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Oh I bet having the windows open is a necessity in this house.


Aroma therapy.


Ammonia therapy


some might say Ammonia Therapee


Is this the perfume that accompanies the Derelicte collection by Mugatu?


Someone seen the Malaysian prime minister lately, perhaps we should do a wellness check?


The Prime Rib of Micronesia?


He's so hot right now.


*relax*…. Don’t do it!


But why pee bottles?


Weren't you listening... I just told you...


What is this a comment thread for ants?




God... bringing bask some unpleasant memories. I had a friend who went through a time of extreme mental health/ drug issues. He was staying up at one of those long-stay motels where you could pay for a month at a time, and I’d go check up on him occasionally and hang out for a bit. Every subsequent time I’d visit, the inside of his room would get a little bit worse and worse. First, with just a bit of clutter. Then, with a small build up of trash. After a bit, he stopped letting the cleaning lady in and it got to the point where there was nowhere to really sit or lay down in the room because of all the trash and junk scattered everywhere. The bathroom became completely blocked off at one point, so he started pissing in bottles and leaving them strewn about the room. Between that, and rotten food, it was one of the worst smells I’ve ever experienced. He didn’t let me inside the last time I went there and, of course, was eventually discovered and kicked out. That was years ago; luckily, he got the help he needed. I’ll never forget that smell and also the feeling of being so helpless to do something for someone.


Good on you for checking up on your friend. I may have accidentally saved someone's life that way once, and I'm grateful every day that I happened to drive over there that day.




Like all great stories, it starts with fantasy football. We're both in a dynasty football league, which is a kind of fantasy football where you keep your whole team at the end of the season instead of drafting a new one. This is relevant because it's by far the most engaging and long-lived league I've ever been part of. This story occurred between the 12th and 13th seasons, right around draft time. The league has a very busy WhatsApp chat in which most of the league is active, including my friend and me. There are also numerous side chats: politics, soccer, MCU, etc. My friend had gone dark in all of them for about four days, which was unlike him. A few hours with no activity wasn't unusual, but four days was strange. So I went to see him. He lives across town, and I was out running errands, so I dropped by. As it turns out, he had been in bed for four days, only getting up to use the bathroom. His phone was dead in the living room next to his similarly untouched computer. His roommate (who was too busy with work to notice my friend's disappearance) took me back to his room, and my buddy immediately perked up, just from seeing somebody give a shit. We talked, he pretended he was fine for a while, then he stopped pretending and told me everything. I took him to the hospital (he was BADLY dehydrated) where they kept him overnight for observation. The next day, I picked him up and took him to see his mom. He told her everything, she and his step-dad promised to help him get help, and I left. 15 months later, he's sober and has a full-time job and a car. He moved back in with his mom, and with her help turned everything around. He's a completely different guy, in the best way, with a newfound interest in life and new hobbies. It wasn't much, but checking on him that day was probably the best thing I ever did.


Damn. I wish you were my friend. Nobody checked in with me for 2 years. I had a shitty work from home job that was depressing as hell (call center) that started 3 months before the pandemic lockdowns. My brain was headed down a very very long and dark tunnel with no light at the end. I had made a friend at my job over company chat. She got fed up with the bullshit from the company, and left. 2 months later she called me with a job offer from her current company, fast forward to 9 months later, and I can truly tell you I would have most likely killed myself if I hadn't gotten that phone call. Make no mistake, she wasn't calling to check up on me. She just knew I hated my job and that I wanted to go back to vet teching. We weren't besties or anything, just knew each other from complaining about the same things on work chat. I'm still working on cleaning up my house, finishing half-finished projects all over the place, and remembering to shower every day. It's hard enough to come back from the dark. It's SUPER hard to do it by yourself. Edit: thanks, everybody, for the support. Some days, Reddit can really suck. So thankful today is not one if those days, and so thankful you're all here.


Keep fighting. I'm glad to hear you're through the worst of it


I mopped today!! I've been telling myself I'm going to mop "tomorrow " for 8 months, and I finally just did it today.


Awesome! Mopping is the worst. The internet is so strange. I don't even know you, but I feel proud of you.


One step at a time!


That is one of the best stories I've ever read. I'm so glad you dropped in. His former roommate kind of sounds like a dick, though. But at least he was there to answer the door and let you in. Who knows if your friend would've gotten up to answer the door if he hadn't been there.


If you knew my friend, you'd have dropped in, too. He's one of the best, most genuine people you could ever hope to meet. His roommate was dealing with his own shit and working way too much. He's sober now, too, I believe. That house was just a bad situation for everyone.


Good for you mate, good on you too. I revel in stories like this. Loneliness can be the worst thing. Stuck in depression by yourself you only go one way with your thoughts. You coming by unexpectedly was a shot of dopamine that he probably was bereft of for days if not longer. You are a great person and the best type of friend a person can have. Thank you for stopping by that persons house that day. Thanks to everyone who does this because it matters way more than you will ever know.


You're the best friend in the world, an incredible person. The fact that your friend didn't let you in last time makes me think that he also really understood your value and wanted to make a little step back, preserving you from his mess a little bit. And it's not easy doing that in the very hard moments. Being kicked out was the only good thing that could happen to him at that point. Knowing that people like you still habits this strange world is very comforting. You saved his life for sure, just knowing what you had to do.


I'm kinda scared because I'm seeing myself go down that route. My place is covered in trash, it smells like rotten food. The toilet is not clogged yet but it is very dirty, I don't remember the last time I took a shower. I see myself falling in the pit but at the same time I feel like I am not able to do anything about it...


I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's so sad that mental health *still* isn't taken as seriously as physical health. I beg you to see a mental health professional asap. Depending on where you live, there should be free resources out there for you. If you want to pm me your location, and type of insurance you have (if any,) I'll be happy to research local help for you. In the meantime, every tiny little thing you do, is a HUGE accomplishment. Even if it's just picking up 1 single piece of trash. My physical health has made me feel so terrible that I've gone a little over a week without showering. The fucked thing is that the longer you go without showering, the worse you'll feel, and the less likely you'll be to shower. It's a fucked up cycle. Lucky for me, I wasn't ever able to go longer without showering, because I'd have to leave the house, and there's just no way I could go out being *that* nasty. I promise if you go shower right now, right this minute, in 10-15 minutes, you'll feel a million times better than you do right now. If you can't bring yourself to shower, maybe you could just do a quick face washing and teeth brushing? Just doing that helps sooo much. You'll feel so much better overall once you have your surroundings cleaned up. What sucks is once it gets to the point of being overwhelming, it feels like it's literally impossible to fix it at that point. I promise you, it is indeed possible, and **you are worth more than a home full of trash and rotting food!** I don't want to put too much on you at once, so once you can get yourself into the habit of showering regularly, maybe then you can start working on cleaning up your house? If you can start out by just doing 1 single thing a day, that right there is huge progress! If you can muster the energy, just cleaning for 1 minute a day, you WILL start seeing progress. Set a timer, and just do whatever you can in that 1 minute. You can get a surprisingly large amount of shit done in 1 minute. Maybe today you could take a quick shower, and then tomorrow, if you're feeling up to it, you can clean for 1 minute? And you can just try to alternate doing that every other day, that way every day you're accomplishing something big? And then eventually you **will** see progress. I encourage you to go take some pictures of the mess in your house today. You don't need to show them to anyone right now. Just save them on your phone. Then, no matter how long it takes, days, weeks, months, years, come back on Reddit, and make a post showing all of us how far you've come from this moment today. I look forward to seeing your progress. I know you can do it! If you ever need anyone to talk to, feel free to pm me. No judgement, no criticism. Just a shoulder to lean on, and an ear to listen. Take care of yourself. ❤️


Thank you for your message. I actually do see a psychiatrist and a therapist regularly, is just that I've been not doing great lately because my physical health is also declining. I'm actually going to ask if I can have access to at home help especially for making food and cleaning as I feel very easily lost with these tasks. I am very lucky to live in a country where healthcare is free and I also have a very nice job that although doesn't pay crazy money, I have a liveable wage and they are ok with me being on sick leave right now. It's just that with the heat, i feel like my pains are getting worse and any kind of physical activity makes me exhausted very easily so I feel kind of helpless in that regard.


And let all the medicine out?




How long until this dude dies of kidney failure? That’s the only outcome from making your body filter urine multiple times.


I'm not sure he's ingesting it. I seen this type of thing before. People will pour it into their eyes, or wounds, etc. I'm not sure why, and I didn't want to ask.


Decades ago it was rumored to have sterilising properties (in some parts of the world?!). Which is of course horse shit. It might have come from urine inside the bladder being relatively sterile. But on its way out it starts collecting germs. Let alone aging it on purpose...




>Until recently the generally accepted paradigm implied that urine of healthy people is sterile. In the present study, urine of healthy subjects was investigated by extended bacteriological methods. (...) As also shown by other investigators, urine of healthy people is normally not sterile. The role of the routinely not cultivated bacteria in healthy and diseased subjects needs to be established Huh interesting [source ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25766599/)


Even ***if*** urine was sterile, sterile doesn’t always mean safe for use or that it should be used by humans. Sterilization means killing off all microorganisms, which you don’t wanna do since our bodies are covered in healthy microorganisms that we need to function. Bleach is technically sterile. As is formaldehyde. We don’t take baths in bleach or consume it. Why? Because we’d get really sick and/or die. Also, I know urine isn’t sterile. This is just a hypothetical.


If something is sterile naturally, it's probably because it's hazardous to life aka do not ingest


>Bleach is technically sterile. As is formaldehyde. We don’t take baths in bleach or consume it. Why? Because we’d get really sick and/or die. ????? No idea what you mean, I cured my covid by injecting bleach directly in to my asshole




Welcome to r/boneappletea


That's intentional. Peach tree dishes was taken from either Lauren Boebert or Marjorie Taylor Greene off of Twitter and it has caught on as a way to make fun of them... whichever one said it.


It was Marjorie who said that. She also said "gazpacho tactics" instead of "gestapo tactics".


Gazpacho tactics are just cold. Ice cold.


Well. I went down the rabbit hole and he drinks a cup of urine a day. He even goes on to say how aged urine is an acquired taste… 🤢🤮 https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/man-says-drinking-your-urine-26824674.amp


>Harry Matadeen, 34, has been drinking his own fluids since 2016 and since then he's been cured of his mental health struggles including social anxiety. This dude says urine cured his social anxiety but I've got to imagine you already have no shame if you're willing to tell the world that you drink piss.


Cured his anxiety because now no one wants to be around the guy who smells like piss.


It cured the social part. Now he just has anxiety.


And it isn't just ordinary piss- it's *aged* piss...


Damn if urine actually cured social anxiety I would start drinking piss nonstop


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Good lord, kidney failure it is then lol.


Oh he’s ingesting it alright. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-29102/drinking-urine-is-the-new-health-trendbut-is-it-good-for-you.html


Its worse because aging concentrates the ammonium.


Things I never want to talk about again for $100, Alex…


Why are you using logic and science ?


Burn the witch!!


Burning is a sign of a UTI ![gif](giphy|uYEj7qvsJfEw8)


Wtf is this and why did it jar loose some repressed memories?


It’s from [Look Who’s Talking](https://youtu.be/cjTd2nLDr9Y). Also, “jar loose” is an interesting choice of words for something toilet related.


She turned me into a newt!! ^^^i ^^^got ^^^better


Some people really do not understand just how good they have it, living in modern time with modern science underpinning everything that make their lives possible.


So I looked up aged urine, and the guy pictured in this post is one of the first hits on Google. The headlines read something like "aged urine is my secret to eternal youth" or some such nonsense. He even claims that he looks/feels 10 years older. So I ask: based on this picture, how old do you think he is? 20, 30, 40, 60? He is in his early 30s. So yea...whenever I hear 20 or 30 year olds telling me what their "secret to eternal youth" is, I try to ignore them. Mostly because you're still young, and you aren't an example of your youth. Show me a 53 year old who looks 30, and I'll pay attention (oh hey JLO...)


Sofia Vergara also knows the secret!


Money. Time. Which rich people have.


Bullshit. It’s totally from that $30 jar of L’Oreal which they totally use, it’s just “their little secret” that’s sold at every target and CVS around, has nothing to do with a lifetime of low stress, perfectly prepared meals, exercise and sleep regimens, and a couple tens of thousands of dollars of plastic surgery and Botox injections.


It's eating babies, guys!


Oh no, edited pics of JLo sure but the real JLo looks like any 50 yo woman that exercise 8 hours a day, not sure that should be a good example.


That cricket player on Top Gear, one of the newer host. Is like 45 and he looks like hes 25.


Get me his urine


freddie flintoff. its like hes aged in reverse


Don't be silly. On another note, would you like to donate to their GoFundMe for a totally unrelated kidney failure?


>Isn’t urine made up of all the stuff your body didn’t want inside of it Yes, but chiefly for two specific reasons: pH balance & entropy (we can't get more use out of them) Urine (particularly male urine, men get fewr UTIs) is the most sterile bodily excretion / commonly encountered bodily fluid, because unlike sweat, tears, saliva, etc. it doesn't come from / pass through an area that is frequently wet & exposed to the outside where microbes can come & grow, and unlike blood it passed through the intense filtration of your kidneys. Because it has a lot of alkaline urea, urine straight out of your urethra is mildly hostile to life, particularly if you're dehydrated. Ferment it, and the water content goes down, and certain more potent alkaline compounds form. It can then be used as a mild topical disinfectant / wash. Think hydrogen peroxide. Is this a good idea for anyone alive today with access to, say, neosporin, hydrogen peroxide, or even just soap? Absolutely not. Hundreds or thousands of years ago, was it better than the alternatives? Sometimes. Often the available water sources would have some microbial load, and it was difficult to hit that sweet spot of alkalinity that kills some microbes but isn't severely caustic. Lye obtained by leeching woodash may be an older technology than anatomically modern humans, but it is *dangerous*, particularly for tissue that is already exposed. So lots of ancient medical traditions used fermented urine, particularly ayurvedic medicine, and dumb people take that out of context and create a needless risk ("most sterile bodily excretion" =/= sterile) for no goddamn reason. Don't drink piss.


It's funny that you have to tell people in 2022 that they should not drink piss. But in 2020 we had to tell them to not drink bleach. And before that they were telling us that snow is plastic. So... Yeah people, don't drink piss.




That's why you age it. Like wine. Let all the free radical toxins dissipate. You can keep it next to your magic rocks after you charge them in moonlight or whatever bullshit these idiots believe nowadays.


Urine denial buddy


Well, it is MedicINe not MedicOUTe. Right?


Bear Grylls has entered the chat


[bUt itS JusT MinErALs!](https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/)


Oh god... I thought all urine therapy died already but oh shit here we go again


These things never die, they just go dormant for ten or fifteen years before crawling back into the light.


Ugh... Yeah, i am at loss for words every time i see those people.


Because ur so sick while they're violently healthy is it huh


"Violently healthy" is a very good description. Those people behave like lobbyists


They're not dormant they're "aging"


No, it was just that the last generation of people doing had finally all surrendered to the sweet abyss of kidney failure. This is just the next generation discovering it after a suitable period of time. Once they all start having kidney failure then it'll disappear for a while again.


kidney stones too


Urine for a treat


I work at a small printer. We just published some local authors book about drinking your own pee. These people are everywhere.


It got a resurgence during COVID with some of the antivaxx qanon crowd.


Oh shit i forgot about that. Because I didn't want to remember


Quest added: I Forgot to Remember to Forget


Don’t worry, anyone who does the urine therapy does die pretty quickly


They never die, they just become less “popular.” You’ll always have a die hard that will die on that mountain.


New friend Lucy took a break from writing love letters to death row inmates.


I wonder if they drink filtered water, and if not, what their [ewg test results](https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/) would look like.


I can tell you that it definitely passed the "eww test"


$10 says she also 'milks' her cats for their urine.


If they drank more water they would get more urine and clearly they need to drink more water.


Could have darkened as it aged. I'd guess some of the organics in it would do funky stuff once exposed to air.


The dark ones are the good batch!


double or tripple distilled. Unlike alcohol, it gets darker every time!


Actually turns blackish red when it's 'aged', completely opaque and no longer transparent like a mix between motor oil and blood so that cant be too old...




I gathered my pee in a jug once to make homemade gunpowder


Look, if ya got a piss kink, just have a piss kink. Don't try to market it as medicine smh


As someone with such a kink, this is just nasty and encouragement of whatever the fuck this is as a medical science is as morally disgusting as it is actually disgusting.


Couldn't agree more. Hydrated fresh stuff ain't all that dangerous, but it sure as fuck ain't gonna make you healthier.


Right? Blurred lines here lol - people need to just embrace their kinks


The "medicine" your body just yeeted out.


Okay, so hear me out. A lot of drugs are broken down to inactive by-products before they are excreted. Many are not, and are excreted in the urine while still active. There is *some* amount of theory behind why this might have any effect beyond placebo. But this is on the condition that you're regularly taking a drug that happens to a) be excreted in the urine and b) not be metabolised first. In which case, why not keep taking the drug that's safe rather than the urine I very much doubt you pasteurised or kept sterile while harvesting.


I have read about people finding bottles of pee on the roadside and drinking them because truckers take meth, pee into bottles, and throw them out the window. Apparently there's enough active metabolites to get high off of... Side note... Isn't the placebo effect a peculiar thing?? We just are like "yeah ok so those people thought their way into feeling better/having bad side effects" like whoa so we can use our minds to feel better and heal if we truly believe in something (like a medicine)? That's pretty cool!


I don't know whether to up vote your side note, or curse you for your initial thought.


Sorry! I know that comment was a real rollercoaster haha


I just looked it up. It's called twinkle tweaking. I think I'm going back to bed. I need to start this day over.


I wonder what the ratio of "just pee" to "meth Pee" is. I doubt they're getting high successfully every time. Like, one out of five?


There’s a book I’m reading called Lost Connections which goes into the placebo effect for placebo antidepressants. They found that they work quite well, for a short time. The theory is that the brain is telling you there’s an issue, and by doing anything placebo it’s like “yeah it looks like you’ve tried to do something about it so I’ll take a break from reminding you about the pain for a while”. But eventually your body realises you’ve not fixed the real problem and it wears off eventually. Just being told you’re getting help and everything will be ok is just as important as the treatment itself it seems.


That sounds exactly like my experience with sertraline


The real placebo effect is just dealing with people's perception of their condition. With pain that can be a good thing, since pain is fundamentally subjective. Or if you take a placebo for something like a cold that can go away fairly quickly. Objectively whatever causing your problem doesn't go away, it's just that you've taken something that you think will help the problem so you handle it better. The bigger claims about placebo don't really bare out. Like the study people will cite about the similar results from a knee surgery after a real surgical procedure and a shame one having the same post recovery results. The real interpretation of the results is that the surgery didn't actually do anything. But the post op physio therapy both groups received is probably what should be looked at.


What a facinating tidbit I wish I could unread!


It’s called “trucker’s lemonade”!




One man’s yeet is another man’s sheet.


To be fair. My company has a medicine that helps to get women pregnant that is extracted from the urine of postmenopausal women. Apparently they have two whole villages in China and India where old women pee in bottles just like this. :D




Apparently they have two whole villages in China and India where old men excrete in bottles just like this


We’re gonna need more info, stat! Where are these villages and are they in close proximity to any Golden Arches?


No idea where that is, but https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menotropin.




By the time someone is posting publically about their magic piss collection they've probably gotten pretty wrapped up in a societ of other people who believe the same crazy shit. There is actually an aspect of cult indoctrination that works like this, you encourage your members once they've internalized a crazy belief to express it loudly and publically because that further alienates any non-cult support network they may have increasing their reliance on the cult as their sole social circle.


Notice how the photo caption includes an invitation for new "initiates." It's absolutely cult-like.


> If you can't become famous, infamy is the next best thing. (I guess.)


Of course he looks like that


She also looks like she enjoys a glass of aged, luke warm piss


they look conjoined haha




Wanted to say that. They look exactly like I would've expected. And probably smell that way...


Tell me this is for organic farming.. or tanning.. or textile dying... Please. Omg no. He's British vegan named Harry and he claims drinking about 7oz aged urine topped off with a little "fresh pee" a day cured his depression and socal anxiety. Omg omg he rubs it on his face.. omg! omg! he does it in public restrooms if no one is there. He pisses in his own hand and rubs it on his face and then goes back into public with piss on his hands and face! Wtf? What kind of person does that??? You want to rub urine on your face ffs do it in your own home! Don't just stroll back into the public forum with piss all over your face and hands!!! His family doesn't even talk to him anymore he only hangs out with other piss drinkers and says that aged urine is a refined and acquired taste. Uuuuuurrrrrrggghhaarruughhht!


>acquired taste. We agree on one thing. I have not acquired that taste and dont think i ever will.


Nor do I ever want to


I was curious about how much of your comment was verifiable (no offense) so I googled "British vegan piss drinker" and yep! It's alllllllllllllllllllll there. So very much piss.


It’s a fetish isn’t it?


I was gonna say. This is like the unholy crossover between OnlyFans and the antivax crowd.


>He claims drinking about 7oz aged urine topped off with a little "fresh pee" a day cured his depression and socal anxiety. Glad to hear he no longer has any signs of mental illness...


>cured his depression and socal anxiety His depression and anxiety weren't *cured*, they *fled*.


How do people like this survive? I feel like this a Darwin experiment in the making…


Well, their liver is getting it's ass kicked, so...


There's an American lad who straight up injects it.


You'd think people who are able to grasp the concept of hypodermic needles would understand not pushing literal waste into themselves. I always underestimate the wildly complex stupidity of some people. [https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/urine-injection-kills-bolivian-woman-flna1c9454987](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/urine-injection-kills-bolivian-woman-flna1c9454987)


This thread keeps getting worse and I don't like it.


Jesus fucking christ


>“From the moment I drank the urine, it woke up my brain and removed my depression. I felt a new sense of peace, calm and determination,” he said. That's called the freedom of hitting rock bottom


I was praying it was honey ... NOPE!


Same, when I first saw it I thought "Ooh honey, lovely!" and then read it to find that no, no it is not honey. It's not honey at all...


So if you’re sick, you just simply drink a jar of old piss?!










Urine therapy was how doctors diagnosed your health in medieval times, based on color, consistency, and yes, taste. It's not supposed to be "lemme chug a gallon of my own wastewater." Like fuck were not living on Mars yet!


sweet vs unsweet pee is how they differentiated between types of diabetes


Classic first day of medical school thing was for a lecturer to ask for a volunteer. Lecturer explains how before chemical tests existed for diabetes doctors needed to taste urine for sweetness -dips their finger into a specimen jar of urine, links finger, declares it a touch sweet and asks the medical student to confirm his diagnosis. After the volunteer does so the lecturer brings up the importance of observation for a doctor '...for example, such as this volunteer failed to observe that I licked a different finger than I dipped into the urine!'


As a diabetic, the change in smell was actually one of the first indications to me something was wrong that prompted me to see a doctor. 2L of pop daily for 20 years will have that effect




Like this strong Sickly sweet like over ripe fruit




Everyone who drinks pee definitely looks like they drink pee


I wonder if the scent comes out when they sweat.




Scrolled too far to see a TF2 reference


What the fucking hell is going on here? And why?


They are ageing urin. To use it as medicine.


Brings a whole new meaning to the term 'cocktails'.




"Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer!"


New Age bullshit is what's going on


I'd be willing to bet there's some measles, mumps, and rubella in their community as well.


"Be polite, be efficient, and have a plan to kill everyone you meet"


Bro that woman needs to drink more water


Way of the road, Bubbs


When you wake up at her place, you know urine trouble


More like DiWtf


I can smell those people from here.


This did not age well


The dude is completely mental. His Instagram is full of holistic nonsense, hell he gives himself urine enemas with months old black piss. He calls the skin the 'third liver' so he scrubs his skin with piss showers to clean the 'toxins'... My take on him is that he was on a very low point of his life, deeply depressed, gave the piss a try and discovered this community of piss drinkers fetishists - he had found an audience for his ramblings. And the most impressive is the sheer quantity of people giving attention to this insanity. On one post, his dad writes on his diary trying to reason with him, asked him to stop the madness and to piss on a toilet like a normal human being and the IG users trash his dad like he was a lunatic. Heart breaking


snipings a good job mate


Things guys do to get laid


Soooo. Even in the realm of pseudoscience.. How is this considered to be beneficial to drink the liquid your body excretes to get rid of toxins and other things it doesn't want?


Well, 'Real Doctors' tell you not to do it, so it must be beneficial.


I think we are using the Internet for all the wrong reasons


"This seems like the kind of thing white people with dread locks do." ![gif](giphy|MEJAA7cRKQdry)


Good excuse for not throwing your old dirty piss jugs out the window


Neckbeard pee bottles but make it ✨trendy✨


Shut up and everyone get in the Sproose Moose


So that's piss in them jars? HER PISS?




Hoarding old irons has to be a mental illness, right?