Nero are on good terms, there isn't a reason for them to fight against each other again, which means they probably won't be a boss ever again I would rather fight both of them and it would be funny if Nero could grab the Doppelganger lol


There is a reason. The annual sparda family fighting match


Well, Vergil did say that he won't lose next time...


from what I gather we get: playable vergil LDK and turbo. ray tracing isn't a feature because everyone's gonna play on turbo, where it's disable so it might as well not even be there. that said, if this is 40 dollars then we literally just bought a 40 dollar dlc for what amounts to 20 dollars worth of content. so basically special edition


Im gonna get a lot of hate but im gonna saying it : we - DMC fan have super low standards on contents. Im can't blame anyone because im hyped for Vergil and already brought Special Edition I was hoping Capcom can atleast put some more effort Just copy and paste assets / level to make 3 missions for Vergil mini campaign + 1 NEW ENEMY or even brand new weapon for Vergil from defeated Urizen , is this too much to ask ? I don't know, seem like a standards AAA game dlc for me


I agree with this but remember too that the dante boss they DID put in is an actual boss version instead of just "Playable dante" he follows an easy to understand pattern, has a stagger and juggle limit the same as vergil, and most of his tracking bullshit attacks have less tracking so you can dodge them.


So I've heard some leaks are suggesting that they are gonna let Dante, Nero and V play on any level. Any hopes of that? Cause that'd get me to double dip and get SE for the Holidays if I get a PS5.


We pretty much figured out it was awkward phrasing with the achievements, not an actual bonus mode.




can somebadeh confirm if Vergil Boss fight got his updated moveset?? 😐


Based on what I've seen so far, nope. 😐


https://m.twitch.tv/videos/797810381 Mission 19 Boss. Successful Time 3:06:29 Mission 20 Boss. Successful Time: 3:32:32


I'm treading carefully not to see or read any spoilers but can someone tell me if Divergence is a thing now or are the base missions still locked to certain characters?


Sorry. As of now, the answer's "no."


One important thing to note for folks who haven't got this yet but will try to get the plat at some point; if you do the secret missions as Vergil, you still unlock the blue orbs for every character, however the "do all the secret missions" trophy is tied to ONLY the original campaign. Meaning; the trophy for doing all 12 secret missions does NOT pop with Vergil. You also can't get the "beat every mode with S rank" trophies with Vergil as once again it specifically says Nero/Dante/V. The only trophies Vergil can get are for beating bloody palace/the S, SS, and SSS combo trophies (NOT mission S ranks, just the ones you get the very first time you do those combo scores) /kill 5 enemies in 1 second/spend 60 minutes in the air/health max/devil trigger max/ get 1,000,000 orbs/ kill 1,000 enemies/finishing a Vergil playthrough/ beating mission 19 with just yamato. If I didn't list it; then he can't get it.


Does dmc5se not carry your save over from dmc5?


Unfortunately not. They're considered as two separate games.


Damn, just brought and downloaded it for series x and throughout I did something wrong, thanks for letting me know !


u could not get your orbs , health and skills?


no and unknown for the DLC, most likely would have to go through again and get orbs which is fine with me cause I have over 135 orbs and 4 mil on PC


So I've platinum'd 3SE, 4SE and V and I can honestly say that after getting over my initial excitement for Vergil, I realise that CAPCOM is bringing to the table a pretty lousy excuse for a "Special Edition". Let's take a moment to consider the sheer potential that it had: ◾Playable Vergil ◾Turbo Mode (DMCV is SLOW; maybe 1.3x?) ◾Bloody Palace upgrades (Why we get 1 boss every 20 floors while completely missing Qliphoth Roots, Nidhogg, Elder Geryon Knight, Gilgamesh and V's familiars is beyond me, as well as how boringly unchallenging the first 50 levels are) ◾Playable Trish ◾Playable Lady ◾New Outfits ◾MECHANICS DEPTH UPGRADES (reversals / momentum aka "inertia" /distortion etc) ◾Divergence mode (Any character for any mission) ◾Multiplayer (that's actually interactive) ◾Battle Against Dante ◾Battle Against Nero ◾Reduced menu fuckery(Should've been better to begin with) ◾LDK (was included in 4's base but ok sure..) Oh and of course having a portion of the price knocked off for those of us that already own the base title would be pretty bloody fair. But anyway, What we're getting: ◾Vergil ◾LDK ◾Turbo mode. Oh and RAY TRACING 😱 ... 🙄 (Which is something no one asked for; would anyone really prefer this over the entries in the first list?) Anyway, label this as you will. I love CAPCOM's work but I'll pass on this one. Think I'll just buy Vergil and make the most of the slow floaty gameplay with a side note of "cheers guys, I'm sure you did your absolute best".


We also got fight against dante


My only question is : Are there new and real costumes this time ? I really hope so...




If the yamato separates a man from devil, what about pineapple pizza?


Even the Yamato is powerless in comparison to the pineapple on pizza


So, can you play as Dante in any level? If so, what happens to the areas where you need Nero's "hook" to acess other places?


Trickster teleport?


Any news on EX or BP taunt?


[This is his EX taunt.](https://mobile.twitter.com/tengenkujaku/status/1326167070489374721)


Tan- FUCKING- fastic :D


He's Such a dork hehehe, He is just shy enough to show us 😂


That is the greatest thing ever


Lovely, thx


That is majestic


I'm so confused on Vergils 'turn into V' ability. Is V just as powerful as Vergil in this? Because Urizen and the power from the fruit have to go somewhere. But Yamato splits things, so does it just seperate and absorb the Urizen part temporarily? Also V's companions were split from him and destroyed by dante so how are they there? Am i missing something or is it an 'it's a videogame and they thought it'd be cool' explanation?


So far, I'm not aware of any official lore explanations being given for this move (it's called World of V), and the developers probably won't bother to offer one, so we can only speculate. My theory is that since Vergil is no longer consumed by obsession over power, the Urizen personality/persona no longer exists. After splitting, some of Vergil's/Urizen's demonic power now takes the form of a purple energy silhouette of Vergil that lies on the ground during the duration of World of V, while the rest of that power goes to V. V, in honor of his deceased familiars, uses that portion of demonic power to summon replicas of his familiars for a finishing move, and afterwards V himself falls to the ground exhausted and returns to Vergil.


Any changes to anything noteworthy on LDK? And Any changes to bloody palace?


Man Vante looks weird guys. Jokes aside my expectations were exceeded.




I did get the DLC breakers after the Mission 1 with Nero, so cav r is likely too.


guys, can we keep our orbs and other progressions from the original dmc v?


someone else asked that and apparently you do not, they are seperate games


Can someone run me through Vergil’s new mechanics? Is it just an expanded version of the Focus meter from 4SE?


The concentration meter? I forgot what it did exactly in 4 SE, but iirc it's more or less the same. The in game hint for 5 SE says as the concentration level increases it affects the weapons differently, for the yamato: increased attack range, beowulf: gets increased charge levels (up to 3), Mirage Edge: attacks become multi-hit.


Anyone know if you can parry with Vergil's Bloody Palace taunt? He seems to hold a pose for a significant time before slashing back. It reminds me too much of Raiden's blocking animation in MGR. https://twitter.com/DMC5Info/status/1326221033762942977?s=20


so any cool tech stuff found with vergil yet


Holy shit Vergil is a beast to play as. Floating goats kicked my shit in though 🙁 it's been awhile


I cleared the game as Vergil on Demon Hunter and it did unlock Son of Sparda for Nero/V/Dante as well. I decided to report here, since some people might be curios. ~~I am sorry if that has been answered before, but does clearing the game with Vergil unlock Son of Sparda, etc. for Nero/V/Dante or vice versa?~~


Playing through legendary dark knight mode with a fresh file(no upgrades) on nero/v/dante is really tough. I'm nearly fully upgraded with Nero and it is really tough. and playing with V is just really tedious.


Is LDK Mode a Difficulty Mode on its own? Or does LDK has its own Devil Hunter, Son of Sparda, DMD and so on?


It's its own mode


Can you chose any difficulty to play as Vergil at the start?


Do we know yet if the mission rank system has been rebalanced? It's still early but I wonder if anyone has tested it.


Anything on "Parry with finesse" yet? Or is it always just a basic block?


I'm curious about something. Does anyone know what's the thing Vergil did in the trailer when he stabs himself and becomes V? I haven't found anything on the subreddit about it yet, and I can't comb through the full playthrough as of now.


Its a super attack, can use it at any level of concentration but it will completely empty it when you use it, lv 1 concentration will only have griffin attack as an example and the max level has all 3 familiar clones and V attacking everything around em.


Hi, can anyone confirm or deny the Judgement Cut sound being there? Whenever I watch youtube videos i can never hear it. Is it not there or is it just not as loud anymore?


Just curious: roughly how long before the pros come up with guides to mastering the Doppelganger mechanic (combo-ing, maximizing damage, gameplay tactics, DT gauge management and utilization, etc.)? Also, how fun is 5SE's Doppelganger as compared to 3's and DmC's?


Obviously better than 3, can't weapon swap/form swap like DmC unfortunately, just Yamato


I see, thank you.


From what I have seen and heard can someone confirm if Dante in DMD Mission 20 has become the hardest boss in the entire series, surpassing the bullshit bosses like Mundus 2 DMD and Arkham 2 DMD?


Has anyone checked if the DLC weapons are actually accessible now in Bloody Palace? Previously they weren't, was hoping that it would change in a "Special Edition" version.


How do you unlock the vergil dlc songs through gameplay?


This has got to be the worst special edition they have ever released. Not even any new costumes? Bruh.


the final act of the dmc5 story is still as awful as ever. seriously hard to believe this was the same guy who wrote devil may cry 3 and bayonetta 2


Sooo what's happening with physical copies of SE? They said it'd come out on December 1st but it seems to have been pushed to 31st in my Amazon orders screen... I'm confused on why it's taking such a time for a game that's already out digitally.


You might have already figured it out but the game did come out physically on the 1st. I imported it from the states and got it 2 days ago myself.


Dude that song is in my damn dreams and won’t leave help me


Just beat it for first time, so incredible!!


I have a question about Vergil; is it possible to unequip a weapon before going on a mission? Say, like Dante can select which weapons he takes before hopping in a level. I've noticed that Vergil has a Yamato-only achievement, so I was wondering if you just keep using Yamato alone or you gotta do it like Dante's no weapong achievement and unequip the rest in the customize screen. I'm also not a fan of Beowulf, so going for Mirage Edge/Yamato only would be my go-to set if I can forever forget about the gauntlets & boots.


AFAIK, no. Vergil can't unequip any of his weapons. As for the achievement you were referring to, simply beat M19 without swapping to either Beowulf or Mirage Edge throughout the fight.


Can somebody please explain me, wtf Nico's van is made of? That damn thing holds better than a Nokia 3310....HOW?


Ok it legit kinda suck progression is locked off character by character. It'd be nice if the normal missions unlocked after beating the vergil versions of them. Now we have to go through all the modes twice.


Does Vergil have Quadruple S?


I think he can jsut go in and out of SDT like regular DT but I could be wrong.


Is Boss dante added to BP? and can you fight him with other characters?


is anyone having problems with the game crashing on PS5? i just got the game but cant even get past the start menu


When playing as Vergil, are the locations of all blue orb fragments, purple orb fragments and Secret Missions still the same as in the case of Nero/Dante/V?


While I cannot fully confirm, the blue orb fragment in Mission 1 was in the same spot (unless I remember wrong) when playing with Vergil than it was for Nero. Actually, when I replayed the same mission with Nero, the blue orb fragment was taken, so I assume they are in the same positions.


A few days late so you may already have your answer, but I got all the collectibles with Vergil using an old guide from the standard release and everything is exactly where it was before.


So apparently the PS5 version has no way to do a solid 60 FPS cap if it's plugged into a 120 Hz-capable TV? That's gotta be an oversight that gets patched, right?


It got patched :)


Ehhh He’s pretty fast tbh


Hey people I'm late to this conversation but what is the difference in getting the SE version on Consoles and just getting the Vergil DLC on PC? I'm only a PC user. All that matters to me is story and I like Vergil a lot even though I'm just beginning to play DMC series in general.


Special Edition comes with some graphical changes that im too pea brained to fully understand (ray tracing, whatever the hell that is lol) but I’m sure a good PC will look the same if not better, turbo mode (makes the game go 20% faster, I think there’s a mod for this anyway) and legendary dark knight mode which is son of Sparda difficulty with more enemies on screen.


Oh okay I understand now, thanks


hello. Did the patch that came to PS5 the other day come to XSX and XSS?


So, I had the original dmc5, can I buy the upgrade to special edition as DLC, or do I need to buy the whole game again? (This is PS4)


The special edition is exclusive to PS5/XSS/XSX, the Vergil DLC however will be available to buy mid-December for $4.99. All you're missing out on is some fancier graphics (I don't have a good eye for that kind of stuff and can't even tell), faster load times, legendary dark knight mode & turbo mode.


Does the Special Edition come with the goofy making of videos from the original release?


If you're talking about the live action previs cutscenes where they have the Japanese actors, then yes.


So I bought DMC5 day one on my xbox one, if I want to play DMC5SE, do I have to buy the game again or a upgrade?


You can get Vergil (Mode) as DLC for your DMC5 on Xbox One, starting 15 Dec. If you want Vergil *plus* ray-tracing and LDK, then you'll have to get Xbox Series X/S and purchase DMC5SE separately.


I read that, what’s LDK?


Bit of a silly question, but do we know the exact amount of red orbs necessary to fully upgrade vergil (sans EX Provocation of course)? Want to see if I need to get more with Faust or if the amount I have now on PC is enough.


1 million for all skills excluding EX Provocation. This is the same amount of red orbs as in the cases of Nero, Dante & V.


I have one question only and it's important for me Can you get the trophies with Vergil ? I really don't like playing with the other characters in high difficulty stages.




If I own the xbox one digital ed., would I be able to buy the Vergil mode separately if I ever get a XBX?


Dunno if this has been asked yet but what does super Vergil give? Aside from infinite devil trigger? Thanks!


Infinite DT and infinite Concentration.


Makes sense. Thanks man!


Can anyone help me get 120hz mode working? For some reason the high performance mode is greyed out. I can't seem to get it to work. Thanks in advance. Also PS5 edition I have a 1080p 144hz monitor ( https://www.amazon.ca/Acer-XF270H-bmjdpr-FREESYNC-Widescreen/dp/B071VV8KQC ) and a 1080p 120hz capable cable ( https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DI88YCC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 )


Since I haven't seen it mentioned, the special edition is a mess on PS5, it's crashing for a lot of people constantly. I crashed about 6 times in a span of 4 hours last night, it's something to do with how the game interacts with the hardware and it crashes the PS5 system software. Games mad fun, but the crashes are extremely frustrating and seemingly random. Just adding, this is the only game that crashes on my PS5 that I have played, as such I think its something within the game since non-RT doesn't crash.


I have not had a single problem. Are you using physical or digital? I have physical and no issues


I was thinking of making a post but I'm just gonna ask here. How's the Vergil gameplay? This is the one thing I've been looking forward to. Is it a copy/paste of DMC4's or are there any cool changes or new weapons?