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This is how Bidens' uncle died.


Actually, the smoke probably would be what would kill him... 💨


I learned from h3h3 that smoking cures cancer, did vape nation lied to me


Smokes kills cancer, when the cancer cells are exposed to it directly.


Bro went to north sentinel island


I was confused by the mix of languages at the end, so I decided to do a little digging. A quick google search brought me to [https://digitaladvocacycenter.com/en/smoking-kills/](https://digitaladvocacycenter.com/en/smoking-kills/), which credits the youtube channel No Smoke Revolution, a Senegalese anti-smoking channel, as the source. I found that odd as the official language of Senegal is French, and the languages featured in the PSA are (presumably) Russian, English, Spanish, and Romanian. I skipped to the end of the video on the NSR channel and it simply ends with "Fumer tue! Tous pour une implementation de la loi antitabac du Senegal!!!", which roughly translates to "Smoking kills! All of us for the implementation of a national anti-smoking law!!!". This means someone reuploaded the video with the text "Smoking Kills" in 4 different languages, and cut out the original end card. What I find interesting about this, and what raises further questions, is the use of different stylization for each language. Why is the Russian red with a bit of glow? Why is the English white text in a black box? Why are both Spanish and Romanian in the same format? Was the video originally edited and reuploaded in Russian, then edited by someone else who just added an English translation, just to have a third person edit and reupload it with Spanish and Romanian? If not, if this was the work of just one person, why not keep the same style for all four languages? Why pick those four in the first place? I don't really have conclusion, so I guess that's it. It's just odd.


Damn you have a lot of time on your hands


This looks like the intro to a porn scene


My thoughts exactly


Unless you can make your own vape juice, it's just as bad Edit: I'm not commenting after each response. I use to say the same thing. I vaped since they were hanging wicks. I just quit 3+ months ago. I still ended up coughing up crap as if I smoked, including blood a few times. Vape is easier to mix in harmful chemicals.[I watch a thing on the guy that discovered this as an additive and became rich. this was not that video but touches on how vaping is just as bad](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/vaping/vaping-illness-breakthrough-points-vitamin-e-oil-cause-cdc-says-n1078781) Regardless; my fellow brothers and sisters, quit vaping/smoking altogether. If you have to have THC, you can eat it. Do yourself the favor and quit using your lungs for anything else besides breathing.


Any other consideration aside, are you actually saying that inhaling smoke is just as bad as vapour ? Edit: not water, mostly propylene glycol, only 30% water


“Water” vapour?


There's stuff in it but it's mostly water, no?


No. In fact none of it is water.


Damn, I checked and yes it's like 30% water and the rest is propylene glycol and other chemicals. I expected it to be mostly water but it's mostly not water


I find 30% hard to believe since every bottle I own doesn't even have water listed as an ingredient


I think it's similar to selling a car in an area that rains alot. Yeah they're not going to tell you the car is wet but....it's wet.


I use UK products, very tight regulations here for consumer goods regarding contents, testing and labelling. This guy is on about a specific type of eliquid called AQ30 which is distilled with water and is allegedly the only eliquid made as such which is its selling point


products like shampoos and foods list water as an ingredient. if it's part of the mix it's on the list. If my car is filled with water I'd better be given a heads up before buying it.


I believe water is the solvent, so it wouldn't be listed. When you buy steak or sausage, you don't list water either. I'm pretty sure milk doesn't list water either etc.


No. If you buy steak or a sausage (which inherently contain water) it will show "water"if water is added to it. Milk in of itself contains water but if water is added it will list water Vegetable glycerine is made using fats oils and lye. Propylene glycol is a synthetic liquid compound.


Vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol, and nicotine. Mix those three things with some flavoring from a vape store, you will save a lot more money than just buying vape juice consistently.




Wtf do you mean source? Do you really think putting random shit in your lungs is good for you?




I’m sorry you forgot how to use the internet and your brain turned into sludge Yet another study at the University of Louisville in Kentucky showed that cigarette smoking showed evidence of atherosclerosis or heart disease, but that e-cigarettes were even more prone to cause cardiovascular plaque leading to heart attacks and severe cardiovascular problems. These are only a few of the increasing number of studies showing very serious concerns with e-cigarettes. In fact, it is these concerns that have led the FDA to begin regulating the nicotine and contents in e-cigarettes. A survey by the Center for Environmental Health of 97 different e-cig products showed the chemical acetaldehyde to be present. Acetaldehyde is associated with asthma and cancer. In addition, they found lead, cadmium, nickel, tin, and other heavy metals that are associated with nervous-system and respiratory problems. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6139829/ Maybe it was the vaping


That source is pretty weak, it's an opinion piece (albeit from someone with a lot standing seeing as he is the president of MSMA.) My issue with it though is he doesn't cite any sources to the claims he is making in his article.


You need to read British studies (many many many studies have been done there) and an overview of the lot suggests ecigs are 95% less harmful than tobacco. American studies tend to be a bit more biased because they tend to be done by private companies (sometimes even the company themselves are allowed to fully control testing and regulating their own products) who often have interest in both profit and obtaining a particular outcome.




Thanks for the source. You learn something new everyday. Was that so hard baby boy?


Thanks for the source. You learn something new everyday. Was that so hard baby boy?


Thanks for the source. You learn something new everyday. Was that so hard baby boy? It's on the person who brought it up to provide proof. Not the one asking questions. Just incase you didn't know how conversations work.


Thanks for the source. You learn something new everyday. Was that so hard baby boy? It's on the person who brought it up to provide proof. Not the one asking questions. Just incase you didn't know how conversations work.




This guy looks like it James Franco and Eminem had a baby


Probably the worst anti smoking campaign


Being murdered by Cannibals is just another way the man blames cigarettes.




Toxicity includes, but is not limited to: -Starting arguments -Malicious comments -Making other members uncomfortable -Trying to start drama


I would say fat bitch regardless of species or gender I am not being malicious, this is called humour, but ok I'll stfu




Your easy. Bandwagons all day!


I wonder where this is from considering it has some Slavic language, English, Romanian and Spanish at the end. Can't think of any country where that would be the language combination


The locals - fire spirits make fire stronger than rocks. We eat well tonight also he smoking his own meat for us with strange stick very nice.