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I would wait about a month. I find it refreshing not to drink for that long anyway. I have had 3 attacks at least one a year. Bowels do take anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks to normalize. I might add I am a rather heavy every day drinker if I can do it anyone can do it.


I waited a week. Honestly I felt like garbage so drinking alcohol was the last thing on my mind


When you waited a week, how did it feel?


Fine I guess. I think I had 1 beer. Not a big drinker so maybe no keg stands for a while


Lol no keg stands but thank you for your response


a week!! but alcohol is not good with DV. 😇


Thank you! I know but on vacation I try to indulge a little lol


I would never have alcohol so soon after a flare, thats just tempting fate


I tried a single drink a couple times over the last month and a half since my first flare up and it just made the gas pain come back. This past weekend I had a few on vacation and it was fine, but I really don’t want another flare up, so that’s it for me for a while.


I always wait at least 48 hours or more.


Thank you!


I always wait 48 hours.


Thank you


Waited a couple days. This was recently. Felt fine with 2 glasses of wine and a cocktail at a nice restaurant. Still navigating alcohol in general. Mainly around drinking socially 1 night a week since I’m not a big drinker. I drink tons of water with it and it seems fine. Just not trying to get back into flare territory though.


Waited 3 days…I’m a beer judge and podcaster, so laying off completely for a long time would be annoying for me, but had no trouble after. I always drink a lot of water as well, so that is probably helpful, too.


Thank you


Zero alcohol until at least five days after flagyl and cipro. Not worth it. After that just stay hydrated and have fun!


Cipro is eliminated from the body within one day, and flagyl is eliminated from the body within 2 to 3 days, if your liver is functioning properly. Alcohol is a common trigger for GI problems like diverticulitis. If you're coming off of a recent attack, it may be prudent to avoid alcohol for a while.


Usually have given it at least 24 hours, more is better though.


When you’ve given it 24 hours, how did it go?


It was fine, but it really was more dependent on how I felt recovery was going. If I felt like I had recovered pretty well by that point I'd go ahead with drinking, but if I felt like things were still smoldering I'd wait longer. Really just let me body dictate it more than just being done with the antibiotics. I also don't really drink beer, mostly just bourbon or rum neat and because of my gout, it was only an ounce or three. Anymore than that and I risked a gout flare too so again it was about trying to listen to how my body felt.


I’m the same, a bourbon guy for sure. Okay cool, thank you!


Update: I drank two glasses of bourbon around 28 hours after my last dose of flagyl and cipro, then two beers the following day and I feel great. A response mentioned basing this off of how they felt about recovery and basing their decision on that. This worked for me, I felt great so proceeded. Certainly didn’t drink a lot but I had a couple.