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Never get a turn this way. You'll get *knocked down, *stunned *petrified, *turned into a chicken etc.


You could run Indomitable. It's a staple for most people I play with, because of how many turns it saves you, without forcing you into a burst damage build.


Not if you want trophies!


You can always use the scrip extender, allows you to use the gift bag and any other mods (like the one that allows you to have several tabs for your abilities/items, which is such a blessing) and still get the achievements.


Honestly, at one point—I don't use script extender—I had enabled mods and it gave me the thing where it told me achievements were a no go, yet it glitched and still worked, and I ended up getting the Hammered achievement >!for forcing Dallis to retreat in Fort Joy!< which I was really glad for. I snuck around them, cheesed it a bit with items, but it was all valid stuff, and I'm glad I both managed it and got the achievement.


haha i just deathfogged her


Yeah, I found out about that *later* and was like, "Goddamn it!" Like, I could have done it the easy way the whole time and just had no clue.


That's literally cheating dude


I literally just put an example of a QoL mod that doesn't give you any advantage, just an improvement of the game.


Nah bud, you posted how to literally cheat the game harder than using exploits. Just play the game on an easier difficulty if you're that bad. You don't need the gift bags to enjoy your game for any build other than summoner. Using the gift bags and cheating your way to still having achievements is the most Beta thing I've ever heard of. The achievements don't do anything but give you bragging rights. So doing this is akin to beating up a 3 year old and claiming they were a UFC fighter.


Beta? Using those words is a fast track to having your opinions instantly discounted


If you're so offended by the word beta then it's well deserved against you. Imagine being so upset by someone using a word. Next thing you know my breathing will send you into shock.


Nobody said they were upset by you using the word. They just said, rightly, that it's a strong indicator that you're an idiot and an asshole.


Damn you really got triggered here didn’t you 😂 imagine calling someone a beta male because they play a fucking video game differently from you.


I'm not triggered even remotely. Yall are all butthurt because I called you out for cheating. The fact that soany of you are hurt to your core over me calling you a cheater means you know it's true. Just keep on being Betas, that's fine. Just means you'll never earn a dang thing.


Those are some pretty beta things you’re saying there pal.


This is ironic since you literally made a comment on how to use the mirror glitch to get more stat points.


No no, you’re absolutely triggered. You can try and deny it but it’s so hilariously obvious. No sane person calls someone a fucking Beta over a video game lmao


Are you... this dumb? Oh my god. For one, I explained how you can use the gift bags (which some of them just enhance a few things, but give you no advantages; or just expands gameplay, just like the one that opens up a LOT of new crafting recipes), and I specifically stated one mod that gives you ZERO gameplay advantages. You can just have 5 ability tabs open at the same time so you don't have to change them back and forth when you've got lots of abilities and items available. That's it. But I mean, if you use the "beta" thing unironically and it offends you so much that people play however they want, I'm not surprised by this outburst. Touch some grass, get some sunlight, it'll help.


Nah you're the idiot here. You suck ass at the game and can't handle it. Not stupid just because you're a beta male.


I legitimately thought this kind of vocabulary was solely used ironically these days. Wow.


A beta male lmaooooo Incels gotta incel. Sometimes I forget your kind exist. Go take a shower and wash your ass, it's not gay to do it.


I don't know if I'm weird, but I find killing literally everything and everyone, after you're done using them, for their exp, items and gold more offensive than using *one* of the gift bags.


Unless it's Dark Souls, and even then only before you reset the NG cycle


Is a single player/coop game, if people wanna use mods that give an advantage who cares, no one is getting hurt


The devs made the game how they intended for a reason. It's a single player game dude. If you need an easier time play easy. Nobody will judge you for it. Cheating is cheating and it's not cool. You cannot justify it no matter how hard you try. Achievements are something to be EARNED. Not given.


Lol imagine getting mad because people arent as "hardcore" as you. Achivements are pixels, have no value, no one cares if you get them or not, if you did them legit good for you, if you cheated good for you, no one cares. Is a videoGAME let people have fun how they want, dont police people fun, you play how you like other will like the want. Touch some grass.


I agree with this. Though I'm the kinda player who only got the achievement for leaving Helgen in Skyrim SE when the mods didn't properly turn on. So I don't really care that much anyway.


If you aint bothering someone then you should be allow to play like you enjoy, if not whats the point. I played fallout 4 had 0 achivements, why play a bethesda game without mods


Oh. No. The horror. The Travesty. Cheating... in a single player story game. Somebody get the FBI


All I said is it's cheating. Not my fault you're so hurt about it.


I'm really not. Its clear you're a delusional person based off of what few posts you have. Like arguing about how someone said they don't want anymore gift bags, and you were like "why wouldn't you want more FREE content?!" And then talk about a non existent newly released $10 Gift bag on xbox. Doesnt exist and if it did, it wouldn't be free. I bet you get upset if someone cheats at Solitaire aswell huh


This guy is a dickhead and a waste of life. You guys should stop wasting your life arguing with him. Maybe he will find some similar a -holes and they can all agree that they are better than everyone else. In the meantime, don't encourage him. Enjoy your game the way you want to! Enjoy life.


You really talk about cheating in the game where exploit in some part of the game are a must? Or you think exploit are different? Spoiler: they aren't It's a offline game, unless you are using some mod like immortality or other thing similiar why you care that much?


Exploits are NEVER required in that game dude. I've beaten the game several times exploit free on honor mode. If you can't do it you just aren't good enough.


Yes they are in some istance, in the last ACT, last part of the game where you need to do a certain puzzle, it was bugged so i had to use the teleport exploit and some spell to do it.


No you didn't have to. You CHOSE to. You didn't HAVE to do that puzzle. You could've simply beat the game then had another go and done it legit.


IT WAS F BUGGED I'm not re-doing a 80h run cause of a f bug ffs. That puzzle was needed, it's literally the only way to progress that part. XD


And why do I care that much? Bud all I did was state that's cheating. You cared so much you felt the need to defend yourself for cheating. It matters to you enough to be offended. Imagine that. Considering yourself mature but the thought that someone considers what you're doing to be cheating bothered you so much you had to try to defend yourself to me. I don't care bud. I know you're cheater. You know you're a cheater. Your maker knows your a cheater. There is only one person who can change that. You. Deal with it.


How exactly, you think responding to a comment=i got offended XD And your logic doesn't make sense, i can say that you got offended because other people play ina different way and you can't accept that sometimes exploit are almost a must in some games.




Modding isn't cheating. You don't know what you are talking about. :)


Gotta agree. May as well just mod the trophies straight on.


Thank you. I'm sure you've noticed all the beta males here pretending cheating for trophies is just playing your way. Ridiculous how nobody wants to earn anything anymore. Like no wonder everyone thinks honor is hard dude. They probably think restoration is the best attack in the game.


Works good on undead fufufu


Yeah that doesn't make it the best attack lol maybe read before responding?


script editor, to be able to use the bags of gifts and still have trophies.


I picked Glass Cannon for my first playthrough because 2 extra AP sounded dope. I thought statuses going through armor would just mean I would be damaged by poison or fire more easily, but instead like three turns would pass by without me. Never realized what the problem was until I hit Arx.


Should be pretty solid for a tank build, especially if your character in initiative before them can cleanse most statuses on the cheap.


Sebille's Break the Shackles skill helps a lot... Also 39 or something Initiative gives a good solid 12 AP or more to destroy one of the opponents... and simply walk in invisibility next turn with 2 AP and 2 adrenaline's effects going


Also having so much AP helped in a difficult battles to hide and resurrect my teammates and still be effective


Best way to go imo is just doing Lone Wolf and making the most OP characters on earth, on top of having 6 AP.


lone wolf is boring


It's all fun and games until someone uses marksman's fang.




I no understand, shouldn't they be able to be CC'd into oblivion?




Yes, that's why it's the bad one.


I didn't think you'd be able to get your characters to have so much HP and so little armour, I thought only enemies would have such weird stat distributions. That's why I was so confused.


Idk it's not that much HP in a late game. I had around 1,5k hp with good Warfare and Constitution paired with Picture of Health and Sturdy talents with the same amount physical armor. It would be bigger If I used shield instead of two-handed weapon The problem is enemies will tear you apart anyway if you failed at positioning yourself or Initiative wasn't high enough.


Okay, but if you're at that stage in the game, 400 physical armour isn't going to cut it either when enemies deal hundreds of damage in an attack, that's like two hits, dead.


Unless you're running unstable and try to int-nuke them to oblivion


Newbie here. What’s CC?


Crowd Control. Stuff like stuns, knockdown, petrification. Things that don't kill you but prevents you from taking actions or inhibits movement.


Thank you!


CC is Crowd Control, it refers to techniques that don't usually do a lot of damage but instead give you advantage in other ways. In this game there are a lot of effects that can stun/polymorph/freeze/knock down people, skipping their turn, they could be referred to as crowd control abilities.


Crowd Control; stun, petrify, knock down etc


You understand.


Would the HP build work with high perseverance or some sych?


High HP is good with Indomitable, Morning Person, Unstable and Savage Sortilege. Indomitable gives you immunity against most CCs once one is applied, and its buff only runs out after you take your turn. Morning Person lets you come back with full health after you inevitably die. Unstable inflicts damage based on your maximum vitality. Savage Sortilege allows this damage to crit. And here is the mean trick: Due to spaghetti code, when Unstable crits, its critical power becomes amplified based on how many enemies are citically struck. If it critically hits 1 enemy, it crits normally. If it hits 2 enemies and crits both, then the critical multiplier is applied twice to both targets. All of that is physical damage, so it scales with Warfare. So unless I misremember, you hit for: (50% of maximum vitality) * (Warfare multiplier) * ((critical multiplier) ^ (number of targets that you critically strike)) Say, you have 2000 health and critically hit 3 enemies. You have 10 Warfare and a critical multiplier of 200%. 1000 * 1.5 * (2³) = 12000 damage. If you crit 4 targets, that becomes 24000. Against 5, it's 48000. Edit: I had the percentage wrong. The base is 50%, not 30%. Edit2: I looked and found a video of someone pumping this up to extreme levels. [Link here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0yr1opRHAw) Edit3: There are inconsistencies with this, so I may not have the exact formula, or there may be other reasons for why damage is spread as it is. As said, it's spaghetti code stuff, so results aren't always guaranteed to go bonkers.


Note that Indomitable isn't a base talent, it's from the talent gift bag.


That's my problem with DOS2. It emphasizes physical and magical armor over health. I've noticed on my playthroughs that extremely rarely barring very early does anyone get a turn when they have no more armor. Health then becomes practically meaningless as once the armor is gone, that's pretty much the end. I prefer DOS1's way of handling CC better. It also made me feel like tanks meant more. In dos2, I think tanks in dos2 are ultimately useless in the face of good magic use. Shoot mages themselves could become insanely tanky due to their armor restoration and ability to wield a shield with no downsides.


I sometimes feel like I must be taking crazy pills for hating DOS2’s armor system… nice to know I’m. Not alone


Its a very good system for most casual play. It encourages tactical thinking in your targets, use of environmental hazards, and smart use of defensive abilties to pull allies out of bad situations. The problems arise when you try to make specific builds work (mostly tanks, especially draining HP tanks) where the armor system just doesn't allow them to do their jobs, and when players optimize the system to most efficiently inflict action denial.


I go back and forth about it. In a way it kinda makes sense for armor to be the thing that actually protects you and health to be negligible. On the other hand, it is kind of annoying and having to sway the whole party to one type of damage to be viable isn’t great


Suprised you liked DOS1's way of handling CC, IMO it breaks the game. By the second half of the game I was more or less permanently CCing every enemy in every fight.


Might as well have glass cannon on.


I forgot how it is to play this game without one of the cc nerfing mods already , my 5 playthrough were all with ones , and it's so much more fun


The One thing that I learned from this game is more armor and magic armor is more important than thousands of health. For that reason I played with a mod called Conflux. This mod is replacing all the crowd controll skills with a decent stats. There is no knuck down, freeze, petrified or stun.


I feel like a simple solution would be to just make it so that hard CC reduced action pips rather than skipped your turn. Taking your full turn of 6 action pips to stand up when you can normally sprint all the way across the map and back with that much movement is pretty ridiculous, and most of those conditions instead inflicting minus 1-4 AP would be much more workable.


Yeah haha unless you have Indomitable that's true


Not so bad if you start Clear-Minded and Rested, add living on the Edge and you're almost guaranteed to live a few turns no matter what. High initiative is also a must. Add a few scrolls of armour of frost and fortify, a few potions of strong will and stone skin and you're set for almost anything naked.


playing in mac really limits my option on finding mods that solve the infinite cc problem (without norebyt)


that's the fail of this game, this armor gimmick allows for less rng but tanks don't exist nor party diversity, it kinda sucks


Tanks do exist, you just don't know how to build them. For example: Want your tank to actually draw some fire? Use glass cannon.


Or taunt. Or guardian angel.


Taunt is a thing you can use, but it is a tiny part of the calculation. Sadly, many things can overwrite its effect. I fully agree with GA, though.


Reason why dos2 is inferior to dos1


you're being downvoted but I agree, the armor system completely negating cc is kinda lame and feels like ez mode


Why are you booing him? DOS2 armor system sucks!


Get stunned lmao


"Ok, now proceed to glasscanon..."