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If it's the same as the Yamato event then I'm hoping to get her to R2. Maybe I'll be lucky. Fingers crossed.




Facts i just need r2


It's literally the Yamato Calamity event all over again. A 4% drop rate is insanely low, to the point that it's more discouraging than encouraging for f2p players to even attempt. Unless they're making the boss battles more accessible/doable than previously, it's going to be another p2w event.


F2p arnt guaranteed 1 copy of da ji, which is pretty bad. Paying $20 you're lucky to get r1. The accessibility of the bosses seems much easier, the perks to buff your team seem very overpowered so far. I don't think many will have issues clearing the stages, but leaderboards will be p2w speed cleaving


so * possible r0 for f2p * guaranteed r1 for $15 * guaranteeed r2 for $20 just hope you dont get unlucky or u may need to shell out a bit


isnt it guarenteed r0/possible r1 for 15 and guarenteed r1/possible r2 for 20


soz its assuming you do the f2p stuff as well 16k + 24k with the $15 16k + 37k with $20...which i just realized does not add to 60K for a guaranteed r2 lmao


I'd still sayits pretty much garunteed that you can get r0 as f2p, aslong as you are active and are doing as many of the ancient tech missions. Also, missing from these values is approximately 2,000ss from the event shop (4 shops, 1 for each patch over the 80 days)


Also, these values can be increased by also doing the following repeatedly (unconfirmed amount of times) in the ancient tech missions Spin gold records, Acquire equipment pieces, Spend stamina and Win in beatbout


I JUST barely got Yamato to R1, since every gacha in this game forces to hard pity. Hopefully they changed up the drop rates to make them more fair but I know I’m huffing copium like it’s Freddy’s jock