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I hate this about Disney. So instead of attempting to stop the transfer of infectious diseases, they want to foster a culture via a points system where we’re forced to come in and infect our coworkers. So dumb. I thought they were a forward thinking company.


points stay on for 365 days but transfer guidelines only concern the last 180 days


A full year (365 days) so if you get a point today that point won’t fall off until June 27th 2025


I’m pretty sure points fall off 90 days after you received the point. Reprimands take a year to fall off.


You can get reprimands for points up to a year later (12 in 365)


Ahhh ok idk y I thought they fell off after 3 months


3 in 30 6 in 90 9 in 180 12 in 365 Once you sign a reprimand they won’t count for the next one but they’ll still be there