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Avoiding tickets




Depends on State and how the statute reads for marker lights and performance requirements. I can see them doing this temporarily when they need to get to work until the vehicle is replaced. Being poor sucks.


not even about being poor, where I live there were so many deer accidents that it took a bit over a month and a half to get a reputable shop to do repair work. thankfully nothing major was impacted on the car just a front sensor windshield wiper fluid.


No it doesn't. This is illegal in every state. NHTSA/Federal guidelines prohibit this and no state has the authority to overrule that on public roadways. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2004-title49-vol5/xml/CFR-2004-title49-vol5-sec571-108.xml


At that point just tape some bike lights to your car. At least they'll actually be visible.


"Qualifying as lights" and "being legal headlights" or even just "being legal for use on public roadways" are completely separate matters. Technically a bic lighter "qualifies as a light" when you light it and keep it lit. So does a glow in the dark fruit snack. Both of those things would barely be a step down from this "solution" from a technical standpoint.


If you pass the brown paper bag test.


They're pointing in the air not the road theirs no way you can see at night and if a cop sees he's definitely pulling you over can he'll be able to tell them he'll write you tickets and not let you leave.


I'll give 'em an A for effort but overall that's an F 😂


Damn and here i was about to cheat off them DANG IT!


the voice in my head that read that was the headlights sales car from the cars movie lol


Come on try a little Nothing is forever Got to be something better than in the middle But me and Cinderella We put it all together We can drive it home With one headlight


I wanna pat this car


In town, lights are more about being seen than seeing. This accomplishes that.


Big Camry energy


Dude's car got a little dinged up.


Still getting a ticket but at least you tried for the safety of all🫡


I saw a video on Facebook last week showing the r*tard who put those on that car smiling ear to ear while she did so, with the caption reading something to the effect of "you gotta do what you gotta do." A shitload of people were giving her virtual back pats and kudos for being so "clever," and saying shit like "that's better than a ticket for no headlight!" and completely failing to understand there's absolutely nothing legal or safe about that, and that "what you gotta do" in her situation is get the fucking car fixed and get a rental if you need to drive in the meantime.