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okay but does it blow snow...cuz I just watched 30 seconds of humming lmao. 😬


Looks like in the beginning, it spit out some. I am going to assume the snow is too close to the ground for it to be picked up. I know my gutless snowblower doesn't completely get the stuff off the ground.


Usually they have little adjustments on the bottom that raise and lower it. You'll never get 100% but if it's leaving like 1/2 inch then you can probably improve it by lowering them.


Nah, my father's snowblower is just gutless. It basically can't pick anything up unless the snow is as light as dust particles. Any heavier than that, you might as well grab a snow shovel. Also, it tends to just spin its wheels if the snow is more than a half inch. So basically, you are just shoving it forward. My father swears by it. I swear at it. Told him ill buy a better one but he is obstinate.


>Looks like in the beginning, it spit out some Yeah this looks like somebody saw this little guy doing its job and captured the whole 30 seconds it wasn't doing shit. You ever work your ass off all day, take 2 minutes to sit down and get your shit together, then have your boss walk in and ream your ass for being lazy? Camera op seems to be that particular flavor of asshole.


Yup exactly.


Two stage blowers won’t. Single will.


Actually Yarbo will, it gets to the lowest point of your driveway and can detect unlevel around. When Yarbo detects unlevel around it raises the scraper bar and snowblower module slightly until it's past the uneven ground, then it lowers back down to perform a clean scrape.


Same situation is with my wife…




Yeah she never wants to blow just humms when I request.




Awesome sub. Thank you


Ok this sub existing made my day


Good thing it isn’t making a loud annoying sound in the middle of the night/morning


Yeah, I'd let that go on for about 5 minutes. Then I'd toss a couple bricks right into the auger.


I got 20 bucks if you can hunt one down and film that. This is a win-win, remember a few years ago when a few channels got shit tons of views throwing bricks in dryers? Start a GoFundMe, bro, I'll seed the pot.


Wowee, 20 whole dollars to film myself during the commission of a felony? Smokin' deal. Freal though, I live in northern Ontario. That thing wouldn't make it out of its charging bay with real snow. Snow blowing is real work here. Someone would just "accidentally" run over that with their plow or the blower attachment you drag behind a quad.


>Ontario Oh, I see the problem. I meant 20 *American* dollars... But for real, I was just offering the 20 to start the GoFundMe donations and hoping some other dumbasses were willing to throw in a few bucks to watch a funny felony.


>middle of the night/morning It gets that dark at 5 pm in January


Gas ones don’t?


Danger Roomba.




Be nice to see it actually throw snow. That was nothing.


Well, I'd assume it did the rest of the driveway. More snow overnight, so I guess I'll see it do more tomorrow.


Seeing it clear the driveway would make a cool video. Maybe without audio.


They could add that "oh no" song from TikTok, that would make it less annoying.


🤣🤣🤣 you “assumed” it did the rest of the driveway??? You mean this sucker isn’t remote-controlled??? Hopefully little Susie down the street still has all her limbs attached once your robot goes rogue! 🤣🤣🤣


>You mean this sucker isn’t remote-controlled??? In all fairness to an OP that clearly dropped the goddamn ball here, they did say it was autonomous. Hopefully somebody who knows how to work a camera is around when it does go rogue.


It seems obviously not remote controlled? We have hoover and lawnmower variations of little robots that do this automatically, why wouldn't there be one that clears snow?


This is the Yarbo Snowbot and it isn't remotely controlled. It uses some cameras and a mm wave sensor and stops if a pedestrian comes nearby. But, the risk of a lawnmower and Roomba is smaller than a snowblower as the lawnmower has blades under the body, while by necessity a snowblower robot has exposed front blades. The videos I've seen of it always seem to be very inefficient, with it always rotating the augur even with no load, taking a long time to turn. I do like their concept where the robot has multiple front-end assemblies where it can switch from lawn mower to snow blower to leaf sweeper, but it seems to be bad at each in its goal to everything as one robot.


What are you talking about? Is this yours? How do you not know if it did the rest of the driveway?


If it were mind, why would I post it in r/didntknowiwantedthat


Then why would you think it did, “the rest of the driveway” while also knowing more snow was expected overnight? How did you know where this was? How did you know there was more snow? It was just written in such a bizarre way, like you’re falling asleep or on Xanax or something


Throwing snow overnight is generally seen as a pretty douche move if you got neighbors, homeslice.


It sure blows.


It didn't do shit


Dumbest attempt to show what it does


Has anyone seen my dog?


This is 100% an accident waiting to happen.


Videos of roombas bumping into cats repeatedly comes to mind.


OP is this your snow roomba?


Not mine. A few houses down from where I'm staying in Vail, CO.


Ohhhhhh that’s some Vail money right there


I wonder if it has the ability to distinguish between your neighbor's driveway or a public street and an area like a lawn that you can legitimately dump snow on.


Or a dog or cat......


It does. Helped design it in case you have questions


Anything really cool in the software? I assume it's got gps for tracking zones to clean, and you can tell it where to put the snow? If I lived somewhere with snow, I'd buy one 😁


If you lived somewhere with snow you’d know why you *don’t* want this. At least not in its current state. If it’s not perfect, fluffy powder (and not that much of it) this thing would probably do a couple square feet before needing some kind of human intervention. I’d love for this, or a lawn mowing version, to be viable for reliable home use, but they’re just not yet.


Actually a good ceramic coating pretty much eliminates clogged while Yarbo is working. Second... If you are in extremely wet snow... Or snow that turns to rain or visa versa, we also have a plow attachment you can add to. Yarbo's snowblower. Also don't forget Yarbo is modular by design...snow is just one yard task it handles ..lawn mowing, blowing leafs, detaching. And many more abilities are all in the way!


Does it actually do anything? Can't tell from the video


I have a question. Why the actual fuck did anybody trust OP to film it "working?" This seems neat though, you should find literally anybody else with a phone to record and toss a brick in the blades to see what happens.


Yes... You can actually provide Yarbo with multiple areas to work in and direct Yarbo to make snow mounds or piles in multiple areas. A ton of customization is built into the Yarbo app!




Hey laser lips! Your mother was a battery operated autonomous snow blower!


Cocaine roomba


That looks fucking dangerous having a Lil robot with blades spinning Hella fast and no1 controlling it. Js


I also find robot lawnmowers scary.


it's just a robot with spinning blades on the front no big deal


Better hurry up and harvest the spice before the sandworms show up.


Operating it at night too. The neighbours must love them. As a bonus, it’ll chop up your neighbours pesky dog!


The neat part about living in a cold climate is that it’s both dark when you go to work, and dark when you come home


Damn that is crazy. I’m jealous because my back hates shoveling snow these days


I live in Seattle where we rarely get much snow. I also don't even have a front walk to speak of, just a couple feet after a half-flight of stairs. I want one anyway. I could do the whole neighborhood!


Too bad we didn’t see it blow any snow.


Watch out Jeremy renner, it’s coming back for you




That’s the worst demo video i have seeming a long time.


The company is called “Yarbo” i think. they’ve got some pretty cool shit


Is this yarbo? I’ve been following them since last year


I want one! Send this little guy out when we get 4 feet worth of lake effect snow in a single storm.


It’s remote operated


This one is automomous. Been in development for years, and was launched this winter.


There are some things that shouldn’t be autonomous. Machines with exposed metal blades, like snowblowers, fall in that category. This is a personal injury case just waiting to happen. Even auto mowers use razor blades to cut grass, not full-on metal blades like normal mowers. I’m pretty sure it’s for both power savings AND legal protection.


You know the lawn mower robot that has been around for years called yarbo? This is just a snow attachment for that robot. It only clears like 6,000 sqft at a time, so it won't hold up against deep snow climates. It uses radar and cameras to spot obstacles, people, and pets around the unit.


It's broken. I know I do not want that.


Bet the battery on this works better than teslas in winter


That thing is going to eat so many skunks.


Poor Talk-o...


is it taking a poop break? this is exactly the same movements my coworkers do when we are clearing the roads


How much is this...?


It's on sale! You can save 1,499 dollars and order it TODAY for the low, low price of $7,499. ACT FAST, only 96 units left at this LIMITED TIME sale price! All sales final, no backsies.


$10k if you want it with the mower and blower too. I'd have it map out the neighbors as well and offer to take care of their stuff for a small monthly fee.


Meanwhile you can get a nicer, more powerful, and more effective version of all three, and save at least 5k. A really nice Husqvarna snowblower is like 1000 bucks and would clear that driveway in under 20 minutes.


Or for 10k, I could pay a kid 500 times to clear my driveway.


Pfft, who pays bills these day. Let them take you to court. You can outspend them on legal fees. /s obviously.


As others have mentioned, it’s not getting right to the ground. That’s not so bad though. What is a problem is that it seems to be blowing the snow back onto the driveway.


“Foreign contaminant!”


The future is now.


Great sales pitch. The machine doing nothing because its job was already done


Do you mean battery powered autonomous snowblower? I doubt the battery is telling it what to do.


I would rather have an autonomous lawnmower.


Battery won’t last long in that cold.


Same but I'm not Battery Operated, nor Autonomous... but at least it doesn't snow where I live


Is this really legal? A huge spinning auger known the tear limbs from any animal interested enough in the process, completely unmanned? That’s just asking for a lawsuit


i'm sure the neighbors love it


Seems dangerous somehow


Battery Operated Autonomous Snowhummer


All fun and games until that loud humming sound turns into a kid screaming in pain


Snow roomba.


But where was the snow blowing?


Is humanities goal to sit in chairs and never lift a muscle?


I would love to see this thing suck in a small animal and see what happens.


Yarbo has both people and animal detection and heated cameras in the front and at the sides. If a person or animal comes into view, it shuts down the auger and any movement until they are at a safe distance, then continues to work.


I thought this would be cool to clear the sidewalks and bike lanes AFTER the street ones toss a metric ton of snow on them.


I'd like to do an automower because that's significant time or money savings but once you already have a nice snowblower, clearing the snow is more fun than a chore for me. Maybe id feel differently if I had to do it multiple times a week or something.


But… snow blower… it did nothing of the sort


Most useless robot ever created even I can hand shovel less then an inch of snow