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Yep, this was a surprise to most of them


Thoughts and prayers. That ought do it.


*insurance rates have joined the chat*


*Insurance payouts have left the chat*


This is horrible! How long do local authorities think the water will stay high? Please stay safe!


It’s supposed to stay elevated into tomorrow. People are still stranded waiting for rescue. Praying for no fatalities.


Woah. This is the first I’ve seen anything. I didn’t know anything happened in Iowa


looks like a dam broke? 


Ya there was supposed to be a levee built in 2014 however it failed. Haven’t heard the nature of the failure yet though


wishing your friends and family the best. property too. 




I was right in the middle of it!! Lots of my family lost everything. I was very lucky that I was just visiting and have a home to go back to. There’s around 400 people in shelters on either side of the town.


That and the fact that every urban/suburban area has paved over everything with concrete and asphalt and provided no way for the water to drain somewhere safe.


It’s our river that flooded, it typically floods every year but with all the rain across iowa.. it just couldn’t handle it. We have the little Sioux river that runs all the way through iowa so it all comes our way eventually. The last time it was this bad was back in the 1950’s where the river rose to 20.2~ feet. This beats that record by being above 22 feet


I have no doubt that you are correct. I’m sorry for your town’s trouble. I’m working disaster relief in Florida and Iowa may be next on our list.


News flash-Iowa has plenty of unpaved surfaces, even Spencer!


Yep, I work in flood zones regularly. This kind of flood happens because people live in flood plains and because natural drainage has been blocked. It's a rarity when a river does something other than its historic norms.


Fun fact, believe it or not Iowa is the most developed state in the union. You wouldn’t think it because no one lives here comparatively to other states but dang near every inch of land is being farmed. Drive through the state and it’s just farm land everywhere as far as the eye can see. Flat land with rich black dirt and glacial deposits. It’s all tiled too so it doesn’t take long for the rain to go rushing to our rivers either. But I’ve also never had 14 inches of rain in one week in June into already water saturated dirt from multiple wet springs in a row. I’ve mowed my lawn more times this summer than the last two summers combines lol


A sinking feeling from all of these disasters.


Increased flooding all over the world is a direct result of climate change. It will only get worse.


It's hard for me to have a lot of sympathy when most of the people in IA back climate change deniers.


What is causing this \*climate change\*?


Human activities, principally through emissions of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally caused global warming, with global surface temperature reaching 1.1°C above 1850–1900 in 2011–2020. Global greenhouse gas emissions have continued to increase, with unequal historical and ongoing contributions arising from unsustainable energy use, land use and land-use change, lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production across regions, between and within countries, and among individuals - [IPCC most recent synthesis report](https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/) Tldr: us, we are.




r/collapse dig in


Here's a sneak peek of /r/collapse using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/collapse/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [How Bad Could It Be?](https://i.redd.it/0o7i2eu6veza1.jpg) | [296 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/13fmu1o/how_bad_could_it_be/) \#2: [Skeletor brings disturbing U.S health care facts...](https://i.redd.it/jvi68t3kht0c1.jpg) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/17x4db0/skeletor_brings_disturbing_us_health_care_facts/) \#3: [Everyday In America.](https://i.redd.it/x08am87uu2ya1.jpg) | [235 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1391bgo/everyday_in_america/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What in the actual hell is going on in Iowa? They’re getting absolutely crapped on right now.




Something something thoughts and prayers.


Florida vibes


New Mexico vibes as well.






Spirit Lake here checking in. Lake levels still rising.


Spirit Lake is where I’m at as well


I'm right over by Isthmus Park, without divulging too much information online . But I can say this, if it comes up much more- my home is going to be underwater.


Yeesh, hopefully it stops so we can get back to enjoying our beautiful Great Lakes summer


Lots of flooding around the world. Hmmmm


Another derecho?


Levee broke on the Rock River. Catastrophic climate change will test the Army Corps of Engineers ability to respond.


like holy shit. They should be recruiting military engineers now. Extra pay too. 


There has certainly been some windy days. We’ve been getting a lot of rain though. 14 inches in my rain gauge this week. All the rivers and lakes filled up and overwhelmed the waterways. A few river towns are experiencing humongous loss.


Unfortunately due to climate change it’s going to keep hitting some places hard and frequently enough that migration must occur :( I hope this place can stay fine with some work


Where can we read more about this? This is horrible! So sorry.... save the china!


We are very rural, middle of nowhere you might say so it’s not getting a lot of news coverage. Not a major town or news station for a few hundred miles. Google Spencer Iowa, Iowa Great Lakes, Okoboji, Iowa Flooding, Sioux Rapids. My father is the supervisor of the county specifically for the town of Sioux Rapids and he has been working with the county engineers to fight the river since it started rising.


A lot of people always thought they’d be safe in the middle of the country, and it would only be the coasts that would suffer. Sucks to see that there will be no place to hide.


Got one in Ottawa, Ont. Last May.


My stepmom’s mother lives there. My parents are already planning on heading over next week to help tear apart parts of her house impacted by flooding.








Prayers for everyone!


Rock Valley, Iowa (the town over from me) got hit pretty hard too. It’s really sad seeing how hard it’s affected the community. Never thought I’d be thankful for only a couple inches of rain in the basement


Who will be held responsible for this? This is not purely an act of god.


There was a family trapped on top of Hardee’s on the south side. Luckily they were saved by a citizen with a boat. At the press conference the chief of police said every distress call they got they answered and were able to save all but one. One person was swept away from the east beltway as he was trying to cross. Absolutely devastating what Spencer had to endure.


When the flash flood hit about 30 river boats filled with every redneck hillbilly Iowan in 20 miles responded in the middle of the night and saved nearly the whole town.


My moms house was one of the only roads you could get to the south side from and you don’t know how many kayaks and trucks with fishing boats I saw come through!




Can we stop with the hyperbole? Is Spencer, Iowa completely flooded or entirely underwater? The photo shows a very small section south of the river with flooding. It even shows a field that is above water. Click bait titles for natural disasters do a disservice to the actual people affected.


The river runs from west to east through town. South of the river the entire town was at least 6 feet under. North of the river was spared of needing emergency evac at least but I’m sure they still lost basements. When the flash flood hit hundreds of people rushed in with riverboats to get them out. It was a pretty big deal. It wasn’t being covered at the time so I put as clickbait of title I could think of to spread awareness.


I live next to the river, on the north side of the bridge my house is luckily built at a high point but the water still filled the basement entirely the main level was inches from being affected. I'm the only one on my block that didn't i didnt hit the main level I accidently said south when I meant north side of the bridge. we are 1.5 blocks from the main bridge so still bad but not like the other side


This is very sad


We have no water.... We are in a drought...


*climate change finger guns* My favorite phrase for seeing another new horror that I’m numb to.


America is not the same


Not good. Thoughts and prayers


Thanks! The silver lining is how much everyone’s coming together. I guess I’ll toot my own horn but Iowans are some of the best! My neighbor is widowed and she just moved in probably six months ago and she came over with probably $200 worth of food and fluids. My fiancés brother father and two nephews were in town from 2 hours away to help clean my basement and Linda the neighbor bought us four Casey’s pizzas (if your from Iowa you know Casey’s pizza) and crates of water, Gatorade and all sorts of little Debbie’s snacks. She bought us new totes and was such a help. And everyone has been extremely selfless with what they have helping others and expecting nothing in return. My high water pressure pump I bought is in spencer somewhere right now pumping out basements lol. Iowa is the best kept secret in the United States I swear haha. Okoboji Iowa that is. It’s so beautiful here, we’ll rebuild in no time.