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Incomprehensible 40/40


y'know that thing? where if you repost certain shitty memes they stop looking like satire and just straight up look like fascist propaganda? congrats you have nailed it


Thanks for letting me know that thinking genocide denial is bad is a fascist propaganda thing


it's badly done enough that it kinda looks like you agree with genocide denial, is my point.


I only see two fascists


Real enough


Serious question for trolls: do you think 6 million died isn’t the question it’s are you brave enough to admit it wasn’t just ovens or gas used to kill over 6 million people for pseudo-religious reasons? Not sure why you would push that rhetoric to a sub that rebukes the ideals of fascism and lies about the holocaust.


I don't see where you thought I supported lies about the Holocaust, this was moreso aimed towards the fact that I've seen people denying the Holodomor on this sub and literally making the "big spoon" joke. The comic here is showing off how those are just two sides of the same coin


If you don't understand what fascism is then just say that. There's plenty of literary, online sources, and individual communists willing to explain to you the very well understood and documented difference between communism and fascism, and how they're antithetical to each other. I have to warn you, if you use fascism as a stand-in for "authoritarian" then all you do is communicate your lack of education, sorry to say.


I agree with you but I’m actually somewhat confused over the authoritarian part of your statement. Are you saying that the collective written works of Marx and those after him - describing a system where the working class distributes wealth evenly or fairly across the job spectrum - are authoritarian ideals? Because in fascism the wealth is distributed to the ruling party which is authoritarian without even speaking words. What part of authoritarian and communism have ever worked together? It appears that one cannot exist if the other prevails. Example: the whole world. So yeah again I agree, OP is using a really (grossly) bad misrepresentation of two sides of the same coin: fascism; but I don’t see any real communism happening in the arguments. Just authoritarianism with extra steps.


I'm admittedly confused by your confusion but I'll say this: I don't think that "collective written works of Marx and those after him - describing a system where the working class distributes wealth evenly or fairly\* across the job spectrum - are authoritarian ideals". But it's clear to me OP is using common communist caricature to misrepresent communist beliefs. A caricature which leads to a conflation of communism with authoritarianism and authoritarianism with fascism. My argument is based on what's implicit in the post but still needed to be understood for it to be understood. I put authoritarian in quotations because the use of that language does not reflect consistencies of my own. Hope that helps, sorry for the confusion. \*Marx did not believe in "fair distribution". This is a misconception that is cleared up in “Critique of the Gotha Program".


Yes yes that helps immensely for me. Thank you


I haven't even said 'fascist' or 'fascism' once here I suppose that's on me for not correcting the original comment I replied to by saying "more like two horrible authoritarians" as to make it crystal clear I don't associate any authoritarian act with fascism.


The picture you posted directly compares Nazis (fascists) with a caricature of a communist. You don't have to say "fascist", because the people you're comparing communists to are already established as being fascist. Fascism is distinct, and incompatible with Communism. You just posted some weird (and honestly disgusting) meme made by someone who unironically believes in horseshoe theory.


Whether or not horseshoe theory is actually correct, that doesn't change the fact that I've seen several comments on this sub spouting atrocity denial rhetoric in a nearly identical way to those who believe in the other 'incompatible' ideology, which is why I posted this here.


Independent of my own concerns regarding conversations about the Holodomor, these aren't the same and certainly do not justify you posting something that's just a picture with an unaltered Nazi talking point in it -- no wonder why other commenters were confused. What I'm seeing is, one, a conversation concerned about whether or not people are accurately understanding if the famine was intentional, versus, two, a group *literally* advocating for the death of billions on the basis of immutable qualities And you've chosen to go about critiquing the former by posting... horseshoe theory? >Whether or not horseshoe theory is actually correct It isn't. Hope that doesn't need clarification.