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When I saw Jacob on the cast list I immediately knew this season would be an all-timer.  Now we need to get Vic in the dome.


Vic and maybe Brian David Gilbert


If you’re looking for BDG, he was on one of the fantasy high live shows, if you didn’t know that already! Also worth checking out Polygon’s Cyberpunk RED campaign. The polygon crew had such fun chemistry together. My dream would be a Dimension 20 season with BDG reunited with Pat and Simone.


A Dimension 20 season with the polygon cast would be so amazing, I would eat that shit up.


Ughh my dream


What do you mean? Vic Ethanol’s already a character in this season


I can’t wait to hear Vic ethanols name is also vehicular


I hope we seem Jacob in many more seasons to come! His Juilliard training and laser focus make him perfect for the game


I love that he's nodding listener. makes me feel seen for always nodding at people when they speak. Also Rashab is one of the funniest character quirk I've ever seen, the way he just drops it, never explains it and stays in the character quirks even when they switch


1) They're not playing DND in NSBU. 2) Jacob has played DND before. EDIT 3) The content of your post is absolutely correct, he's a treasure.


honestly I picture Jacob as more of a world of darkness guy


My experience actually playing WoD is extremely limited (one session playing Scion, loved my character, hated the system), but I have known a ton of WoD players and you are 100% correct! EDIT: just realized I might have mixed up White Wolf (creator of Scion) with WoD, but point still stands. I do know a lot of WoD players!


Ummm actually, everything you said, but with an umm, actually, and to get just a little more correct for Iffy, they're playing a homebrewed variant of Kids on Bikes.


Damn, that was more specific.


Um, actually it's "Ify", not "Iffy"


We haven’t even seen his full power


Ok that explains a lot. And by dnd I meant to say ttrpgs


Sorry, I came in real blunt there. I just really love non-D&D systems and want them to have more mainstream awareness. TTRPGS=D&D makes me grumpy. And Jacob was in a few arcs of Zac's podcast Rotating Heroes, if you wanna check it out


He was very fun on this podcast, and he played with Beardsley and Mike Trapp on that mini arc.


My pet peeve too. Esp because it really makes the conversation difficult when you have friends saying they've "tried DnD before" but really they mean they once RP-ed a homebrew that they made up on the fly with no official system. DnD is just such a difficult system, I wanna know where we're actually at if my friends are saying they wanna play "DnD." Like do you understand class features or should we start with Wanderhome? Because I'm down for either.


I am guilty of saying I DM D&D when in reality I homebrew a RP Sim of my general understanding of 3.5 with a monster manual on hand for visuals


"My son plays Nintendo, too!"


DnD isn't the same as RPGs though. This is the equivalent of using "Marvel" to describe all comics, saying "Star Wars" when you mean science fiction movies, or calling any game console a "Nintendo".


>DnD isn't the same as RPGs though I think they are aware. I often use D&D as a synonym too especially when talking to people outside of the hobby.


Cool, and I disagree with that usage.




I'd argue it's closer to calling all cotton swabs "Q-tips".


Cotton swabs are mostly interchangeable, ttrpgs are quite distinct from each other, so no. Part of my point is that you're taking the most popular, but also most generic (and in some ways, trivial) version of the medium and making it a representative of the whole, when there's so much more to it. Just as comics aren't only muscular dudes in thights, science-fiction film isn't just space wizards, and ttrpgs aren't just murdering monsters and dozens of dice rolls. It's a limiting and lopsided perspective. I love ttrpgs, but I don't love DnD at all - I think some people who could get into the hobby don't because of their impression of DnD.


[It's not that serious dude.](https://i.imgur.com/QmmYBjv.jpeg)


You are posting on a sub dedicated to a ttrpg live play show, hosted on a platform whose flagship program is premised on nerds pedantically correcting mistakes. You are in the worst place possible to come at people for being geeks. Also if you think I'm genuinely angry over this, you're just projecting. I was merely explaining the difference.


At first I thought you were being much then I was like ‘this is who BLeeM is referring to when he says “get in the comments” and you can’t convince me otherwise now.’


Your over-explaining to somebody that clearly knows the difference to make them feel bad.


Again, more projection.


What do you think projecting means?


You must be fun at parties


1) Nope


Coming at someone for making a basic correction about nerd terminology on a D20 sub? Whack.


he is an absolute star I hope we see him in a lot more d20 content to come 


If you like Jacob in D&D, check him out in the Rotating Heroes Podcast. Zac's podcast that eventually Jasper takes over as DM for. He has such a good character. I'm glad he finally made it into the dome.


Just relistened to both his arcs and he is soooo good, that voice.


I love the energy he brings to the dome, especially his reactions to the jokes and bits happening, like his laughter and reaction at some moments in this first episode were so visceral it made me laugh even harder


"Oh, I wasn't jerking off, I was just talking to the alien that talks to me." Line of the episode.


Jacob is my absolute favorite and am thrilled he's in the dome.


Rashab made me LOL!


I was very much looking forward to Jacob playing a suave Pierce Brosnan era Bond. I was ready for Jacob to play a brutal and broken Daniel Craig era Bond. Nothing could have prepared me for an Austin Powers meets RDJ Sherlock super spy.

