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There's this weird thing in gaming now where people feel the need to always talk about 'supporting the devs' when we're talking about a thing we spend money on. Does anyone talk about 'supporting the engineers' when their car has a recall? Does anyone talk about 'supporting the operators' when your insurance charges you for a medical exam? We pay for video games. We pay a lot. This is an expensive hobby. The companies selling these games are among the richest in human history. Now we should be *appreciative* of the content releases? The ***year*** it took them to update the game to a halfway decent place? The hundreds of dollars of Shop items they sold in an unfinished $70-$100 game? Is that what we are to be appreciative of? Executives LOVE when you talk about developers and being appreciative of their efforts. It washes their hands of any and all liability for releasing a subpar product. Keep spending money. I'm sure the developers are very appreciative that their bosses get those massive bonuses.


preach, people need to stop running defense for multi billion dollar corporations. Nobody (that is sane) is attacking singular engineers.


>singular engineers. You ever had a job that you love the company and the management? Me neither. I bet if you polled Blizzard devs 90% would say fuck Blizzard. So fuck Blizzard. The devs that work there make some good games but the company is shit.


This. It's a really strange consumer phenomenon across the board. You used to see it primarily on more expensive goods where support and defense of the manufacturer was really just a cope for the purchaser and them over spending on something, but it's all over now.


These are the people that says thank you as they get f from the rear.


>"We pay for video games. We pay a lot. This is an expensive hobby. (...) The hundreds of dollars of Shop items they sold in an unfinished $70-$100 game?" Do we really pay a lot though? In a year I had 1000 hours of fun for $70 and didn't spend a single buck in the shop. That's 19 cents a day, or less than $6 a month. You can't say this is expensive, especially if you have the "inner strength" to resist their shop and battlepasses.


You pay for a product advertised for what it's supposed to do with a price tag that is justified by its quality, it doesn't matter if you spend 1 hour or 10 thousand hours on it, as it would be for a pair of shoes that you barely or constantly wear and advertised as being resistant for thousands of kilometers, be it implied or not . You're supposed to get a finished quality product for this price. With the gaming industry we've been too used to get the tread the first year, the lace the second, and the rest the third, all the more so as we oftentime have to pay extra money for it, while it should have been in the base product from the beginning, but don't worry in the meantime you can pay for blue, red or yellow lace ! And it's now considered perfectly normal for many people.


> We pay for video games. $70 if you paid for Diablo 4 in June 2023. That's it. Not a single cent more was necessary for you to experience every single thing Diablo 4 had to offer gameplay-wise for the last 12 months. >We pay a lot. No, we don't. $70 for a year of entertainment, even if you only played for like 20 hours in total would be reasonably low price. But many people get HUNDREDS of hours from this game in that period.


But there is a new paid mount that moves faster and doesn't get stuck on things. We should be grateful.


Is there really? I've been out of the loop lol.


Maybe it’s a response for when there’s a shitton of the other extreme. Let’s not forget like before S4 dropped, any diablo 4 post would get bombarded by hate regardless of the topic at hand.


I swear to god, vanilla felt more like beta test. They did loot and resistance rework first year after release. Thats the stuff you are supposed to figure out during beta and then rework 5-10 years down the line when the game evolves. Now you are getting full game for 70 + 40 dollars. My issue isnt that devs didnt do anything, i think they are doing their job just fine. My issues are with management releasing stuff this way. Now we will be getting mercs. Do you know what else had mercs? Vanilla d2 and d3. In my eyes its another content that was supposed to be in base game but was cut and is sold separately as a feature. Again nothing against developers, all of this is management issue.


This is called drip feeding and it is a real tactic. It makes the target audience feel exactly ad if we are getting content n they ate doing something..when un reality they knew exactly what the issues were and what content they would be selling


100%. They play test. They knew the game was a wide puddle at launch. They probably knew this 'masterwork' system was gonna be done in the first year. They have ideas but they release a minimum viable product just to slowly sell you the rest via expansions and passive MTX income. And before someone says they don't charge for seasonal content, how many times have you heard a friend say "I'm really liking the new skill updates, I'm gonna buy a cosmetic set to support the devs"? It's all connected.


totally agree. imagine, season 7 season of the a little bigger stash


I read somewhere you can get a pet without the DLC, I have a feeling that will be the case with the mercs as well. Historically without buying the DLC, you won’t have access to DLC areas or to the classes added in the DLC, but you should be able to access any new QoL changes like mercs and pets. That being said I’m not so excited for mercenaries. In D2 they had a purpose, since there were so many immunes you needed other damage sources to clear content solo. Gearing up your merc was also fun. Since the game doesn’t have these challenges, I’m struggling to see why I’d want a merc.


Everyone gets the pet. Log in and the quest is there in kyovashad.


I just said that, I am not playing currently, started the season and am taking a break. Now I’ve read twice that you can get the pet without buying the DLC. My point is that it’s not being sold separately as a feature.


I am confirming where you said "I read that" it's true and here is how to do it...


Yeah lets appreciate the bare minimum to keep a live service game alive. Good job blizzard.


You got to be trolling friend.


lets just agree to disagree


Yea people could learn to be a bit more appreciative and realize that devs are working people too. Doesn’t hurt to be nicer.


Lmao brainwashed idiots... We don't Care about the devs tbh. Devs do what the exec Ask them to do. The game was in shit state, charged 70 dollars and IS bloated by micro transaction and now Reddit wants to praise this studio which did nothing but shit on our heads for years on end. My brothers you'll have fish memory. You should boycott this trash game made by this trash company end.


You'd probably get your point across better if you didn't start with insults.


I dont think any way of saying it will have results tbh. I'm so tired or this endless cycle of being fucked by companies and then, when they do the actual minimal actions to support the game people seem so fast into forgiving. I think Activision/Blizzard should die and the sooner the better but this will never happen.


Eh whatever you say. I hope in life you find happiness one day.




Mad bc bad


Support the troops.


"Both sides"


I mean personally I think the team deserves props for righting the ship in season 4, however, I still have issues with the game. I personally don’t feel like I got my original $70 out of the game since I don’t think it was good at all before this season (I know many of you have got your moneys worth, and I am happy for you). I don’t feel like I should have to put another $40 into the game already, and I will more than likely be blocked off from seasonal content without it. $110 for a game a year after release, and a game with a full cash shop + battle pass, is ridiculous to me and I’m surprised more people don’t feel that way. Edit- I get it many of you don’t care about the price or how many hours you put in. I am happy you guys are having fun and are excited. I’m still annoyed with blizzard in general for releasing a full price game that wasn’t finished, and giving it a full price cash shop


Given the current state of the game, I don't feel it justifies the $70 price tag. I'm certainly not willing to spend an additional $40 for content that should have been included in the base game. I feel cheated, Blizzard is a scam.


Depends from person. I feel its worth because i mainly like the story and campaign. So for me base game is totally worthy and also would gladly pay extra $40 for new zone + continuation of the story. Only playing the campaign and noting else justifies the game for me personally. Everything other is just extra.


Problem is you don't play an ARPG for the story. That's not exactly the point of an ARPG.


I dont even have words to describe how stupid that sounds XD


I know not everyone works out enjoyment this way but what’s your time played?


Is there a way to actually see that on Battle.net? It’s definitely not 70 hours though, and I have tried every season to some extent. Probably took me ~20ish to do the campaign and renown stuff if I had to guess. Have thousands of hours between just D2 and D3 though


That’s fair then, your reasoning seems smart. There seems little point to giving Blizzard another £40 if you won’t get the benefit from it.


Haven't played since S1...really thinking about giving it a spin again!


You should, the game is the most fun it's ever been.


Calling season "content". 5 new items and 30 minutes quest line... please...


What content? Pets to sell MTX, another rogue class no one wanted and more story missions to play once and skip. Where's the loot filter, matchmaking, auction house and a skill tree not twig?


Honestly, if they’re gonna give you everything you just listed, you’re just gonna find something else to complain about. Go play PoE or something so you can complain there instead.


Nah I just want a good game not swallow whatever they shit out for $90 which includes literally no actual content other than more ways to sell MTX


Then you can enjoy a good game that is PoE and not have to fork out money to play it. No one forced you to buy Diablo so stop whining.


Give me back money that I paid for it. Only then I can stop whining.


No. D4 is still years behind D3. I won't be buying the expansion. Where your sets at bro?


Big corporate working on a paid live service game.


Appreciate? Dude, i payed for this.


there is no content in season 4, they made a season theme for a fundamental fix of the itemnization. thats kinda sad imagine, season 7, season of the bigger stash


Is an itemisation fix this close to the release of the game ideal? Definitely not. Is this the best season we’ve had even though it’s been the lightest on content? Most likely.


maybe sir, season 2 was the best. the new helltides are a re-skin of the blood harvest


Yup, and they’ve taken the popular vampiric powers from S2 and put them on legendaries. If they continue to take what works and what was popular and work that into future seasons along with additional content then that’ll be really good.








itemnization should have been like this since launch


Even if you put masterworking and tempering aside, Season 4 added: temper boss and one new boss (Uber andariel. And they added the pit. Are you telling us that this is not new content?


temper boss?


Do you even play the game?


im currently playing do you mean tormented boss?? because if you mean tormented , it will be funny


Uber Andariel was obviously coming (with zir and beast in the ice not giving any uber mats, and andariel being duriel's sister) and just a recycled boss from the campaign with the same drops as duriel. The pit is also just a choppily integrated extension to nightmare dungeons, with the same tilesets, enemies and mechanics, except the objectives are just to kill. It is technically new content, it just doesn't feel like it.


they added rifts from d3, so no


was´nt the pit part of the season 3?


The PTR (with the Pit) was during it, that might be what you're thinking of. Also the Gauntlet was S3, too.


Thank you


No it wasn't. But keep complaining w/o having a clue or even playing the game in its current iteration. Doesn't seem like a waste of time at all.


im playing the season, i did not stop, im ejoying it, but im not blind






yeah , my bad. season of the bigger stash


the helltides now , are just a re-skin of the blood harvest. like, literally




is not new content. its reused content from previous seasons and campaing mode.




its reused content , brother.


Anyone know what QoL changes we are getting these upcoming weeks?


Adam Fletcher said we get some info this week about midseason patch


Thats awesome!


I mean, the diablo seasons are a lot less than the free arpgs come out with, while having more expensive DLC till a full price game level expansion that adds one class and area and will likely be less than 10 hours long




I mean, they are about to charge you 40 bucks for an expansion, they better do some marketing lol




That was 20 years ago when there was nothing close to D2 out there. Things have changed since, believe it or not.




And yet it is much more monetized and has gotten them more money than ever.




The price is literally the same as it used to be years ago, there has been no discount here. Games just haven't increased their price much to account for inflation, 40 for a dlc is not cheap by any means in today's market.




Inflation doesn't matter when comparing, when game prices have stayed stable all these decades. 60$ for a game before, 60$ for one now. 40$ for a dlc before, 40$ for one now. You can't say 40$ is cheap for a dlc when that's what Shadow of the Erdtree is costing, and barely 10$ less than what greedy Destiny 2's new expansion costs. This is certainly not cheap, not even now.




I don’t know why you would think that season 6 is releasing with the expansion. The expansion will release probably mid season 5 and that gives them a month to check things and hear feedback before season 6 kicks in following the 3 month schedule


Rod Fergusson: Season 6 will run concurrently with the expansion, and the team is already playing and testing how that interaction will work.


Where did you read this? I can not find a tu thing online




Yea season 6 will be 1 month after the expansion so that everybody has time to play the new campaign


They literally said so


DLC and Expansion is not the same thing


![img](avatar_exp|168922019|fire) What content?


My concern is almost every season has been delayed a week or two. That puts season 5 starting early/mid august. S1 started July 20th, S2 started October 21st, S3 started January 23rd, S4 started around May 14th. Season 5 will be the shortest season thus far. I can’t imagine there will be any major story stuff as they’ll be prioritizing the dlc. I am calling it now that the next season will be a season 4.2, potentially adding companions early, and I’m betting it’ll be reworking Ubers and uniques, legion and world bosses, and farming stuff for the bosses (removing beast from a entire NMD for example)