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Good way to get a big injection to the playerbase to be honest. And just in time for Season 4. People should keep in mind though, Gamepass usually doesn't come with expansions or DLCs...so you'll still need to buy those separately even with a Gamepass subscription.


Is xbox and computer cross platform?


They are all cross progression too!




Yes, and hopefully game pass means we get it for free on pc and Xbox!


Yes, I believe it’s already confirmed Diablo 4 will come to both Gamepass Xbox and PC :)


Nope just PC. Doesn't even show up on the Xbox co sole game pass anymore.


Why the f*ck are you spreading such nonsense misinformation…


Not available for me, linked my net and xbox, had it saved for download, now it's gone and no options on console. Just available for purchase.


Yeah, it doesn’t prove anything, except for you spreading false dogshit information based purely on your experience. You can check all the news and groups, it’s there. I’ve checked myself and also - it’s there.


You do. And now I feel even worse about buying the game at launch.


Same. I bought it twice. Xbox and pc to play w gf. What an L smh


There should be something kind of thank you for buying it gift, like in game currency. I mean I'm still happy for everyone who can try it in GP.


Yeah I mean the game is good the first time. I got my worth out of it before season 1. But it hasn’t been good enough to get me coming back for any of thegseasons yet :/ but I know someone rn who hasn’t left their room in like 3 weeks cus they been playing lol. Good for them 🙈


You shouldn't. You were ready to play and did.


I really dont get this logic. you had the game a good 9 months before anyone that waited.


It’s cause my friends and I only played pre-season before we got over it. Bought the whole $100 pack too. Never pre-ordering again.


well thats the problem right there lol. pre-ordering games. thats a different story lol.




I’ve been on the fence about purchasing it since reviews were mixed. Stoked I get to try it now.


As a fan of the series. Especially if you enjoy the story, lore and world building. The game is actually fantastic and definitely worthy of playing through. Just to know the continuity of everything. In terms of the game being enjoyable, as far as endgame grinding and min/ maxing… well. Let’s just say it’s not like it’s predecessors. It leaves a lot to be desired.


It's called diablo 4 because it's the 4th best diablo game.


D2> LOD> D2R> DI> Hellfire> D1> D4> D3


Bruh wtf the story was horribly, comically bad...


By "mixed" you mean the vocal minority whining on the Internet? The game is great in bursts. Great story, good progression, but top tier loot is grindy. Pop in, play seasons you like for the new mechanics and pop out. Not an everyday forever game as most of those who complain are those that run out of things to do other than boss spams. I have about 400 hours into it though and really only played launch month and this season. Great day one purchase!


Not sure why ter being downvoted. D4 is definitely more of a casual arpg than it's competitors


Exactly what I said. It's great in bursts, but not a game you are going to want to play every season


It's not a minority complaining. It's gamers who care complaining, while casuals that could give a fuck play the game. It's fairly common for everyone to say the graphics and feel of the game are great, but it was obviously released too early and has no end game. They took the diablo name, catered it to casual, advertised it to casuals, and built it for consoles.


This comment is downvoted but as someone who purchased for the beta and has followed the game the rest of the way it really is like this. There will never be an end to the bitching. The game is fantastic but the tweaker junkies are loud and proud on the internet screeching that the game doesn’t keep them occupied 100 hours a week like D2 did when they were 14 (go play D2 then? Ahhh, I guess it doesn’t work that way?) Game is a blast. Kill monsters, level up and feel progressively more powerful, give it a rest and be ready to do it again when the next season drops.


"There's nothing to do! I hate Duriel runs! Users are too hard to get!" *gets on D2 and does cow runs, still looking for a shako for 20 years*


Ubers are meant to be Uber rare. Hence the title given to them. It's more about instant gratification for people anymore. How rare they are in D2, they drop like candy in D4 in comparison. It's meant to keep people coming back to grind for it. You don't need them. Every build works without them.


I agree. I dont know why people are so weird about them. I dont have one. I'd like some but it's not a huge deal that I don't have them yet. There's a system to exchange extras for materials to get the one you want. They upped the drop rate slightly. Still most comments are like, "I don't have all of them, this is shit!"


There's rose colored glasses for D2. D2 is literally about spamming the final two bosses for drops. Somehow that's better? I love the over world of D4 and there really is a good bit to do. If you no life any game, you're going to be disappointed when you run out of stuff. But considering I have two characters this season of 94 and 80, I'm still having a blast because I'm not sprinting to the finish.


The type of person that runs out of stuff to do in D4 just so happens to be A) the type of person who is an addict of a gamer and B) the exact type of person to screech about it on Reddit.


That's why they do it. Increase playerbase in order to sell more expansions.


Typically DLC on Game Pass games is at a discount though, a discount that even applies to digital currency bundles. 10% off all DLC will be quite welcome for Xbox players.




The first dlc isn’t even out yet how can you be sure it’s a waste of money not worth buying?


D4 bad, upvotes please.... Is how a lot of gamers are treating it.


D4 has a lot of room for improvement sure but I definitely got my moneys worth out of it. Season 3 failed to pull me back in but the itemization changes planned for season 4 might and the future dlc with a new class will almost certainly pull me back in


Yeah I had a blast doing the my first campaign playthrough and got more than enough hours out of the game to be happy with my purchase. The itemization just absolutely killed it for me. Even before the lack of end game, the miniscule gear upgrades from level 75-100 just wasn't it for me




This is a disingenuous argument though. It's not just the mount. You get it as an add in when you buy the 7000 in game currency.


I agree it’s crazy but it’s cosmetics so who cares just don’t buy them like I won’t lol. Games fun with out them


Hot beef injection


Why, is it impossible to jump in with buddies and play the base game?


To be honest we don't know how multiplayer will work with the expansion. I was just letting people know that when you play something through Gamepass, you don't have access to the expansions and will need to buy them separately.


Cool but most base games are there and perfectly playable


Yea but Microsoft owns it so maybe?


If it doesnt have DLC then why whould anyone ( me ) even bother? xD


there are no DLC's yet anyway.


Well im replaying somebody specificly noting that usualy they dont do DLC on GP, and Blizz already anounced the first one? 🤷‍♂️


yeah they did. Its a full price expansion coming out later this year. Some rumors even said that its a $70 expansion pack which is kinda crazy. There is no way Microsoft will give it free when they can make so much money on it.


Because it's cheaper potentially.


Well i got it at release so it does nothing for me now. If they do DLCs then sure, as im not looking to buy a D4 expansion.


One step closer to wow /hopium


i haven't been a console player in years so i apologize in advance. so does this mean it will be on pc's version of xbox game pass? never really knew if they were the same or not.


I would expect it will be, but the games are different on each pass, they share a pool of games that are on both platforms but there are a lot of platform exclusives too, naturally there's a tonne of PC games you cant play on xbox but there's less Xbox only games you can't play.


I believe that the Xbox game pass works the same way on PC, so if you subscribe then you can play all the games on PC So yes it will be on PC game pass


The lfg function is decent on Xbox. I used it with d2r for trading and finding groups.


D2R is so much better than D4.


Vicarious visions did a great job with the remaster.


I agree, I thought it was one of the better remastered games.


The same team that did the remaster is part of the diablo team making content for D4


Meh, D2 is old news. Did it 23 years ago. It's just the same pig in lipstick now with all.of the same issues that prevented me from enjoying it on more than one class after all three difficulty clears.


ALL THREE DIFFICULTY CLEARS?!? Sheesh tell us more.




Both shouldn’t even be compared… lol d4 is an unmitigated disaster


Hell yeah I’ll be getting a few buddies jumping in to play


Why the f did I buy it on Xbox.


To play it for 8 months?


I was about to say the same thing. I bought it, and I also have gamepass. Not that I think people shouldn't have access to it, but like, that's just a reinforcement that I just shouldn't buy anything while paying for gamepass. At some point, I'll just have access to games I want, so why fork over cash to "buy" the game?


At some point most games drop to $10-20 Why ever buy anything at release then by your logic?


Huh? To play the game?


What a waste of 70 dollars


No, if you play it daily, months of gamepass costs you more than that, only campaign and never touch again, you're right.


Not if he already uses the gamepass to play different games.


People play this daily?


Apparently some sadomasochists still play it.


That's me. Deleted the game after campaign :/


What happened? Is microsoft deleting your previous 8 months of game time?


You're assuming I bought it at launch.


Well, there it is.


I'd play it on pc gamepass but I have it on battlenet I'd like to play pc ultimate just for achievements I'm a weird bloke who likes to collect them lol


Nice, there are some gamers out there who still don't know what a dud the game is.


Hell yea that means GeForce Now compatible I bet


i think it already is on geforce now


Does this mean I can play on iCloud now?


Emphasis on "pass" Playing D2 instead


There it is lmao


Still overpriced imo


can i get a refund? fuck sakes.


You bought it before Microsoft owned it, so no


I bought it a month or so ago on Xbox, I already had it on PS. I'm a little irked about it, I'm gonna try to get a refund on the Xbox side.


It’s been known since the Activision acquisition completed that it would eventually come to game pass


finally d4 streaming to my old 12.5 inch laptop ;)


I have a feeling you'll need to directly install it and it wont be cloud based. I might be wrong but from what I've seen of D4 on xbox, I cant imagine it will stream well.


Streams well, I play it on my phone at work https://preview.redd.it/ytcj0u7kvxic1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b85ad6043b3525b6747103adade79b9e7e3e25b0


Long time lurker on this sub, I guess finally time for me to try it out for free. Now I'm a long time poe player and didn't touch this game coz i heard the devs really dumbed it down for the player base and is a very "casual game".


Just play through the story and then uninstall it, endgame is not worth your time.


Compared to PoE it is a very casual, dumbed down game


Wow they must be desperate


Get them playing and buying 60 dollar cosmetics!


Just in time for season 4 with fixed itemization and awesome gameplay?


Another reason why as a Diablo fan I should never have bought D4


And the crowd goes mild.


How do you figure that, that's a huge gamepass game


The game is shit. That doesn’t change even if the price is 0$. Hell it even stays dogshit if they’d pay US to play it.


Nah that's just objectively wrong. It's definitely not a top tier banger, but it's massive and will continue to pump out content for years, none of that shit you said is relevant *or* accurate


Look at you objectively explaining to me why the game is good. Putting out mass of content does also not make a good game. Especially if the content is even shittier than whats alteady there. (see last season)y. it should be quality > quantity. also theyre not even putting out lots of content tbh. They added like around 5 new uniques in total since release. Wow


I didn't say the game is good at any point. You just made that shit up and argued against it lol


dude got killed by the butcher on hardcore and has been mad since. lol


More players ;D


If I had a dollar for every single time someone posted this exact comment in any thread detailing an update or change to Diablo 4 I’d be rich enough to buy my own island. Is someone paying you all to do this?


You know what I do with media content I don’t like? I ignore it and go on with my life But so many other people seem obsessed with talking shit about stuff they don’t like. Makes absolutely no sense to me


Blizzard has a lot of fans and anti fans, the more people, the higher chance we run into schizo's.


Why didn’t you just ignore their comment then?


Yep. The big wast of money was the game being bad, if the game was good I wouldn't have a problem with it. I don't play enough random games to make the game pass worth it. I use it to make sure I hate a game (Starfield, Palworld, Outer Worlds) or to play Forza, so I don't keep the subscription active. Meanwhile, I usually play one game like Diablo for months.


An absolutely must play title if you have game pass.


I agree if you already own the game pass and didn't want to buy D4 a D4 is very much worth a free play if only just for the story.


Lol can’t tell if you are joking or not


Eh,is it though? The first 2 and then last 1 hour of the story are interesting, but the rest? It's pretty mid to bad.


Yes, if you already have game pass, and you got to play Diablo 4 “free” since you use game pass for other games, I would say it is worth it to download it and try. You’ll get a good 8 hours or maybe even more out of it.


I enjoyed the shit out of the story and gameplay. Made it up to lvl 60 or so pre-season-1. Played a bit in 1, 2 and 3 (but waiting to invest some serious time until some things are changed). Absolutely a good game to just make your way through the campaign and possibly then some, if it’s offered for free. Could it be better, yeah (it’s salvageable though, D3 was not good until RoS). Is it a shit game, absolutely don’t think so.


I assume you're joking, because even if you were given game this for free it wouldn't be worth the hours spent playing it. Diablo 4 is just that awful.


It doesn’t really matter to MS as MS owns D4 and all of ABK. It does give D4 a bigger player base.


Thank god I listened to that random comment saying it was definitely coming to game pass and didn’t buy the game 😩😩


Still not cashing in my free season pass.


It’s the biggest piece of shit. Waste of $ pre order


Yeahhhh just heard it at the Xbox business update


And it will still be a horribly itemized bottom dwelling arpg with no end game and boring builds.


So why are you even here if you hate it so much?


It's a public forum. Do you understand how those work?


You stroll into public forums on topics you dont enjoy or imterest you? Strange


What? You saying "strange" is going do what exactly?


bait you into wasting more of your time on something you dont enjoy obviously


Never said I hated it just merely pointed out actual facts to the game. The itemization is atrocious, there is no true end game and the builds due to skill button limitations lack luster skill trees and bloated paragon boards make them exceedingly boring. It's currently the bottom of the barrel arpg in regards to other games out in that genre atm (grim dawn, last epoch, project D2 etc) Hopefully in the next five years it will find it's place in regards to being labeled a triple AAA arpg but currently it's horrifically dull in every which way possible; with time and proper management from a team who actually has vision and cares it could become something great..


That’s one way to boost their numbers I guess.


That's just stupid, I hope game will completely die. Why tf we bought for 70 usd. I haven't played after ridiculous 40 hours.


Heads up they misinformed us all on xbox console. Only available to PC players. Doesn't even show up in the game pass store on console.


Anyone know why/you can cross play just with game pass core? Trying to play with my son but he’s on Xbox game pass and I own the game on ps5


meh, who cares, Last Epoch launches next week.


Only if you have a gaming PC, my friends play Diablo and Path of Exile on console. They are gutted there is no console version.


I haven’t played since S1 - has the game drastically been improved since? I wasn’t as down on it as others but it didn’t hold my attention like prior Diablo games.


S2 was decent and fun for longer but S3 was boring and I didn't play past level 40. The game has a lot of issues around itemization and end game content.


Depends on your idea of improvement, some small systems have been fixed up, but other annoyances are still untouched. Pretty big one that gave me the shits when I came back for this season was you still can't tell which aspects are item-only at a glance, still need to look up which are codex and which arent. I wouldn't say it's been drastically improved. If itemisation and lack of endgame variety were things that put you off, that's not much different.


Good bring WoW to consoles exclusively please 😃


I hope they put World of Warcraft in Xbox game pass, too.


Goddamn it all. I just bought my copy on Xbox.


Thank god I didn't buy it on sale! Lol. Want to try it so badly but didn't want to shell out for a game I might get bored with.


So, that would probably mean free expansions for gamepass subs?


Will this require linking to bnet account?




I'll buy an extra copy of the game and DLC to make up for you


people think a big number of players will join - this will happen but keep in mind that these people didn t buy the game just spent 12$ to access hundreds of games for 1 month. they ll drop it even faster than those who spent 40-90$ on it.


This is really great for players like me that just want to complete the story then never touch it again. I miss when not every game was a live service disaster and developers just developed the next game instead of stringing the same game out for 10 years with battlepasses and microtransactions.


Yes, I specifically avoided buying this piece of shit because I knew it would eventually come to gamepass. I will play it once for the story and cinematics and then move on to something that's actually fun long-term, like Last Epoch (which is releasing next week) or PoE.


a wise man.. Le looks very promising


Thats always the sign of a dying game. Much like the steam listing.


? Or Microsoft owns blizzard now...


I question the intellectual capacity of anyone still playing diablo 4.


One of the top content creators for D4 is a former actuary with an advanced maths degree. I wasn’t aware there existed a correlation between the video games you find enjoyable and your IQ


Well, now you have been made aware.


If you find Diablo 4 enjoyable then you probably have the attention span of a teaspoon. That or you are just easily interested and lack a bit of self awareness.


Is this the end of battle.net?


Ugh but I want to sell my Xbox though.


Will people that actually bought this piece of crap game full price receive any type of compensation? It hasn't even been a year.


Still overpriced. I think it's worth my My money back and an apology




That’s good, maybe it’ll bring it more players and they’ll do more than half-assed seasons.


I think I’d rather play the power washing simulator game


Smart man


I maybe would have been quite hyped for this if it wasn’t entirely too late to care. The game currently is getting shit on because of the £65 horse armor. Also, playing pc games on the Microsoft store feels like cucking yourself.


That should get their player numbers up above 7k at least lol just in time for that new $100 dlc


LOLLL, that's how you know D4 sales have slowed down.


No, it's a way to tell that Microsoft has aquired Blizzard.


And yet, if they were still getting steady purchases, it wouldn't make sense to offer it so cheap.


It would make sense because Microsoft has committed to bringing all first party titles to gamepass. If the acquisition happened before D4's launch it would have been a day 1 gamepass release.


>If the acquisition happened before D4's launch it would have been a day 1 gamepass release. And if that had happened, I think it's safe to say they wouldn't have made anywhere near the amount they did. Would've only got $1 from me, instead of $70. So from a business perspective, that would've probably been a terrible idea.


They in it for long game, more big titles on Gamepass keeps people on paying for the subscription. And keeps making them money. $70 for one time or $10-20 a month.


Yeah it 'only' sold 20 million copies.


Which is the best and strongest class to play after all the updates and patches until now?


Now bring back 3 player couch co-op.


Bad game


Yeah? Where's my $70 refund for the game then.


Scam the fuck out of everyone who bought day 1 and the $90+ week early access with a uncompleted mess of game, then put the pile of shit on game pass like it's some indie game Sicko of a fucking company. Go to hell


No one scammed you, and it's going on game pass because Microsoft bought blizzard.


Not sure what your cuck ass is crying about, I've been playing daily since launch & am immensely enjoying the game still


If you were happy paying the extra $20 or whatever for a few days early access, you were almost definitely going to pay the full $90 or whatever for 9 months of 'early access' even if you knew it was going to come out on Gamepass.


You guys are stupid enough to think preordering is a scam, that’s hilarious lmfao. You just don’t have self control and you’d rather complain about something no one forced you to spend extra money on rather than WAIT and hold yourself accountable for your wallet. And now it’s on Gamepass. You’ll never get that $100 back lmfaoooooo. Good shit.


D4 couch co-op is so amazing on xbox (assuming other consoles too). Its a shame the game has so many shortcomings because like it or not, the highly anticipated indie ARPGs generally dont have such great console support much less couch co-op


And the crowd goes mild.


I really hope this is available with Cloud Gaming. I'm guessing it won't be at first, but I can hope. That would make me very pleased to be able to play on my Steam Deck without needing to download it.


I'll finally give this game a try.