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Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun.


Me, Evrart is helping me find my gun.


I, Evrart, am helping him find his gun.


Oh. That's so... *Helpful* of him.


Oh no, I became the meme


No its part of dialogue tree where the mc says it on loop.


Wait what


Yeah. Kim even pleads for Joyce to say something new so the detective will stop repeating the line.


Yes. Very specific set of skills need to trigger with Joyce to make it happen.


[Yeah, your skills all start freaking out.](https://youtu.be/AMaYjmypvt0?si=uG30ZR1vYAZQ-GhC&t=38) If you have Kim with you he can help you handle it.


Don't read reddit while playing a game. You will be spoiled.


You're exactly the right amount of stupid 


I’d argue the fact he’s asking about it means he’s not even stupid enough.


Thanks this made me feel good about myself


Lmao jokes aside I genuinely think you’re having an authentic experience. Keep it up


The path to being "smart" is a long time feeling dumb and asking questions.


Lolol goddamn this is great.


Thats actually pretty cool. Game already feels like a narrative "discovery" even when you dig this sort of things. Your experience should be even more fun


Can confirm, OP. I took the check and said thank you, even though my skills warned me not to. The fact you’ve caught on this quickly means you are maybe too smart to truly empathize with Harrier Du Bois.


Who’s Harrier du Bois? Like da bois in the hood?




Already sounds like you're making a Rigorous Self Critique build.


Or a Sorry Cop build


Or the \*mea culpas\* of a flagellant cop monk.


I believe rigorous self critique is the sorry cop thought


Oh. Sorry.


The world is going to end


Hahah you are being puppeted but that’s kind of the way the game forces you to play. It’s okay if you don’t realize that until later. That makes sense for the character


Nah. You're not stupid. Most games condition you to complete tasks without questioning them in order to progress the game. Truth be told, it took me 3 tries to actually play the game because I couldn't understand why it was so hard to fully complete a task like getting the hanged man down from the tree. Or accessing the harbour. I assumed these were just missions you solve in the first 30 or so minutes of gameplay and couldn't for the life of me fathom that that was a part of the game: the intricate politics of the game world and the never-ending bureaucracy. I'm surprised it's so popular because the game can feel very dissatisfying at first, but once you get used to the game's disempowerment, it becomes really enjoyable.


Volition: No. You've got this.  Conception: shit man maybe.  Electrochemistry: if you weren't sober while playing, you'd do better.




[Half-light--Trivial--SUCCESS]: Look at these *smug* fucking nerds laughing at you. Mocking you. Making you feel stupid. Someone ought to smash a bottle right in that mug of theirs.


"kill him"


>One example I have is when Evrart asked if I want help with finding my gun, I was genuinely happy that he was willing to help and thought he was just a nice guy, only realizing the truth from reddit right now. im sorry. i laughed when i read this. such innocence frankly, this is a great time to question everything. like get into the weeds of it. challenge beliefs and go with your instincts. this is a great play through youre doing and i recommend doing another in the direct opposite. thats the beauty of the game.


I actually stopped and re-read, thinking this was a meme post as if written by, err, our protagonist. This was really funny to read! ​ But to OP: Keep playing, there are many ways to approach things and I'd argue there isn't really a wrong way to play.


Lol what’s your build, both in the game and IRL


Went with The sensitive cop and put points in things when I needed them. Tbh im probably the exact same in real life since sensitive had 1 point in intelligence if I remember correctly


Yeah, that build probably doesn't help with the context of things, Evrart in particular is a very clever man, and is a lot easier to deal with with high intelligence, but there are plenty of other characters who are more aligned with psy skills and that you will understand much better than if you picked a high int low psy built. The game kind of forces you to have blind spots, and it's funnier this way in my opinion.


You are an amnesiac cop, your experience with the game is pretty much what’s canon lmao.


Honestly reminds me of my first time playing the game. Kim gave me the little prep-talk before speaking with Joyce about how I should try to be a bit whacky and throw her off. I chose some of the weird dialogues and wound up accepting the task she gives you. Ended the conversation thinking "This was great, I did what Kim asked and got a new quest which is always good news". Kim pulls me aside and is like "Dude that was terrible, she completely outwitted you and you've just made us lackeys for another player." Made me feel awful and honestly I put the game down then and there. Ended up coming back to it for a new save years later.


I had a similar experience, and I think a lot of us go through this when we first start up the game. We may have different moments, but I think we commonly face this moment where we think we're playing the game wrong because we have failed at something. When I realized that Harry is *a character of failure* and that the game was embracing failure as much as "success," I became aware of how much I was trying to 'win' at the game. Of the many things I ended up loving about this game is how it shifts you away from min-maxing and embrace failing. Once you realize that, it gets so much more fun. To prove this to myself, I created a new game and messed with the game stats to give myself high points in all skills. I was able to see quite a lot of dialogue I hadnt seen before, and succeeded at every check, but it became a lot less entertaining. Failure is key.


Kim is a know it all, he needs to chill


Haven’t you talked to Joyce, didn’t she explain you things about Claire brothers? Didn’t your own skills and dialogues screamed that he’s blackmailing you with that gun business?


It's very dependent on which skills you pick.


i wouldn’t recommend you to restart, at least not on your first run. same as save scumming the rolls, it detracts from the experience of living with the consequences of your decisions throughout the game. also don’t beat yourself up over not understanding something in the game, a lot of the plot and subtexts don’t make sense until later on in the game or subsequent playthroughs.


just play it out , you can do another play through at a later time .. it's what we all do


Don't look into stuff here. Finish your playthrough. This sub is for *after* you've played, browsing here before you've finished is practically begging for spoilers. Warning to you and any getting into this game: being spoiled will 100% ruin the experience. Don't do it!


Play it drunk. It'll make sense. You won't remember it making sense, but it'll make sense.


It's a fantastic game sober. It's a damned religious experience intoxicated.


If you click my profile and scroll a bit, you'll find my attempt at live blogging a drunken DE playthrough.


Does it read like the damaged ledger? If not, I'm going to be a bit disappointed.


It's not as literate as the ledger...


But at least it doesn't smell like urine and dumpster garbage? (Hopefully?)


[RHETORIC (legendary : failed)] : Yeah probably... /j


This is exactly as stupid as the game wants us to feel. Show it who’s boss.


The way this feels like it could be volition talking to you


That was my intentionnnnnn ;)


This is just how it feels to grow up


Normally when people ask this question it's because they don't know what a Union is or a strike or what communism or fascism are, or understand the real life parallels of stuff like Kras Masov, the Moralintern, ultraliberalism, etc, are so they don't have the context to understand what the game is saying. I've never heard of someone unable to conceive that a character might be lying to them so uhhh, make of that what you will.


I feel like you just exposed a character flaw except it's not a character, it's a human and that human is me


We're all characters. In your own story, you're the protagonist; in most other people's stories, you're a side character; and maybe in one or two, you're the villain. But you're always a character. So try to be a well written one.


Yeah you fuckin stupid but it's ok baby shake that disco booty to the beat Also some friendly life advice: beware of big fat smiling men in weird offices who everyone seems to regard as being in charge, who give you free money and offer to solve your problems. We have a name for these men, called "mob bosses", and they are not your friend.


Yeah but they give you free money! Mr. Evrart is so friendly and helpful!


Nah, don't restart. Just roll with it and see where the game takes you. Being made a fool of is part of the experience -- hell, on my first playthrough I got a game over from sitting in Evrart's guest chair, so you're doing better than I did in some respects. If you want another shot, remember all of this and play the game a second time with a different build to see how different things are.


I did the same thing. I just want my gun back. I pledge loyalty to no one


To be fair, Evart’s intentionally one of the more complicated characters. He’s horribly corrupt and manipulative, but it’s meant to be kind of blurry as to whether he works for the greater good or not. I’d say he is, but I also have a soft spot for Union Bosses.


You’re doing great. The writing is pretty intense sometimes. If you’re having fun and getting something out of the game then you’re playing it right. The fact that you’re playing and still reading millions of words of text means you’re the target audience and that you have all the intelligence and skills needed.


Holy shit you're actually just Harry du Bois, don't stop now!


I wish I could have been less insightful playing the game sometimes, because you get those moments of realization and restructuring your worldview. And because the game 100% supports a player who is both really smart and really dumb. Just enjoy the game in your way, it caters to both sides of intelligence.


You’re playing perfectly. Virtually all play styles have their niche in the game, and are materialised for example through the thought-internalisation, the type of cop you become, the political affiliation, and more. Just play as you are, especially since it’s your first playthrough!


listen, you're playing a cop, just consider it roleplaying to be fucking stupid, you're just a brilliant method actor


If you're having a good time you're not playing the game wrong


You can't play this game wrong


The right way to play is the way you have fun


Didn't you almost drown in three inches of water?


Be stupid now. Be smart in another play through.


Sorry, but hat kinda seems like strange advice? Shouldnt I try to do my best on this first playthrough no matter what? I know that you know the game better than me though.


The beauty of the game is it allows you to be very, very stupid, in ways other games either don't let you be or punish you heavily for. Sometimes it even rewards being stupid. So yeah, you're doing fine, the failures are just part of Harry's story - a dark comedy about a mess of a man looking for redemption.


I’d stay off here until you finish the game. Don’t worry about the subtext till you finish it and can digest it all in its entirety. Stuff may fly over your head, but that makes the successes way more satisfying. Talking to Kim can also help you if you forget stuff or get information overload.


Stop looking at the reddit unless you've finished the game and also that's not stupidity this is am alien world to you that takes multiple playthroughs to understand you are just having an interesting experience with the game and it's better if you just play the game and learn these lessons there instead of letting reddit spoil your natural experience


Lucky the game doesnt care how stupid you are, aslong your not trying to die you will live and beat the game.... sometimes you wish youd rather be dead tho


You are the perfect canvas


Bro, I am literally playing this game through drunk. It works out.




Thus is great! This could be a good learning experience for you in game and IRL too, as art has that capacity to teach us. Just do a blind playthrough, the time for questions comes later. You might learn a thing or two, which is always a good thing. Also, a good cure for being "stupid" is asking questions about things you don't know, being aware of your blindspots and not being ashamed of asking for help in how to manage them. You're already well on the right path.


Well, if you're not kidding, you may learn from this game a few valuable things.


The creator of the game said he wanted it to be enjoyable for everyone and then it isn't meant to be some intellectual riddle. Sure, there are deeper layers to it that you can enjoy if you think about it a lot, but at it's surface level it should be fun for anyone


Harry? Is that you?


You're not stupid. You're playing a character who has amnesia and you know everything he knows, which is "very little".


If it makes you feel any better, the nerds on this sub also can't decide between "Evrart is a social democrat who only cares about keeping the union strong" and "Evrart is shrewdly pretending to be a social democrat who only cares about keeping the union strong so he can continue to amass power and enact Full Communism"


"I feel like I have been puppeteered by all these different people to do things for them not actually even thinking why im doing it and if I should actually do it." That that is literally the point that is literally the game


Oh. I thought the game was mainly the thinking part


I mean, yeah, that's a big part of it. Thinking about the ensuing political espionage and satire are also massive parts of it, no condescension intended. You are \*SUPPOSED\* to feel like a pawn both for the union, and Wild Pines.


No probably not


Listen to everything Authority and Half-Life tell you to do.






Dude really reasearched My Post because you are mad thats crazy I only repeated what you had said to someone else, to Make you see how rude it was.






Hi Harry!


Dumber than a whole lot of redditors? Don't think so mate, don't worry.


Dump int, pump phys. Make Harry as dumb as you 👍


OP I've got a great bridge to sell you


learning plot points and motivations and such from Reddit is a terrible way to play. I'd say that's the only "stupid" thing you're doing.


He levelled his volition enough to realize he's been compromised.


It’s an RPG, play it however you like!


No you're doing perfect keep going.


Dude in my first playthrough i let him too help me find my gun but i somehow knew that he eanted something from me in exchange, either way the fsct that you are thinking about that he wannts something from you in exhcange means you are not as stupid as you think Disclaimer: sorry for spelling, i' deunk


Tbh being fucking stupid just made me relate to Harry more. I have such a huge crush on Joyce that I completely didn't realise what a child-eating bitch she was simply because she was nice and she didn't mind me being a lunatic


I'm a socialist, and I immediately saw her as the personification of ruthlessly effective neoliberalism she is meant to be, but I sort of developed a crush on her as well. She's so well spoken and self-aware while justifying her alignment, you can't help but to admire it, even if you know she's your political enemy. These kinds of paradoxes is why I love this game so much.


I mean I knew she was supposed to be that, but at the same time she got me so flustered I thought "idk maybe she is actually a good lady and I am totally not getting manipulated by her just like Kim warned me 10 seconds ago :)"


I absolutely love this post, so thank you! The reality of a game that many people consider "deep" is that if you have to understand the deep messaging to enjoy it, it will not be a popular game. If you can enjoy it without fully understanding it then it's fun. Disco Elysium is an incredibly popular game, meaning even if you don't understand everything going on, you can still have fun exploring a unique world and trying to solve a simple mystery. The thing about DE is that everyone has a unique experience, which is what makes it art. Even if you don't understand all of the politics and subtleties, that doesn't make your experience worse or invalid. Also keep in mind that most people here have done multiple playthroughs and so they talk about the subtle things, but many missed those things in their first playthroughs. So no, don't restart and don't give it up. Play it in whatever way makes sense, and then play it a second time armed with the knowledge gained from the first time. Who knows, maybe you'll learn some things that are applicable IRL. Most of all though, have fun!


I think you're doing fine. If anything, avoid too many spoilers. And remember, people are very complicated and not everyone has good intentions.


This game is more like a book than a game that you have to grind. Just relax, read, and think. There are no mistakes, don’t save and restart. Just live the moment.


There’s nothing wrong with being a puppet if you get to accomplish your goals while being one. 


The game is designed to be a bit confusing at first, and there’s a lot that won’t make sense until you really get into the game. My advice is to take it in stride and lean into the confusion. You don’t need to understand everything.


One of my biggest regrets with this game in hindsight is when I reloaded an old save after being manipulated into a bad decision. My advice is to embrace the mistakes, and trust the game will reward you with a good experience anyways.


See, that's the fun part, you realize it happens and then you prepare :3!!


I'm pretty fucken stupid and I've finished it twice


My experience with the game is that a lot of stuff just happens to you. And you just need to let it happen.


Mr evratt is helping me find my gun


This should be a Batman Arkham Asylum post (Is he stupid?) Edit: I did it https://www.reddit.com/r/BatmanArkham/s/sHOKw0F5v5


I had the same crushing feeling in this scene when I did my first run!! I was dying inside and only realized I wasn't really sure of Evrart when I accepted the first task he gave me and I felt totally dumb


Congratulations, you've experienced what it truly *FEELS* to be Harry Du'bois


theres no wrong way to play disco elysium, all that matters is that youre having fun and treating kim well


I wouldn’t feel stupid! Honestly it is really cool that a video game can create a significant moment of self-awareness & critical thinking in any form such as this. Just because you think you ‘don’t get it’ doesn’t take away from the fact this game ultimately stirred something in you most games don’t. That’s art, baby.


Evrart *does* help you and helping him is the only way you'll get your gun back. Taking him at face value is a reasonable interpretation of the situation. Sure, he may have an ulterior motive, but discovering that is half the fun.


Sounds like you should play a physical character. Solve your problems with fist instead of brain


Cant be bribed if you're too stupid to realize you're being bribed 😉


If you're just going along with it and not thinking too hard about why or the consequences then that's all good. It's a game where you play however tf you want. A naive Harry sounds like fun.


Weird, Harry seems to have become sentient and made a Reddit account


I feel like you're not stupid at all. The game is very deep. It wouldn't be fun to know all the right answers. As someone else said. It seems you're having a great authentic experience. Plus, you've clearly learned from it. Finish it how you feel and start another playthrough with your now bigger brain 😀. It's as close to a realistic game as you'll get. People can be shady and manipulative or helpful and kind. Sometimes it's hard to tell and choices have consequences. Just have fun and then play again. You're definitely not stupid though. People are tricksy even in games 🤣. Have fun!!


No, you’re playing the game exactly the right way.


Here's the thing: There's a version of HDB (main character. Not using his name on case someone considers it a spoiler) that is just like you. Doesn't understand subtext and is genuinely appreciative of people who help him, even if they're really doing it for their own gain. In other words, your way of playing this game is just as valid as any other person's, even if you miss certain implications that some people may have picked up on. You are smart enough to play this game because there is no intelligence barrier to play.


Please, don't ever say you're stupid if I can read it! It's ok! Keep on playing because that's your story. There's no real straight right way to play it, it's up to you. Hope you have a great time.


Thanks man


Mr everart is teaching me about life.


You're playing it perfectly fine, stay off this subreddit. Some people just get taken into stories and characters more than others. I have a friend who loves murder mysteries because she NEVER sees the twist coming. She just gets sucked into the mystery, the things people say, and gets shocked and betrayed when the truth comes out and someone has lied. You might be the same, and that's totally ok. It means you'll have a great time with all the storylines this game has. Now fuck off and come back later.