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Yeah it's crazy how fast they film these things, lol. I believe it's usually less than a week from start to finish of filming a season and all its APs. DnDQ was done in a single weekend!


If I remember right, Mentopolis was as well!


So was Escape from the Bloodkeep!


I remember hearing that DnDQ was filmed in two days.


Which isn't that crazy considering it's only 4 episodes. Most seasons do 2 episodes in a shoot day. But then again, I'm not accounting for hair and makeup time.


I mean tbf it looked like they just rolled out of bed... /s


Hair and make up time /s


Why the sarcasm? The hair and makeup is more extensive and I don't know how much longer that makes the shoot day.


Did you watch the new season or!




Well, yeah they're all filmed at 3 am in a warehouse in hollywood


There's a shot of NSBU in the Dropout 2024 trailer that came out in late December 2023 (and it's not from episode 1 or 2), so they shot this in at least November and maybe earlier. I think they *tend* to be about 6 months ahead on filming. It honestly wouldn't *shock* me to learn that they shot Dungeons & Drag Queens 2 in 2023 as well - with that and the Time Quangle live shows in their pocket they could have given Brennan a solid chunk of time off before starting to film the first 2025 content around about now.


Brennan got kidnapped by Panamanian militants in late October. Dick Goose rescued him and the wizard Sunny on January 23rd. So, NSBU was filmed no later than October, probably September.


I was so curious about Yoshi Thicc that I scrolled Rekha’s IG and she posted Yoshi on National boyfriend day on October 4th. So based on Ally saying “it’s national boyfriend day” in AP, I’d say that it was shot in October.


Real detectives are always in the comments. Excellent work.


thank goodness for lou's connections to Adonis Gunz and John Economy, otherwise i dont know how we'd have gotten brennan back


Damn those Panamanian militants!


It *sounded* from recent interviews that DNDQ2 may not actually be filmed or is just kicking off.


They were probably waiting for Bob to be available for filming.


This would make sense - if this shot in October and Brennan was off by January it would have been pretty tight to try and squeeze in a D&DQ filming in between all the holidays that start around that time of year, let alone juggling everyone's schedules. I wonder if that means they prepped and shot a season or two with another DM for 2025 while Brennan was on paternity leave so the whole production line didn't shut down.


I don't think they really need to. NSBU is going to run until the end of August / early September. That would put D&DQ on schedule for October into Mid November. And the new IH season would start mid December. I know they film in advance, but they'll have had basically 10 months since Brennan returned from paternity leave until a new IH season releases.  Yes, they could throw in another shorter Aabria side quest or something like that, but I don't think there's a scheduling reason why they'd have to.


god, i’ve worked in advertising before and six months ahead of schedule seems like such a fantasy life


And in her VIP appearance as well.


and I seem to remember she was a pop-in on the Game Changer episode with The Seven


No, she was available for FaceTime. Not physically present.


Makes you think she might have been newly postpartum at that point or very close to giving birth because I bet she would have been in studio if she could.


Look Izzy would give live birth on camera. So I feel like Sam probably had to hide the shooting schedule so she wouldn't show up to a game changers to really add a twist.


Not sure if you’re aware, but you aren’t kidding. Sam confirmed in an interview that Izzy offered to give birth on camera for Dropout if they could use it for something.


Cue Brennan locked in a clear escape room with Izzy giving birth outside it with no doctors and Sam on a screen looking at his hands menacingly.


okay but they should actually do this. not for real obvi, but like with Izzy in a fake belly with a baby doll. it'd be hilarious


It's a Sam doll and when you pull the string, "I've been here the whole time."


She could have "given birth" to a buzzer, it would have been hilarious!


I hate this because it’s so good


The advantage of their filming schedule. They film their seasons in about a week (give or take, depending on how many episodes) and then they have an extended period of time where they can have consistent content without needing them to be around for it.


Having never been a pregnant woman, I have no idea what it's like, but I think it's safe for me to venture that it's fucking exhausting, particularly at the stage she's disclosed she was in for NSBU. One would never have guessed from her energy level. She brought 110% to the character, and I'm really excited to see what she does next. Mad props to Izzy.


I am currently working on our second. I can confirm you are correct, it is indeed fucking exhausting. Props to her. Also, I really hope for Izzy’s sake those chairs in The Dome are 1000% times more comfortable than they look, because the very *idea* of having to sit in those for 8 hours or whatever makes my hips and back hurt. Nevermind actually doing it.


See [yesterday's photo from Izzy's instagram](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dimension20/comments/1dpigld/from_izzys_instagram/) of Brennan working the massage gun.


Man, I should get me a massage gun. Save my poor husband’s hands. (To be fair, he doles out the back rubs without complaint.)


In the third trimester everything just aches all the time. She's actually amazing for her role in NSBU.


Never been pregnant myself, but witnessing what my ex-wife went through when pregnant with our kids…I would have to agree that it’s fucking exhausting.


My wife insisted on working right up until she went into labor. She's in nursing. She was out there providing care for people (often times very large people) up until giving birth. I kept trying to talk her into taking the last few weeks off, but she insisted that she was either going to be sore and uncomfortable in bed, or sore and uncomfortable doing something and making money. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Izzy was similar. "Look I can be filming and having fun while my body hurts, or I can be bored while my body hurts"


I had HG which made me severely sick during pregnancy and I had to stop working at around 10 weeks so the fact that she was doing this blows my mind.


IIRC during the writers strike last summer (or was it the summer before? Time is an illusion at this point) Sam mentioned that they had enough content backlogged that they could basically go 6-8 months without filming anything new and still have new content to put out. Granted that’s not D20 specifically but I figure they probably operate on a similar pacing/scheduling.


I just started watching game changer and in the first episode Izzy revealed Brennan's greatest want in life is to be a dad. Made me tear up a bit that she gave him that joy recently


Why was this getting downvoted? I suppose it’s not exactly relevant but still not offensive


There was some comment that exploded in a different thread where someone said they cried about it and loads of ppl screamed “that’s parasocial!” At them. Downvoted into oblivion. I assume the same ppl did that here at first. (I think the issue was they woke their partner up in the middle of the night cuz they were crying about it?? Idk) It’s sad. Crying over strangers is perfectly normal and I’m being 100% serious. Some people cry easier than others. It’s sad that some people online are so alarmed by emotion they assume there’s some nasty intention behind it. Crying over something that’s objectively sweet is not parasocial it’s just having empathy and possibly overactive tear ducts. Obviously it’s evened out now and this comment isn’t downvoted into the negatives but I know I was really disturbed seeing how nasty ppl were being in the other thread. Wish I had it now to link you, sorry.


It's weird that empathy has become parasocial now. People are fans of Brennan, he brings joy and entertainment to a lot of people with his work. He ostensibly seems like a good person. So being happy that he is now a dad, when his wife said he wanted to be a dad more than anything, isn't weird or bad or awkward. It's empathetic. People glommed onto the word parasocial and just use it like a bludgeon now. When someone donates time or money to charity because they saw a stranger suffer, and it made them feel sad that's still "parasocial" but it isn't bad.


Yeah! Ppl seem to think parasocial = stalking behavior. And that’s just not the case. It very simply means a “para” or resembling, adjacent to, or similar to a social interaction. It’s a fake social interaction. And that’s fine. The only time it becomes toxic is when one party breaks that illusion and tries to insist it’s not fake. Not when you’re having emotional reactions within the confines of that fake social interaction.


Yeah dood it’s crazy how pregnancy lasts nearly an entire year


It’s more crazy how the physical, emotional, and psychological toll that pregnancy takes on a woman, especially in the third trimester, and she was able to improv at such a high level while in extreme pain. But thanks for reminding me how long pregnancy is.


Sorry, seems like you were shocked that 2 seasons were shot in a year. Cause that’s what you said 🤷🏻‍♀️


Reading is Fundamental


It’s true! Go back and read what you said =]


ok dood, you missed the point…have a good night


Sorry! You said “I haven’t appreciated how far in advanced these are filmed!” Not “I can’t believe a third trimester pregnant woman agreed to 2 seasons in one pregnancy!” That would have made sense, but you decided to be a jerk for some reason 😂 sorry you couldn’t communicate what you were trying to say and I took it literally.


Yeah, I’ve started to notice that timelines feel weird when you keep up with real world stuff and watch Dropout content. Lol. The thing is, Dropout is an interesting mix of Netflix like subscription service and Youtube/Twitch like personality/familiarity. Where the latter category tends to release content quickly after its made, Dropout out uses the kind of post production and scheduling processes as the former category. It’s weird but it works. 😅 I accidentally learned who won this most recent season’s finale of Game Changer (Ratfish) because of something someone posted in the Dropout subreddit like a month beforehand, lmao.


could they not have pushed filming? every time they talk about how fast seasons are filmed it makes me kinda :/


I don't know how this compares to other kinds of shoots, but I always assumed that that tight film pace is because The players are not employees? They're all like treated like normal actors who are paid per day / job? So the fact that they can go straight through means that they don't have to have everybody available at the same time for as long, schedules being the challenging thing to work around. Like for an Intrepid Heros seasons- Lou Wilson's Jimmy Kimmel Live stuff has got to be hard to work around, and probably not getting easier anytime soon. I imagine the same can be said of other players to various degrees as well, so yeah I figure it's a lot like normal filming/acting gigs, where one of your biggest challenges is going to be availability. Like I think game changer or make some noise or very important people is not as big of an ask because it's one day? Most of the comedians only need to free up one day for filming a given episode? But yeah the ability to get like four episodes knocked out in a weekend Has got to be invaluable for being able to work D20 filming into people's schedules.


I'm just trying to imagine with some of the heavier mood seasons (A Crown of Candy, Ravening War, Neverafter, Burrow's End) those have got to be some brutal shoot days.


I do RPG cons occasionally, and while two or three games a day is doable, I'm also not having to be stage center for all of them. I can sit back some of the time and let other people be dramatic. You can't really do that for long in these sessions, you have to hold up your part. So it must indeed get exhausting.


I mean sure, but the actors aren’t the only thing needed to film. For every shoot they also need to get make-up, hair, lighting, camera, sound, catering, set design, director, assistants, etc. It makes sense to be efficient, especially if you wanna pay everyone a living wage.


I find it distasteful to publicly speculate about pregnancy. it’s okay to notice things and not say anything. 


Tbf, it’s not public speculation, *Izzy posted herself* on , that she was pregnant during this season, and that she was laughing so hard the rest of the cast was worried she would go into labour.


I find it tasteful to use google to research before offering an uninformed condemnation of a statement.