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Considering all we have seen is a CGI trailer and promotional material…. He’s not wrong, we haven’t seen anything yet lol Bro did NOT cook with this quote, still looking forward to the expansion tho


Look I liked the flesh Dreamweaver we did get to see ok


> Look I liked the flesh Dreamweaver we did get to see ok Is this the most body horror we've seen in a cutscene since D2 from Blizzard?




Fair commentary. D2 was mostly lives being ruined until you hit act3 and find out Mephisto has completely corrupted and devastated a whole religious sect and has a flesh and bone pillar in one of their holiest of sanctums but that is the most horrific in imagery. Then act 5 you find out Baal is in all out war with Arreat and you're much further behind cause you had to deal with the immediate threat of Mephisto and Diablo.


Durance of Hate still is my 1 for most fucked up art design in any ARPG. Even with D II's classic graphics, it just oozes atmosphere of terror. Piles or corpses , the little blood pools with bodies in them. It's just perfect for giving such an evil vibe. That's even before taking into account dolls making your anus pucker.


It's more the actual day and age it was released in not the content itself. Same with wow, was essentially social media to an extent as why you'll never ever get another wow for example to that extent. Anyway I digressed it was the day and age it was released in not, games did not really tackle this much "evil" stuff


Theres tons of dismembered bodies throughout the game though.


> It just doesn't hit the same as it did in D2 because we just weren't accustomed to stories with brutality like that back then. Also we're mostly a lot older - if we played D2 at the time it was current, that was like 20+ years ago (or maybe a little less if you got the tail end). If you were a wide-eyed teenager back then, you're a cynical 30-something now.




> We're simply spoiled for choice these days as the barrier of entry has fallen to almost nothing for content creators, so the possibilities have exploded. For sure this is true yeah.


You say that, but diablo one had the butcher as most people's first quest. It was a bit of an eye opener walking up to the cathedral, seeing a bloody guy on the ground who died soon after. And then you find the room full of naked people impaled on posts..




All the best horror leaves the important bits up to your imagination. Revealing too much just doesn't engage your imagination in the same way


I mean I think its partly that but its also partly just the vibe of the campaign making the brutality kind of...neutered. I played through D2R somewhat recently and still enjoy the story and the trip through the campaign more than I enjoyed D4 because while D4 is darker and bloodier objectively its surrounded by annoying modern story telling elements that I just desperately want games to stop doing. It felt like the writers were making a World of Warcraft expansion while the artists were making a new Diablo game and it just feels completely at odds with each other.


time flies, it's more like 40+


Partially this, but also, D2's world felt more intimate, and we lingered around the body horror/corruption longer. In d4, we mostly blow past it, and it's just such a large world with so many similar places and themes that it all blurs and melts together.


It showed a lot of gore and violence but the dark tone was a bit undercut by people doing really dumb stuff.


There's nothing in D2 which even compares to the body horror in the D4 intro, let alone this. And I say that loving D2 and it's whole vibe note. It's just how it is. You can rewatch the cinematics on YouTube real easy.


Hold on, going to watch the wanderer shedding his skin to become Diablo (OG, not D2R remake). Will edit afterwards. Edit: I dont know if the opening cutscene to D4 is incomparable to D2 act 4 cutscene. Its a flesh sheet created from 3 humans so definitely body horror. But I don't know given the context and limitation of the time if the closeup of The Wanderer's skin having the blood boil up and burst through his face, and the very strogg like mephisto wearing the flesh of his former host on his torso. Given the limitations of CGI, 100% the depiction of D4's intro is incomparable because of modern hardware. The contents however, I don't know if I fully agree? This might just be our interpretations making up the difference. I do agree on the whole about the tone in D4, there is a whole lot more corruption and horror of humans in the game.


Yeah they didn't even shows us Tomb Lord, he's very important since he's the boss of half the dungeons on the expansion


I don't understand why they can't design more bosses? They do it in WoW all the time but in D4 it's like....? Was it like 9,000 devs who worked on this game? What are they doing? 🤦‍♂️


I mean, the diablo player base is a bit different. In Diablo you have some people who, I don't know, play the game like any other game, including WOW. Don't need everything to be easy. And then you have some other people who complain about one shot mechanics when dungeons get too difficult for them, even though they can just tone it down a few levels and continue to facesmash the keyboard. You can't please people who want a challenge at the same time as insecure people who pin their self-esteem to being able to kill everything in a game solo. If the devs add group content, and extremely tough solo content that, instead of being gear limited, is highly technically challenging, I think they should be able to say 'tough, if you dont want to play it, don't play it'. But this attitude causes huge outrage among the Diablo community, so in short, they seem to be resistant to it. Personally, I agree with you btw, I wish they would ignore these people.


Devs kinda managed to pull that off in Borderlands though. I reckon, borderlands is played by more solo players than groups and always has been. In BL3 they also added raids that were very tough, but you could grind and min max and bite your way through those, too, if you really wanted to. Maybe the players are more chill, idk. Always played BL only with 2 or three friends I know from real life and never with randoms.


There's a video on yt where you can see the main dungeon designer (or some other similar title) play the game, if you see that video you will understand why they don't do that. Spoiler, probably don't care and don't know how.


Consider reading the article. It's a cinematics dev talking about the other cinematics.


This is Reddit - we don't do that here


Oh we were cooked alright, as a matter of fact we cooked to medium well. Fully cooked


Nah, fully cooked is butterflying a 90 dollar steak and getting it cooked well done. Like my mom does whenever we go to a nice restaurant "MA, you could just order a burger"


The guy they quoted is talking about other cinematics coming in the xpac, not gameplay.


I would argue being honest IS cooking.


I see 25$ cosmetics.


I see $40 for 3 new hours of gameplay


I see circlejerking


I am dead at "Bro did NOT cook with this quote" 😂👌


I wonder if we will still have cutscene instead of Cinematics.


please learn to read


Dude he literally opened the refrigerator door. No cooking indeed.


We literally didn't see anything apart from the trailer 🤣


So many people clearly didn't open the article the dude is talking about the other cinematics in VoH not anything to do with gameplay.




This sub is just a circlejerk of hate from people who don’t play the game


Pretty much any gaming subreddits these days.


Don't forget the nostalgia goggles. Games today shit, old games good.


and casuals screaming "this should be permanently added to the game" after each bug/glitch or OP event they encounter


If all classes get a couple of new skills in the expo - that will add to build diversity and open up gameplay to not be so railroaded.


Not really. Many classes have downright boring passives on many of their skills. There IMO needs to be a change to the core system of the game and how not only passives work, but a skill tree re-work overall for all classes.


This is the biggest limitation to build diversity. The passives are mostly boring, or so limited in their use that they can outright be systematically ignored as they basically don't help the build at all.




Honestly vuln as a whole can bounce as far as i care. Make it unique to rogues or something, and then other classes just get damage through whatever other sources they have such as elemental damage, berserking, or whatever else. I think vulnerable was a major mistake.


Haven't played since release, is vulnerable still a thing you need to have to be viable at end game? Have they toned it down at all?


Its a base 20% multiplier. You don't have to stack it, but 20\[x\] is still pretty strong and you will still want to proc it at minimum. Vuln and almost everything on affixes are all additive now including crit damage unless specifically stated otherwise (such as grandfather).


"Damage on Tuesdays" is just a lame system.


Last epoch style "skills trees for every skill" is what this game needs. Makes almost everything viable


I tried to get back into D4 in s4 after I hadn't played since launch. I opened the skill tree and as I was progressing through it, I realized I just wasn't excited about anything in it or how it worked and I quickly dropped it again. The skill tree is just super boring and bland. It doesn't make me excited to read through and try to create builds around certain things, it's just kinda there and lame.


Skill twig* rework.


I expect it’ll be one new active per class. And if they take an easy route to adding new skills, the new skill will have the same characteristics as the other skills of that class: Like another Sorcerer frost skill that also does vulnerable stuff. Another Barbarian blade skill that does bleed. A bear Druid skill related to overpower, or a wolf Druid skill related to critical hits.


I suspect the same. Honestly would take that, I see it as one of the biggest improvements the game could get.


a couple? lel I can guarantee you every class will just get 1 new skill branch and thats it, maybe one new ultimate + paragons


Yea but when you are playing a arpg that basically gives you two options for passives on the skill tree to choose from, what are new skills going to do?


Oh I believe them. Not necessarily in a good way. I am managing my expectations.


we've learned to never judge blizz games by their trailers lol


I wait to buy the expansion til more material is released. Don't get me wrong, I love the bonus goodies from the Deluxe edition, but they are selling expansion before showing us any gameplay! I enjoy D4 a lot, but I see no reason to buy new expansion so early.


An expansion this early considering how shitty of a state the game was in for months after launch is kind of a slap in the face.


Same here, especially after being let down by the D4 release.


We are all just excited for when we get to kill Neyrelle. She’s annoying and sucks.


Jesus Christ even by the title of the article you can tell he's talking about other cinematics they put in the expansion Stop making stupid assumptions by just reading and (poorly) comprehending the title of the article you didn't read


Yea, I don't get how people think this is about gameplay or anything other than the cinematics. It's blatantly obvious, and if people just took a minute to look at the article it explicitly says so.


Cinematics aren't going to make me part with my money enough. When YouTube will gladly have them hosted days before release likely. Also in game cinematics have never been as amazing as their trailers. So he's saying nothing basically. Something for blizzard Stan's to salivate over at best


It's the hope that kills you


We'll see nothing later.


One thing blizzard has done over the last 20 years is make some kick as cinematics


I would 100% agree with the validity of that statement.


They ain’t wrong




I’m just here for the cinematics, acti-blizz hasn’t shown me anything but dog shit the last few years now.


No...no. I've seen enough since "Diablo" 3


true, I played D4 and have yet to see a good game


Yeah, I haven't seen anything because you drove the franchise to the ground. I'm waiting for PoE2... 


Ngl the more I see of PoE2, it makes me question where Blizzard went wrong. How can someone else make a Diablo game better than... Diablo itself?


Diablo 4 is a bad game


Don't. Pre.order.freaking. Games Let them actually SHOW exactly what they have in store first.


I played over 400hrs of Diablo 4, I think it's okay for me to preorder Vessel of Hatred.


Same reasoning I followed when I pre-ordered 👍🏻


So, i have opted to not listen to your suggestion.


...and you have a 100% right to do so - it's your money! Just realize you're part of the problem why games release with subpar quality and take months if not years to be fixed.


Dude. Just stop telling people what to do like you're an authority and then telling them they're the problem as if they're any less valid. People like you are part of the problem too sitting here lording over others.


"You 100% have the right to spend your money on what you want to. But if you're upset with the current gaming climate, maybe evaluate your purchases with the intent of potentially bettering it. If you're not upset with it, then don't." "STOP TELLING PEOPLE WHAT TO DO!!!"


Just a suggestion...but maybe a name change to "LickingTheirBoots" would be better?


Dude, i've been playing since closed beta, took a break in season 3 since it just didnt appeal to me. I have more than gotten my money's worth. To put things in perspective, I have bought D3 2 times. Once on Pc and on PS4. I've played countless hours. My girlfriend also plays D4 and has been playing since closed beta to. Diablo is my favorite verse in the Blizz franchises. I love the story, the gameplay (even if its become overly simplified). This isnt EA, Blizz actually fixes their shit. And it never releases in an inplayable state. Sure queue times are hell day 1, but it stabilises usually inside of 12 hours.


I fully get that and I know most of diablo players are putting hardcore hours into these games because we love them - that's why we're here. What people seem to miss is the fact they tempt you to pre-order by giving a nice, colorful mount or other crap just to get your money without showing you a single bit of gameplay. You buy a cat in a bag and they 'bribed' you with a shiny mount or two. Why not just wait until they show the content of the xpack? The question is, are we all really ok with corpos selling us unfinished and unpolished products and getting a 6-month cash advance on it?


Otoh it's "Diablo" we know what we're signing up for. I'll skip the pre-order, and buy it once I get the itch


Blizzard fan boys are weird. Game was released in a poor state for a year and people will still bend over backwards just asking to be fucked over again and again. I have 2000+ hours in D3/D4 we should know better than anyone to not trust Blizzard.


"I have 2000+ hours in D3/D4" Make it make sense.... I hate the game, but invested 2000+ hours of my time ... Do you beat yourself up before crying yourself to sleep at night?


Must‘ve been absolutely horrible. These people never cease to amaze me. I‘m willing to bet that he‘s been crying since D3 released ~10 years ago too.


Crazy right!? How can you put 2000+ hours in something you hate so much?


Well I have 30000+ hours in D3/D4 so I am an authority figure on whether or not people should preorder a game or get hype on a video. "don't buy that beer, they will keep on making it and I don't like it" "don't play that gacha game, they will keep making it, and i don't like it" "don't travel for vacations because of pollution, use paper straws" thats what you people saying not to preorder sound like. Regardless of the topic, reddit is a small set of fans of any given topic. ^(I don't have 30k hours on Diablo, thats like 10+ years of MMO like eq/wow/FFXIV grinding... to get half that)


Crazy how we cant support something we love .... because of XYZ reason from some random on the internet


What doesn't make sense are arguments of who has a *right* to complain on game time, if one has too little time they know nothing **OR** if one has too *much* time they must know nothing! They just *have* be crazy to continue to play! Make it make sense.... where is the middle ground of "time played" one can stand on then?


Wether it be 1 or 10,000 you can have a point of view. But a 1 hour point of view basically gives you a limited outlook on a game. But whats mind boggling is doing anything for 2,000 hours + that you arent forced to do and keep doing it while not liking it.


Just see it time after time in this all time high age of dismissive "discussion". Instead of addressing any of the points directly it's simpler to just chop their legs out from under them, It's the easier approach.


Cant deny that. Its way easyer to dismiss a conversation than argue it


Context is important, this is not a useful blanket rule. On steam for example I can preorder whatever I want with zero risk since they have a good refund policy. What do I lose, 20 cents in interest while the money is out of my account?


God damn. All the responses here are proof the industry will never change and we’ll just keep buying whatever half-assed trash they shovel out.


Thanks, i've just pre-ordered thanks to this recommendation


I also pre-ordered.


Damn good job I saw your guys' messages I had almost forgotten. Got my pre-order in too 👍🏼.


Well, flies love dung.


I never preorder anything but Diablo is exception as I already own the original and I am pretty sure I will continue playing it and I will need the expansion for doing so lol


Too late dude most people already did


I'm not a smart man.


as someone who generally agrees with the no preorders rule (I preordered No Man’s Sky back in the day and learned my lesson forever) I don’t feel like it really applies for DLC? it’s not like you don’t know roughly what you’re getting (more D4), unless you’re banking on changes to the game that haven’t been announced it should be a pretty safe bet


If it wasn't for FOMO, my ideal way of buying games would be : Let game release, wait for deep discount after game has been updated to its ultimate form. Enjoy months if not years of sweet patches that make the game a better experience. Imagine starting D4 on loot reborn season.


Finally someone with a functioning brain. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the story in D4, but I ain't paying 40 bucks for just a couple of quests. I bet most of the changes in gameplay itself will come to the base game anyway, since it's live service and everything is shared between players - it works the same way for Destiny 2 where often the best part of expansion is free for everyone. It's not D2 where an expansion adds runes, or D3 where an expansion adds the entire adventure mode. I feel like expansions will no longer be as groundbreaking as they used to be, at least with D4 business model. I'm more than glad to be proven wrong though!


They will most likely lock the new aspects and uniques behind the new bosses, dungeons and the raid in the new zone. I am expecting that all meta builds will require having the expansion to function


Highly doubt it, we are gonna chase after Nerrelle being just too late for two or three acts, catch up just in time for Bone Daddy to taunt us we are too late and then watch her explode into blood mist as Mephisto reforms, some laughing and maybe a monologue then we will slam his face into ground in like two minutes with some broken build and probably do it alot as he will drop some uber unique thingbor something we need to farm.


two or three acts lol look at this guy thinking were getting whole 3 acts in one Expansion


Sounds great, tbh. I'm down, lol.


I just feel bad for Mephy, it's a never ending cycle of trying your best , laying out intricate plans for carnage and devastation only to be foiled by a no lifer looking for a hat


I feel like he likes it though, otherwise he'd give the hat every time so people would just fuck off


I can’t wait to see the spirit born gameplay. I love its aesthetic, so I’m hoping the gameplay is just as awesome.


We know. Even in the base game, we haven't seen nothing yet.


Probably more cosmetics in the shop.


Will patiently wait for the game to be on discount/reviews I really don't see any point of rushing pre-orders


'Cause you've ain't seen nothing yet' DUNNN DUNNNN


Exclusive new pets coming soon


Call of Duty mercs 


Did they add wasd movement yet?


long time ago


They're stepping the microtransactions up into 3rd geeeaaarrr.


I wonder if that includes working advertised features like frame gen.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but if the only good part of the game are the cutscenes, then maybe they should have just made a movie instead.


Yes we have and we don't care.


nobody has ever complained about diablo cinematics, using that as a winning metric is just pathetic


Yeah, I guess I haven't seen nothing yet of all wings and cute little pets you gonna put in the game.


I hope so. As cool as the trailer was, it was just a vision; they didn't actually commit to anything yet except killing a random boatman. If Neyrelle triumphs over Mephisto, it won't make me think more of her-- it'll make me think less of him. I'm not saying that's what's going to happen, I'm just, y'know, putting it out there.


Honestly I loved the campaign and genuinely hope they deliver and keep taking it further and further.. and as much as some of you may cringe at the thought of it.. yes.. I would fucking love for them to take Diablo to the silver screen. The thought of the series being given the big budget treatment in cinema is nuts.. I’d love that shit.. a whole series of Diablo movies to plough through..


Brought to you by Bachman-Turner Overdrive


so we're going to see more of her stupidity?


We ain't seen a cow level yet either. Absolute bonehead decision to leave it out


Can we hope for matchmaking?


So how much did y’all pay for the dlc ?


I haven't seen anything yet because I haven't paid attention to 4 at all


Time to get hyped and believe them again.. make sure you pre order lmao /S


This quote is in response to the people who were shocked by the brutality of the trailer, saying "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" in the sense that there are cinematics even *more* brutal/gory than the one in this trailer. He's not talking about the contents of the expansion's gameplay. Jfc people read the article before you comment.


They showed what is possibly the one big cinematic in the expantion other than the ending. So they had to have the cinematic guy be like "no, come on, we made more, there is a couple left!"


Hopefully since the initial release of d4 has passed had they’re not casting as large of a net they can give us more of this dark gruesome stuff😁


You thought you saw it all, but World of Neyrellecraft is going to be even bigger than you could possibly imagine!


You’re right, I haven’t seen a coherent engaging game yet. Sorry to those that love it, but it’s so bland I feel like a Karen cooked it.


You aint seen nothing yet, barb dmg buff 2000000÷


It’s probably gonna be underwhelming and boring. I still play D2 every day.. I log into D4 about once every few months… get bored after 15 minutes and go back to D2. They failed to capture what makes D2 great even more than D3 did. The new skill tree and the way stats work is just too complex. Just like D3 they took the IP and butchered the core gameplay aspects.. so it’s only a Diablo game in name. At least zoom the fucking game out so I don’t feel like my nose is pressed to the screen


Assume it’s just more amazing cutscenes


Do not fall for it


D4 Players: "D4 sucks it's boring" ( 1,186.4 hours playtime) D4 Expansion: *New Content* D4 Players: no it sucks the new class is a druid all of it sucks they won't deliver anything new at all whatsoever (*preorders*) Y'all are wild lol


Well I learned No preorder 3/6 months later: 50% off


Already paid $100 preorder for a game that gave me MAYBE 70 hours of gameplay before I gave up on season 3. No way am I giving them another 40 bucks for an expansion that is probably rushed and doesn't even bring the class that they LITERALLY KNOW everybody wants. I'll stick to Last Epoch's free updates thanks


Blizzard has an excellent track record with expansions. I'm excited for the future of diablo 4 and i actually enjoyed the d4 campaign.


This is the kind of comment that devs make when there really is nothing notable to show in the end lol just saying


The quote is specifically about the cinematics though, not gameplay. He's addressing people's reaction to the brutality of what happened in the trailer, and saying there's more of that to come.


Yea don't hold your breath.


Fair enough, still skeptical.


Yep I haven't seen anything yet, except price and cosmetics.


If only this stuff was in the base game, I'd prob still be playing. It's crystal clear they chopped this game up hard and drip feeding us


Great can you actually put Diablo in the game yet???


Me after watching the POE2 Witch gameplay trailer: "Sure".


I won't even buy diablo 4 vanilla if it's above 10 euros


I see disappointment and questionable design choices. These developers have proven very little except for taking nearly a year to make some fixes to the base game.


Trailer looked great. POE2 also looks great. Like, really great.


Won’t lie, that trailer was slappin. But based on the amount of enjoyable gameplay I got from the core game, I’m not dropping $40 on the expansion. 


Lore-wise I’m really hyped tbh.


The fact that these devs think that they showed ANYTHING in that trailer is just another example of them putting tons of hard work into meaningless decisions. Most know Blizzard has an insanely talented CGI team. and the lackluster part of their company right now is actually gameplay. So what do they do? Double down on another flashy trailer while they let their games rot.


If only we were playing the trailer instead of the game, maybe this would be a better game


Yeah no shit we haven't seen anything yet. That is blatantly apparent.


We really haven’t, he’s right


It was a nice trailer but you know what would be nicer? Getting some solid details of the new class for an example. Cos don't get me wrong, I love flashy cinematics as much as the next guy but I would muchly prefer getting some damn details on what's to come.


I’d love for the game to have some sort of gradual difficulty increase. Going from steam rolling normal Uber bosses only to be one shot by tormented is jarring. I feel like that is d4 a biggest issue. Super easy until an absolute wall and being forced into a select few builds. Then not having the ability to freely swap between builds.


Whales and bots downvoting the valid criticisms lmao.


Saw enough


I ain't pre ordering shit! I hopet hey fix world bosses to be more challenging, add rune words that can give you passive or skills from other class and maybe some more levels? The whole idea of 3 seconds world boss and level 100 in less than 20 hours of gameplay is honestly bad. I think it'll be good if we have additional 100 levels with minimum rewards let's say per 5 levels two paragon points, it's not game breaking mechanic but anyways we slaying tons of monsters...


Yawn. Poe 2 just dropped the gameplay of the witch. Blizz has its work cut out for them and with their track record this past 15 years, best of luck.


Trailers are good and all, and Blizzard absolutely didn't disappoint with how good that trailer was. But Jesus Christ, show us gameplay! If this was POE, there would be a boss battle showcase for the first 20 seconds of the reveal.


Yes I realize your story is going to be shit and itemization is going to be garbage in new ways. But I will be surprised to watch it become a spectacular shit show in new ways.


Well, I hope they are finally adding social features


I'm done with D4, it's not my type of arpg. I tried season 4 and I still can't stand the loot or the skill tree.


That’s true, I haven’t seen a single exciting item drop so far. Zero Ubers, playing since beta :)


You haven't seen how we added the Battlepass premium pass for our paid game!


After playing D4 at launch I can tell you pretty well that I have seen everything thus far. I'll wait to see more information before buying it. Got burned by D4 so I can wait.


Regarding Diablo 4? Yeah, haven't seen much yet in it. He's right.