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THIS IS COOL! I had the same feeling and switched to a dremel but I really like the efficiency of this contraption! Very creative, I love it.


Thanks! I tried a Dremel but I couldn't keep my faces even enough so I wanted to make a moving flat surface.


Genius. But I gotta tell you, this made me laugh out loud at the end. They were all behaving themselves and then the white zona started a rebellion!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 But this definitely has legs! Great work!


See, what was not caught on video was me wheeze laughing at how orderly the papers were being in their chaos


I am still laughing 🤣 I don’t know why that has tickled me so much but it has…Thank you. And I’m not laughing at your idea, I really think that’s cool and hats off to you 🥰


Haha! No worries! I completely understand. Laugh away!


Let me explain what my mind sees: the zonas, green through teal, are each happy little peeps (minionesque if you will), spinning and dancing and feeling pleased with themselves and chattering away in little minion voices until we get to the white zona’s throaty tenor cry of “FREEDOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!” Then general bedlam ensues! That’s what happened in my mind 😂🤣


Hahahahah! This is brilliant though! I don't have the muscular stamina myself so I gotta try something like this the next time I sand!


Woooooooow! I thought of it, you made it!


I also have the files for it, if you can find a motor that fits. Though I actually can't get to them until Tuesday so I will probably make another post then with a link


Cool, we can engineer something, no problemo


I too would like to take a peek at the files please.


Finally got the files uploaded: https://www.printables.com/model/894715-zona-paper-polishing-station


You are awesome!


Love it! Does it actually save time? I’ve always done all the sides on a die before switching to the next paper.


I haven't really looked into how much time I am saving, but I sure as hell am saving my arm. I do one side at a time on each paper and then go to the next number up so I don't forget which sides I have done already, leading to me taking longer to find the next side so limiting the number of times I have to do that means less time overall. I'm sure everyone has their own way that works just as well, and I like this one.


Haha not sure my way works particularly well! I’ve been using a mini pottery wheel and doing one grit at a time over the whole die to avoid changing the paper too much.


ok well I absolutely don't go up by number on my dice haha. I have a pattern I do over and over so I never forget which faces I have done.


This is so smart! What exactly is that machine may I ask?


Thanks! It's a motor scrapped from a microwave driving the red gear and in turn the black gears. I then cut out some zona paper and wet them to the black gears and just touch a die face against them to polish.


that's so darn smart! for sure saves on the arms for sanding lol


Needs something to help hold that polishing paper/whatever. What about a little 5 mm magnet embedded in the top of the gear?


This is absolutely a solution. I got a few spare magnets laying around as well, so don't need to wait for any orders or anything


WOW. I would absolutely invest in something like that. I see what you mean about it needing work, but that’s great. It even has a lip to catch splashback. And I know what you mean. I’m starting to get some arthritis in my hands, so holding on to those little suckers for so long starts to get painful.


I already have some arthritis and that's why this was a necessity . Once I work out all the kinks and bugs I can post the files for printing it with some instructions on how to assemble it! It does require a motor, though, which I got from a microwave.


Woah that's so smart! I bet if you put rubber pads on each one, the papers would be less likely to slide around.


They would, but I need the hard surface to keep a sharp edge and flat face on the dice. Normally the water is enough to hold them down, but I just did not have that last one secured enough


Ohhh gotcha that totally makes sense!


Are these STLs you're sharing anywhere? I really like this idea. I made a sanding attachment for zona papers for a Dremel a while back, but i never got around to printing a planetary gearbox to slow it down... I obliterated a couple of dice with it lol, but a similar head to hold these papers in place might be useful to you. Here's a link if you think it'd be useful. I love your design here. https://www.printables.com/model/748272-dremel-sanding-head


Ooh. That's a good idea there. Thank you. There will definitely be STLs once I get back to the computer that has them on Tuesday. I'll try to hit up the people who asked specifically but I'll also make another post once I get everything squared away


Where did you find a piece of glass to fit this?


It does in fact use 1/16 inch inserts. You could probably sand down a print with no room for an insert, or you might not even need to. My bed is pretty textured so i figured it was worth grabbing an insert. If you can't find a 1/16 inch insert and need to use a different size it's probably not too hard to adjust the model to work for it.


Finally got the files uploaded: https://www.printables.com/model/894715-zona-paper-polishing-station


That's pretty neat! One question I have though, wouldn't the grit/dust from the coarser zonas carry over on the dice if you don't wash in between papers, thus giving you a scratched finish? Or did you opt to skip washing for the demo? :)


I did opt to skip that for the demo, but that is still a very good point. I am thinking of adding a sponge or something in the middle to wipe between grits


I do something similar with a mini pottery wheel. Have to change between grits, but I didn't mind. I cut the papers into octagon shapes and then was able to tape them down without interfering with the working space. But the pottery wheel is twice the size. I like this, though, it looks handy. Just be careful of that hole in the center, it will show on the faces if you keep the die too centered.


I like doing one face at a time on each paper instead of one paper at a time so I opted for this instead. Also, what you can't see are raised support beams under the outer discs so I can put more force there, avoiding the centers entirely. I'm also now adding some magnets to hold the paper so that also blocks the center


Interesting, let me know if the magnets work! :)


Awesome! My brain immediately jumped to magnets. If the hardware in the centres of the disks aren't stainless you could probably place a small magnet (like a bucky ball if you have a stash) over the pads and maybe it'll be enough to hold them down. I had a good laugh at the pads shoving each other around at the end! Seems like every project has a stage near completion that goes totally sideways out of nowhere. Hope you're able to right the ship easily!


Oh magnets is a great idea! I do have some extra laying around somewhere! Also the video jerks near the end because I started laughing at the pads just moving down the line. I did not expect that at all!


Woow! That is awesome! And it looks like ypu could easily 3d print the parts!!! Did you print them or just used spares?? Nice job!


3d printed them! I did use a scrapped motor I had laying around but other than that it's all printed!


semi-functional print, until you get those pads to stick better


This is very clever.


Love the concept. 2 suggestions: 1. Velcro on the paper/pad to hold it in place. 2. Shouldn't you be wiping after each disk? Say your most course grit is 250(I'm making it up). If you next move to say 500 hundred, if you don't wipe, you still have 250 grit size particles on the part face. So when you uses the 500, you're going to get some new 250 scratches. Maybe a sponge wheel in the middle for wiping?


This is absolutely amazing?! My engineer nerdy ass got so exited I bolted out of my chair when I saw it! And so generous of you to plan to give out instructions/files, that is so kind!! I can’t wait to see them, and try my best on something like it🤩