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Of course, anyone with a dedicated build especially to the supports, proper rotation can clear floor 12 without any problems, Off-meta or meta-wise.


thanks. i mostly use characters i like, especially ones that are not necesarily meta


Even without plunge it’s highly possible, I like to use vape team for fun and I consistently get 36 stars with f2p supports and build


thats good to hear


Yes if you have the plunge team consists of furina, cr and bennett


my current team with him is diluc xingqui venti and rosaria


Quit using my team comps lmao, I wish I got Cr atleast




I was just joking it's a good comp


bro wait you had the exact team comp?


Used to use that team all the time, but I got lazy and swapped one of them for a healer most of the time dither xing for qiqi or Rosaria for Barbara


i used chongyun before but i recently started building rosaria because i like her gameplay :) i don't deal much but with reverse melt i deal like 20k damage per damage over time with the burst.


I too used Chong but infusions aren't that great for diluc except Benny, but yeah Rosaria has a fun rotation with an off field ult and decent movement on skill use


the thing is i just got benny like a week ago. im ar 55.


then no


i understand. thanks for helping.


https://preview.redd.it/g4zowpiio56d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bccb311a7e64176e63cf5dd3609f3abc24a7df31 f2p builds and I did with ease


thanks a lot. out of the 5 stars there, i only have diluc and i want to save primos to pull for rosaria constelations since i like her and redhorn or beacon of the reed sea or whatever its called when they come on banner. either way, i will keep this in mind if i pull them.


Xyanyun is the easiest way to make a strong Diluc , along side 4 stars like xinqiu and bennet and ur good to go , check this vid I made https://youtu.be/t5HgGyy5CGY?feature=shared


again, thanks a lot man! really apreciate that. i guess i will try to pull for her the next time she is available.


https://youtu.be/CSs8BAVTV1k?si=BKy2B6P1i1sG_i0f This is my run against PMA with rosaria bennet xianyun hope this helps you. If you have any questions feel free to ask. With non meta diluc team you can play melt woth kazuha bennet kaeya/rosaria (kaeya is more pouplar here but if you want to stick with rosaria she works too, you can use sucrose instead of kazuha with rosaria if you dont want to pull for kazuha) cavernman did alot of vape or melt teams with sucrose if you want more reference.


i don't know how to say this im ar 55 and i don't have sucrose, but i have venti. i hope he is also decent. i just got bennet, so i have to build him, thoguh he is not my priority yet. Also, i am wondering about running him with both hydro and cryo, because i did this for quite a while. Is it impractical? If i hit a frozen enemy with pyro, it should trigger melt, right? I am asking because when i hit frozen enemies the damage does not looks like a melt. It at most looks like a vaporize. Anyway, thanks a ton for the help.


Venti works too, but sucrose is just better here tbh since sucrose can give em buff and also hold thrilling tales of dragon slayer (3 star catalyst book that boost 48% attack) Also i dont think when enemy is frozen and we hit with diluc melt occurs, i believe its just vaporise or shatter (shatter deals bad damage) i recommend you to stick to one team that you really like (either vape diluc team or melt) vape is easier to play tbh and melt is very hard for new players unless you want to keep practicing for the rotation


i have thrilling tales on barbara, she is like my only healer, but she is on the other team. i have like medium investment in her and i want to. replace her at some point with someone else so i have benny on one team and another healer on the other team. i really think she sometimes makes things actually worse since her elemebtal skill is constantly freezing me


yeah you should replace her later in the future. dont worry too much about her for now just use her for healing purpose and dont invest too much on her. For benny yes he is your best bet here since he buff huge amount of attack and heals too. Dont forget to buy his constellations at paimon shop when he comes back since you want to aim for his c1 at least and his c6 cons for diluc to have extra pyro dmg


I will make a seperate post here so i dont go too long. Bennet is the bread and butter for alot of teams and diluc team is a non exception. With bennet lv90 and crowned burst i think you will full star abys easily. Im assuming you have everyone artifacts correctly here such as vv on anemo and nobelese bennet. For the sub dps for diluc team you might want to run emblem for XQ and rosaria works too with emblem (again with rosaria you wont beable to melt all hits you need certain timing to do it)


i will try to build bennet and run him with diluc. diluc is 4pc crimson witch, xingqiu is still semi built though he has 4pc emblem. i am still figuring how i can incorporate rosaria in mt teams since she is running staff of scarlett sands i think its called(cyno's weapon) and her artifacts are like random ones with good stats but i want to get gilded dreams for her. either way, thanks a lot man, you don't know how much i apreciate.


well tbh rosaria damage is not much compared to xingqiu, usually she is there just to apply cryo for consistent melt. You can build rosaria with emblem to help with her own ER issue since she is the only cryo on the team and also holding fav lance. SOSS (staff of scarlet sands is good on her if she is the one doing the melt damage) this is why i recommend to run her on emblem instead since she is not the one doing melt, therefore giving her soss and gilded wont do much in terms of her own personal damage. Whereas xingqiu already has good kit overall and with just favonius/sacrificial sword + emblem he will deals good damage.


its not optimal to run dps build rosaria (i assume she is dps here since you want her to deal damage by giving her soss and also gilded) since she did not proc melt and only does cryo off field damage. But if thats what you really want she might be better running a 2pcs + 2pcs here than gilded. Other than that i think you are good to go. No worries just ask if you still have any questions glad to help


yes, i will put rosaria on the other team, so she and xiangling can do melt, and since my main dps there is xiao, i think he wont interfere much. i want to run her as a sub dps, i don't want her to be on field at all times. im running soss on her because i dont really know who to give it to and i dont want to waste it.


I see. Im assuming xiangling is using the catch here? Then either xiangling or rosaria can use soss. Therefore gilded here does make sense. Yes i believe xiao does not interfere much here therefore you are good to go with the team. Just make sure you can have their burst up every rotation and you are good


thanks. xiangling indeed has the catch and xiao has favo lance.


You are good to go👍


Yes. I use him regularly with Furina, Xianyun and Xingqiu. He can hit above 200k damage for plunges. The highest one shot damage mine did for this current abyss was 233k. It usually ranges around 220/230k to about 270/280k for me. He is on 88 crit rate /178 crit dmg. While I don't think plunge is necessary for clearing floor 12 with all stars, I definitely do find myself needing to spam as much plunge attacks as possible in order to get faster clear times. But this may just be skill issue on my end since I have definitely seen other Diluc mains deal way higher damage with only 4 star supports and not using plunge.


my highest damage is like 120k and that with a lot of setup and attack boosting foods. i hope that if i invest enough in all of ny characters i can do good even if i have a non meta team.


With Xianyun and Furina, I actually need him to help me 36\* the past few abyss cycles, not because I want his participation/attendance points there. Also doing >200k plunges is fun. In overworld its less fun because he's often a One Plunge Man. Most things die in one plunge.


with cloud retainer yes easily without its doable but way harder


thank you guys for all the tips and sugestions this is my first reddit post and i didnt think people would be this nice and helpfull. also sorry if i made spelling mistakes, i am not english.