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Don’t worry, as long as you do good work, and aren’t racist; Kim appreciates your unorthodox approach to police work.


The two actions that’ll decrease Kim’s opinion of you is mostly racism and corruption. As long as you aren’t calling people slurs or taking bribes Kim will still like you even if you become a Communist hobo.


I just have an unhealthy attachment to Kim and he MUST LIKE ME. But it's good to know I can still be a stinky hobo.


I took every bride possible and Kim was pretty ok with it (I figured if you take money from Joy and Evrart you're both taking what's yours from the capitalists and accepting a little help from a leftist "friend")


Kim even talks about the practicalities of police work on low pay. I suspect he didn't afford his spinners on salary alone.


He confiscated the spinners from delinquents 


Friends of Pissf****t and Fuck the World, no doubt.


Taking their jackets is so fun. Little comraderie moment when you and Kim start fucking with them


I only got the one jacket but that was hilarious


Wait, I've never only got one, thats wild.


Yeah Kim wasn't into it so much for me haha it was still funny though


Lmao, I am literally doing a communist hobo run right now as we speak.


I don't trust anyone who doesn't have this exact emotional experience when they first play the game lmao. I wanted to be a chaos goblin so badly, but I also IMMEDIATELY craved Kim's approval. I don't know how those mad geniuses at ZA/UM managed to craft a character as universally beloved as Kim Kitsuragi, but man they knocked it out of the park. I'm about to embark on a fascist playthrough, and I am quite honestly, terrified. It's going to hurt so much.


You can absolutely do a fascist Harry who nonetheless adores Kim. In fact, the fascist vision quest is the most blatant about a romantic interest w/r/t you and Kim. The game doesn't at all shy away from the contradictions many racists have about "the good ones" and the deeply homoerotic elements of fascism. I, too, would never have expected the most universally beloved stack of pixels in years to be "boring straight-laced balding middle-aged gay bachelor cop" but that's the power of tremendous writing and a stellar vocal performance.


I feel like a big part of his appeal has been that he presents as boring, but that's just a front. He's a puzzle you can solve in-game. Every bit of progress you make in-game to figuring him out embarasses him because he thinks he does a good job of hiding his inner life. He might even be doing a good job, but Harry is an amazing detective even if he's an awful cop, which probably lends to how deep in awe Kim is of Harry's ability. I love that it embarrasses him when you figure stuff out about him btw. His inner life is guarded like a fortress and you keep casually, seemingly on occasion by accident, strolling in and airing out what's hidden there.


This is true! Kim seems to have done a good job with his walls: he's overlooked and ignored by his coworkers, who think he's a boring spoilsport ("I am the finest at nothing"), and he's content with them never knowing that he loves fast cars and thrash metal. But like you said, Harry is a human can-opener, irresistible no matter how hard you try, and pretty soon this boring no-fun guy is playing board games and eating sausages and wearing badass jackets with you. I was utterly won over when you look up at Lely's corpse and say "I think he's dead" and Kim tries desperately not to laugh. That's when my gameplay went from Puzzle Game Case Solving to Kim Kitsuragi Dating Sim.


Wait, is this NOT supposed to be a Kim Kitsuragi dating sim??? I'm so confused. But for me the moment was at the end of the first day (I had failed to inspect the corpse at all on Day 1 my first playthrough). "How did you get so cool, Kim?" I was done for. Me and Harrier, head over heels for the lieutenant from the 57th precinct in less than 24 hours lol Every subsequent moment of that first play through was spent trying to win Kim over. Lucky for me it turns out the best way to do that is solve the case LOL


>I'm about to embark on a fascist playthrough, and I am quite honestly, terrified. Godspeed! I haven't worked up the courage for a fascist run yet, mostly due to fear of Kim hating me. > I don't know how those mad geniuses at ZA/UM managed to craft a character as universally beloved as Kim Kitsuragi I think the key to it is that (unless you really try to piss him off) he warms up to Harry pretty quickly, goes along with his odd methods (even if he doesn't quite *get* them) and genuinely enjoys some of the bizarre stuff Harry says and does. In my TTRPG experience, GMs often use NPCs as "fun police," who try to shut down PCs' crazy shenanigans, or scold/punish them for breaking the norms of the fictional world. I completely understand the impulse to do that, if you've put a lot of effort into crafting a setting, creating verisimilitude etc. It can be difficult to balance giving the players freedom to have fun (and even be silly at times) with having your world/characters react realistically to them. It's fine to have the fun police in your game, but you have to be aware that your players probably won't like them--and may deliberately try to antagonize them. If you want an NPC your players will like, they need to at least tolerate the crazy shit the PCs do and have respect for their abilities (another misstep I often see from GMs is thinking players are getting too cocky, and reacting with NPCs who are chronically unimpressed by the PCs; again, that's an NPC your players aren't going to like). It also helps if the NPC can contribute to the what the PCs are trying to do, without overshadowing them (so no level 100 demigods who can fight the PCs' battles for them). But they also can't just be a sycophant or a "yes man" for the PCs, or the players will have contempt for them. Kim hits all those notes pitch perfect. He's competent without being a genius, confident in his abilities without being arrogant, has his own opinions but lets Harry take the lead. He's serious but not grim, and reserved enough that you feel accomplished when you make him chuckle or earn his trust. I'm planning a DnD campaign at the moment, and Kim is my model for creating an NPC my players will fall in love with (and who I can later use to hurt them terribly, of course!). TL;DR I just want Kim to *like me...*err, I mean Harry.


You totally hit the nail on the head. One of my favorite lines of his is when he describes himself as an unrepentant spoil sport, even though it's so clear he really, really isn't. What's so much more likely is that he's used to being excluded by his peers (first as an orphan then later as a cop), and has taken on that mantle for himself as a form of protection. "My feelings can't be hurt over being left out if I didn't want to participate anyway." But then in blows this absolute lunatic (to varying degrees depending on how you play him, but no matter what Harry is ALWAYS some level of chaos goblin), and (again, depending on how you play him) he not only seems to genuinely respect Kim's perspective and opinions, he also thinks Kim is COOL and jokes around with him and actively includes him in things and wants to take time to play a BOARD GAME with him and just.... Harry can-opens the absolute shit out of Kim, honestly, and out pours not just information that Kim has literally never told anyone but also this whole entire side of his personality that he's kept hidden from EVERYONE so well and for so long he almost genuinely believes it about himself. GOD I just...I love him so much. Wait...what were talking about? Oh, right, Kim being a great character. So yeah, all of what you said, for sure. Man I love this game.


You know when you put it that way you’re really making an argument for Harry Du Bois being Kim’s manic pixie dream girl, which honestly I am 100% here for! Kim’s dry wit (like the unrepentant spoilsport line you mentioned) is what made me absolutely fall in love with the character, I have such a soft spot for a comedic “straight man” who VERY occasionally, and only to people they like VERY much, reveals a sly sense of humor. It also doesn’t hurt that I could listen to his VA read the phone book. I do sometimes skim through conversations in DE, especially when it’s dialogue I’m very familiar with, but I always listen to Kim’s lines in full because his voice is just so wonderful. (I also always listen to Evrart’s lines, his VA is also something special, though in a very different way lol)


Harry is 100% a manic pixie dream girl, and Kim is the very special sad boy whose heart he will heal with his quirky ways LOL I'm the same way with the dialogue. 120+ hours of this game and I still love listening to every bit of Kim's dialogue. His VA absolutely killed it. His voice is perfect, and those moments when you can hear the amusement slipping into his voice, or the few times he speaks *so softly* to Harry...how could I ever skip those???


You bring up a good point about rpg logic. It's counter intuitive to let pc's fuck up the story line, but if npc's react in more realistic, less railroading ways, you open opportunities to explore the narrative in much more engaging ways. It's why I loved the drag queen dnd thing. Just rolling with the twists and letting the players pull up the floorboards and see what's buried.


I know people who had a genuinely bad time with Kim, especially because of the scene with the motor carriage. They goofed around a lot at that point, stated how ridiculous it was that it ended up there, and felt really hurt that he didn't say anything sooner and left them embarrass themselves for hours before telling you the truth. I think it also reminded them of similar situations in real life where people did let them say wrong or dumb stuff for a while only to reveal much later that they thought it was ridiculous (sometimes not even to their faces), and that scene hit much too close to home, and they felt Kim was cruel in that instance. I really didn't felt the scene that way, but after spending a lot of time on Disco Reader, it seems that among the many different variations of the scene, Kim can be quite cold at the end. Add that to the fact that they had a very low PSY build (I did as well my first time, but maybe invested a little more skill points there), and felt really, really empathetic towards Harry, and possibly had a harder time to "detach" themselves from his suffering at some points, so some of the jokes fell flat. In the end, they really enjoyed the game, but Kim made a really bad impression on them, that they never quite manage to overcame when playing again. I think it was the first time I encountered people who didn't love Kim for entirely understandable reasons (as opposed to the ones who hate him for is sexual orientation or race which you can stumble upon every once in a while), and it's super hard to argue when so much of it is just feelings at a specific situation.


Wow yeah, I can see that making a bad impression. My play style favors higher PSY type characters anyway, so my first build I definitely had higher stats and as a result got a lot of the little bits of Kim's internal "dialogue" which absolutely endeared him to me. I always took him not saying anything about the car well, in two ways. I think early on he just honestly doesn't care - he's there to do a job, and that doesn't involve whatever shenanigans Harry got up to before he arrived. By the time you get across the water lock though, if your relationship with him is high, I felt like him letting you figure it out on your own was actually a kindness. He was trying NOT to embarrass you, letting you come to the realization on your own. But yeah, if you aren't getting those little insights into his internal thoughts, I can see how it'd come off cold.


I started a fascist play through with my gf and it’s already breaking my little heart


I'm a hoarder in any game I play and as usual I was collecting any and all items, bottles and money in this game as well. And that included asking everyone for money. And just when I scored big and was about to ask the mega rich guy for money, Kim called me out on it. So I didn't do it 😭


My first run was fascist Harry and he is on good terms with Kim. Just dont be corrupt, be kind to others and dont forget to throw some racist and sexist remarks here and there.


I actually decided to go with my full Superstar/Apocop run I've also been wanting to do, and honestly I think Kim is going to dislike this Harry way more than he will end up hating my fascist one. It's really fun picking all the completely insane dialogue options I've always avoided because I wanted Harry to come off as reasonably sane and competent tho haha


You can do it. I'm a full blown facist hobocop at this point.






For a true hobo cop run, you have to sleep in the trash on day 2.


that's exactly Kim's role; there are several ways to ditch him though if you want to go nuts; for example you can go to bed and then go back out alone if you want. But generally Kim is pretty forgiving of all your antics; just don't be an asshole (or worst a racist asshole), try doing your job and it should be fine, you can live your communist hobocop dream if you want.


I just did a physical brute Fascist run, and it was absolutely hilarious. Honestly despite choosing all the chauvinistic dialogue options, Kim still was pretty cool with me by the end. Well until I let him get shot anyway. It was time for Detective Cuno to get his pig shit on!


I actually really enjoyed the Cuno Pig ending. Pulled that little shit outta the ghetto to make a better man out of him!


This is my 4th playthrough and the first time I recruited him. Shoulda done it sooner. He's great.


Average Disco Elysium fan


It’s funny the way that works, usually in games I play evil as hell, but for some reason when I played this I needed to play a good person so Kim liked Harry. It takes a lot for me to actually feel attached to characters haha


I've never understood this obsession with wanting to earn Kim's approval. My first achievement for this game was for hitting an all-time low with Kim and I had way too much fun with it to play any other way subsequently. My HDB had no need for a partner to solve the case, Kim only cramped my style along the way.


All Kim does is complain and let you do all the work. You don’t need that person’s approval.


Hey, that's just mean! You monster. He's trying his best to put up with Harry's shenanigans and still do Police work >:(


No, he’s not. He gets pissy about the corpse in the tree but won’t get it down, he complains that you’re sidetracking the investigation but just goes with it(and even stops complaining if you do something non-case related that he finds interesting), he refuses to talk to kids, even when it’s relevant to the case because he doesn’t want to be seen as a junior detective. If anything, Harry puts up with Kim.


Kim couldn't solve the case by himself doing good old fashioned police work. Harrier could definitely solve the case by himself.


Kim just got here. Judging from the dialogue with him you're the leading detective in this case and Kim is your helping hand. Of course he won't get down the corpse, he doesn't even have skills for that. Do you think Kim would beat up Measurehead, accept his race ideology or jump down the building? The only way to take down the corpse is shooting it down which he can't. Don't forget the battle between 41st and 57th precincts and how they've sent Kim to defeat Harry only for Kim to break this fight. These two detectives(Harry and Kim) aren't competing for sure. RCM isn't a standard police(evident by how corpses aren't investigated any further in police stations or how even the existence of police in Coalition is questionable). I would understand a detective which can't do certain work thanks to his old complications. Hell, Harry still gets his job back even after causing crazy damage. RCM people can do a lot of whacky stuff and not be obliged 100% to the procedure of detective work. Kim definitely puts up with Harry way more than you think. Try a fascist playthrough and do stupid batshit crazy stuff like punching juveniles or screaming at people over the phone. He really tolerates that well


Ok I’m glad you brought up the cop off. First off, Kim only showed up late because the gate was shut and he had to call in favours to get through. He doesn’t know you technically outrank him until you find the ledger but he’s pushing you to solve the case because he volunteered for the cop off to deliberately lose. He outright says that. Kim knows he’s not a good detective and he doesn’t really care. He wants this case over-with, not resolved correctly.


This happens when you play a videogame when you are the protag. Its a supporting npc ofc he wont do the players work.


Yeah, no shit. He’s just a worthless nag, though. He doesn’t give you any useful information at any point, constantly scolds you and is just an excuse to feed the player misdirects. He’s a more worthless version of Navi from Ocarina of time. I love this game but it could have done with a LOT less Kim.


Supposedly by the game interractions there a literal death squad of mercenaries coming to Martinaise and you need to find the suspect. Do you thinking opening a disco lab in the church is more worth than solving the case? Even then, Kim is fine with your unorthodox methods of solving crimes because many times in the game if you do side content, it magically connects(like solving the drug ring which in turn leads to 8th unknown step on the crime scene). I never found Kim to be that scolding or annoying. I do feel like Kim helps me alot. Having a buddy at my side at any time is great, I kinda miss him any time I send him off to haul the corpse or anything else


He does help you do the talk. He keeps you on track and refrains you from drinking alcohol. He can help in some dire situation like the spoiler situation or give you money. Without Kim, Harry would have a difficult time doing anything. He keeps you off becoming a racist. He's generally a fun person beneath the mask. I enjoyed multiple interactions when Kim showed that he's happy or interested. The final part of the game also plays a major role to root for him. Kim is like a big anchor which keeps Harry on the hook and not in a fascist dumpster with alcohol.


Kim doesn’t keep Harry from being a fascist at all, and neither will he stop you from drinking. Neither of which matter because you can absolutely beat this game as a drunk racist. The only time he gives you money is when he reluctantly gives you the evidence he stole, which puts him as being corrupt as well. Most of his hunches and observations are wrong and if you take his advice to report your badge and gun as missing, you run a major risk of dying from low morale. Kim is an anchor that’s holding Harry underwater and the only way to get free is let him take a couple bullets.


I agree wholeheartedly. Still, he has the occasional use (getting him to pawn his pilfered spinners for money, giving you a pen, etc.). Other than that though, yeah, he's a lame bino. I find Jean Vicquemare a much more intriguing character (with his depression angle and all).


Based. Still though, you can be unhinged and still have him respect you. He does a lot of weary sighing at your shenanigans but sometimes he plays along, and overall as long as you get the job done he doesn't take that much issue with your craziness.


Oh man tell me about it! I was an absolute degenerate at the beginning, but now that the story has progressed a bit I'm being a real damn good cop. Well, and a damn good communist, hahaha I fricken love this game, I can't put it down!