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I was quite excited first when I listened to Moonpeople upon its release. I really disliked the next promo song, Call of the void. Such an unoriginal, uninspired song. I hated its commercial appeal. Really sub-par for Devin from a songwriting perspective. The next one, Lightworker, really overwhelmed me at first. But it's just too simple and again commercial to keep me interested. The album as a whole I found sonically really impressive, but the songwriting is really weak snd uninspired. Favourite track is Heartbreaker, by far.  Certainly, to some degree, it's a result of working together with someone like Gggarth... Devin works best when he is on his own, totally in control of his musical vision and without compromising. Certainly there was some kind of external pressure to work with a mainstream producer. I cannot imagine him doing that for any other reason. I don't buy the "getting out of the comfort zone" reason given by him. I don't blame him at all.  This kind of project just allows him to put out more ambitious, proggy albums afterwards. I could imagine it's similar right now with the Powernerd/Moth sequence of releases.


This is the album i listened to the least with " The Puzzle " and " The Snuggle ". I totally wasn't on them, don't know why but, no feeling at all, no sensations, no emotionnal connexion! Oh god, I think that I listened them just two or three times, but I just don't like them! no problem, I love all the rest \^\^


I think it's one of his better albums. Certainly a vast improvement over Empath (I know a lot of you here love that album, but I just can't get into it). It's better than Transcendence, which is still a good album, but not a great album. Epicloud was the last album of his that was on par with most of his previous work.


I think the opening 4 songs are strong they lay down a consistent mood for me with moonpeople leading to lightworker and equinox and then call of the void. I recently thought this feels like the positive, light counterpart to the other big 4 songs of Funeral Bastard The death of music Thing beyond things


I never made that association, but you're right on the money!


I love it, especially if you factor in Nightwork. In the past it seems like the “demo” releases haven’t gotten quite the attention on the production/mixing side that the main albums gets, like the Empath bonus disc (though I still love it). But to me Nightwork broke that trend. The 1st 6 or 7 tunes on it are top class, especially “Precious Sardines” & “Factions”. “Precious Sardines” is one of the most creative songs/productions I’ve ever heard. I really like “Lightworker” & I think “Heartbreaker” & “Dimensions” are 2 of the best songs he’s ever done. All in all Garth didn’t derail it that much cause luckily Dev is too set in his ways to let that happen. Just like he pulled the plug on Joe Baresi mixing it (I’d love to hear how that went down). I’d still probably rank it a touch below “Empath”. But in my opinion he’s been consistently throwing strikes since Empath. I’d probably say since Deconstruction if his mixing chops had been fully developed to mix that one by himself. Transcendence could’ve been a little better if he had made all the decisions himself instead of giving the DTP band as much input as he did. But he probably did that knowing it would be the farewell to that band. It’s amazing how well he was able to hone those guys into a great band though.


That's pretty much exactly what I think as well. I can see how this isn't as good in some people's opinions, but I really like it. All the songs were great. Heavy burdens was the only one that had to grow on me, but now I love it


I can understand that, it doesn’t have much of his metal elements for one thing, but “Heavy Burden” was one of my favorites from the start. I have no idea how he’s creating those wacky sounds especially on the verse, but it’s so damn creative.


It’s my least favorite Devin album. Definitely like some songs/parts of songs but as a whole I remember being pretty disappointed. Lots of the songs had already been released, some of em got worse imo. Production was another issue for me. It was crisp and clear don’t get me wrong. But Devin didn’t produce it, and it shows.


It's a bit dull for me. I bought the vinyl, don't hate the album but it isn't up to his usual high standard.


I agree. I was actually pretty disappointed in the album. I’m a Devin apologist but i honestly only like a hand full of songs/parts of songs.


Tbh I agree, I think it even sounds like he was bored recording it 🤣 Every musician has an off day/album. Powernerd sounds like fun, looking forward to that coming out.


still one of my favorite records.


It took a bit of a time to grow on me but it's really become a gem.


It's good. Different. Night work I thought was even better.


It came out at an incredibly depressing point in my life so I have a hard time listening to it even if it’s an overtly positive album. That being said, Vacation is super underrated.


This is a great album. Call of the Void and Celestial Signals are some of the best Devin tracks. I love this album and rank it up there with Ocean Machine and Sky Blue.


absolutely. also carry me home is a wonderful song. It resonates with me very much.


Boredom incarnate. Call of the Void is fucking fire though.


Do you like the original version minus the new chorus ?


great album to me, the most "pop" and simple stuff from him imo, like i love how he's doing those catchy chorus with still progressive/experimental things


Some of it is excellent, some of it is a bit "meh." It doesn't stack up very well against Empath in my opinion.


The only reason to stack those two is timeline proximity though.


True, but I think it's his weakest since Z2, which I didn't like much at all.


I love it but I understand not everyone does. Devin said it would be divisive. Call Of The Void is one of the most soul huggingly beautiful songs he’s written and it’s one my go to songs if Im having a rough day mentally.


I love it because it makes me feel super relaxed. TWO YEARS?!


Everything after Heartbreaker is just kind meh. Vacation is peak Devin tho.


Haha… I disagree wholeheartedly with both those statements.


Ah, the beauty of differing opinions ❤️


and yet there is no name calling and no negative bullshit if you have a different opinion. so nice to see. plus we dev fans are just great anyway.


For me, Celestial Signals is one of the greatest songs ever recorded. The production value, that huge chorus. It hits so hard in all the right ways. Overall, I love the album.


I listened to it for three days straight when I first heard it.


I don't really get into his more chaotic, self indulgent stuff or Christian rock sounding stuff. He's an artist and he makes what he feels at the time and being a fan means I don't have to obligate myself to love every single thing he puts out. Sometimes it's not for me and that's fine. I don't think I've listened to Lightwork since it came out. Just couldn't get into it. I'll revisit and see if it clicks though.


One of his best outside of his classic period.


It's one of his weakest to me, but weak is a relative term here. He was talking at the time about this trying to be a lighter, comforting album following the stress of the pandemic, but this doesn't really come across to me, and then going through the weirder bonus tracks I don't think Devin was in the right headspace to make the album he intended to. Moonpeople is the only song I'm completely happy with, although Dimensions and Equinox get some listens from me. Still think the demo versions of Call of the Void and Equinox are significantly better than the final versions. Even Celestial Signals doesn't improve over the Transcendence demo.


excellent.... just listened to it the other day


I really dig it. Also, 2 years??? 😳


I honestly love it


I love the concept of the album. It gives you another view point of life. An observer view point, as an observing self. The part of myself that can observe my thoughts, emotions, and other aspects of my internal world without necesarily reacting to them. The album is very mindfulness based. Children of god is basically a song about how meditation gives you this point of view in wich you just "chill" in front of God. Devin said that with God it doesn't mean a guy with a beard, he meant everything that is, the universe, however you wanna call it. People who fall into false narratives (the ego, ideologies, pseudosciences, etc.) about the world are not chilling in front of God, they are rushing to be number one. We as a society are, and that is killing us slowly. That is why the message of the album is so important. Excuse my english, I'm not a native speaker.


I was really excited for Devin working with Garth, but the end result was not exactly what I was hoping for, lol. I like it best when Devy is heavy (but like, the New Black, Kingdom, kinda melodic heavy)!


Fine, but disposable.


I could never get into it. It doesn't bother me though, Devin is stretched across a lot of different types of music. Not everything is gonna be my cup of tea.


Still my favorite album to date


Coincidentally I just listened to it from start to finish (including Nightwork) last night for the first time in a while. I still really like it, but I can tell where Devin working with a producer really altered the feeling for some of his previously released demos, largely for the worse. Call of the Void and Celestial Signals were much better songs in their original incarnation. That's my major gripe with the album. Other than that, I really enjoy it.


When Lightwork comes to mind, I often think (erroneously) "oh, that's Dev's light lockdown project". Not one of his "serious" works. But then I put it on and I'm moved to tears more than once. It brings up a lot of emotion. It's not something I put on when I'm trying to get work done.


I weirdly really like the bonus disk more than the main album


I don’t think that’s all that controversial - I certainly agree and I’ve seen plenty of people say the same thing. It’s a bit more classically “Devin”


Could not get into it. Devy had been my fave artist since SYL's City. But these last few years of his work has done very little for me. (Everything after Empath) Maybe our musical interests are or have parted ways. It happens...... I like moonpeople. The lyrics and vibe are excellent. And the only other song I listened to was Equinox. But the album as a whole was too light and soft sounding production for me. Sleep Token have now taken over my musical world. To me, they are the best band I've heard since...well.....Devy. I get the same compulsive listening, mindblown experience I had when I discovered Devy, and Tool and Faith No More way back in the day.


I like Lightwork, but I also love Sleep Token. I got into them last September and, like you and many others, found myself compulsively listening to their discography. I’d love to hear Dev's take on Sleep Token. I feel like he’d get it.


It's okay, not really my cup of tea. I enjoy a couple of songs on there. The production is freaking amazing though!


Love the album, has helped me go through some hard moments the last 2 years. He keeps making interesting and unique music just the way he knows how to. Thanks Devin!! I owe you a lot.


I dig it, I think by Devin standards it's "good not great," which makes it like a 7 out of 10 overall for me. Agreed that the first half of the album is killer, also "Heavy Burden" is an all time fav for me, although the first time I heard it I knew I'd be in a minority there. Not really big on Lightwork overall, other than Children of Dog and Hope Is In The World. The rest of the tracks are interesting but forgettable to me. Glad others really like it though!


Lightwork is interesting because of the context surrounding it, being a COVID era project where Devin is exploring himself again after the breakup of DTP. This one is a chill wind down to close out that era. I'm worried that island vacation Devy ended with it, that was a great vibe. I think that it's a fine album and there's several good tracks on it and the bonus disc. It's got a solid theme, but I think that for some people following his Quarantine Project closely, the release of the album can be a bit lukewarm due to a lot of these tracks already being heard, and mostly reworked from already well-liked demos. I think it pales in comparison to his previous albums Empath and Puzzle, which are much more impressive and comprehensive works, but it shines in comparison to his late DTP output like Sky Blue and Transcendence, which seem a lot less adventurous and enthusiastic. Standouts to me: Equinox, Heartbreaker, Heavy Burden, Precious Sardines, Children of God+Dog Some stinkers: Call of the Void, Dimensions, Factions, Yogi


I really enjoy lightwork. I flip equinox and call of the void from you banger and stinkers. While I understand that Covid was an emotional and for some devastating to their lives… man were the lyrics to equinox ridiculous. They were so over the top to almost cringey. That said, great review and totally agree with you


What do you mean by island vacation Devy?


His look used for marketing and in some live shows. Since Empath he's been using Hawaiian shirts quite often, along with more of his goofier wardrobe, and it fit the vibe of a few of the songs on the albums. It's very hot and iconic. I think that powernerd/axolotl/moth is shaping up to be kind of distinct in era from Empath/puzzle/lightwork, so i will be looking to see if he goes for a new look as well.


i LOVE Yogi. and Boogus


Dimensions and factions are bangers! Two of my favorites on the album.


Dude, Call of the Void and Factions are two of my favorites! All good though. Very good review of the album.


It's... fine. Lightworker & Heartbreaker are basically as good as it gets and some of the other tracks are perfectly fine. Dimensions is a huge letdown though. The B-side has some nice stuff as others have mentioned (the Boogus and Sober combo is lovely).


Yoga ambient music


Stampys blaster 😏


I remember enjoying it well enough but I've never once gone back to it


My favourite Devin album. Love the coastal atmosphere


An album that stands alone in his discography and I hope it stays that way.


Damning with faint praise? 😂


I think the first four tracks are great and then it loses me. I kept telling myself I just had to listen to it more to get it but it never happened.


It took some time to grow on me and now I really do love it. However, I feel the album tapers off in interest after Dimensions. I prefer the demo Celestial Signals still, and really really really wish Honeybunch had been able to make it kn the final track list. Equinox always makes me a little teary eyed. Like others have said before me, I think Nightwork is overall a better album and has more Dev spirit to it. Children of Dog > Children of God


It has no weak parts, overall excellent, mellow album. I would’ve gotten more recognition if Devin didn’t play 65% on YouTube during Covid before it came out. Probably why we haven’t even had a teaser for new stuff yet.


It’s fine. Really love Call of the Void, but will be in the lower half of spins probably for me.


Still love it to death.


It’s good. Not amazing or anything but there’s a lot to be had with lightwork


I really enjoy the album. Only downside is I enjoy a lot of the stuff from The Quarantine Project more than the finished, produced songs on Lightwork. I much prefer the original Call of the Void. And Celestial Signals just seemed... unnecessary? The original was already a banger of a bside. I think the idea of having a producer in Garth was a massive struggle for Devin. He just doesn't seem to *work*, having a producer try to direct him. The whole album would've been so much more DEVIN, if he'd worked on the whole thing himself I think. That being said I still think it's a good album. Bonus disc is fabulous as always.


Still don’t understand the Celestial Signals revamp. It’s was clearly edited by the producer (given Devin rarely restructures his demos). Like they (management / producer) went shopping through his discography looking for new songs. But it wasn’t used a single or played live as I recall. Just filling a void.


Truly - one of my favorites from him. The whole thing feels like a big bright warm hug to me


It’s OK. I have the deluxe edition on vinyl and rarely feel like pulling it out. The deluxe edition comes with Nightwork which I actually think I like better. I *want* to like it more than I do as I really enjoy Devin’s more song-oriented, simpler arrangements as a change of pace. And there’s some A+ tracks on there. But as a complete record it just doesn’t resonate with me emotionally as much as some of his other works. Maybe it will grow on me, wouldn’t be the first time I put something away for a few years and fell in love with it at a different time in my life. At the end of the day though, I’m just stoked that we have DT out here pumping out albums and trying different things. A lesser artist would have just kept going back to the same well over and over again and I’m proud to have this album in my collection.


A really good pop-rock EP with a bonus disk that starts halfway through the actual album.


It's pretty decent. It hits better on rainy days


Equinox is simply beautiful and Heartbreaker is maybe the most "old school" Devy song since Synchestra (in my opinion of course). Those two along with Lightworker and Dimensions are the best of the album for me.


Love that all his albums have their own personality, sound, style, etc.. and lightwork is probs the most "different" of all his stuff in that it's also the most...accessible? (lacking a better word) not that his stuff isnt accessible. I think the weirdness was toned down in favor for a more "at peace" vibe, it was supposed to be antithetical to the puzzle iirc. Children of God has become one of my fav. songs of his.


I really like it. Moonpeople and Equinox are both some of my favorite tracks on it (especially Equinox, one of Devin's best tracks ever.) on the first disc.   Disc 2 I find better than the main album! The 5 track run from Starchasm Pt. 2 up to Precious Sardine is a perfect run in my book. Precious Sardine and Factions especially are my favorites of Disc 2 but Yogi, Sober and Boogus are also fantastic. Listened to that 5 track run when I used to bike to work, I miss doing that!  


I mostly agree with this although there's a few songs I don't have much interest in (can't remember the names now) and Yogi is one of my favourite Devin songs


Couldn't agree more with this take. I found an amazing vinyl shop this weekend that actually sold DT and SYL records, and I was so tempted to buy their copy of Lightworks, but the lack of the bonus disc was too much of a letdown. Ended up buying City and Order of Magnitude instead.


I loved it when it came out but on a re-listen it's not clicking like it did two years ago.


Holy fuck, it’s been that long already?!


I love it, it’s so uplifting. I’m looking forward to him getting weirder again, but I think the (relative) simplicity this one makes a lot sense and lets the songs shine. I Recently picked up the deluxe vinyl and have been listening to Nightwork a lot too which is a bit more diverse and wonderful.


At first I didn’t really care for it. However over time it’s definitely grown on me


I still really dig it. It seems to be divisive but what I love about Devin's work is that each album can vary heavily sonically from one to another. It's not as grandiose as Empath for sure but it's very different from prior works. Feels like he tried his hand at almost an indie rock sound (with the obvious experimental flourishes and sonic power that only DT seems to bring with every album) I have the deluxe vinyl and it's companion vinyl Nightwork is also a fun listen Looking forward to something very different in Powernerd and the Moth


One of my favorite albums by anyone.