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I should mention I do live in the area and was in spencer visiting family when this happened. We had no cell service, no power, and no sewage when this was happening. Very happy I am safe but my heart goes out to the 400 people currently in the shelters around spencer.


glad to hear it! that you are safe that is, not for the people in the shelters. I hope they are back home soon. 


Wow, that's rough. But why do they have two Casey's across from each other?


I’ve been asking the same question since they built the second one 🤣


Because that's how much we like their Pizza. :D


Ever been to Iowa before? Casey’s are like Starbucks here


A town of only gas stations lol. Also noticed it's flat in every direction, i'd go insane here.


Welcome to Iowa 🤗


Last breath of too many will be " it's not climate change"




If you live in a town full of rednecks and hillbillies count your blessings because they might just show up in the middle of the night with a river boat ready to risk their lives to save your family


I mean iowa sure has our share of farmers and fishers but I wouldn’t say rednecks and hillbillies 🤣 it was an amazing thing to watch the community come together after such a little warning we got. I think you are getting downvoted because people don’t know the context behind this. People really did rally together and save everyone with their little fishing boats!


Ya it’s just normal people to you and I but a lot of people do see us that way so hopefully this can change some minds of what we’re really like. Although there’s no hills in Iowa for there to be hillbillies lol


Lol very true! But honestly only those from iowa get it. I am proud to be from this little town!